personal security

if you witness a crime or are a victim of crime:

  • call 8-911 immediately.
  • state your name, your current location & your current telephone number.
  • state briefly but clearly what you have observed or why you are calling.
  • identify when and where you witnessed the crime or were the victim of a crime.
  • stay on the line until security services arrives, unless exposed to danger or asked to hang up.

call 8-911 immediately, when a threat is received by telephone, fax, note, e-mail or in person. refer to "bomb threats" and record applicable information on the "record of threat".

terminating a negative (disruptive, threatening or abusive) interaction:

  • interrupt the conversation firmly but politely. tell the person that you do not like the tone of the conversation and that you will end the conversation if necessary.
  • if the behaviour persists, end the conversation, and ask the person to leave the room/office.
  • if the person will not leave, leave yourself.
  • call 8-911.

in dealing with persistent disruptive or threatening behaviour in group settings, adjourn briefly
and call 8-911.

should you feel threatened, contact your supervisor and/or security services at 8569 or 8911. responding to a physical attack

  • make a scene, yell or scream as loudly as possible. try shouting words like stop, fire or help.
  • if you are being pulled along or dragged, fall to the ground and roll.
  • if you have a whistle or a personal alarm, use it.
  • give bystanders specific instructions to help you. single someone out and send them for help. eg. "you in the yellow shirt, call security."
  • if someone grabs your purse, briefcase, deposit bag or other belongings, do not resist.
  • run in the opposite direction, yelling "help" or "fire".
  • from the nearest safe place, call 8-911.
  • look for the "blue light", indicating the location of an emergency telephone.

responding to a robbery

  • remain calm.
  • listen carefully to what the robber says, and obey him or her.
  • ask the robber for clarification if needed.
  • speak only in response to the robber. do not volunteer any information.
  • if you must reach for something or move in any way, ask the robber for permission to do so.
  • immediately after the robber has left, lock the door and call 8-911.

working alone:

  • if you can avoid working alone, do so.
  • if you must work alone, obtain your supervisor's permission and follow your departmental policy.
  • during normal business hours, if you must work alone in a remote or isolated area, ensure that your supervisor knows where you are. establish a "check-in schedule": you will check-in and someone will follow-up at regular intervals.
  • outside normal business hours, always check in with security first, and establish a "check-in schedule".
  • outside normal business hours, avoid working alone if you are handling hazardous chemicals or operating hazardous equipment.

walking safety:

  • plan your route. know exactly where you are going.
  • wear comfortable, flat shoes, such as running shoes.
  • scan your route: be observant.
  • walk with confidence: keep your head up. look around and directly at people to assess them, but do not stare.
  • stay on well-lit sidewalks, pathways and parking lots. avoid bushes, doorways, alleys and parked cars. cross the road if someone makes you uncomfortable.
  • use main entrances. avoid rear or secluded entrances.
  • if you know that you are being followed, walk directly and quickly, without running or looking back, to a safe place.
  • call 8-911.

parking lot safety

  • park near the building in a highly visible and well-lit area.
  • don't leave valuables in your car.
  • be prepared when you leave the building or your vehicle: have your vehicle or building keys handy.
  • have the correct (vehicle) key in your hand as you approach your vehicle.
  • check in and around your vehicle before you get in. ensure all doors are locked and windows are up.
  • if someone is loitering near your vehicle, avoid them. walk to a safe place and call 8-911.
  • security escorts are also available 24 hours per day. call 8569.

for short-term parking after dark, try the agora area. there are clear sight-lines between these parking spots and the main university centre entrance.

security services: just a phone call away!

non-emergency assistance,
including escort 8569
keep in touch k.i.t. 8569
non-emergency reporting 8569

emergency assistance 8-911