labs and studios minutes – january 21, 2015
k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, c. surette, j. sylvestre
1.0 agenda : approved
1.1 add 6.6 – erportal
2.0 review of minutes november 19, 2014: accepted (j. sylvestre, c. surette)
3.0 inspection report:
3.1 kin
3.2 chem eng
3.3 cardio lab
3.4 civil eng
3.5 mech eng – follow up with dean re: contractor safety
3.6 forestry
4.0 injury report
4.1 none
5.0 old business
5.1 phac compliance promotion visit – overall very helpful and cooperative.
5.1.1 biology teaching – minor physical deficiencies, corrected
5.2 lab decommission policy
5.2.1 submitted, awaiting approval
6.0 new business
6.1 electrical safety inspections
6.1.1 electrical safety inspector conducting inspections in labs. have completed basement and first floor of cb to date.
6.2 worker definition under the occupational health and safety act has changed. tiffany to contact mol to get clarification, and also look for any changes to wsib for these workers.
6.3 new mercury legislation – new regulations regarding manufacture or importing of mercury containing substances. tiffany has forwarded the bill to chemistry for input.
6.4 revised compressed gas policy – no additional changes suggested.
6.5 revised emergency eyewash/shower policy – no additional changes recommended.
6.6 erportal
6.6.1 c. surette wondering if msds could be uploaded to server, so would be available to all.
7.0 other business - none
8.0 adjournment: 9:50 am