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black and white group photograph of the northern lights gym club boys track & field team in toronto

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black and white outdoor group photograph of the sissu athletic club track & field meet in hornepayne. 5 of the events were for men and 5 events for women

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black and white photograph of aili kaarela of the isku club & kam tigers at mount baldy ski meet. aili is winner of events at ski competition

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black and white photograph of marrti rautio skiing at centennial park meet. spectators and other skiers watching along the track

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black and white photograph of kaarlo kaarela sr. skiing in isku club cross country meet. spectators are lined up beside the track

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black and white photograph of ray kotanen member of the nahjus athletic club crossing the finish line at a track & field meet

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black and white photograph of raimo salmela in a jumping pose. spectators are watching the jump on the right side of the track

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