working alone
- if you can avoid working alone, do so.
- if you must work alone, obtain your supervisor's permission and follow your departmental policy.
- during normal business hours, if you must work alone in a remote or isolated area, ensure that your supervisor knows where you are. establish a "check-in schedule": you will check-in and someone will follow-up at regular intervals.
- outside normal business hours, always check in with security first, and establish a "check-in schedule".
- outside normal business hours, avoid working alone if you are handling hazardous chemicals or operating hazardous equipment.
security services: just a phone call away!
- non-emergency assistance, 8569
- safe walk, 8569
- keep in touch k.i.t., 8569
- non-emergency reporting, after hours incidents/accidents/on-campus hazards 8569
- emergency assistance 8-911
click here to download a pdf version of working alone emergency procedures