tournaments, meets and sports festivals
tournaments, sports meets and sports festivals are huge events in an athlete's career. these events encourage athletes to grow and allow athletes to work towards performing their best.

black and white photograph of the northern lights gym club girls hoop drill performing at a sports festival on a wooden stage

black and white photograph of northern lights club (revontulet) members demonstrating a mixed pyramid routine. spectators are lined up beside the group

black and white outdoor group photograph of the sissu athletic club track & field meet in hornepayne. 5 of the events were for men and 5 events for women

black and white photograph of reipas athletic club members at sport & music festival (suurjuhlat) toronto. l to r back 1. mikko hankila, 2. hillevi aohjoispaa, 3. olli isosaari, front 4. niilo penkonen, 5. esko pesonen, 6. tapio paalanen, 7. pentti hirvonen