remark exams in orillia

remark exams processed for orillia do not need to be shipped to thunder bay.  all sheets are now scanned in on a xerox multi-function device and arrive at the helpdesk immediately.

  • instructions on how to scan in an exam using the 5955 model can be found here
  • instructions on how to scan in an exam using the 8055 model can be found here.
  • at this time, this can only be done on the xerox multi-function device located in the orillia academic building 3rd floor print room. 

note: only faculty or staff can access the scan to folder option needed for scanning in exams.

  • if you encounter difficulty in scanning your exam, please contact the helpdesk, or the administrative assistant(aa), interdisciplinary studies (carolyn rimkey).
  • exams should be prepared for scanning with all sheets included and in order. 
  • the correct order will include a cover sheet on the top, any answer keys next, lastly the student answer sheets. 
  • exams not properly prepared cannot be processed. 
  • if you are including exam sheets from accessibility services, make sure you collect and include those with the main exam.
  • a cover sheet allows us to ensure we have the proper exam to associate with the intake sheet (similar to a fax cover sheet).

blank remark exam sheets are ordered through the print shop, and are available through the aa of interdisciplinary studies carolyn rimkey (