labs and studios - april meeting
present: t. moore, m. moore, j. gao, a. diochon, c. surette, s. girvin, g.oba, s. zaker, m. sorokopud, j. miller.
time commenced: 10:30 am by zoom
1.0 agenda : additions bb smell (3.0) motion g.o. second s.z. carried.
2.0 january 24, 2024 minutes : amendments motion c.s. second m.m. carried.
3.0 injuries/incidents
fb smell
complaint of very strong smell in graduate studies upstairs in fb. digester experiment was in progress. some smell evolved upon material transfer from digester to fume hood. sg and tm investigated the lab condition and procedure. limited exhaust ‘snorkel’ was used, but did not reach the work area. there were local exhaust fans/hoods in the area, but upon further inspection were found to be inactive. room door was partially open as well. the experiment will be repeated with all exhaust active and in place, with the doors closed. this is a separate issue from the chronic fb smell complaints in the same unit, that is being addressed separately, and will continue to be addressed during the annual electrical shutdown.
bb smell
natural gas smell complaint. enbridge attended, but no source was found. suspected sewer gas from dried up drain traps. occupants were sent notices to run water down drains, and to check for failed freezers that could have decomposed organic matter. suggestion that reminder sent out to departments to run water into unused lab sinks and drains at the end of each semester. tm will send an email to chairs.
4.0 inspections
experienced technician returned to position, with knowledge of issues to be addressed. many items identified at the end of the 2023 season were taken care of. new lighting has been installed. waiting for bonding/grounding strap at refueling station (now complete), food fridge to be delivered, door closer waiting for replacement. pest control seems to be working. will be inspected again late summer
2024 schedule
inspections were scheduled for before june.
5.0 old business
cb smell (equipment)
equipment tags in process.
silica testing
waiting for results. scope of testing reduced since anthropology/geology work involving potential silica exposure was reduced. respirator fit testing is still available for workers, even if their risk is low.
6.0 new business
labs unsecured
several labs across campus reported unlocked by security. all after hours findings. some areas not cleaned by best. occupants and departments have reminded to keep labs secured when not in use. no reports of items missing, or materials moved.
asbestos containing materials and space air sampling
following nearly a decade of voluntary sampling that has never produced a positive result, air sampling for asbestos containing materials is being paused. spot sampling when asbestos is found, and the annual materials audit will continue as normal.
7.0 other business
updated training site on d2l
modules will be hidden until role checklists are completed, to simplify the site for most users. materials and quizzes have been updated, and most training modules generate their own certificate in d2l. new accessibility training is likely coming this summer.
8.0 adjournment: 11:18 am
9.0 next regular meeting: may 22, 2024 10:30 am