petition for late withdrawal

a late withdrawal is defined as dropping a course after the official drop deadlines.

世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 may petition for late withdrawal for having been unable to withdraw from the course by its drop deadline. see university regulation xi (b) 2.

deadline: within two months of the release of final grades
fee: $35/course requested for late withdrawal
timeframe for decision: within 15 business days of a completed petition being received. if additional information is required to support your claim, an extension to this timeframe may be required. 
note: you may be invited to attend a meeting to further explain the reason(s) for your petition.

the petition must include:

  1. petition for late withdrawal form;
  2. written statement which clearly explains how your situation affected your ability to drop your course(s) by the published university deadline;
  3. forward the completed package to
please set the quantity for the number of courses you are requesting late withdrawal from.

course information

complete the following questions including your written statement summarizing your petition request for late withdrawal

i verify that the information contained in this petition package is complete and valid, and that i have considered all relevant aspects of dropping courses after the deadline. i also acknowledge that "submitting false or misrepresentative medical certificates or other documentation in support of requests for concessions on academic work or deadlines" will be dealt with under the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures. i further acknowledge that a successful academic petition does not absolve me of my financial obligations to the university.