l&s september 2023 meeting
present: c. surette, j. sylvestre, t. moore, m. sorokopud, m. moore, j. miller, a. diochon
time commenced: 2:00 pm by zoom
agenda : no additions, j. sylvestre motion to accept m. moore second carried.
july 26 2023 minutes – j. sylvestre motion to accept, a. diochon second. carried.
incidents/accidents - none
behind - finish by the end of october for all outstanding inspections. see google drive for inspection assignments.
contact t. moore if there are access/scheduling issues.
old business
5.1 gas policy update
it’s going on a near-future agenda of executive team.
5.2 erportal upgrade
printer issue if you don’t have a label maker attached. contact tiffany if you encounter any issues, take a screen shot if able.
5.3 respiratory protection program
t. moore distributed materials for review to the committee. no issues arising from review. rpss will review next
5.4 silica program update
no update
5.5 fire lab
several issues were discussed at the last meeting. sops to be shared with health and safety, along with response to the inspection report.
a number of issues were addressed in the response. the sops have still not been shared with health and safety.
[motion arising from business]
the committee requests that s. salem submits whatever documentation exists for the fire lab sops to t. moore within the next week for review. js/ms - carried
new business
phac visit october 25th.
documentation review, and inspection of one or more cl2 facilities on campus.
health and safety policy review
[motion] to accept the health and safety policy with no changes. js/cs - carried.
adjournment: 2:28 pm
next special meeting (fire lab sops review): sep 22, 2023 11am
next regular meeting: nov 1, 2023 3pm