education alumna dr. sarah pash re-elected chairperson of the cree school board
dr. sarah pash, graduate of the joint phd in educational studies program (2014), has been re-elected chairperson of the cree school board, the organization founded in 1978 to provide education in eeyou istchee, the cree territory in northern quebec.
pash campaigned for greater transparency, meeting firm education standards, and hiring crees.
this will be her second three-year term at the helm of the organization after first being elected chairperson in 2018. she is pushing to expand the range of cree content taught in schools, in addition to the cree language and culture classes, which see called "ghettoized."
"why aren't our kids learning indigenous technology in science class… [or] stories about the landforms and rivers in geography class? this would help with identity construction," she noted in a cbc news article.
before becoming elected to her first mandate as chairperson of the cree school board, sarah was executive director at the aanischaaukamikw cree cultural institute in oujé-bougoumou.