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1474 1242.jpg
regenerated jack pine. great lakes forest products, thunder bay.


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1473 1241.jpg
aerial view of site preparation with pads & chains great lakes forest products, thunder bay


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1439 1505.jpg
jackpine planted in 1975, after 3 yrs. area site prepared with 'rippers'. cf slide #1438. limestone, nipigon. the person is george marek.


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1438a 1504a.jpg
area site prepared with 'rippers' 1977; n.b. jack pine seedling 1978. limestone, nipigon.


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1433a 1499a.jpg
view from water of shoreline, burrows lake prescribed burn in july, 1978. n.b. canoeists complained about fire burning to edge of lake. geraldton.


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1432 1498.jpg
cutover prescribe burned in july 1978. burrows lake, geraldton. photo one week after-burn.


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1423 1489.jpg
planted in ontario tubes in 1966, then replanted with 2+0 jack pine in 1970. hand-cleaned 1977-78 for $35/acre ($86/ha). geraldton, person is fred robinson.


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1422 1488.jpg
jackpine seeded at 100 k/acre (247 k/ha) in 1958. now 20yrs old. the stand was pre-commercially thinned in 1969 to 5x5 ft. beardmore. mnr.


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1421 1487.jpg
scarification of slash in 1962 to get jackpine. stand 16 years later. the person is bill fullerton. geraldton mnr.


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