offices & classrooms june 2022
joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee office and classrooms
june 01, 2022
start 10:35 a.m.
elaine doiron (cope)
leslie malcolm (schedule ii)
sue viitala (schedule ii)
ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)
1. approval of agenda –
moved: sue viitala
seconded: jinqiang hou
2. acceptance of minutes (november 22, 2021) –
moved: leslie malcolm
seconded: sue viitala
3. outstanding business – none
4. transition back to campus (air quality in buildings): upgrades have been made to classrooms but not in offices. the air quality is monitored by physical plant and they change filters at regular intervals. the 3 supporting documents are for information and are used by physical plant but not for our committee when doing inspections. (three supporting documents on the shared drive that were for june 2021 meeting but there are no june minutes on file.)
• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - conducting an iaq investigation • 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - hvac and building inspection survey
• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - indoor air quality worker concern survey
5. inspections – the december 2021 inspections did not occur due to covid-19 cases rising and the omicron variant. inspections are rescheduled to the spring, after april exams, and
will depend on covid cases and government directives. any safety concerns for classrooms or offices, please reach out to ursula. inspections are slotted for 2 hours and in that timeframe, committee members try to visit as many classrooms and offices as possible. a binder on google drive is available containing the checklist.
action: committee volunteers to do inspections tentatively in may of 2022.
6. injury and accident reports –two injuries were sustained in the lu parking lots. the injured did not require medical attention. please exert caution when exiting your vehicle in winter as well as walking in a parking lots (ex. black ice hidden under fresh snow).
ergonomic assessments – only 1 or 2 request were made.
7. new business/open discussion –
7.1. training is available for health and safety representatives in this committee. jhsc certification part 1 and effective workplace inspections are both offered virtually. a budget is available to cover the costs. please check with your supervisors prior to registering in any training. no make-up time is owed to your position while taking such training as it pertains to your role as an employee. Élaine is looking into taking over cindy’s role when she steps down next academic year and will need jhsc certified member training to do this.
action: ursula will send information to Élaine.
7.2. the lakehead app armour has an upcoming update: the changes will be in effect over the next few weeks. the lu app will redirect people to the government questions. lakehead will not have access to your questions but will be able to see the badge upon completion when an employee is asked to show it on their phone. this update is due to the limitations of the app armour: it is limited to yes and no questions. the current lu app also does not take into account the vaccines, or lack there of, of the person taking the questionnaire.
7.3. the committee discussed covid cases in general. please continue to wear your mask when entering a building on campus, doing the pre-screening questions and the completing the contact tracing spreadsheet.
7.4. remote work policy is discussed by the lu administration at the higher levels.
8. next meeting – may 2022.
action: Élaine to send a doodle poll.
9. meeting adjourned 11:15 am.