black and white photograph of a steam jack ladder loading pulpwood onto the "mitschfibre" (1938-1950). the name on the side of the boat reads mitschfibre detroit sulphite transportation co.
black and white photograph of a table with a variety of trophies. there are three women talking in the background. the trophies are for presentation at festivals and sports events at nahjus park
black and white photograph of spectators at the nahjus sport & music festival at nahjus park. in the upper right cars and booths can be seen in the photograph
black and white photograph of nahjus married women's group l to r 2. elma westerinen (keto) 3. honey amadeo 5. cairine beck (budner), coach 6. henrietta sheare 7. linda murto 8. ellen kurki 1949-50
black and white photograph of nahjus young girls drill on balance beam. stage backdrop is a forest scene. girls are dressed in nahjus uniform for the time
black and white photograph of nahjus junior girls drill team on stage. girls are dressed in nahjus uniforms of the time. a forest scene is a backdrop on the stage
black and white photograph of nahjus married women gymnastics group preparing for wand drill at nahjus park. l to r 1. cairine (beck budner) coach, 6. hunni amadeo. women are dressed in uniforms for the time
black and white photograph of nahjus married women gymnastic group performing rhythmic wand drill at nahjus park. pianist is bertha beck and coach is cairine beck. women are dressed in the nahjus uniform for the time