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black and white promotional photograph of the new york rovers. front row: bob manson, bill watson, larry blackburn, stan mcclellan, hall jordan, john flynn, val delory, odie lowe, lou holmes. back row: phil watson, jacques prefontaine, dick kotanen,…

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black and white photograph of a table with a variety of trophies. there are three women talking in the background. the trophies are for presentation at festivals and sports events at nahjus park

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black and white photograph of dolores wauhkonen & lillian lavallee performing adajio gymnastic routine on stage. stage backdrop is a forest scene

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black and white photograph of nahjus married women's group l to r 2. elma westerinen (keto) 3. honey amadeo 5. cairine beck (budner), coach 6. henrietta sheare 7. linda murto 8. ellen kurki 1949-50

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black and white photograph of nipigon memorial hospital built in 1949

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