financial services forms
2024 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 payroll year-end cut-off schedule
2024 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 payroll year-end cut-off schedule
this is to facilitate a compressed payroll timeline due to year-end system processing and the university closure between december 21, 2024 and january 1, 2025 inclusive
account set-up form
use this form when you need a new cost centre account.
banked overtime adjustment form
opseu banked overtime adjustment form
bh full-time bi-weekly hourly (iuoe, opseu, unifor, uusw) pay schedule
pay schedule for united steelworkers union (uswa), international union of operating engineers (iuoe), ontario public service employees union (opsue), and unifor employees
bm bi-monthly salary for graduate assistants (cupe), and post-doctoral fellows pay schedule
bm bi-monthly salary for graduate assistants (cupe), and post-doctoral fellows
bs full-time bi-weekly salary (cope) pay schedule
bs full-time bi-weekly salary (cope)
budget transfer
use this form to request transfer of budget dollars from one department to another.
cellular reimbursement request
to be used for cellular (mobile) telephone reimbursement request. completed forms should be emailed to ralph in accounts payable for processing.
cheque requisition
use this form to submit a cheque requisition, requesting payment for non-travel and non-hospitality charges, not made on a lakehead purchasing card. payments are reimbursed in either canadian dollars or u.s. dollars.
computer justification form
justification form for computer, software and electronic equipment purchases from research fund accounts.
conflict of interest and non-disclosure agreement
conflict of interest and non-disclosure agreement
corporate travel and entertainment card application
please visit the designated visa card program webpage for more details on the corporate card program. there you can find the corporate card visa application link.
election to stop contributing to the canada pension plan, or revocation of a prior election
delegation of signing authority: research funds (fund 50)
to delegate signing authority to another researcher for expenditures up to $5,000
departmental transfer
use this form to request transfer expenses from one department to another.
electronic payment form
electronic payment form for vendors or persons to submit their direct deposit information. please ensure to include a void cheque or a financial institution direct deposit transfer form when returning the electronic payment form to accounts payable.
endowed or trust new account request form
use this form when you need a new endowed or trust account
federal td1 personal tax credits return
federal td1 personal tax credits return
hospitality (entertainment) & working expense pre-approval
as per 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s hospitality expense policy, all special events to be in any way funded by the university require prior approval from vp or president in advance. please complete the form with appropriate clarification to support selective, efficient, effective and sustainable spending to benefit the university and/or its 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
hospitality (entertainment) & working expense statement
to be used for university related reception and hospitality expenses. reception and hospitality expenses must be charged to a university account designated for such expenses. the purpose of the event, including the name of the group, the number of individuals involved, or the names of the guests, must be listed on the hospitality expense statement along with original itemized receipts.
how to access t4 and t4a on myinfo
how to access t4 and t4a on myinfo
how to complete the td1in - information sheet
how to complete the td1in - information sheet
how to obtain your record of employment (roe)
how to obtain your 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 record of employment (roe)
how to view your t4 on myinfo
how to view your t4 on myinfo
mileage claim form
mileage claim form for business use of a personal vehicle.
missing receipt form
use this form as a placeholder for missing receipts, when submitted paper-based travel or hospitality claims and reconciled purchasing card statements. this form must be signed by the traveller/cardholder, as well as their direct supervisor, in addition to the claim form or the statement.
moneris mobile terminal procedure manual
moneris mobile terminal procedure manual
professional expenses claim form: sessionals
professional expenses claim form for sessionals/contract lecturers (pdf)
provincial td1 ontario personal tax credits return
provincial td1 ontario personal tax credits return
purchasing card application
please visit the designated visa card program webpage for more details on the purchasing card program. there you can find the purchasing card visa application link.
purchasing card procedures guide
request for external invoice
request for external invoice
request for external invoice multi vendor
request for external invoice multi vendor
request for payment of invoices by bank transfer
this form should be used for payment of invoices by bank transfer to international vendors (or payment in a currency that is not canadian dollars cad or united states dollars usd. if a payment needs to be made in cad or usd, please submit a cheque requisition (or purchase order), including the vendor's bank account details for eft payments made in cad.
single/sole source certification form
anyone purchasing items with an aggregate value above $5,000 from one supplier without procuring 3 competing bids for the purchase. this form is required by the broader public sector directive on procurement.
system access form for g/l security or p.o. requisition
system access form to request access of mybudgets (g/l security) and purchase order requisitions for new users, or updates for current users. approver access can also be requested along with signing authority. approver access includes access to mybudgets and to creating and approving purchase requisitions. signing authority should be included with approver access, since a requisition requires approval by someone who has budget signing authority on the budget code used.
timecard and leave approval proxy designation
timecard and leave approval proxy designation instructions for supervisors of employees who enter hours worked to the online timecard system
timecard approval instructions
timecard approval instructions for supervisors of hourly employees who enter time worked to the online timecard system
timecard entry instructions
timecard entry instructions for hourly employees to enter hours worked to the online timecard entry system
travel authorization form
travel authorization form to accompany travel expense statement from.
full-time employees must submit their travel expenses through concur.
travel expense statement
travel expense statement for reimbursement of travel expenses, including travel related to research. a travel authorization form must accompany the travel expense statement.
full-time employees must submit their travel expenses through concur.
wireless pos report
wireless point of sale terminal report