offices & classrooms september 2023

friday, september 29, 2023 - 3:45pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



september 29, 2023 (friday)

start 11:00 am

hr meeting room (uc 0003i)



carolyne stevens (cope)

Élaine doiron (cope)

gabriel oba (lufa)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



sue viitala (schedule ii)

  1. approval of agenda –
    moved: carolyne
    seconded: Élaine
    approved with additions under new business.


  1. acceptance of minutes (april 12th, 2023) –
    moved: carolyne
    seconded: Élaine
    approved with minor changes (item 6.1: vet school no longer coming september 2024 but later. removal of item 6.3 regarding braun building evacuation).

  2. outstanding business – 

    1. violence in the workplace policy: this program is at the administrative stage now, the jhsc has reviewed it and new forms will be added on the hr website. 


  1. inspections – the following buildings have been completed over the spring and summer: atac (at), bike shelter (bs), greenhouse (gh), hangar (sh), lot 5 (hg), music & visual arts (mv), nordic sports institute (ns), 859 oliver road (hg) and saunders fieldhouse(sb).
    action: Élaine to send a doodle poll for october 9th to 13th for reading week inspections. 


  1. injury and accident reports – since april 2023, there was only 1 incident.

ergonomic assessments – none.
action: moving forward, this item will be removed until further notice.


  1. new business/open discussion – 

    1. new jhsc members:
      action: carolyne will reach out to pat to see if they are interested to join as a jhsc management member.


  1. next meeting – early december 2023.

    1. action: elaine to send a doodle poll.


  1. meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.