faculty of education publishes flourishing as a faculty

flourishing as a faculty encapsulates the values of the faculty of education and will guide the faculty’s program reviews and the next iteration of the faculty strategic plan (2023-2028).

developed collaboratively over 14 months of conversations, the faculty of education has identified and come to understand the values that will promote sustainability and human dignity such as equity, diversity, inclusion, reconciliation, and empowerment, both within the faculty and in its relationships with the wider world. a diversity of issues and challenges, both tangible and intangible, are discussed in the document, alongside pathways for change at both the individual and faculty level.

developing an understanding of the values that the faculty aspires to, and the work that will be required to realize those values, commits the faculty of education “to helping create the conditions by which all humans, all life, and the land can flourish. we strive to work and act in accordance with these values for the benefit of all.”

the document can be viewed here.

flourishing as a faculty document