rpss february meeting
health and safety committee meeting
955 oliver road
date: feb.09, 2024
place: in person -physical plant meeting room
time: 1:10 p.m.
present: ursula macdonald, fred plank, steve girvin, steve elsey, tina falcigno,
hugh briggs, stan nemec
regrets: darren carlin, heather spivak
old business:
a. steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking. there are no
vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,
until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. there are no
updates at this time on this project.
nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project
going to tender
feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off
b. steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there
have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates
at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022
feb.16, 2023 since keith is no longer working at the university, steve advised that
they planning to have this training completed in the spring of 2023. security would
like to be part of this training as well.
c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;
a) request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered
b) request for training for the security team
injury report:
an employee was stung by a wasp in the eye, the wasp got caught under the
employee’s glasses. the employee’s eye swelled badly and the employee required
medical attention.
near misses:
new business:
no new business
inspections outstanding;
avila – ursula & heather
rural resources center – steve g and worker
balmoral street center
building maintenance
shipping and receiving
874 tungsten street
next meeting: april 18, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. physical plant meeting room