dates to remember
need at time extension? get written approval before your grant end date. contact sue in the research office for assistance.
research grants funded from the federal and provincial governments and their agencies have a reporting year end of march 31st. this includes nserc, sshrc, cihr, crc, mohltc, opic, oce and many others. if you are uncertain if this applies to your grant please contact margot ross ext 8730.
all transactions occurring before the research year end must be dated march 31st or earlier and be included in the current research award year. it is the responsibility of each researcher to submit their accounting records before the deadlines listed below. the transactions received before the deadlines will be included in the current research award year.
how to prepare for the research year-end (march 31st)
external grants: research grants funded from the federal and provincial governments and their agencies have a reporting year end of march 31st. this includes nserc, sshrc, cihr, crc, mohltc, opic, oce and many others.
internal grants: senate research grants and regional research grants have end dates, usually 1 year from the award letter date. all unused funds at the grant end date will go back to the committee to be reallocated.
grant end dates: make sure you know what your end date is. prior to the end date, kindly review your account activity to ensure that all the posted transactions are correct and complete.
time extensions: if you intend to ask for a time extension for your grant, you must have that extension approved prior to the end date of the grant. please ensure you notify us of your request for an extension. we can assist you with the extension request.
common year-end / project end practices:
for expenses to be included in the current year they must be processed by the year-end deadlines. see the annual memo to confirm the dates.
all expense claims must be in the accounts payable department 10 working days prior to the end of reporting period.
all purchase requisitions for the current reporting period should be submitted to the purchasing department no later than a month prior to year-end/project end date. this allows purchasing ample time to issue the purchase order and allow for the receipt of good/service.
- only goods legally in the university's possession at the year-end/project end date will be included in the current year reports as an expense.
- items ordered but not legally received can only be shown as outstanding commitments at the close of the year.
- legal receipt of goods depends on the shipping conditions. contact the purchasing department if you have questions.
university's fiscal year end
the university has a fiscal year end of april 30th. purchase requisitions deadline is the same as above. other cut-off dates for submissions of travel claims, cheque requisitions, etc are announced by the office of financial services so kindly watch for the communication bulletin or access the ofs website.