labs and studios - january meeting

wednesday, january 24, 2024 - 9:30am



present:  s. girvin, j. sylvestre, t. moore, m. sorokopud, m. moore, s. zaker, j. gao, c. hubbard, a. diochon.

time commenced: 10:32 am by zoom

  1. agenda :  additions motion j.s  second c. h. carried.

  2. december 18, 2023 minutes –.  amendments motion j.s.  second m.s.  carried.


  1. incidents/accidents  - no injuries

    1. civil complaint

  • complaint made about concrete dust in space cb0038 on horizontal and vertical surfaces.  dust generating procedures in use.  respirator training unverified and will be offered. the excessive dust needs to be cleaned up safely using wet methods.    other issues found upon inspection include chemicals to be added to inventory,  eyewash station needs to be checked regularly, first aid kit to be updated.  update/discussion at meeting: materials might be silica and not concrete. s. girvin/t.moore/c.hubbard to reinvestigate following new developments. 


  1. cases smell

  • offensive smell continues in upstairs offices from the basement lab.  workers have had to make alternate work arrangements due to the strong smell several times.  pressure test conducted to confirm negative pressure for the lab space and adjacent graduate student offices.  the physical plant is waiting for the report.   upon further investigation or air handling, it was found that make-up air for supply of offices had closed dampers.  dampers were readjusted and the air clearing from offices should improve to clear offensive odours.


  1. cb smell

  • security called after hours about a smell coming from equipment outside cb3016. it was unclear whom security should contact.  it was normal use of equipment for mammalogy, but highlighted a need for accessible and current emergency contact information for equipment in public spaces. similar to lab signage, an equipment inventory with emergency contact information will be compiled and shared with security.

  1. inspections

    1. outstanding 2023  -  powerhouse, geology

    2. 2024 schedule 

  • members sign up for two inspections each to start. 

  • month of inspection in the spreadsheet

  • members should choose different departments than 2023.


  1. old business - no updates


  1. new business

    1. respirator program

  • respiratory safety course on d2l.  

  • no self-registration, contact to gain access.

  • information page under hr health and safety in lu website with eligibility or when respiratory protection is required. 

  • fit testing will be conducted by t. moore or a. white at cost.


  1. silica testing

  • waiting for po to be issued to schedule testing. 


  1. fume hood ducting

  • duct from adjustable valve to wall installed as galvanized.  most galvanized sections are corroding to various degrees, especially in the chemistry department.  no perforations at this time.  sections will be replaced by stainless steel on a priority basis.  picture will be added to inspector document so committee members will be aware of what to look for.


  1. x-ray device registration

  • ministry of labour - radiation protection division has asked for an update of all x-ray devices on campuses.  all devices must be registered with the h&s office.  email to go out to department chairs


  1. laser follow-up

  • esa conducted an inspection last year and identified several lasers and their power supplies that do not meet the certification requirements.  t. m. to follow up with physics and see what resolution they have come to.


  1. adjournment:  11:28 am


  1. next regular meeting: feb 28, 2024 10:30 am