%pdf-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /opm 1 /type/extgstate >> endobj 2 0 obj << /length 6209 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 13.5 0 0 13.5 113.3086 585.8022 tm 0 g (remembered: john livingston)tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 551.0023 tm 0 g [(john livingst)19(on, r)18(eno)19(wned canadian natur)19(alist, br)18(oadcaster)111(, aw)18(ar)19(d-winning)]tj 0 -1.20001 td [(author and pr)19(ofessor in the f)36(aculty of envir)19(onment)19(al studies)36(, y)111(ork univ)19(er)18(sity)111(,)]tj t* (died in january 2006 at the age of 82.)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 503.0022 tm 0 g -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(the div)19(er)18(se w)19(orlds of living cr)19(eatur)18(es and the pr)19(otection of their natur)19(al)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.139 tw [(communities ar)19(e on shakier gr)18(ound with the passing of john livingst)19(on)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(fr)19(om our w)18(orld. it\325)37(s as if ther)19(e is a rip in the f)18(abric of natur)19(e)55(, or i)1(n \322the natur)18(e)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(of things)37(,\323 as john called his cbc sho)18(w)111(. i alr)18(eady miss john\325)37(s huge pr)19(esence)55(,)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(his r)19(adio-honed barit)18(one v)19(oice t)19(alking in uncompr)18(omising w)19(a)19(y)19(s about the wild)]tj t* 0 tc 0.008 tw [(and its biological conserv)19(ation. i miss the w)18(a)19(y he w)19(ould unabashedly cele-)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(b)1(r)20(ate the fir)18(s)1(t)1( )1(s)1(k)20(unk cabbages w)19(e sa)18(w and smelled in the spring, as w)19(e)1( )1(w)19(an-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(der)19(ed thr)18(ough a w)19(etland; or ho)19(w he w)18(ould pause)56(, cocking his head, t)19(o listen)]tj t* [(and r)19(ecogniz)18(e the cr)19(eat)19(or of an)19(y bir)18(dsong. i miss ho)19(w outr)19(aged he w)18(ould be)]tj t* 0 tc 0.022 tw [(when a tele)19(vision segment w)18(ould sho)19(w colourful images of one bir)19(d while)]tj t* 0.035 tw (using the lo)tj 5.05101 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(ely v)19(oice of a completely differ)18(ent species; he\325d bello)19(w about)]tj -5.53221 -1.20001 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(stealing identities)37(, and the sheer stupidity of under)18(estimating y)19(our audience)56(. )]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.0155 tc (i)tj 0.54442 0 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(w)1(i)1(l)1(l)1( )1(m)1(i)1(s)1(s)1( )1(j)1(o)1(h)1(n)138(s passionate engagement with ideas and his attentiv)18(e)1( )1(p)1(r)20(e-)]tj -1.98442 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (cision t)tj 3.0704 0 td -0.0011 tc (o)tj 0.79994 0 td -0.001 tc (meaning. once on saltspring island he )tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 244.9254 347.0022 tm 0 g -0.001 tc (scr)tj 1.21898 0 td (eeched)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 287.4617 347.0022 tm 0 g -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (his old truck t)tj 5.85393 0 td -0.0011 tc (o)tj 0.79983 0 td (a)tj -31.69993 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(st)19(op on a steep narr)18(o)19(w r)19(oad, and r)18(oar)19(ed at me because i w)19(as getting slopp)18(y)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(with m)19(y language about the mor)18(e-than-human w)19(orld. the point w)19(as driv)19(en)]tj t* 0 tc -0.013 tw [(home especially because he w)19(as almost blind at this point and still insisted)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(on driving! p)56(erhaps one of his gr)19(eatest gifts w)18(as his emotional and viscer)19(al,)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(life-long commitment t)19(o all things living. he w)18(as v)19(ery v)19(ery smart, he wr)18(ote)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(the most elegant essa)19(y)19(s )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 141.639 275.0022 tm 0 g -0.001 tc (and)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 159.6101 275.0022 tm 0 g -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(his whole heart w)19(as inv)18(olv)19(ed in his intellectual)]tj -12.26101 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(pur)19(suits)36(.)]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw (in the )tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 78.3408 251.0022 tm 0 g -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(f)37(allacy of wildlife conserv)19(ation)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 208.3188 251.0022 tm 0 g -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(\(198)56(1\), john emphasiz)19(ed the impor)-1(-)]tj -17.13188 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(t)19(ance of opening t)19(o e)18(xperience:)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 216.5022 tm 0 g -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(t)88(o open is t)19(o mak)18(e y)19(our)19(self consciously and deliber)19(ately vulner)18(able)56(. it is an act)]tj 0 -1.23529 td (of accept)tj 3.86651 0 td 0 tw (ance)tj 1.96742 0 td -0.0035 tc (,)tj 0.53852 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(an act of compliance)56(. opening ma)18(y)1( )1(t)20(a)1(k)20(e)1( )1(a)1( )1(m)1(o)1(d)1(i)1(c)1(u)1(m)1( )1(o)1(f)1( )1(c)1(o)1(u)1(r)19(age)56(,)]tj -6.37246 -1.2353 td 0 tc -0.005 tw [(but so did y)19(our v)18(ery fir)19(st public speech, y)19(our fir)18(st div)19(e off the high boar)19(d, y)18(our)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.002 tw [(fir)19(st driving lesson, y)18(our fir)19(st par)19(achute jump, y)18(our fir)19(st accept)19(ance of mort)18(ali-)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0 tw (ty)tj 0.69392 0 td -0.0148 tc (,)tj 0.52709 0 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(y)19(our fir)18(st serious doubt. opening is conscious and deliber)19(ate compliance with)]tj -1.22101 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0.084 tw [(what is \311thus e)19(xperience of wild natur)18(e becomes e)19(xperience of our selv)19(es)36(. )]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tw [(\(pp. 1)161(1)56(0-1)160(1)161(1\))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 129.5022 tm 0 g -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(he w)19(as appalled when someone called him a misanthr)19(ope)55(. ho)19(w could a)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(man who w)19(ent home e)18(v)19(ery da)19(y and lo)18(v)19(ed his wife and childr)18(en, who w)19(as a)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(gr)19(eat friend, and a dedicated teacher)110(, be called a misanthr)19(ope? such vicious)]tj t* 0 tc 0.005 tw (name-calling tells us something about the plight of those who unapologeti-)tj t* 0.138 tw (cally defend the wild, inside and outside of us)tj 20.89347 0.00001 td 0.0004 tc (.)tj 0.6952 0 td 0 tc [(john\325)37(s candour w)18(as leg-)]tj -21.5887 -1.2 td 0 tw [(endary)111(, e)18(videnced b)19(y this quote about misanthr)19(op)18(y:)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (leesa fawcett)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (236)tj /f3 1 tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1648 tm 1 g -0.25 tc ( )tj et q endstream endobj 3 0 obj << /length 6691 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 57.12 324 538.68 re f q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(as e)19(v)19(ery wildlife pr)18(eserv)19(ationist kno)19(w)19(s)1( )1(t)20(o his cost, the simple minded among us)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(ar)19(e w)18(ont t)19(o interpr)19(et our anger as misanthr)18(op)19(y)111(. i try t)19(o tell them that w)19(e ar)18(e hon-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(est f)19(o)1(l)1(k)1(:)1( )1(i)1(f)1( )1(w)19(e)1( )1(w)20(er)19(e misanthr)18(o)1(p)1(i)1(s)1(t)1(s)38(,)1( )1(w)19(e)1( )1(w)20(ould sa)19(y so. still, it is often char)18(ged that)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(w)19(e \322)56(car)19(e mor)18(e f)19(or animals than f)19(or people\323- again an un)18(witting emphasis of the)]tj t* 0.009 tc 0.129 tw [(\322man/natur)19(e\323 pr)18(oblem. this)37(, as i per)19(ceiv)19(e it, is cultur)18(al constipation at its)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(fullest. \(198)56(1, p. 1)161(16\))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 514.4874 tm 0 g -0.027 tc -0.001 tw [(f)50(ortunately)111(, john\325)37(s sense of humour could surmount these mort)19(al obst)18(acles)37(.)]tj -1.44 -1.20001 td -0.021 tc -0.007 tw [(john lo)19(v)18(ed his smok)19(es and his scot)18(ch, and he and his wife ur)19(sula\325)37(s actions f)19(as)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.034 tc 0.006 tw [(c)-1(i)-1(n)-1(a)-1(t)-1(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(m)18(y then f)18(our-y)19(ear old son, who had ne)18(v)19(e)-1(r)-1( )-1(s)-1(e)-1(e)-1(n)-1( )-1(a)-1(n)17(y)19(one smok)18(e)56(,)-1( )-1(l)-1(e)-1(t)-1( )-1(a)-1(l)-1(o)-1(n)-1(e)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.006 tw [(with ur)19(sula\325)36(s elegant r)19(ed nails)37(. unbekno)19(wnst t)18(o an)19(y of us)37(, he had appar)18(ently)]tj t* -0.036 tc 0.008 tw [(been studying them, hence at br)19(eakf)18(ast one morning he enacted a car)19(eful mime)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.006 tw [(of them smoking, det)19(ail b)18(y laborious det)19(ail. i fr)19(oz)18(e)56(, w)19(orried about such a dis-)]tj t* -0.027 tc -0.001 tw [(r)19(espectful imit)19(ation of a tender t)18(opic)19(. john laughed har)19(d and long about it, mar-)]tj t* -0.011 tc 0 tw [(v)19(eling at josh\325)37(s po)18(w)19(er)19(s of imit)19(ation, and the)18(y became good companions)37(. )]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.013 tc -0.01 tw [(ev)19(en being indoor)18(s with john, he w)19(ould summon the wild in, and tell st)19(o)-1(-)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td -0.005 tc 0.144 tw [(ries and adv)19(entur)18(es)37(. being a mor)19(e intr)19(o)19(v)19(erted per)18(son than john, when i)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.016 tw [(had t)19(o do pr)18(esent)19(ations he w)19(ould str)18(engthen and distr)19(act me fr)19(om m)18(y nerv-)]tj t* -0.02 tc -0.003 tw [(ousness b)19(y telling me umpteen anecdotes about this fr)19(og or that otter)110(. he w)19(as)]tj t* -0.033 tc 0.011 tw [(such a bigger-than life char)19(acter)111(. f)55(or e)19(v)19(erything he lo)18(v)19(ed ther)19(e w)19(er)18(e other things)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.001 tw [(he could not t)19(oler)18(ate)56(. f)56(or e)19(x)18(ample)56(, after his w)19(ork in the galapagos he ferv)18(ently)]tj t* -0.004 tc 0.143 tw [(despised fer)19(al goats and the damage the)18(y w)19(er)18(e doing t)19(o the islands)37(. he)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.013 tw [(detested the inher)19(ent contr)18(adictions of \322sust)19(ainable de)19(v)19(elopment\323 and loud-)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.001 tw [(ly pr)19(oclaimed his disgust with the term right at the peak of its popularity)110(. l)19(ater)111(,)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.012 tw (he came t)tj 4.14589 0 td -0.0101 tc (o)tj 0.78253 0 td -0.01 tc [(dislik)19(e the term \322)55(envir)19(onment)19(alist,\323)-238(as he and neil ev)18(ernden, his)]tj -4.92842 -1.20001 td -0.027 tc 0.005 tw [(long-time companion in envir)19(onment)18(al thought and scholar)19(ship, thought it had)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0 tw [(become an empty w)19(o)1(r)19(d co-opted b)19(y)1( )1(c)1(o)1(r)1(p)1(o)1(r)20(ate suits)36(. but john livingst)19(on kne)19(w)]tj t* -0.006 tc [(what he lo)19(v)18(ed, and living b)19(y that co)18(v)19(enant k)18(ept him vibr)19(ant and thriving.)]tj 1.44 -1.2 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(in his a)19(w)18(ar)19(d-winning book )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 211.1879 262.4874 tm 0 g 0.002 tc 0.127 tw [(r)19(ogue primate)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.9739 262.4874 tm 0 g 0.002 tc 0.137 tw ((1994), john mused about)tj -20.49739 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.012 tw [(the collectiv)19(e participating consciousness of biospheric selv)18(es)37(, as he wr)19(ote: )]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 229.9874 tm 0 g (v)tj 0.51485 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (ery lik)tj 2.63301 0 td [(ely)111(, fr)18(eely willing immer)19(sion in both gr)19(oup and community self is a pr)18(e)1(-)]tj -3.14786 -1.2353 td 0 tc -0.006 tw [(r)19(equisite f)19(or the individual e)18(xperience of the whole)56(. a)74(w)19(ar)19(eness of whole self is)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.008 tc [(emotional, not r)19(ational. \311 it is e)18(xperienced, not kno)19(wn. it is liv)19(ed, not abstr)18(act-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (ed. it is r)tj 3.81372 0 td [(eceiv)19(ed, not per)18(ceiv)19(ed. it is a gift, not an accomplishment. \(p. 1)161(17\))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 176.4874 tm 0 g 0.004 tc 0.134 tw (john, jak)tj 3.98902 0 td 0 tc (e)tj 0.44858 0 td 0.0044 tc (,)tj 0.69917 0 td 0.004 tc 0 tw (livingst)tj 3.34928 0 td 0.134 tw [(on w)19(as an immense gift t)18(o m)19(y life)56(. i am lonelier)]tj -9.92605 -1.20001 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(without his gr)19(eat big being on this earth. the w)18(orlds o)1(f other living cr)18(eatur)19(es)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.044 tw [(will dearly miss his intimate)56(, e)18(xperiential kno)19(wing of them, and his sheer)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.131 tw (gutsy defence of their right t)tj 13.13394 0.00001 td 0.0079 tc (o)tj 0.96167 0 td 0.008 tc [(flourish. our challenge at the f)56(aculty of)]tj -14.09561 -1.20001 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al studies)37(, and be)19(y)19(ond these w)18(alls int)19(o wilder places)37(, is t)18(o)]tj t* 0 tc 0.01 tw [(ensur)19(e that w)18(e honour)111(, continue t)19(o nourish, and struggle f)18(or the intellectu-)]tj -0.0001 tc (al)' 1.0187 0 td 0 tc 0 tw [(space that john carv)19(ed out f)18(or all of us)37(. )]tj et q q bt /f7 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 80.4874 tm 0 g 0.12 tw [(l)19(eesa f)56(a)19(w)19(cett)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 140.4956 80.4874 tm 0 g 0.112 tw [(is an associate pr)19(ofessor in the f)55(aculty of envir)19(onment)19(al)]tj -6.7496 -1.2 td 0 tw [(studies)37(, y)79(ork univ)19(er)19(sity)110(, t)88(or)18(ont)19(o.)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 288.3516 33.8348 tm 0 g (remembered: john livingston)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1613 33.8708 tm 0 g (237)tj et q endstream endobj 4 0 obj << /length 6430 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(the fir)19(st time i met john livingst)18(on, he w)19(as per)19(ched on a picnic t)18(able b)19(y)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.022 tw [(shado)19(w l)18(ak)19(e)56(, a camp northeast of t)88(or)18(ont)19(o wher)18(e incoming y)80(ork mes stu-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0.013 tw [(dents conv)19(ened f)18(or orient)19(ation. ther)19(e he w)18(as)37(, happily smoking and listen-)]tj t* 0.037 tw [(ing t)19(o bir)18(dsong. another f)19(aculty member had advised me t)19(o seek him out)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(giv)19(en m)18(y inter)19(est in wildlife conserv)19(ation, so i tent)18(ativ)19(ely appr)19(oached. in his)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(w)19(onderful gr)18(a)19(v)18(elly v)19(oice \(which i later r)18(ealiz)19(ed w)19(as f)19(amiliar t)18(o me fr)19(om m)19(y)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(childhood lo)19(v)18(e of the )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 126.7604 515.9616 tm 0 g -0.016 tc 0.003 tw [(hinterland who\325)37(s who)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 220.7234 515.9616 tm 0 g -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(spots on tele)19(vision\), he ask)18(ed me)]tj -18.37234 -1.19999 td 0 tc 0.139 tw [(wh)18(y i )1(had come t)18(o fes. suffering fr)19(om a serious case of imposter syn-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0.087 tw [(dr)19(ome)55(, i managed t)19(o squeak out m)19(y lo)18(v)19(e of other animals and m)19(y com-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(mitment t)19(o conserv)18(ation, and briefly mentioned m)19(y under)19(gr)19(aduate r)18(esear)19(ch)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(on or)19(angut)18(ans at the t)88(o)1(r)20(ont)19(o)1( )1(z)37(oo. immediately)111(, john put me at ease with his)]tj t* 0 tc 0.121 tw [(sincer)19(e inter)18(est, peppering me with questions about or)19(angut)19(ans and the)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(goings-on at the z)19(oo. he then t)18(old me a bit about his o)19(wn w)19(ork and about a)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(study on visit)19(or beha)18(viour that his wife)56(, ur)19(sula, had done at the z)19(oo. and then)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(w)19(e began t)18(o sw)19(ap animal st)18(ories)37(, an enduring pr)19(actice w)18(e both delighted in)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(o)19(v)19(er the y)18(ear)19(s)37(. )]tj 1.44 -1.2 td 0.081 tw [(oh, his t)19(ales)36(. of snork)19(eling off of baja and looking do)19(wn t)18(o see ham-)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(merhead sharks cir)19(cling underneath. of coming r)19(ound a bend t)18(o meet a bull)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(elephant, then fr)19(antically r)19(e)18(v)19(er)19(sing. of popping out of an ice-hole after a long)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(div)19(e t)18(o find polar bear pa)19(w prints ar)19(ound the hole)56(. and the less e)18(x)19(otic but just)]tj t* 0 tc -0.005 tw [(as meaningful st)19(ories)36(, lik)19(e the updates on the bea)19(v)18(er)19(s at sunderland or the)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0 tw (bear at carp, or which songbir)tj 12.73083 0 td (ds had r)tj 3.38954 0 td (eturned as winter loosened its hold on)tj -16.12037 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.002 tw [(the land. or the man)19(y t)18(ales about the dogs and cats)37(, or the other cr)19(eatur)18(es)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tw [(john lo)19(v)18(ed. )]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw (hearing these st)tj 6.5906 0 td 0 tw (ories)tj 1.92504 0 td (,)tj 0.516 0 td (i)tj 0.534 0 td 0.012 tw (could easily imagine john as a y)tj 13.05733 0 td [(oung bo)19(y)111(, lying f)18(ace)]tj -24.06296 -1.20001 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(do)19(wn in the mucky mar)18(sh in the r)19(a)18(vine behi)1(nd his t)87(or)19(ont)19(o home)55(, f)19(alling in)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.008 tc 0.131 tw [(lo)19(v)18(e with the ne)19(wts)37(, t)18(oads and fr)19(ogs)37(. and i r)18(esonated with a pr)19(of)18(ound)]tj 0 tc (r)' 0.36068 0 td 0.009 tc 0.129 tw (ecognition when i r)tj 8.95661 0 td (ead this passage in the still brilliant )tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 297.6947 263.9616 tm 0 g 0.009 tc 0.12 tw (the f)tj 2.44259 0 td (allacy of)tj -28.51206 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(wildlife conserv)19(ation)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 126.2163 251.9616 tm 0 g -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 229.4616 tm 0 g -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(plans w)19(er)18(e r)19(e)18(v)19(ealed f)19(or the construction of a st)18(orm se)19(w)19(er thr)18(ough \322m)19(y\323 r)19(a)18(vine)56(.)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw (shock, disma)tj 5.55594 0 td [(y)111(, and all the r)19(est of it w)19(er)18(e mine early)111(. the ten-y)19(ear old mind is not)]tj -5.55594 -1.2353 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(subtle: ho)19(w can i w)18(arn the fr)19(ogs and t)19(oads and ne)18(wts? can i get them out of ther)19(e)56(,)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0 tw [(t)19(ak)18(e them a)19(w)19(a)19(y some)19(wher)18(e? \(198)56(1, p. 1)56(0)56(1\))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 175.4616 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(john lo)19(v)18(ed deeply)111(, mourned deeply)111(, and became passionately committed t)19(o)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (conserv)tj 3.35059 0 td (ation.)tj -1.91059 -1.2 td -0.0073 tc (i)tj 0.55273 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(am not e)19(x)19(agger)19(ating when i st)18(ate that r)19(eading )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 254.9084 151.4616 tm 0 g -0.007 tc [(f)37(allacy)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2972 151.4616 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(in m)19(y fir)18(st w)19(eeks)]tj -24.92972 -1.2 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(at fes changed m)19(y life)56(. i had not hear)18(d of john prior t)19(o entering fes, had not)]tj t* 0 tc 0.056 tw [(hear)19(d of \322)55(envir)19(onment)19(al thought,\323 did not kno)19(w that ther)18(e w)19(er)19(e terms t)18(o)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(describe some of what i had been feeling all m)19(y life)55(. r)19(eading john\325)37(s eloquent)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(ose mo)18(v)19(ed me)56(, and opened up ne)19(w w)18(orlds of possibility)111(. )]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(john w)19(as a po)18(w)19(erful and highly intelligent writer)111(. an english major as an)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.003 tw [(under)19(gr)18(aduate)56(, he r)19(e)19(v)18(eled in good writing, and could be counted on f)19(or an)]tj t* -0.013 tw [(enthusiastic discussion of whate)19(v)18(er book w)19(as tickling his f)19(anc)19(y at the time)55(.)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (connie russell)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (238)tj et q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /length 6561 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.0278 tc (\(i)tj 0.80031 0 td -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(smile r)19(ecalling a conv)18(er)19(sation in the kit)19(chen in carp when w)19(e f)18(ound w)19(e w)19(er)18(e)]tj -0.80031 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(r)19(eading the same book at the time)56(, )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 218.8816 575.9617 tm 0 g -0.024 tc 0.011 tw [(of tiger)19(s and men)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 291.8293 575.9617 tm 0 g -0.0252 tc (,)tj 0.51677 0 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw (and our hoots of delight)tj -22.3997 -1.20001 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(when w)19(e r)18(ealiz)19(ed that w)19(e had both come t)18(o the same suspicious conclusion)]tj t* 0 tc 0.015 tw [(about one of the char)19(acter)18(s)38(.\) john r)18(ead widely and deeply)111(, and this lo)19(v)18(e of)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.003 tw [(writing, of language)56(, shone thr)18(ough in his o)19(wn w)19(ork. i r)18(emain a)19(w)19(ed b)19(y the)]tj t* 0 tw [(sheer f)19(or)18(ce of his w)19(or)18(ds)37(, as in this passage)56(,)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 505.4616 tm 0 g 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(entir)19(ely out of contr)18(ol, the human technomachine guzzles and lur)19(ches and)]tj 0 -1.23528 td 0 tc 0.007 tw [(v)19(omits and rips its r)18(andom cr)19(azy cour)19(se o)18(v)19(er the f)19(ace of the once-blue planet,)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(as though some filth)19(y barbaric fist w)18(er)19(e drunk)19(enly swiping with a gigantic)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(paint r)19(oller acr)18(oss an ancient t)19(apestry)111(. \(198)56(1, p. 20\))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 451.4616 tm 0 g [(obviously john w)19(as not one t)18(o mince his w)19(or)19(ds)36(.)]tj 1.44 -1.2 td [(john w)19(as also v)18(ery funn)19(y)111(. it did not t)19(ak)18(e t)19(oo much t)19(o mak)18(e him guff)19(a)19(w)111(,)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(giv)19(en his e)18(y)19(e and ear f)19(or the absur)19(dities of life)55(. i still giggle when i r)19(ead this)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(passage)56(, )]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 392.9616 tm 0 g -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(r)19(emember the classic accusation that is le)19(v)19(eled against wildlife pr)18(eserv)19(ationists)37(.)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.84365 0 td -0.0075 tc (e)tj 0.75649 0 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(ar)19(e emotional. when confr)18(ont)19(ation with our opponents r)19(eaches the abusiv)18(e)]tj -1.60013 -1.2353 td 0 tc -0.005 tw [(st)19(age \320 which it can do \320 the ultimate crushing char)18(ge)56(, designed t)19(o wholly dis-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.074 tw [(cr)19(edit us)36(, is that w)19(e ar)19(e emotional. emotion is unmanageable)55(, unclassifiable)56(,)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(unr)19(easonable)56(, untrustw)18(orth)19(y)111(. it is illogical. a terribly pr)18(ominent and r)19(espect)19(able)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (elderly gentleman thus castigated me man)tj 17.95221 0 td -0.0113 tc (y)tj 0.77148 0 td (y)tj 0.48917 0 td -0.011 tc 0 tw (ear)tj 1.31794 0 td -0.0112 tc (s)tj 0.67885 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (ago; flushed purple)tj 7.98864 0 td -0.0113 tc (,)tj 0.53055 0 td -0.011 tc 0 tw [(sw)19(eating,)]tj -29.72884 -1.23531 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(tr)19(embling, he br)18(ought his elegantly manicur)19(ed fist cr)19(ashing t)18(o the t)19(able: \322y)80(ou nat)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(ur)19(alists ar)18(e nothing but st)19(arry-e)19(y)18(ed idealists \320 y)19(ou\325r)19(e nothing but emotional!\323 he)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (panted. that should ha)tj 9.92822 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77777 0 td 0 tc (put me in m)tj 5.33306 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79679 0 td 0 tc [(place f)19(or k)18(eeps)37(. \(198)56(1, p. 1)56(05\))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 286.4616 tm 0 g -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (in addition t)tj 5.15883 0 td -0.0084 tc (o)tj 0.79248 0 td (r)tj 0.343 0 td -0.008 tc (eminding me that emotion w)tj 12.41068 0 td [(as nothing t)19(o be ashamed of)]tj -20.14499 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.063 tw [(but w)19(as the heart of conserv)18(ation w)19(ork, john t)19(aught me man)18(y things)37(. he)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.109 tw [(t)19(aught me the import)19(ance of slo)18(wing do)19<776ed0d36b>19(eep y)18(our pants on!\323\320 and)]tj t* 0.058 tw (engaging in critical analy)tj 10.93231 0 td 0 tw (sis)tj 1.07349 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.61413 0 td 0 tc 0.058 tw [(he t)19(aught me t)18(o be suspicious of the rush t)19(o)]tj -12.61993 -1.20001 td 0.01 tw [(solutions)37(, t)18(o quick fix)19(es)37(, in the f)18(ace of comple)19(x pr)19(oblems)36(. he t)19(aught me t)19(o)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.0212 tc (be)tj 1.27754 0 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(w)19(ary of \322plastic w)18(or)19(ds\323 \(1994, p. 2)56(13\). he r)18(eminded me of the import)19(ance)]tj -1.27754 -1.2 td 0.009 tc 0.129 tw (of childhood e)tj 6.54072 0 td [(xperiences of natur)19(e)55(, and the danger)19(s of what he called)]tj -6.54072 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [56(e)19(xperiential undernutrition\323 \(1994, p. 1)161(19\):)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 179.9616 tm 0 g -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(f)55(or some of us)37(, the e)19(xperience of non-human natur)19(e is the most vivid r)18(ecollection)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(of y)19(oung childhood. not the cognitiv)18(e)56(, but the affectiv)18(e e)19(xperience)56(. and cert)19(ainly)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw (not the \324wilderness\325 e)tj 8.96102 0 td [(xperience)56(, because wilderness is a human abstr)19(action only)111(.)]tj -8.96102 -1.2353 td -0.0205 tc (i)tj 0.53949 0 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(mean the dissolution of the ego-centr)19(ed self, as when one w)18(as dr)19(a)18(wn close)56(, e)18(v)19(er)]tj -0.53949 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0.02 tw [(closer and at last int)19(o the gold-fleck)18(ed e)19(y)19(e of a t)19(oad, or when one melted int)18(o)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(black earth)19(y humus)36(, laced with winter)19(gr)19(een, on a cool f)18(or)19(est floor)111(. or when one\325)36(s)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(cry of jo)19(y w)18(as tr)19(ansposed int)18(o gull clamour b)19(y a sea wind pungent with the scent)]tj t* 0 tc -0.001 tw [(of r)19(otting k)18(elp. when one sought, and f)19(ound; when one r)19(elinquished, and w)18(as)]tj t* 0 tw [(fr)19(ee)56(. (1994, p. 197))]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 73.4616 tm 0 g [(john t)19(aught me these things thr)18(ough discussions in the classr)19(oom, thr)19(ough)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 288.3516 33.8348 tm 0 g (remembered: john livingston)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 g (239)tj et q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /length 3434 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 g [(his writing, thr)19(ough conv)18(er)19(sation, and thr)19(ough his actions)36(.)]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(and john alw)19(a)18(y)18(s encour)19(aged me)56(. t)88(o f)18(ollo)19(w m)19(y passions)36(. t)88(o be tenacious)37(.)]tj -1.44 -1.20001 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(t)88(o see academic w)19(ork as one f)18(orm of activism. t)88(o write)56(. \(indeed, the last time)]tj -0.018 tc (i)' 0.54192 0 td 0.004 tw [(sa)19(w him at his home on saltspring island, he w)18(as so determined that i write)]tj -0.54192 -1.2 td -0.0069 tc (a)tj 0.75712 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(book on ecot)19(ourism that he suggested i go on an e)18(xtended writer\325)37(s r)19(etr)19(eat)]tj -0.75712 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.085 tw [19(o his guest cabin, so that he could be of r)18(egular assist)19(ance)56(. one of m)19(y)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(r)19(egr)19(ets is that i did not ha)18(v)19(e time t)19(o do this bef)18(or)19(e he died.\))]tj 1.44 -1.19999 td -0.011 tw [(in r)19(er)18(eading this tribute)56(, i note that i ha)19(v)19(e used the w)18(or)19(d \322lo)18(v)19(e\323 r)19(egular-)]tj -1.44 -1.20001 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(ly)111(. this is no coincidence)55(. while some ma)19(y ha)19(v)18(e e)19(xperienced john as gruff,)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(and other)19(s unf)18(airly char)19(acteriz)19(ed him as a misanthr)19(ope)55(, i e)19(xperienced john)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(as a kind man who lo)19(v)18(ed deeply and widely)111(. he lo)19(v)18(ed ur)19(sula, his f)19(amily)111(, his)]tj t* 0 tc 0.011 tw [(friends)37(, the man)18(y dogs and cats with whom he shar)19(ed his home)56(, the fr)19(ogs)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(in the pond, the bir)19(ds at the feeder outside the kit)18(chen windo)19(w)111(, and the m)19(yr-)]tj t* 0.009 tc 0.129 tw [(iad cr)19(eatur)18(es and lands he encounter)19(ed in his long life)56(. i lo)19(v)18(ed him in)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(r)19(eturn, and i will miss him. )]tj et q q bt /f7 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 395.9616 tm 0 g 0.018 tc 0.13 tw [(connie r)37(ussell)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 112.0237 395.9616 tm 0 g 0.018 tc 0.121 tw [(is an associate pr)19(ofessor in the f)55(aculty of education,)]tj -7.50237 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(l)19(ak)18(ehead univ)19(er)19(sity)110(, thunder ba)19(y)111(.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 171.7622 350.3616 tm 0 g (references)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37 327.5616 tm 0 g -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(livingst)19(on, j. a. \(198)55(1\). )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 122.7658 327.5616 tm 0 g -0.008 tc -0.005 tw [(the f)19(allacy of wildlife conserv)18(ation)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 242.8643 327.5616 tm 0 g -0.0087 tc (.)tj 0.5332 0 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(t)88(or)18(ont)19(o: mcclelland & ste)19(w)18(art.)]tj -24.75253 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0.035 tw [(livingst)19(on, j. a. (1994). )]tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 126.4952 315.5616 tm 0 g 0.033 tw [(r)19(ogue primate: an e)19(xplor)18(ation of human domestication)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 323.5682 315.5616 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.59074 0 td 0 tc [(t)88(or)18(ont)19(o: )]tj -32.187 -1.41176 td (k)tj 0.61108 0 td [(e)19(y p)56(orter)110(.)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (connie russell)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (240)tj et q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /nums[0<>] >> endobj 8 0 obj << /baseencoding/macromanencoding /differences[32/space 48/zero 50/two/three/four 54/six/seven/eight/nine/colon 67/c 70/f 74/j 76/l 82/r 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 108/l/m/n/o 114/r/s/t/u/v/w] /type/encoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /subtype/type1c /length 3853 /length1 3853 >> stream rduexm+eurostileregular7 ? ? ea!3fncse+pio-jwhtub'xd$vmg# kgxp|_# n < ] ? s o  s {....e;3.9b$ɫ#moo#&.xfe;(uhagg`;z 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