labs & studios june 2023
present: c. surette, j. sylvestre, t. moore, g. oba, m. sorokopud, m. moore, a. diochon, j. miller, r. wilkie
time commenced: 2:00 pm by zoom
agenda : no additions, j. sylvestre motion to accept amended agenda, g. oba second. carried.
march 23, 2023 minutes – j. sylvestre motion to accept, a. diochon second. carried.
a worker from anthropology was walking along the hiking path on the west side of mcintyre river after finishing up field school. the worker rolled their right ankle on a root in the path, but was able to walk back to their vehicle. as the ankle was still very sore, they attended the emergency room for evaluation. it was determined that the ankle was chipped, and was reported the following morning to hr. mol was notified, as ankle fractures are considered to be a critical injury. an inspector conducted a field visit on the same date, but there will not be an investigation conducted by the mol. following the mol field visit, the designated worker member from rpss and t. moore took a walk to the location to verify there was nothing overtly hazardous on the trail. the trail appears to be a typical dirt hiking trail with some root coverage. worker was wearing appropriate boots for walking a trail. no further questions or concerns noted by the committee.
biology was inspected. substandard conditions noted were some labs are cluttered, a biosafety cabinet was crowded and an eyewash station obstructed.
old business
5.1 gas policy update
policy has been forwarded for review by the executive team. no update.
5.2 erportal upgrade
we have been upgraded to llumin for our chemical inventory system and waste request system. the site is live and training is available (although is much more user friendly!).
5.3 silica program update
quotes have been requested and received for air sampling. t. moore to request funds to test locations as identified by the committee at the march meeting.
new business
radon testing
in response to concerns voiced by an occupant of the basement of 1294 balmoral street, some long term radon tests were conducted. results have been received and are well below the action levels for canada. this building is representative of all major buildings on campus and no further testing is planned at this time.
adjournment: 2:16 pm
next meeting: tba july 2023