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map of northwestern ontario with the location of lumber camps, saw mills, pulp or paper mills, and wood processing plants indicated. likely mid-1950s. part of northwestern ontario development association fonds.

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pa map 6.jpg
colored fire insurance plan of a section of port arthur, sheet no. 6 november 1910. the scale is 50 ft - 1 in. the map was included in the presentation "before the temple: origins of the finnish labour temple" by marc metsaranta since it showed the…

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pa map 17.jpg
colored fire insurance plan of a section of port arthur, sheet no. 17 - 19 november 1908. the scale is 50 ft - 1 in. the map was included in the presentation "before the temple: origins of the finnish labour temple" by marc metsaranta since it…

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picture of the lakehead college of arts, science, and technology (now braun building) and map locating the college in port arthur.

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