topics include:
child support defaulters
northern women's bookstore
women & labour
northwestern ontario women’s decade council
celebration of dr. leni untinen
farm life for…
topics include:
evolution of the northern woman journal
editorial policy
provincial conservative government policies
violence against women
child care
income security &…
topics include:
native people and canadian law
law reforms from a native perspective
superior women’s coffeehouse
feminist film review
female genital mutilation
amnesty international…
topics include:
population, resources, and equity
women portrayal in the media
tribal identity and feminism
aboriginal women identity
midwifery education programme
topics include:
canadian women’s committee on reproduction, population and development
population control
women in non-traditional work roles
depression and women
northern women’s…
topics include:
subscription fees for the journal
employment and training conference
national action committee
free trade and women
women and nafta
sexism in…
topics include:
women and the economy
inequity in classrooms
women’s safety
sexual assault
women’s history month
concert review
international women’s day
women in…