lab software application requests

the technology services centre (tsc) routinely refreshes the computer software installations in computer labs and classrooms in preparation for the new academic school year. this provides an opportunity for academic staff to review their requirements.

a bulletin will be released in july and october for the corresponding term (fall or winter).in order for tsc to meet  deadlines for completion of the software refresh, all requests must be submitted by the dates specified. any requests outside of these dates may not be able to be installed prior to the start of a term.

anyone making a request is reminded that they should not assume that any software will be left on the computers, beyond tsc’s standard deployment (microsoft office, adobe reader, anti-virus, etc.).

requests from faculty only should be made through this google form, you will need to know:

  • physical room or virtual computer lab space (nutanix frame)
  • lab room number
  • application requested (include the application version)
  • term(s) software is needed for
  • where the application can be found/sourced
  • copy of the applicable license or “right to use” document from the vendor
  • support information (requestor’s responsibility)

please note, support and licensing are the sole responsibility of the requestor. if adequate support is not provided, tsc may not be able to install the software until issues are resolved.  for additional information, please contact mason holroyd, manager server, desktop & client services at 807-343-8102 or