labs & studios july 2023
present: c. surette, j. sylvestre, t. moore, m. sorokopud, m. moore, jenn
time commenced: 2:00 pm by zoom
agenda : no additions, j. sylvestre motion to accept m. moore second carried.
june 20 2023 minutes – j. sylvestre motion to accept, m. sorokopud second. carried.
incidents/accidents - none
fire test lab: inspection overdue. worker complaint raised. since complaint, training and other mitigation strategies had been offered/completed. at inspection some dust control issues during cleanup, eyewash to be checked weekly. dedicated fall arrest tie offs to be clearly marked. ladder to access the furnace top is awkward, alternatives to be discussed increase worker safety. safety, training, and testing sops to be formalized and shared with health & safety. safety binder to be created and maintenance log to be maintained. furnace filters show no soot contamination.
old business
5.1 gas policy update
policy has been forwarded for review by the executive team. no update.
5.2 erportal upgrade
we have been upgraded to llumin for our chemical inventory system and waste request system. the site is live and training is available. a quickstart guide is on the lu inventory website.
5.3 silica program update
quotes have been requested and received for air sampling. t. moore to request funds to test locations as identified by the committee at the march meeting.
new business
respiratory protection program
in-house fit testing can now be done for respirators (niosh approved n95 or greater).
t. moore and a physical plant employee completed fit test training.
previous testing was off-site at cost of $40 per person. in-house testing will be at cost (expected $10-$20)
membership changes
r. wilkie will be leaving the committee for new employment opportunities.
the committee thanks r. wilkie for his service.
j. bain-manion will represent nrmt
new graduate student representative sayeed
adjournment: 2:19 pm
next meeting: aug 16, 2023 2pm