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1437 1503.jpg
area clearcut then treated with tts disk trencher and planted with white spruce 1977. photo 1978. n.b. amount of competing vegetation. the person is fred robinson.

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1431 1497.jpg
white spruce was planted in 1972 in the residual stand, with no site preparation herbicide in 1975 (24d). the person is sherry hamill. geraldton.

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1404 1471a.jpg
area clearcut, burned & planted to white spruce (cf. slide #1403). n.b. excellent growth. the person is trevor jeans. kamloops.

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1403 1470.jpg
clearcut had prescribed burn, then planted to lodgepole pine & white spruce. high elevation. kamloops

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1366 1432.jpg
old (15-20 yrs) cutover. n.b. strips and residual trees. willow river psyu. prince george.

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1365 1431.jpg
planted white spruce after 4 yrs. following prescribed burn of cut. willow river osyu. prince george. person is john revel.

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1364 1430.jpg
area prescribed burn as preparation for planting. willow river psyu, prince george. cf slide #1365

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1349 1416.jpg
white spruce natural on area site prepared by blade in 1958. the first site preparation in bc, prince george. person is john revel.

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1347 1414.jpg
white spruce mattock planted after 7 yrs. n.b. roots cf. slide #1346. prince george

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1345 1412.jpg
prescribed burn - plantation area logged 1968-69, prescribed burn 1970, white spruce planted 1971. now has natural douglas fir and lodgepole pine. log lake, prince george.

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