offices & classrooms january 2023

friday, january 6, 2023 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



january 6, 2023.

start 11:00 am

room: uc – 0003i (hr meeting room)



cindy haggerty (cope)
elaine doiron (cope)

juan pernia (lufa)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



sue viitala (schedule ii)

  1. approval of agenda – approved


  1. acceptance of minutes (october 12, 2022) – approved with deletions. 


  1. outstanding business – the hangar/fieldhouse inspection scheduled for december 7th, 2022 was not possible due to scheduling conflicts.


  1. inspections –ursula offered to drive for the paci inspections.
    action: Élaine to send a doodle poll for the paci and hangar/fieldhouse inspections for february inspections.


  1. injury and accident reports – one case of a slip and fall at a europe conference.


ergonomic assessments – one so far for 2023.


  1. new business/open discussion – 

    1. process for new members: cope approves new jhsc members from cope. action: elaine to reach out to lori vidotto if she is still interested to join.

    2. upcoming events: wellness week is january 23-27.
      action: ursula will send details to the jhsc.

    3. ursula is working on a project reviewing the violence in the workplace policy.


  1. next meeting – looking to meet in april (either the 11th, 12th or 13th).

    1. action: elaine to send a doodle poll.


  1. meeting adjourned at 11:53 am.