offices & classrooms november 2021
joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee
office and classrooms
november 22, 2021.
start 11:00 am
cindy haggerty (cope)
elaine doiron (cope)
jinqiang hou (lufa)
leslie malcolm (schedule ii)
sue viitala (schedule ii)
ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)
approval of agenda – approved.
acceptance of minutes (march 19, 2021) – approved.
outstanding business – certification renewal is an 8-hour, instructor-led, that can be joined in anytime. school of nursing lead containing paint removal took place in the summer of 2021 there are only a few more areas left but those are primarily faculty offices.
ursula to reach out to hugh regarding air sampling for asbestos. the university conducts additional air testing each year beyond what is required by law. we may reconvene a group of employees to review where the next set of air testing should take place.
ursula needs to update the 2021-22-member list.
linda henderson has been hired to assist the wellness committee
adam shaen has left the university and the new avp of hr is roshni antony.
covid coordinator job posting ongoing.
in early november, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 not meeting covid vaccine requirements were cut from d2l; december 1st is the next reassessment. lu employees must continue use the covid-19 self-assessment on the mobile safety app before visiting campus each time. starting winter 2022, human resources is returning on campus and courses will be more in-person.
ursula’s report: asbestos abatement is still ongoing and physical plant will have a new list of upcoming projects. the updated bathrooms across security are complete as well as the athletics building. the ryan building is undergoing heating and cooling system repairs. lakehead received a large donation of lysol wipes: you are welcome to submit a work order for free wipes through physical plant. masks are not required outside.
inspections – december 21st- 23rd is needed. action: contact ursula for those interested.
injury and accident reports – tabled (ursula will send an email update.)
ergonomic assessments – 2 completed since march 2021.
new business/open discussion – cindy and leslie are stepping down in fall 2022.
next meeting – action: Élaine to send doodle poll in january (february date).
adjourned 11:40am