our services & other services

tsc services mapping showing all tsc groups 

for student questions about tsc and tsc services please see our tsc for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 page


we have an online service catalogue

one-stop location to find information about it services at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 provided by tsc, teaching commons and the library.

our services

  • first line support troubleshooting
  • wireless connectivity issues
  • network connectivity issues
  • faculty/staff and student account issues.
  • 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 owned hardware (laptop, desktop, printers)
  • classroom technology troubleshooting
  • plotting service 

other services

admission questions (non tsc related)admissions 807-343-8500
registration questions (non tsc related)registrar's office 807-343-8675
student accounts (financial, tuition inquiry)accounts receivable 807-343-8140
student awards & financial aid (osap, bursary)student awards & financial aid 807-343-8206
classroom & lab access security 807-343-8569
desire2learn (mycourselink)cedl 807-346-7730
parking passes (security.lakeheadu.ca)security 807-343-8569
mylakehead login (mylakehead.lakeheadu.ca)recruitment 807-343-8500
personal devices (laptop, printers, desktop computers, tablets, cell phones)3rd party services
arc gis support esri website or phone +1-877-441-0337
spss supportibm website
scheduling questions email scheduling@lakeheadu.ca or phone: 807-343-8498
physical plant (air quality, furniture, electrical, plumbing, e-waste)submit a work order