welcome to
wiidookaadying gikinoomaagewin: gindaaswin kendaaswin
relationships and reciprocity: indigenous mathematics and education conference

with the support of a sshrc indigenous research capacity and reconciliation connection grant, we are pleased to welcome you to the three day indigenous mathematics and education conference at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 orillia campus, 500 university avenue. this event is for 200 participants including community elders, knowledge keepers and leaders, educators and administrators from across the province.

the conference provides an opportunity to explore and discuss the first nations & métis math voices project, a comprehensive, long-term, multi-site project that has taken place in elementary (and recently expanding into secondary) classrooms around the province. this conference will be a forum for everyone to develop relationships, and share experiences, practice, knowledge and ideas about connections between the mathematical content knowledge of the ontario curriculum and the mathematics inherent in indigenous technology, design, and artistry. although the content focus for this conference will centre on mathematics instruction, we will also consider how this work can be extended more broadly in education.