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podzol profile under heathland001
profile near nipigon002
profile at dorset, ontario in water-laid sand003
profile of eluviated eutric brunisol (can) in silty fine sand near key river, georgian bay004
profile off highway #71, north of fort frances005
orthic humic gleysol in central ontario006
deep peat (sphagnum) in leitch township007
general view of a lithosol near lake traverse in algonquin park008
plow layer at st. williams nursery009
gray-brown podzolic with plow layer; an old field soil that has been planted to red pine at york regional forest 010
close-up of forest soil at dorset in sandy loam011
litter from red pine plantation after 45 years012
profile in water-laid sand013
poplar litter showing flat 'shingle' type surface014
intense ae and bh developed in old heathland now planted with spruce015
podzol profile in deep sand near manitouwadge016
hexagonal cracking in clay at caledon017
windblown sand showing the 'mare’s tail' structure018
buried profile near bancroft as a result of a flood019
alluvial/colluvial near kananaskis on mountain slope under lodgepole pine020
acid brown forest at dorset; although over bedrock the soil acts as a deep soil with telluric water and is very productive021
litter of maple in spring022
f layer in forest floor023
lower part of forest floor - some h, but mixed to give an aeh024
b horizon of profile025
general view of profile at plonski forest adjacent to nursery026
general view of profile under 70 year jack pine027
typical black prairie soil near irricana028
photo of a black solodized solonetz by soil survey in alberta029
sol brun acide in eocene sandstone near alsea, oregon030
sol brun acide developed in what is described as a yellow-brown laterite031
sol brun acide near alsea032
windthrow mound in great lakes-st. lawrence forest at dorset033
profile under the fallen trunk of the windthrown pine036
digging out a soil pit by hand037
digging the soil pit038
nitrogen-fixing nodules on alnus039
cluster of nodules on alnus040
nodules on black locust041
cross-section of black locust nodule042
cross-section of black locust nodule043
profile under 300+ year douglas fir and red cedar044
brown forest with ah under 36 year red cedar045
thin regosol under grass and open stands of ponderosa pine046
general view of solonetzic brown soil047
closeup of the ah horizon in the solonetz048
lodgepole pine forest on cobbly pumice soil049
profile of cobbly pumice soil showing minimal development050
closeup of ah horizon in cobbly pumice soil051
profile to show discontinuity, i.e.c/d horizons of water-laid sand over gravel052
sol brun acide, alsea, oregon053
solifluction near alsea, oregon054
brown podzolic near dorset055
mycorrhizal roots of white pine056
gray-brown podzolic under maple forest057
profile of a gray-brown podzolic in a calcareous till 058
surface view of mull (ah) in late summer059
photo of earthworm in mull060
profile in water laid sands at dorset under conifer 061
photo of f layer showing fungal mycelia062
photo of forest floor063
photo of ae in profile064
photo of bf horizon in profile065
photo of c horizon (water laid)066
photo at vivian of residual old white pine stump on deep sands067
profile in silt loam at kirkwood068
close-up(x20) of ae069
close-up of bf070
profile in central washington071
boundary between two ages of pumice deposit in oregon from mount mazama072
profile in coarse loamy sand073
upper profile in coarse loamy sand (pumice) at antelope tree farm074
well-developed bh under balsam fir in central quebec075
cumulative texture curves076
cumulative texture curve077
root system of red pine in calcareous waterlaid sand at vivian078
b horizon developed around successive root channels079
regosol under sage brush in central oregon080
orthic alpine brown soil081
podzol developed in brown wooded082
grumic dark brown083
calcareous brown soil under grass084
gray-brown podzolic in till085
gray-brown podzolic in clay086
gray-brown podzolic in sandy loam087
profile of an orthic gleysol088
profile of an acid brown wooded089
carbonated rego-humic gleysol090
humic podzol091
orthic podzol in sandy loam092
podzol developing in upper horizon of acid brown wooded093
orthic gray wooded in sandy loam095
orthic alpine brown096
orthic gleysol097
gleyed orthic alpine brown098
cutanic modification in microstructure099
many water-laid depositions100
cryic orthic brown wooded101
bisequum of a podzol102
bisequum of a podzol103
black solonetz104
bisequum of podzol105
humic eluviated gleysol106
bisequum of a well-developed podzol107
orthic acid brown wooded108
concretionary brown soil109
gleyed podzol, lac ste. jean110
orthic brown forest111
ortstein i.e. iron pan in a podzol due to impeded drainage112
concretionary brown i.e. `shot' soil under conifers113
humic podzol showing intense colouration of bh114
gleyed alpine brown115
soil pit near diraja116
termite mound in kenya117
vegetation on solodized sites near galole118
bisequum in a calcareous material119
plinthic paleudult showing rooting of loblolly pine121
arenic paleudult122
arenic paleudult under loblolly pine123
typic hapludult124
typic hapludult125
view of ah in hernden silt loam in duke forest126
typic hapludult under oak, hickory & tulip in duke forest127
quartzic psamment in the sandhills128
stump of loblolly pine hollowed out by termites129
profile of a quartzic psamment in sandhills130
typic hapludult131
poor drainage in a typic hapludult132
frost polygons in central newfoundland133
poorly developed podzol in ablation till134
very shallow over granite gneiss bedrock135
note intensity of rooting in this very shallow over granite gneiss bedrock136
evidence of perturbation due to windthrow after fire137
closeup to show quartz and feldspar particles from the ae of podzol profile in the kirkwood forest138
roots of young poderosa pine in pumice soil139
grey-brown podzolic in a clay loam under maple, beech, ash at the dunlap observatory140
clay illuviation in bt of a grey-brown podzolic near maple141
clay illuvation in bt of grey-brown podzolic near maple142
gleying in the lower part of a grey-brown podzolic143
surface after an august fire in a jack pine cutover144
surface after an august fire in a jack pine cutover145
forest floor under maple after a spring (april) prescribed burn146
plinthic paleudult147
closeup of the paleogley in the plinthic paleudult148
buried podzol under peat149
closeup of buried profile under peat150
bisequum in sandy loam at glen williams151
tongues of bf horizon excavated at bone pit site152
podzol developed in stony till153
acid brown soil at dorset154
aerial view of a rural area in hawkins county, tennessee155
area in hawkins co., tennessee, which has been typed for soil survey156
map of the soil associations of ontario157
closeup of slide # 157 to show soils in toronto region158
closeup of the simcoe county area to show soil variation159
bedded alluvial deposits overlain by clay160
ii year ut 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 examining soil profile in interlobate sands161
general view of forest floor under maple at dunlap observatory162
microtus hole in the ah of the profile at the dunlap observatory163
profile of soil in sandy loam at glen williams164
closeup of iron lines and deposition of organic matter in an old root/worm channel165
current plow layer in sands over gravel at glen williams bone pit site166
view of windblown sand structure at the glen williams site167
windblown deposits at glen williams to show both current upper plow layer and a buried plow layer 168
bt horizon of gravelly clay in glen williams profile169
surface of ah (mull) before fall's leaf litter170
looking north from bayview ave & hwy #7171
gleyed grey-brown podzolic172
upper part of profile in gleyed g-b podzolic173
joint planes in clay of ae horizon g-b podzolic174
thin section of calcareous sandstone in the c horizon175
thin section of weathered shale176
thin section in ae to show cleaved biotite177
thin section in ae to show sesquioxide nodule178
thin section showing striated neo cutans in bt179
thin section x200; meta vugh orientated neo cutan180
thin section showing exfoliated cutan and quartz grain intruded by clay181
thin section in c horizon to show calcareous matrix182
thin section to show orientated neo cutans183
profile of mod.w.drained g-b podzolic184
mottles (gley) in btjg185
thin section of ae 186
low power mounting of grains showing red garnet, violet garnet & amphibolite187
thin section of ah in slide showing root channel188
thin section of ah189
weathering of biotite in an organic matrix190
thin section in ae, showing clay matrix cutting across a piece of hornblende191
thin section of a sesquioxidic nodule in ae192
thin section in ae showing minerals such as quartz and feldspars193
thin section of ae showing ferroargillaceous nodule194
thin section of bc195
thin section showing secondary carbonate deposition196
thin section in the aej showing plasmic fabric197
thin section showing neo-cutan in a channel198
thin section same as #198, but with different light199
thin section showing calcareous nodule in a ferro-argillaceous matrix200