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thin section in bt showing neo cutans201
this section same as slide #201, but with xnicol202
crumb structure of ah in profile, at dunlap observatory203
blocky structure in the bt of the profile in slide #140204
iron concretions in a douglas fir soil205
blocky, angular structure in the b of slide #140 at dunlap observatory206
winter and snow cover at the dunlap observatory207
same location as slide #207, but in march as snow is melting208
view of same location as slides # 207 and 208 showing litter after snow has gone209
nodules of comptonia peregrina n-fixing210
mycelium of phytophthora cinnamomi in w. australia211
comptonia peregrina plant in plonski forest212
nodules on roots of alnus glutinosa from dorset area213
nodules from roots of alnus glutinosa in dorset area214
cross-section of nodule on alnus glandulosa showing infected cortical cells215
microsection of alnus nodule to show the infected cortical cells216
microsection of the cortical cells of an alnus nodule217
algal growth on soil surface which is fixing nitrogen218
close-up of the l, h,, ah, bm horizons in a dystric brunisol at dorset219
profile in a basal till (sandy loam) under mixed boreal forest220
close-up of basal till221
profile of an orthic gray brown luvisol222
gray-brown luvisol223
root channel just below bt, in ck224
root in the bt of gray-brown luvisol profile225
ah of the profile in slide 223226
windthrow in a till (sandy loam) at dorset under white pine227
profile of a eutric brunisol in lacustrine silt loam with ck228
showing l, h, bm horizons of profile in slide #228229
platy structure in silt loam230
extracted portion of c to show laminations in silt loam, roots and gleying231
root system of acer saccharum (sugar maple) in sandy loam till232
surface view of ah (mull) in gray-brown luvisol233
view of forestry soils class, sept. 1970234
ablation (dump) till of loamy sand over a basal till of sandy loam, which is compacted235
gray-wooded luvisol in truax township236
close-up of h, ah-ae of gray-wooded luvisol237
profile of a podsol in medium-coarse sand238
general view of area 30 yrs after fire239
podsol profile in dump loamy till240
forest of poplar & w. spruce after fire241
profile of weak podsol in fine sand over a silt loam242
podsol profile in a deep medium/fine sand243
bisequum of sandly loam/silty clay/silt loam244
world wide distribution of phytophthora cinnamomi245
disturbed podsol246
jarrah forest (eucalyptus marginata) on laterite248
young jarrah (eucalyptus marginata) in western australia249
photo of zanthoraceae pressii250
eucalyptus marginata killed by p. cinnamomi251
dead eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) on coast in western australia252
typical dieback in jarrah due to phytphthora cinnamomi253
killed forest of jarrah from phytophthora cinnamomi254
eucalyptus calophylla255
nature reserve on coastal plain in western australia256
mycelium of phytophthora cinnamomi257
mycelium and sporangia of phytopphthora cinnamomi258
oospore of phytophthora cinnamomi259
plate cultivation of phytophthora cinnamomi from jarrah260
blue lupin culture261
culture of banksia grandis262
pot trial of banksia grandis263
slide listing types of diagnostic relationships264
relationship between growth and nitrogen supply265
changes in nutrient concentration266
changes in nutrient concentration with plant size267
seedling growth plotted against nitrogen concentration268
growth of seedlings at three fertility levels269
tabular data for the graphs shown in slide #269270
suggested "objectives" in relation to fertility considerations271
graph showing relationship between growth and nitrogen content in plantation trees272
nitrogen cycling in pinus taeda273
nutrient cycling in oak274
general view of pack forest at warrensburg275
view of 30 year old red pine plantation276
hinckley series sandy loam in outwash277
red pine plantation root278
view of white spruce plantations at warrensburg279
dr. h. lowenstein in 25 year old red pine280
dr. howard lowenstein in heiberg's 25 year old red pine281
red pine 30 years old at warrensburg282
untreated red pine plantation283
red pine plantation 35 years old284
view of branch of deficient white pine285
spodsol in clay loam286
humoferric podzol287
humoferric podzol288
general view of humoferric podzol289
general view of perturbation290
closer view of windthrow perturbation291
humoferric podzol292
view of orthic humoferric podzol293
humoferric podzol294
soil moisture measuring equipment295
windblown fine sand296
fine windblown sand over waterlaid297
graph showing change in available phosphorus298
weak ferric profile299
orthic humoferric podzol300
orthic humoferric podzol301
podzol after disturbance302
sol brun acide in healthland soil303
orthic ferropodzol304
portion of soil map for south eastern vancouver island305
close-up of soil map for part of south eastern vancouver island306
soil map for part of plonski forest (emu)307
fri cover type map for portion of plonski (emu) forest308
map with overlay of fri cover types and soil types309
brown podzolic310
fine sandy loam311
black spruce on soil312
ross-section through a hummock313
disturbed podzol314
sandy-silt alluvial315
soil under woodland316
profile in well-drained gneiss material317
well-developed profile imperfectly drained318
profile in well-drained sandy alluvial material319
profile in sandy clay alluvium320
surface view of #320321
surface of #320 with no vegetation322
sandy well-drained under woodland323
profile in weathered gneissic drift324
poorly drained recent alluvial325
alluvial sandy clay326
well-drained under wooded grassland327
well-drained under woodland328
profile under hardwood (mainly maple)329
profile under hardwood (mainly maple)330
general view of pit331
close-up of structure in lower bt/cca showing prismatic-columnar structure332
close-up view of weathering of piece of gneiss333
well-drained sand loam334
surface of wooded soil (hardwoods)335
profile under brush336
profile under brush337
profile in dump till over basal till338
profile in dump till/basal till339
boundary between dump till and basal till340
profile in well-drained varved clays341
till over limestone boulders342
digging a soil pit in old agricultural land in eastern ontario343
profile in clay loam344
untitled soil profile345