labs and studios minutes – september 16th, 2015

wednesday, september 16, 2015 - 9:00am


e. searle, k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, p. alderson, s. girvin, c. surette, m. sorokopud, j. joncas, j. sylvestre

time commenced: 9:00am


1.0 agenda : approved (kb/es)

2.0 review of minutes may 20, 2015: accepted (jj/js)

3.0 inspection report:
3.1 phys – suspected asbestos-containing items found during lab cleanup. physical plant notified, and occupants reminded of asbestos reporting procedure to limit accidental exposure.
3.2 student health & counselling – re-inspection deferred to 2016; move to prettie residence complete.
3.3 biol – cb3005 new researcher is to move into this lab. 3005 was evaluated for residual radioactivity by mike campbell (tbrhsc) since previous occupant worked with h3 and i125. it was indicated that levels are very low, and a thorough cleaning of all surfaces would negate any hazard. other issues to be rectified before new occupant can begin work include: improper chemical storage and segregation, excessive clutter, expired chemicals and poor condition of storage bottles.

4.0 injury report :
4.1 geol - geology 4161 field school
● ankle sprain
● student wearing shoes with no ankle support
● footwear not addressed during prep talk
● medical suggestion for student to withdraw from course.
motion: the committee recommends a communication is sent to all departments directing them to review all field lab requirements for staff and student footwear. (js/es)
4.1.1 the committee may request information from departments concerning their review findings.

5.0 old business
5.1 animal handling
5.1.1 re-evaluate animal handling sops
5.1.2 letter referring to animal handling practices
5.2 eyewash policy/tags
5.2.1 ready for distribution
5.2.2 users should use dry-erase markers to for entries.
5.3 policy review status
5.3.1 laser policy reviewed and submitted for approval
5.3.2 whmis policy reviewed and submitted for approval
5.3.3 one policy review left for 2015
5.3.4 documents for policy review will be saved and shared via google docs to facilitate committee member commenting.
5.4 plumbing in civil eng
5.4.1 previous occupant of space created a sink drain that led to a damaged sanitary sewer cleanout.
5.4.2 cleanout cap was damaged.
5.4.3 physical plant to repair the cleanout cap, and the sink has been disconnected.
5.5 perchloric acid use
5.5.1 perchloric acid use is rare in universities due to the damage it can cause
5.5.2 ducting has been damaged from strong acid use it is unclear if there was damage from the perchloric acid, since other strong acids have been used in the same fumehoods. some perforation of the ducting potential for fume leaks
5.5.3 stainless steel ducting will be installed in areas with frequent strong acid use, to slow ducting corrosion.
5.6 fumehood certifications and repairs
5.6.1 hepa completed all certifications for 2015, with one repair.
5.6.2 some user confusion over 12" test height stickers and safe working height
5.6.3 users informed that safe working sash height is anywhere below the alarm point, due to the variable rate fans.
5.6.4 any fumehoods that do not pass safe levels are locked out.

6.0 newbusiness
6.1 biosafety cabinet certifications
6.1.1 24 units were certified in 2015
6.2 laser safety
6.2.1 new ansi standard
6.2.2 t. moore has requested a copy for our laser operators.

7.0 other business – none

8.0 adjournment: 9:50 am

9.0 upcoming inspections
9.1 visual arts
9.2 physics
9.3 biology
9.4 geography