labs and studios minutes – may 20th, 2015

wednesday, may 20, 2015 - 9:00am

e. searle, k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, p. alderson, t. sapic

time commenced: 9:05 a.m.


1.0 agenda : approved (mm/ta)
1.1 the committee welcomes e. searle (cupe), and thanks p. gaulthier for his service.
1.2 the committee welcomes t. sapic (luta/natural resources management)
1.3 the committee thanks d. vasiliu for his service.

2.0 review of minutes march 25, 2015: accepted (ta/mm)
2.1 clarification – letter to be drafted from 4.2.2 motion to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 animal care committee. added to agenda item 5.2

3.0 inspection report:
3.1 luil – ceiling tiles need repair/replacement – w/o submitted
3.2 geol – cluttered space; obstructed eyewash
3.3 student health & counselling– no issues. facility will move to prettie residence building; a re-inspection will be done at that time.

4.0 injury report – none

5.0 old business
5.1 erportal
5.1.1 can now be used campus-wide.
5.1.2 t. moore will offer individual training to new users, as required.
5.1.3 only hazardous waste entered and marked in erportal will be picked up for disposal.
5.2 animal handling
5.2.1 p. alderson and t. moore observed luacf mouse handling training session.
5.2.2 training quality high. a video of the training will be posted to d2l for user refresher training. committee to review video once posted
5.2.3 puncture resistant gloves issued to facility manager for testing committee to review testing comments once received.
5.2.4 the committee will draft a letter referring the issue of animal handling, and potential restraints, to the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 animal care committee, as per the motion in 4.2.2 of the march 25th minutes.

6.0 new business
6.1 global harmonized system (ghs)
6.1.1 replaces workplace hazardous materials information system (whmis)
6.1.2 training module on d2l projected for december, 2015.
6.1.3 msds expiry will no longer be an issue; supplier to send any updated msds to purchaser.
6.1.4 transition period will be determined once a date is announced.
6.2 cl1 draft regulations/guidelines
6.2.1 similar format to previously released cl2 version.
6.2.2 comment period has ended
6.2.3 lu cl1 practices and guidelines will be revised once the official version is released
6.3 eyewash policy and tags
6.3.1 procedure/policy has been approved
6.3.2 permanent, reusable tags will be distributed
6.4 hazardous waste disposal procedure
6.4.1 motion: approval deferred until june 1, when final version is distributed to committee. final comments to be submitted to t. moore prior to june 1.
6.5 health and safety procedure – working safely with animals
6.5.1 motion: approval deferred until june 1, when final version is distributed to committee. final comments to be submitted to t. moore prior to june 1.

7.0 other business
7.1 new lufa representative – the committee will solicit requests for a new representative from lufa.

8.0 adjournment: 9:37 am

9.0 upcoming inspections
9.1 visual arts
9.2 physics
9.3 biology
9.4 geography