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agora magazine september 1988 vol.5 no.8.pdf
this issue of the agora contains a report from the president, an article and pictures of construction around campus, and an article on summer school.

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agora magazine october 1990 vol.7 no.9.pdf
this issue of the agora contains announces new student security service, a report from the president, and an article on enrolment surpassing 4,000 mark with pictures of construction on campus.

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agora magazine november 1991 vol.8 no.10.pdf
this issue of the agora contains an article on the student centre opening, a report from the president, and an announcement that student callers raise $60,000.

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agora magazine february 1991 vol.8 no.2.pdf
this issue of the agora contains an article on the regional education building and student centre fundraising, a report from the president, and announces new faces.

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agora magazine april 1989 vol.6 no.4.pdf
this issue of the agora contains an article announcing the new student centre, a report from the president, and an article on dr. henry morgentaler giving a lecture on campus.

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agora magazine-october 1991 vol.8 no.9.pdf
this issue of the agora contains updates from around campus, a message from the president, and a day in the life of the president.

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nor'wester magazine-winter 1991 vo.8 no.1.pdf
this issue of the nor'wester annouces all of the new construction programs happening on campus (student centre, regional education centre, & health sciences education resource centre)

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nor.wester magazine-winter 1992 vol.9 no.1.pdf
this issue of the nor'wester contains an article on the grand opening of the student centre, the john zanatta alumni games, and the nipigon-red rock chapter has a game of frisbee-golf.

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this cafeteria is located on campus in the student centre.

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