canadian injured workers alliance


canadian injured workers alliance

collection items

ciwa highlights newsletter fall 1998
articles about injured workers' groups needed; provincial updates on injured workers' groups.
"injured workers...on the move" resource; speakers bureau; survey for ciwa; letters to the editor: injured workers' group success, owa and ministry of…

ciwa highlights newsletter spring 1998
articles about provincial updates on appeals; british press release for workers' memorial day; supreme court of canada / lung cancer; "making work fit the worker". "together we can win" resources; speakers bureau feedback; letters to the editor-…

ciwa highlights newsletter summer 1998
articles about "the denial of chronic pain"; provincial updates on chronic pain; letters to the editor- wcb and chronic pain, whscc appeal.

"together we can win" video and workbook; speakers bureau;

ciwa highlights newsletter winter 98/99
articles about wcb's and medical matters; provincial updates on medical issues; comparative provincial medical practices.
"survivors" guide for organizing community forums; "spreading the word" project;…

ciwa highlights newsletter spring 1999
articles about "spreading the word" project; speakers bureau presenters; workbook for injured workers; injured workers groups intervening for injured workers in the supreme court; kovach v. singh at the supreme court; a view from the provinces on the…

ciwa highlights newsletter summer 1999
articles about the peer support project; wcb privatization with provincial comparisons; clc convention resolution in support of injured workers associations; work organization.

ciwa highlights newsletter winter 1999
articles about the "coming together" project; the history of workers' compensation; the principles of workers compensation; comparisons of provincial workers' compensation benefits; violations on the principles of compensation; ceo compensation;…

ciwa highlights newsletter spring 2000
articles about canada pension plan - disability (cpp-d) benefits; worker's compensation news; integration of canada pension plan and workers compensation benefits; provincial cpp. internet access proposals; injured workers coming together in new…

ciwa highlights newsletter summer 2000
articles about repetitive strain injury (rsi);
"when the female worker becomes a machine..."; "women, rsi and compensation"; "working women face unique on-the-job stress"; work absence report in alberta; "criminal liability for employers". updates…

ciwa highlights newsletter fall 2000
articles about experience rating- compensation board funding; provincial comparisons on "experience rating"; ontario wcb report; human rights watch report for u.s. workers. letter to the editor- "lost at sea" memorial project; youth project report.
view all 22 items

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