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- tags: thunder bay finnish canadian historical society
tbfchs display
tags: 1980, 1990, display, history, lakehead university library, organizations (tbfchs), photographs, thunder bay finnish canadian historical society
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official opening of the tbfchs display panel
tags: 1982, 219 south may street, canadan uutiset, city certificate, jorma halonen, june, ken boshcoff, ken morrison, lauri laakso, matti nummelin, organizations (tbfchs), panel display, thunder bay finnish canadian historical society, thunder bay museum, walter assef
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tbfchs 10th anniversary dinner at the big finn hall, jan., 1986
tags: 10 year, 1985, 1986, anniversary, executive, finlandia hall, organizations (tbfchs), thunder bay finnish canadian historical society
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tbfchs annual executive meeting
tags: 1995, 20 years, anniversary, cairine budner, executives, finlandia hall, helen laine, jorma halonen, lea niityla, leah annala, liisa toiger, organizations (tbfchs), ruth lahti, thunder bay finnish canadian historical society, vivian sharp
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tbfchs members
tags: 1980, archives, cairine budner, leah annala, november, organizations (tbfchs), room, thunder bay finnish canadian historical society, thunder bay museum
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thunder bay finnish canadian historical society members
tags: 1980, archives, cairine budner, leah annala, november, ruth lahti, thunder bay finnish canadian historical society
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cairine budner
tags: 2003, cairine budner, member, thunder bay finnish canadian historical society, thunder bay gymnastics
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