participation in the arts is a significant part of finnish-canadian culture. photographs in the tbfchs highlight the role of theatre, music, and arts & crafts.

cast of "suotorpan tytto", performed at the finnish labour temple. the play was based off a 1940 film of the same name. the play was directed by aili laakso, who is centred in the black dress. far left: armas randen and mrs. kuusela. far right: linda murto. second row, fourth from left: onni paavi

finnish folk dancers at the dedication ceremony for the finnish monument at international friendship gardens, thunder bay. 1976.

black and white photograph of actors performing "carmen" at the big finn hall in the 1920's. hilma siilman as carmen and henry paatalo as escamillo

oras ladies choir directed by leila romu. people in the picture: (back row, left to right) elli vuotari, -- rajaniemi, seija makelainen, pirjo sunila, elli kosk-harja heikkila, anja hankila, hanna ketola, --jousmaki, eva sora, (middle row) -- hilkka toimela, annikki --elli siren, olga hulkko, saara ala-korpi, --granholm, inkeri noks, ellen karila, (front row) ilona arnam helmi saari, siiri valila, kaarina haavisto, leila romu (seated), --kuusikivi, helen ahokas, helen naykki, and liisa silventoinen.