black and white photograph of einar salminen and alf oja demonstrating a wrestling hold and wearing full-length tights.. both athletes were port arthur wrestlers and members of the nahjus athletic club
black and white promotional photograph of john lehtimaki stripped to the waist striking a staged pose showing his muscular development. he is wearing a black outside supporter over full-length loose tights
black and white photograph of wrestlers stripped to the waist striking staged poses showing their muscular development. back l to r 1. david takala, 2. lehti maki, front 1. ristimaki. four wrestlers are striking a muscular pose seated and standing
organizations (parades): "women should vote” banner from 1914 parade. northern flower temperance society. pohjankukka raittiusseura at kes juhlass (summer festival at fort william). left to right: mr. sarelius, mr. kukke, mr. pajunen, mrs. selkamaa,…