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this is the june/july 1983 issue of the thunder gay magazine. topics include; upcoming events, bi-weekly socials; katimavik; the phone line; rfd; bathhouse raid in toronto; "track ii" film; letters to gtb; challenges with hosting socials; a cgro…

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black and white photograph of the northern lights gym club senior womens drill performing in toronto's canadian national exhibition bandshell

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black and white photograph of northern lights club (revontulet) members demonstrating a mixed pyramid routine. spectators are lined up beside the group

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black and white group photograph of the northern lights gym club boys track & field team in toronto

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black and white photograph of toivo seppala, early swimmer in the rossport derby. toivo competed in canadian championships and canadian national marathon swim in toronto

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black and white photograph of representatives at sport & music festival (suurjuhlat), toronto. men and women in photograph - pentti hirvon (athlete), niilo pehkonen (athlete). ladies parvianen girls.

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black and white photograph of reipas athletic club members at sport & music festival (suurjuhlat) toronto. l to r back 1. mikko hankila, 2. hillevi aohjoispaa, 3. olli isosaari, front 4. niilo penkonen, 5. esko pesonen, 6. tapio paalanen, 7. pentti…

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black and white photograph of women & mens track & field team event. top row l to r claus taskinen, ray oja, mauri martola, clarence sheare, ray kottanen, johnny kowalchuk, frank wilson, toivo viitanen. 2nd row l to r marianne waters, ira karila,…

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black and white photograph of nahjus athletes back row l to r klaus taskinen, clarence sheare, frank wilson, ray kotanen. front row l to r reino oja, john kowalchuk, toivo
viitanen, mauri martola. athletes are at a finnish song & sports festival…

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black and white photograph of nahjus girls gymnastic group performing rhythmic drill in toronto, c.n.e. bandshell. girls are dressed in nahjus uniform for the time

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