offices and classrooms - april 2024

friday, april 19, 2024 - 1:45pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



start 10:00 am

hr meeting room (uc 0003i)



carolyne stevens (cope)

Élaine doiron (cope)

gabriel oba (lufa)

sue viitala (schedule ii)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



patrick larin (schedule ii)


  1. approval of agenda –approved with additions.


  1. acceptance of minutes (september 29, 2023) – approved with modifications.


  1. outstanding business –inspections were done in october and december of 2023 with the university centre now complete. 


  1. inspections – as of 2024, the braun building and regional centre were completed in february.
    action: elaine to resend the link to ursula for the inspection photos.

  2. injury and accident reports – one easter break situation.


  1. new business/open discussion – 

    1. air quality testing for asbestos has been paused. this test was conducted each year as an ad hoc duty. for the last 15 years, there were no positive results. adam white is the contact for abatement inquiries. physical plant work environment are prioritized for abatement.

    2. visual arts is concerned with tables falling apart and needing repairs.
      action: ursula will follow-up if tickets are submitted for the tables.
      action: Élaine to send gabriel the link to physical plant for tickets.


  1. next meeting – to be determined once the new person arrives.


  1. meeting adjourned at 10:51 am.

rpss - may 2024

thursday, may 16, 2024 - 1:30pm

health and safety committee meeting
955 oliver road

place: in person -physical plant meeting room
time: 1:11 p.m.

present: ursula macdonald, steve girvin, h. spivak, d. carlin, t. moore, stan
regrets: f. plank, s. elsey, t. falcigno

old business:
a. steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking. there are no
vehicles allowed inside. the area is cordoned off with signs advising of the danger,
until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. there are no
updates at this time on this project.
nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project
going to tender
feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off
may 16, 2024- no change
b. steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there
have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates
at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022
feb.16, 2023 - steve advised that they planned to have this training completed in the
spring of 2023. security would like to be part of this training as well.
may 16, 2024 - this training is to be scheduled soon. s. girvin

c. february 9, 2024 - greg croft the representative of the security team has raised
two issues;
a) request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered
b) request for training for the security team
may 16, 2024 - vests have been purchased and are in process of branding. follow-
up with the security manager to confirm they have been issued to guards and they are
wearing them.
injury report:
athletics - worker was presenting graduates award at fort william gardens on the
ice. carpet was placed for walking on the ice surface, worker slipped on older
carpet and fell. various injuries. committee recommends that an alternate or
newer surface be used to prevent the slip for next year’s ceremony. additionally,
the committee would like a representative from athletics to participate on the
committee. tiffany will reach out.

security - guard injured wrist when trying to open a jammed parking meter.
security - guard hit their head on the security vehicle when entering/exiting.
near misses:

physical plant - a member of physical plant tripped and fell over a large piece of
asphalt while working in the parking lot behind the library. this did not result in an
injury. worker reports that many large pieces of asphalt are loose and present a
tripping hazard. tiffany and steve g. will take a walk and report back on those
conditions to the committee.
natural gas call protocol - a gas smell was reported to security in the hanger on
may 13 or 14th. plant was contacted to investigate, but if gas was suspected,
enbridge should have been contacted. plant did attend, and found the source to be
sewer gas. training on mercaptan to be arranged for security and committee
requests that new personnel have more visible access to protocol to avoid future

new business:
d. a large hvac project will occur this summer in the library that will require ventilation
to the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors to be shut off. the floors will be unoccupied for the duration
of the work, and entry will be locked out. there will be key access for elevators available
from the front desk at the library and also one set of keys issued to security and physical
plant. work is projected to finish by 1st september 2024. the service road adjacent to
the library will be closed at times to facilitate equipment movement. security will be
advised so they can route the fire department around the closures.
e. lot 5 backflow prevention shack will be constructed starting soon. as this will be
adjacent to the side walk, the contractor will be responsible for substantial fencing to
prevent unauthorized access.
f. renovation will begin this summer for the ceremony room in the old computer lab
on the second floor of bora laskin. this project will involve minor changes and is not
expected to be very disruptive.
g. site has been selected for the animal housing for the veterinary school, behind the
bora laskin building. construction is anticipated next spring/summer. additional
laboratory and student support spaces will be required, but not yet determined.
h. question regarding safety for step ladders. previous safety training has indicated
that 3 point contact has involved feet and arms only. this is problematic for work
completed from a step ladder such as changing light bulbs that requires overhead work
and two hands. can we get clarification and training for step ladders?
i. safety training record for new employees. form on the web is old. tiffany will
contact web services and make sure that old form has been scrubbed!

inspections outstanding;

avila – ursula & heather
rural resources center – steve g and worker
balmoral street center - stan & fred
building maintenance
shipping and receiving
874 tungsten street

next meeting: june 20, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. physical plant meeting room

rpss - september meeting

wednesday, september 20, 2023 - 1:00pm

present: ursula macdonald, fred plank, darren carlin, steve girvin, heather spivak, steve elsey


regrets: tina falcigno, hugh briggs, steve elsey, stan nemec


old business:

 a.        steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking.  there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed.  there are no        updates at this time on this project.

nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project going to tender

feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off

 b.       steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022

 feb.16, 2023 since keith is no longer working at the university, steve advised that they planning to have this training completed in the spring of 2023.  security would like to be part of this training as well.


c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;

a)    request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered

b)    request for training for the security team


d. greg croft asked about a checklist for security for newly appointed guards who are on patrol.  greg advised that there is a checklist for guard in the office but none for guards on patrol. ursula asked greg to be discuss this with his supervisor about what a checklist would look like and what it would include.


e. fred recommended that numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.,) be placed on every blue emergency phone that is locate outside, on the university property.  this way when someone calls due to an emergency, security will ask for the number and will know exactly where this particular emergency phone is located. fred had a conversation with a security member who was very supportive of the idea. ursula will follow up with security operations supervisors.


f.  greg raised a concern regarding a sidewalk leading to/from lot 5, a section of it is sinking in and the water is pooling and freezing there. heather will take pictures and send an email to hugh.


sept.20, 2023 -several locations on the main campus in thunder bay and paci law school starting saturday, sept. 23 to thursday, sept. 28 will have sidewalk repairs and rehabilitation completed during this time, including the above-mentioned area


injury report:

an employee was stung by a wasp in the eye, the wasp got caught under the employee’s glasses.  the employee’s eye swelled badly and the employee required medical attention.


near misses:



new business:

 1. steve advised that equipment world will be providing lifting devices training for our employees who work with this type of equipment.


blackflow prevention is ongoing and the next area where the city will be doing the work in in the bora laskin area.


geology garage will be erected this fall by the greenhouse and research building.


the vet school development is ongoing.


2. a discussion was held about ladder safety.


 inspections outstanding;


                                    avila – ursula & heather

                                    fieldhouse – ursula & darren oct.20


 next meeting: october 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. physical plant meeting room


rpss - may meeting

thursday, may 18, 2023 - 1:00pm

present: ursula macdonald, stan nemec, fred plank, darren carlin, steve girvin, tina falcingo, heather spivak, steve elsey


regrets: chris schooler, greg croft


old business:


a.        steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking.  there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed.  there are no        updates at this time on this project.

nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project going to tender

feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off


b.         steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022

         feb.24, 2022 – keith is working on arranging the training.

         feb.16, 2023 since keith is no longer working at the university, steve advised that they planning to have this training completed in the spring of 2023.  security would like to be part of this training as well.

          may 18, 2023 – working at heights training will be done at the end of may, driver training will be next


c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;

a)    request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered

b)    request for training for the security team


d. greg croft asked about a checklist for security for newly appointed guards who are on patrol.  greg advised that there is a checklist for guard in the office but none for guards on patrol. ursula asked greg to be discuss this with his supervisor about what a checklist would look like and what it would include.


may 20, 2022 – ursula asked greg to send her an email with some topics he feels should be covered, and in addition ursula with reach out to frank/hilary to discuss what this checklist should include.


e. fred recommended that numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.,) be placed on every blue emergency phone that is locate outside, on the university property.  this way when someone calls due to an emergency, security will ask for the number and will know exactly where this particular emergency phone is located. fred had a conversation with a security member who was very supportive of the idea. ursula will follow up with security operations supervisors.


f.  greg raised a concern regarding a sidewalk leading to/from lot 5, a section of it is sinking in and the water is pooling and freezing there. heather will take pictures and send an email to hugh.


g.  steve elsey location - uc loading dock areas double door. add removable mullion to double doors so it can be removed for caretakers. this is required for safe access to bring/remove large objects through doors when setting up conference service events. a work order has been submitted. building maintenance is looking into it.


injury report:



near misses:



new business:


 inspections outstanding;


                                    avila – ursula & heather

                                    bora laskin – tina and heather


next meeting: june 15, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. physical plant meeting room


rpss - march meeting

thursday, march 16, 2023 - 1:00pm
in person & zoom

present: ursula macdonald, stan nemec, fred plank, darren carlin, steve girvin, tina falcingo, greg croft, heather spivak, hugh briggs


regrets: chris schooler, steve elsey


old business:


a.        steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking.  there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed.  there are no        updates at this time on this project.

nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project going to tender

feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off


 b.         steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022

         feb.24, 2022 – keith is working on arranging the training.

         feb.16, 2023 since keith is no longer working at the university, steve advised that they planning to have this training completed in the spring of 2023.  security would like to be part of this training as well.



c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;

a)    request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered

b)    request for training for the security team


d. greg croft asked about a checklist for security for newly appointed guards who are on patrol.  greg advised that there is a checklist for guard in the office but none for guards on patrol. ursula asked greg to be discuss this with his supervisor about what a checklist would look like and what it would include.


may 20, 2022 – ursula asked greg to send her an email with some topics he feels should be covered, and in addition ursula with reach out to frank/hilary to discuss what this checklist should include.


e. fred recommended that numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.,) be placed on every blue emergency phone that is locate outside, on the university property.  this way when someone calls due to an emergency, security will ask for the number and will know exactly where this particular emergency phone is located. fred had a conversation with a security member who was very supportive of the idea. ursula will follow up with security operations supervisors.


f. darren spoke about the roof over kinesiology department in saunders field house.  he would like us to advise the housekeeping (contract employees) to change the wet towels and buckets more frequently as it may be a cause for mould growth if not changed often.  steve advised that the roof is getting fixed asap this fall.


feb.16, 2023 – the work on the fieldhouse roof has begun.


g.  greg raised a concern regarding a sidewalk leading to/from lot 5, a section of it is sinking in and the water is pooling and freezing there. heather will take pictures and send an email to hugh.


h.  steve elsey location - uc loading dock areas double door. add removable mullion to double doors so it can be removed for caretakers. this is required for safe access to bring/remove large objects through doors when setting up conference service events. a work order has been submitted. building maintenance is looking into it.


j. updates from physical plant;


-four (4) bathrooms in the bora laskin are slated for a complete renovation; the work began in september and it is anticipated to last through at least the winter. feb.16, 2023 the work is expected to be completed by the end of march.


injury report:

a) tsc employee was removing a computer from a box when he felt sharp pain in the lower back.  no medical aid, just modified duties for a few days to rest back.


near misses:



new business:


1. in bb 1066 there has been the occasional gas smell. the issue has been brought up to physical plant and they had technician come in and check for any issues. no issues were found.  the office was equipped with two co sensors.  at this time there is no smell, but the smell does occur intermittently. if it does occur again, we will bring it to your attention at that time.


2. electricians have some concerns regarding residence and fire alarms.  ursula asked that they send her an email or contact her directly to discuss.


3. accessibility committee will give presentation in the near future about all gender bathrooms.


inspections outstanding;


                                    avila – ursula & heather

                                    atac – fred & stan

                                    lu radio house – chris & steve g

                                    bora laskin – tina and heather


next meeting: april 20, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.

rpss - february meeting

thursday, february 16, 2023 - 1:00pm
in person/zoom

present: ursula macdonald, stan nemec, fred plank, chris schooler, darren carlin, steve girvin, tina falcingo, steve elsey, greg croft, heather spivak


 regrets: hugh briggs


 old business:

a.        steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking.  there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed.  there are no        updates at this time on this project.

nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project going to tender

feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off


b.      steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022

         feb.24, 2022 – keith is working on arranging the training.

         feb.16, 2023 since keith is no longer working at the university, steve advised that they planning to have this training completed in the spring of 2023.  security would like to be part of this training as well.


c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;

a)    request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered

b)    request for training for the security team


d. greg croft asked about a checklist for security for newly appointed guards who are on patrol.  greg advised that there is a checklist for guard in the office but none for guards on patrol. ursula asked greg to be discuss this with his supervisor about what a checklist would look like and what it would include.


may 20, 2022 – ursula asked greg to send her an email with some topics he feels should be covered, and in addition ursula with reach out to frank/hilary to discuss what this checklist should include.


e. fred recommended that numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.,) be placed on every blue emergency phone that is locate outside, on the university property.  this way when someone calls due to an emergency, security will ask for the number and will know exactly where this particular emergency phone is located. fred had a conversation with a security member who was very supportive of the idea. ursula will follow up with security operations supervisors.


f. darren spoke about the roof over kinesiology department in saunders field house.  he would like us to advise the housekeeping (contract employees) to change the wet towels and buckets more frequently as it may be a cause for mould growth if not changed often.  steve advised that the roof is getting fixed asap this fall.


feb.16, 2023 – the work on the fieldhouse roof has begun.


g.  greg raised a concern regarding a sidewalk leading to/from lot 5, a section of it is sinking in and the water is pooling and freezing there


h.  steve elsey location - uc loading dock areas double door. add removable mullion to double doors so it can be removed for caretakers. this is required for safe access to bring/remove large objects through doors when setting up conference service events. a work order has been submitted.


i.   just a reminder to all; at the cases loading zone there is a large nitrogen tank which lets off nitrogen gas periodically, this is actually a safety feature of the dewars. a security employee was concerned that there was something actually wrong with the tank.  a sign will be put up in the area to prevent others from raising a concern.



j. updates from physical plant;


-four (4) bathrooms in the bora laskin are slated for a complete renovation; the work began in september and it is anticipated to last through at least the winter. feb.16, 2023 the work is expected to be completed by the end of march.


-sixteen (16) electrical vehicle chargers will be installed in two different locations on campus (main parking lot behind the library and atac.) this project is nearing completion. feb.16, 2023- the stations are powered up and should be ready very soon.



injury report:

a) an electrical employee hurt their lower back due to an awkward work area, having to twist and turn.  the employee was off work for 1 week followed by 1 week of modified duties.


near misses:



new business:


inspections outstanding;


                                    university centre – steve elsey & heather

                                    building maintenance – steve & chris (completed feb.21)

                                    paci – stan & darren (completed feb.22)

                                    bora laskin – tina and heather


next meeting: march 16 at 1:00 p.m.

labs and studios - april meeting

wednesday, april 24, 2024 - 10:30am

present:   t. moore, m. moore, j. gao, a. diochon, c. surette, s. girvin, g.oba, s. zaker, m. sorokopud, j. miller.

time commenced: 10:30 am by zoom

1.0 agenda :  additions bb smell (3.0) motion g.o. second s.z. carried. 

2.0 january 24, 2024 minutes :  amendments motion c.s.  second m.m.  carried.


3.0 injuries/incidents

fb smell 

complaint of very strong smell in graduate studies upstairs in fb. digester experiment was in progress.  some smell evolved upon material transfer from digester to fume hood. sg and tm investigated the lab condition and procedure.  limited exhaust ‘snorkel’ was used, but did not reach the work area.   there were local exhaust fans/hoods in the area, but upon further inspection were found to be inactive.  room door was partially open as well. the experiment will be repeated with all exhaust active and in place, with the doors closed.  this is a separate issue from the chronic fb smell complaints in the same unit, that is being addressed separately, and will continue to be addressed during the annual electrical shutdown.

bb smell

natural gas smell complaint.  enbridge attended, but no source was found.  suspected sewer gas from dried up drain traps. occupants were sent notices to run water down drains, and to check for failed freezers that could have decomposed organic matter.  suggestion that reminder sent out to departments to run water into unused lab sinks and drains at the end of each semester.  tm will send an email to chairs.


4.0 inspections


experienced technician returned to position, with knowledge of issues to be addressed. many items identified at the end of the 2023 season were taken care of.  new lighting has been installed. waiting for bonding/grounding strap at refueling station (now complete), food fridge to be delivered, door closer waiting for replacement.  pest control seems to be working.  will be inspected again late summer

2024 schedule

 inspections were scheduled for before june.


5.0 old business

cb smell (equipment)

equipment tags in process.

silica testing 

waiting for results.  scope of testing reduced since anthropology/geology work involving potential silica exposure was reduced.  respirator fit testing is still available for workers, even if their risk is low. 


6.0 new business

labs unsecured

several labs across campus reported unlocked by security. all after hours findings. some areas not cleaned by best. occupants and departments have reminded to keep labs secured when not in use. no reports of items missing, or materials moved. 

asbestos containing materials and space air sampling

following nearly a decade of voluntary sampling that has never produced a positive result, air sampling for asbestos containing materials is being paused.  spot sampling when asbestos is found, and the annual materials audit will continue as normal.  


7.0 other business

updated training site on d2l

modules will be hidden until role checklists are completed, to simplify the site for most users. materials and quizzes have been updated, and most training modules generate their own certificate in d2l. new accessibility training is likely coming this summer. 

8.0 adjournment:  11:18 am


9.0 next regular meeting: may 22, 2024 10:30 am

labs and studios - may meeting

wednesday, may 22, 2024 - 10:30am

present:   t. moore, m. moore, a. diochon, c. surette, s. girvin, m. sorokopud, j. miller.

time commenced: 10:33 am by zoom

1.0 agenda :  motion mm. second cs, carried. 

2.0 january 24, 2024 minutes :  motion c.s.  second ms.  carried.

3.0 injuries/incidents

fb smell 

complaint of isopropanol/glue smell in graduate studies upstairs in fb. tm contacted all labs in fb to see what their usage was.  only one lab had a small amount of isopropanol or alcohol in use and they were in the old part of the building.  tm will forward details to sg to investigate this further.  sg provided an update on the fume hood fan servicing fb1014.  both fans are up and running.  with use of the bench exhaust in 


incident during field training.  worker tripped on stake and scraped knee.  medical aid was not required.  


4.0 inspections

none conducted


5.0 old business

cb smell (equipment)

equipment tags in process.

silica testing 

preliminary results were all below occupational exposure limit (oel).  report not yet received, but will be shared with the committee when it is.

labs unsecured

numerous labs are continuing to be found unsecured in the evenings by security officers during their patrol.  this is not isolated to one area, department, floor or building.  please remind your coworkers to ensure that labs are being secured at the end of the day.  a. d. reports finding their lab door ajar after locking it themselves the previous night. tm will advise physical plant of the issue and ensure they remind their staff as well to secure labs.


6.0 new business

manager health, safety and wellness

ursula macdonald is retiring at the end of may.  tiffany moore will be seconded into her role until fall.  the laboratory and biosafety specialist role will not be filled on a full time basis at this point in time.

chem waste pick-up 2024

a report of old chemical waste pick-up requests has been created from erportal.  old waste that was not disposed of before the upgrade can now be reconciled without entering the waste into llumin.  the old waste requests are not accessible to users, contact tiffany with any questions regarding old waste.

a tentative pickup is being scheduled for early september.

leak cb 2031

a leak was reported in this lab coming from the ceiling.  the source was identified as a pinhole leak in the floor above.  no damage occurred, and the leak was patched temporarily until the occupant can move items for a full replacement of plumbing to occur.


civil lab - structures

7.0 other business


8.0 adjournment:  11:06 am


9.0 next regular meeting: june 26, 2024 10:30 am

offices & classrooms september 2023

friday, september 29, 2023 - 3:45pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



september 29, 2023 (friday)

start 11:00 am

hr meeting room (uc 0003i)



carolyne stevens (cope)

Élaine doiron (cope)

gabriel oba (lufa)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



sue viitala (schedule ii)

  1. approval of agenda –
    moved: carolyne
    seconded: Élaine
    approved with additions under new business.


  1. acceptance of minutes (april 12th, 2023) –
    moved: carolyne
    seconded: Élaine
    approved with minor changes (item 6.1: vet school no longer coming september 2024 but later. removal of item 6.3 regarding braun building evacuation).

  2. outstanding business – 

    1. violence in the workplace policy: this program is at the administrative stage now, the jhsc has reviewed it and new forms will be added on the hr website. 


  1. inspections – the following buildings have been completed over the spring and summer: atac (at), bike shelter (bs), greenhouse (gh), hangar (sh), lot 5 (hg), music & visual arts (mv), nordic sports institute (ns), 859 oliver road (hg) and saunders fieldhouse(sb).
    action: Élaine to send a doodle poll for october 9th to 13th for reading week inspections. 


  1. injury and accident reports – since april 2023, there was only 1 incident.

ergonomic assessments – none.
action: moving forward, this item will be removed until further notice.


  1. new business/open discussion – 

    1. new jhsc members:
      action: carolyne will reach out to pat to see if they are interested to join as a jhsc management member.


  1. next meeting – early december 2023.

    1. action: elaine to send a doodle poll.


  1. meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.

offices & classrooms april 2023

wednesday, april 12, 2023 - 3:45pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



april 12th, 2023.

start 2:00 pm

uc 0003i (hr meeting room)



elaine doiron (cope)

juan pernia (lufa)

sue viitala (schedule ii)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



cindy haggerty (cope)


  1. approval of agenda –
    moved: juan
    seconded: sue
    approved with additions.


  1. acceptance of minutes (january 6, 2023) –
    moved: juan
    seconded: sue
    approved as presented.


  1. outstanding business – 

    1. violence in the workplace policy (items 6.c.): ursula received feedback so far. orillia will get back to her by april 15, 2023. this policy is currently in the review process.

    2. lufa jhsc member (item 6.a.): juan is going on a year sabbatical starting july 1, 2023.

action: juan will reach out to lufa to find out who the new lufa jhsc member will be.


  1. inspections – due to ongoing construction and gym exam set-up, the fieldhouse/hanger inspections are cancelled for tomorrow.
    action: Élaine to send a doodle poll for later in may 2023.


  1. injury and accident reports – none.

ergonomic assessments – two were completed for 2023.


  1. new business/open discussion – 

    1. vet school is coming to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 september 2025.

    2. ursula working on a “service animal” policy.

    3. new building by beverly entrance: owed by the city for backflow prevention. this building won’t be inspected for jhsc (office and classroom) purposes.


  1. next meeting – looking to meet in early june (before june 16, 2023).

    1. action: elaine to send a doodle poll.


  1. meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm.
