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organizations: socialist youth conference, 1927. donor: kannasto. 2 copies.

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organizations (parades): parade of people with sign "women should vote", port arthur, 1911. donor: luhtala.

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organizations (parades): may day march, 1910. from bay street to cumberland street. "women should vote" banner. donor: ellen karila.

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black and white photograph of tapio rautavaara posing on stage with his guitar and band instruments. he performed in the 50s and early 60s, and eventually recorded over 300 songs. caption reads: iso-san olkihattu, a reference to his straw hat. also a…

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coloured photograph of st. urho's day annual parade. the route starts at the finnish labour temple and goes around bay street. paraders wear purple and green to support st. urho. cars and a thunder bay police car are parked on bay street. crowds have…

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black and white photograph of st. urho's day annual parade which started at the finnish labour temple and goes around bay street. paraders are wearing purple and green to support st. urho. a band is leading the parade and onlookers are lined up along…

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black and white photograph of two men holding banner which reads "welcome to 10th convention of lumber workers industrial union of canada". labour workers are seated facing forward. caption on back " photograph from a post card"

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organizations (parades): "women should vote” banner from 1914 parade. northern flower temperance society. pohjankukka raittiusseura at kes juhlass (summer festival at fort william). left to right: mr. sarelius, mr. kukke, mr. pajunen, mrs. selkamaa,…

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black and white photograph of a gathering in front of the finnish labour temple, tyokansa newspaper and the cooperative trading company buildings as they appeared circa 1915. also visible in the photograph is a man standing on the balcony in front of…

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tim buck, communist party leader, speaking in auditorium on n. court street, thunder bay, early 1930's.

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