%pdf-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /opm 1 /type/extgstate >> endobj 2 0 obj << /length 5375 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 13.5 0 0 13.5 73 585.8022 tm 0 g (wild becomings: how the everyday experience of)tj 0 -1.33333 td (common wild animals at summer camp acts as an)tj t* (entrance to the more-than-human world)tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 73 528.8022 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson, york university, canada)tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 504.8022 tm 0 g [(a)19(bstr)19(act)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 492.8022 tm 0 g [(this paper describes the partial r)19(esults o)18(f a r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(oject which inv)19(esti)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(gated conceptions o)19(f natur)18(e and the r)19(ole o)18(f place in envir)19(onment)19(al educa-)]tj t* [(tion in childr)19(en who attended camp ar)18(o)19(whon. thr)19(ough intervie)19(w)19(s and)]tj t* [(observ)19(ations)36(, utilizing a h)19(ybrid r)19(esea)-1(r)19(ch dr)19(awing fr)18(om phenomenogr)19(aph)19(y)]tj t* [(and ethnogr)19(aph)18(y)111(, local common wild animals emer)19(ged as playing an impor-)]tj t* [(t)19(ant r)19(ole in camper)18(s\325 embodied connection t)19(o place)36(. thr)19(ough structur)19(ed)]tj t* [(\322natur)19(e pr)18(ogr)19(ams\323 and unstructur)18(ed \322fr)19(ee-play)111(,\323 camper)18(s disco)19(v)19(er)18(ed and)]tj t* [(incr)19(eased their f)36(amiliarity o)19(f common local animals)37(. using the)]tj t* [(deleuz)19(eoguatt)18(arian concept o)19(f )]tj et q q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 210.6912 396.8022 tm 0 g (becoming)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 252.0381 396.8022 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.51762 0 td 0 tc [(these inter)19(actions ar)18(e pr)19(oposed t)18(o)]tj -17.84794 -1.26316 td (serv)tj 1.77661 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70265 0 td 0 tc (as a st)tj 2.70214 0 td (arting point thr)tj 6.64771 0 td (ough which a child can mo)tj 11.27417 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70258 0 td 0 tc (on t)tj 1.66656 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.77771 0 td 0 tc (engage with)tj -26.73132 -1.26318 td (incr)tj 1.6665 0 td (easingly abstr)tj 5.94312 0 td (act aspects o)tj 5.38696 0 td -0.0002 tc (f)tj 0.59165 0 td 0 tc [(the natur)19(al w)18(orld. implications f)37(or urban)]tj -13.58823 -1.26317 td [(envir)19(onment)18(al education, wher)19(e these childr)18(en spend the majority o)19(f their)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td (ear)tj 1.25879 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.51757 0 td 0 tc (ar)tj 0.90699 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70259 0 td 0 tc (discussed.)tj et q q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 324.8022 tm 0 g (r\216sum\216)tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 312.8022 tm 0 g (l)tj 0.51806 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70262 0 td 0 tc (pr\216sent article d\216crit les r\216sult)tj 12.90017 0 td (ats partiels d\325un pr)tj 8.07177 0 td (ojet de r)tj 3.47949 0 td (echer)tj 2.25733 0 td (che de)tj -27.92944 -1.26317 td (2003, lequel \216tudie des r)tj 10.21777 0 td [(epr\216sent)19(ations de la natur)18(e et le r\231le de l\325espace)]tj -10.21777 -1.26316 td [(dans l\325\216ducation \216cologique chez les enf)37(ants qui fr\216quent)18(aient le camp)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (ar)tj 1.07397 0 td (o)tj 0.5 0 td (whon. p)tj 3.42505 0 td (ar des entr)tj 4.59034 0 td (e)tj 0.42504 0 td [(vues et des observ)19(ations)36(, se serv)19(ant d\325une \216bauche)]tj -10.0144 -1.26317 td (de r)tj 1.62842 0 td [(echer)19(che h)18(ybride sur la ph\216nom\216nogr)19(aphie et l\325ethnogr)18(aphie)37(, on a)]tj -1.62842 -1.26316 td [(d\216couv)19(ert que les animaux sauv)18(ages communs du coin jouent un r\231le)]tj t* (import)tj 2.90698 0 td (ant dans les r)tj 5.71997 0 td (apports que les campeur)tj 10.34839 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.68466 0 td 0 tc (incarnent par r)tj 6.46182 0 td (apport \210 l\325e-)tj -26.12182 -1.26317 td [(space)37(. p)36(ar des pr)19(ogr)18(ammes structur\216s)37(, ax\216s sur la \307 natur)19(e \310 et le \307 jeu libr)18(e)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 0.64764 0 td 0 tc (non structur\216, les campeur)tj 11.44073 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.68464 0 td 0 tc (ont d\216couv)tj 4.62957 0 td (ert et accru leur connaissance des)tj -17.40259 -1.26316 td (petits animaux sauv)tj 8.60962 0 td (age communs du coin. en utilisant le concept de)tj -8.60962 -1.26316 td [(deleuz)19(eoguatt)18(aria du )]tj et q q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 174.4632 192.8022 tm 0 g [(de)19(v)18(enir)]tj et q q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 205.6026 192.8022 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.51755 0 td 0 tc [(on pr)19(opose ces inter)18(actions comme point de)]tj -12.95993 -1.26316 td (d\216part par lequel un enf)tj 10.10742 0 td (ant \216v)tj 2.59155 0 td (entuellement abor)tj 7.70044 0 td (der des aspects de plus en)tj -20.39941 -1.26317 td [(plus abstr)19(aits du monde natur)18(el. on discute des implications de l\325\216ducation)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(\216cologique urbaine)37(, o\235 ces enf)36(ants passent la majorit\216 de leur vie d\325\216l\217v)19(e)37(.)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(k)37(e)19(yw)18(or)19(ds: )]tj et q q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 131.7155 132.8022 tm 0 g [(animals; childr)19(en; summer camp; local kno)18(wledge;)]tj -4.66479 -1.26316 td [(deleuz)19(eoguatt)18(arian thought; urban envir)19(onment)19(al education)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 197.2256 33.8348 tm 0 g (canadian journal of environmental education, 11, 2006)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 g (127)tj /f4 1 tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1648 tm 1 g -0.25 tc ( )tj et q endstream endobj 3 0 obj << /length 8981 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 61.7304 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(if someone w)19(er)18(e w)19(at)19(ching y)18(ou this morning, it w)19(ould ha)19(v)19(e look)18(ed lik)19(e y)19(ou dis)-1(-)]tj -0.79181 -1.23529 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(appear)19(ed int)18(o the f)19(or)19(est. y)79(ou, ho)19(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)111(, kno)18(w the secr)19(et of y)19(our disappearing act.)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(the w)19(orn path thr)18(ough the f)19(o)1(r)20(est that y)18(ou ar)19(e on no)19(w)1( )1(i)1(s)1( )1(w)19(ell hidden fr)19(om vie)19(w)]tj t* 0 tc 0.079 tw [(along the gr)19(a)19(v)18(el r)19(oad. no longer bor)19(der)18(ed b)19(y tr)19(ees on the r)18(oad, y)19(ou ar)19(e sur)-1(-)]tj t* 0.084 tw [(r)19(ounded b)19(y them as y)18(ou w)19(alk t)19(o)18(w)20(ar)18(ds a small log building, no lar)19(ger than a)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(camper cabin inside this f)19(or)18(est. as y)19(ou w)18(alk along this path, y)19(ou notice on y)19(our)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(left and right the dappled, pattern shado)19(w and light pla)18(y on the f)19(or)18(est floor that)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(surr)19(ounds y)18(ou. l)19(ooking back t)18(o)19(w)19(ar)19(ds the r)18(oad, y)19(ou see the hole)56(, no)18(w bright and)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(backlit, thr)19(ough which y)18(ou enter)19(ed. y)80(ou w)18(er)19(e w)19(armed b)18(y the sun as y)19(ou w)19(alk)18(ed)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(along the r)19(oad, but no)18(w that y)19(ou ar)19(e shelter)18(ed b)19(y the shade of the canop)19(y o)18(v)19(er-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(head, the heat of the morning sun is r)19(eplaced b)18(y a cert)19(ain feeling of r)19(espite)56(.)]tj 0.83219 -1.23529 td [(it is)37(, b)18(y all accounts)37(, a beautiful morning. w)93(alking up the steps t)18(o the scr)19(een)]tj -0.83219 -1.23529 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(door)111(, y)18(ou look at the thermometer scr)19(e)18(w)19(ed int)19(o one of the building\325)36(s log supports)37(.)]tj t* 0 tc 0.054 tw [(it looks t)19(o be about 22 degr)18(ees in this mottled shade)56(. it\325)37(s a comf)19(ort)18(able tem-)]tj t* 0.138 tw [(per)19(atur)18(e)56(. f)55(or mid-morning it\325)37(s w)19(arm, and while y)18(ou\325r)19(e comf)19(ort)18(able in y)19(our)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(sandals)37(, shorts)36(, and a tee-shirt, the sw)19(eatshirt y)19(ou st)18(arted the da)19(y with comes off)]tj t* 0 tc 0.035 tw [(as y)19(ou w)18(alk int)19(o the lodge)56(. t)87(o gr)19(eet y)19(ou, a light br)18(eez)19(e blo)19(w)19(s thr)18(ough this big)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(scr)19(eened-in building and acr)18(oss y)19(our arms)37(. the little hair)19(s on y)18(our arm mo)19(v)19(e just)]tj 0 -1.2353 td 0 tc -0.005 tw [(enough t)19(o r)18(egister the f)19(act that the atmospher)19(e is mo)18(ving. fr)19(om the periphery)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(come the noises of a typical camp morning: feet running along the gr)19(a)18(v)18(el r)19(oad,)]tj t* 0 tc 0.038 tw [(dist)19(ant shouts betw)18(een cabin mates)37(, and the sound of a sudden gust blo)19(wing)]tj t* 0 tw (thr)tj 1.22192 0 td [(ough the upper boughs of the nearb)19(y white pine)55(.)]tj 0.02833 -1.23528 td 0.008 tc 0.131 tw (the scr)tj 3.31482 0 td (een door slams as a y)tj 10.18851 0 td (oung bo)tj 3.68495 0 td 0.0077 tc (y)tj 0.94348 0 td 0.008 tc [(enter)19(s the building and y)18(ou ar)19(e)]tj -19.38201 -1.2353 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.35107 0 td 0 tw (eminded that this lodge is not a secr)tj 15.70034 0 td (et, the f)tj 3.31456 0 td (or)tj 0.88794 0 td (est path not a surprise t)tj 10.21927 0 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81424 0 td 0 tc (most.)tj -31.28743 -1.23531 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(t)88(oda)19(y)111(, lik)19(e y)19(ester)18(da)19(y)111(,)1( )1(y)20(ou ar)19(e char)18(ged with the r)19(esponsibility t)19(o shar)18(e y)19(our)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw (insights and w)tj 6.10799 0 td (onder of the natur)tj 7.69831 0 td [(al w)19(orld with the camper)18(s who ar)19(e no)19(w joining)]tj -13.8063 -1.2353 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.5 0 td 0 tw (ou in this natur)tj 6.57227 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77786 0 td 0 tc (lodge)tj 2.2778 0 td (.)tj -8.87768 -1.2353 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(\322what ar)19(e w)18(e gonna do t)19(oda)19(y?\323 the bo)18(y asks as the scr)19(een door closes)]tj -1.25025 -1.23529 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw (quickly behind him. bef)tj 9.7632 0.00001 td 0 tw (or)tj 0.83869 0 td -0.0248 tc (e)tj 0.73912 0 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(y)19(ou get a chance t)18(o r)19(eply)111(, he\325)36(s off t)19(o one of the terr)19(aria)]tj -11.34101 -1.2353 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (that y)tj 2.41647 0.00001 td (ou set up earlier this month. \322what\325)tj 15.23421 0.00001 td -0.0068 tc (s)tj 0.68318 0 td -0.007 tc (in her)tj 2.47031 0 td -0.0068 tc (e)tj 0.75725 0 td (t)tj 0.28953 0 td -0.007 tc 0 tw (oda)tj 1.55403 0 td -0.007 tw [(y? is the t)19(oad still her)18(e?\323)]tj -23.40498 -1.23531 td 0 tc 0.091 tw (the questions ar)tj 7.32953 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.8688 0 td 0 tc (coming quickly with little time t)tj 14.17668 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.9056 0 td (r)tj 0.35121 0 td 0 tc (espond. y)tj 4.32614 0 td (ou can sense )tj -27.95796 -1.23531 td 0 tw (his e)tj 1.99951 0 td [(x)19(citement.)]tj -1.20769 -1.2353 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw (the door opens and shuts again, a y)tj 14.79211 0 td (oung girl entering the natur)tj 11.1617 0 td -0.0272 tc (e)tj 0.73679 0 td -0.027 tc (lodge this time)tj 5.97139 0 td 0 tc (.)tj -33.45379 -1.2353 td 0.012 tw (the y)tj 2.40172 0 td (oung girl, hearing the earlier questions)tj 16.70564 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.5677 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (mo)tj 1.40703 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td 0.012 tw (es o)tj 1.73375 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (er t)tj 1.45592 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.82687 0 td 0 tc (the terr)tj 3.19656 0 td (arium and)tj -29.25758 -1.23532 td -0.011 tw [(answ)19(er)18(s the bo)19(y)111(. \322w)93(e caught a kind of fr)18(og y)19(ester)19(da)18(y after w)19(e let the t)19(oad go.\323)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (the girl pauses f)tj 6.78466 0.00001 td (or a moment. \322i think w)tj 10.11551 0 td -0.0165 tc (e)tj 0.74754 0 td -0.016 tc 0 tw (caught\311it\325)tj 4.4846 0 td -0.0165 tc (s)tj 0.67353 0 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (called\311a w)tj 4.82011 0 td 0.001 tw [(o)1(o)1(d)1( f)1(r)20(og?\323 )-1(she)]tj -27.62595 -1.23531 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw (turns t)tj 2.65829 0 td -0.0208 tc (o)tj 0.78006 0 td (y)tj 0.47967 0 td -0.021 tc (ou, looking f)tj 5.11595 0 td (or some sort of agr)tj 7.85634 0 td (eement. y)tj 4.18632 0 td (ou nod y)tj 3.64514 0 td (our head. \322y)tj 5.13062 0.00001 td (eah,\323 she)tj -29.8524 -1.23532 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(continues)37(, \322it w)18(as a w)19(ood fr)19(og. it looks lik)18(e it\325)37(s w)19(earing a black mask. w)92(e)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0.025 tw (caught it behind the junior bo)tj 13.014 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td (s\325 cabins y)tj 4.58703 0 td 0 tw (ester)tj 2.0918 0 td 0.025 tw [(da)19(y)111(. it w)18(as in some moss)37(.\323 she)]tj -20.19283 -1.23531 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (speeds up as she continues t)tj 12.21028 0 td -0.0025 tc (o)tj 0.79849 0 td -0.002 tc 0 tw (shar)tj 1.8235 0 td -0.0024 tc (e)tj 0.76157 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (the st)tj 2.34518 0.00001 td -0.003 tc 0 tw (ory)tj 1.30775 0 td -0.0025 tc (.)tj 0.53945 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (\322it k)tj 1.80938 0 td (ept hopping a)tj 5.89181 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73767 0 td -0.002 tc [(a)19(y)111(. man, w)19(a)1(s)]tj -28.22508 -1.23532 td 0 tc 0 tw [(it har)19(d t)18(o cat)19(ch!\323)]tj 0.82536 -1.23529 td -0.003 tw [(this period, lasting f)19(or an hour)110(, y)19(ou decided will be spent looking f)19(or insects)]tj -0.82536 -1.23529 td 0.042 tw [(along the shor)19(e of the lak)18(e)56(. ine)19(vit)19(ably)110(, y)19(ou\325ll come acr)19(oss other)18(s)37(, lik)19(e a garter)]tj t* -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(snak)19(e sunning itself, or perhaps)36(, if y)19(ou ar)19(e as lucky as y)18(ou w)19(er)19(e last w)18(eek, anoth-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(er garter snak)19(e in the pr)18(ocess of eating a gr)19(een fr)19(og it managed t)19(o cat)18(ch. )]tj 1.2502 -1.2353 td 0.01 tc 0.129 tw [(r)19(egar)19(dless of the final inv)19(ent)18(ory)111(, y)18(ou kno)19(w that the e)19(xperience f)19(or the)]tj -1.2502 -1.2353 td 0 tc -0.002 tw [(camper)19(s her)18(e this morning will be one of disco)19(v)19(ery and e)19(x)18(cit)1(ement. st)18(ories t)19(o)]tj t* 0.006 tw [(answ)19(er the ine)18(vit)19(able \322what is it?\323 will be shar)19(ed as y)18(ou mo)19(v)19(e along the shor)18(e)]tj -0.0054 tc (on)' 1.3641 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(y)19(our hunt. y)79(ou smile at the anticipated enthusiasm and e)19(x)19(citement that y)19(ou)]tj -1.3641 -1.2353 td 0 tc -0.01 tw [(kno)19(w will come of this e)18(xperience)56(. w)93(alking t)18(o)19(w)19(ar)19(ds the door of the cabin, y)19(ou)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (128)tj et q endstream endobj 4 0 obj << /length 9136 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(collect magnifying glasses and nets and gather the gr)19(oup. the bo)19(y)18(s and girls col-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0 tw [(lect outside in a gaggle ar)19(ound y)18(ou.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 217.9001 544.8875 tm 0 g (setting)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 522.0875 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(during the summer of 2003, i had the opportunity t)18(o)1( w)18(ork as the natur)19(e)]tj -1.44 -1.20001 td 0.018 tc 0.121 tw [(instruct)19(or at camp ar)18(o)19(whon, a childr)19(en\325)37(s sleep-)-1(o)19(v)19(er camp, located in)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(algonquin p)56(ark, ont)18(ario. ha)19(ving spent 18 summer)19(s \322)55(a)19(w)19(a)19(y\323 at camp both as)]tj -0.0085 tc (a)' 0.75556 0 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(camper and a st)19(aff member)111(, the summer camp e)18(xperience holds a special)]tj -0.75556 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.072 tw [(place in m)19(y heart. beginning m)18(y post-gr)19(aduate studies)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 313.5931 477.4936 tm 0 g (1)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 319.8726 474.0874 tm 0 g 0.072 tw [(f)19(ocusing on envi-)]tj -24.68726 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(r)19(onment)19(al education and envir)18(onment)19(al thought the pr)19(e)18(vious f)19(all, i decided)]tj -0.0002 tc (i)' 0.5652 0 td 0 tc [(w)19(anted t)18(o r)19(eturn and inv)19(estigate some of m)18(y summer camp e)19(xperiences)37(.)]tj -0.5652 -1.2 td -0.0114 tc (i)tj 0.54842 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(w)19(as inter)18(ested in inv)19(estigating tw)18(o r)19(elated concepts: childr)19(en\325)36(s conceptions)]tj -0.54842 -1.2 td -0.0001 tc (of)tj 1.16233 0 td 0 tc 0.033 tw [(natur)19(e and the r)18(ole of place in the summer camp e)19(xperience)56(. my moti-)]tj -1.16233 -1.2 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(v)18(ation la)19(y in anticipation that the implications of this r)18(esear)19(ch could lead t)19(o)]tj -0.0082 tc (a)' 0.75586 0 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(better under)19(st)18(anding of what natur)19(e is t)19(o the childr)18(en attending camp and)]tj -0.75586 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.11 tw [(an under)19(st)18(anding of the r)19(ole a place lik)19(e summer camp can ha)18(v)19(e in the)]tj t* 0 tw (pr)tj 0.90698 0 td (ocess of connecting t)tj 9.09107 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81475 0 td 0 tc (the \322mor)tj 3.86933 0 td (e-than-human w)tj 7.07397 0 td (orld\323 \(abr)tj 4.25806 0 td (am, 1996\).)tj -24.57416 -1.20002 td -0.006 tc 0.014 tw (although i w)tj 5.42514 0 td [(as the natur)19(e instruct)18(or in the summer of 2003, i could not)]tj -6.86514 -1.20001 td -0.0142 tc (be)tj 1.28321 0 td -0.014 tc -0.008 tw [(e)19(v)19(erywher)18(e at e)19(v)19(ery time t)19(o f)18(acilit)19(ate envir)19(onment)18(al education of one sort)]tj -1.28321 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0.023 tw (or another)tj 4.39301 0 td -0.0058 tc (.)tj 0.56774 0 td -0.006 tc 0 tw (ho)tj 1.2109 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73443 0 td (e)tj 0.47565 0 td -0.006 tc 0.023 tw [(v)18(er)111(, i did ha)19(v)18(e camper)19(s coming up t)18(o me on a daily basis)37(,)]tj -7.38173 -1.20001 td -0.013 tc -0.009 tw [(sharing with me their da)19<79d5>36(s e)19(xperiences as a natur)19(alist: the)18(y shar)19(ed st)19(ories of)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0.031 tw [(snak)19(es the)18(y caught;)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 157.5785 321.4936 tm 0 g (2)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 163.3677 318.0874 tm 0 g -0.006 tc 0.031 tw [(wher)19(e the)18(y had seen bullfr)19(ogs; that the)19(y had caught a)]tj -9.03677 -1.2 td 0 tw (gr)tj 0.83996 0 td 0.076 tw (asshopper and w)tj 7.42098 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.83996 0 td -0.0057 tc (e)tj 0.84288 0 td -0.006 tc 0.076 tw [(k)19(eeping it in a jar)110(. while i w)19(as surprised initially at)]tj -9.94378 -1.20001 td -0.021 tc -0.002 tw [(camper)19(s\325 enthusiasm and engagement with the animals)37(, this enthusiasm con)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.003 tc 0.142 tw [(tinued o)19(v)19(er the summer)111(. these camper)18(s)1( )1(w)20(er)19(e finding the places ar)18(ound)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.015 tw (camp wher)tj 4.77521 0 td -0.0068 tc (e)tj 0.74889 0 td -0.007 tc 0 tw (the)tj 1.33182 0 td -0.0068 tc (y)tj 0.76782 0 td -0.007 tc -0.015 tw (could become their o)tj 8.94782 0 td -0.0068 tc (wn)tj 1.575 0 td -0.007 tc [(natur)19(alists)36(, without instruction or)]tj -18.14656 -1.20001 td -0.031 tc 0.008 tw [(being led. as the summer pr)19(ogr)18(essed, i began noticing ho)19(w import)19(ant the com-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.021 tc -0.001 tw (mon wild animals f)tj 7.94509 0 td (ound ar)tj 3.18209 0 td (ound camp w)tj 5.67023 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.80834 0 td -0.0215 tc (e)tj 0.73417 0 td -0.021 tc -0.001 tw (in the ability t)tj 5.63706 0 td -0.0214 tc (o)tj 0.77128 0 td -0.021 tc (engage and e)tj 5.48242 0 td 0 tw [(x)19(cite)]tj -30.23068 -1.20002 td -0.027 tc 0.005 tw (the camper)tj 4.63874 0 td 0 tc (s)tj 0.36152 0 td -0.0275 tc (.)tj 0.50613 0 td -0.028 tc [(during e)19(xplor)18(ations)37(,)-1( )-1(a)-1(d)-1(v)18(e)-1(n)-1(t)-1(u)-1(r)17(es)37(, and on their o)19(wn, w)18(e w)19(er)19(e most)]tj -5.50639 -1.20001 td -0.032 tc 0.01 tw [(lik)19(ely t)18(o come acr)19(oss individual garter snak)19(es \()]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 259.8129 222.0874 tm 0 g -0.03 tc 0.009 tw [(thamnophis sirt)19(alis)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 336.8091 222.0874 tm 0 g -0.032 tc 0.01 tw (\); spotted sala-)tj -26.38091 -1.2 td -0.012 tc 0 tw (mander)tj 3.29903 0 td -0.0121 tc (s)tj 0.66947 0 td (\()tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 115.527 210.0874 tm 0 g -0.011 tc (amb)tj 1.87392 0 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.45114 0 td -0.011 tc (st)tj 0.69988 0 td -0.01 tw (oma maculatum)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 211.0463 210.0874 tm 0 g -0.012 tc -0.01 tw (\); r)tj 1.14499 0 td (ed efts \()tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.8565 210.0874 tm 0 g -0.011 tc (not)tj 1.39297 0 td -0.01 tw (ophthalmus viridescens)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 364.6404 210.0874 tm 0 g -0.012 tc -0.01 tw (\); other)tj -29.16404 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0.039 tw (common salamander species; gr)tj 13.98981 0 td [(een fr)19(ogs \()]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 258.5991 198.0874 tm 0 g (r)tj 0.6059 0 td -0.005 tc 0.036 tw [(ana clamit)19(ans)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 322.4215 198.0874 tm 0 g -0.006 tc 0.039 tw (\); bullfr)tj 3.08079 0 td (ogs \()tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 373.7005 198.0874 tm 0 g (r)tj 0.6059 0 td -0.005 tc (ana)tj -30.67595 -1.2 td -0.007 tc (catesbeiana)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 120.9252 186.0874 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.015 tw [(\); w)19(ood fr)18(ogs \()]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 181.4226 186.0874 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.014 tw [(r)19(ana sylv)18(atica)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 240.6565 186.0874 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.015 tw [(\); american t)19(oads \()]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.8779 186.0874 tm 0 g -0.007 tc -0.014 tw [(buf)19(o americanus)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 389.3353 186.0874 tm 0 g -0.007 tc (\);)tj -31.63353 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0.057 tw (spring peeper)tj 5.90985 0 td -0.0058 tc (s)tj 0.74942 0 td (\()tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 142.4972 174.0874 tm 0 g -0.005 tc 0.053 tw (pseudacris crucifer)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.2743 174.0874 tm 0 g -0.006 tc 0.057 tw (\); y)tj 1.38637 0 td [(ello)19(w per)18(ch \()]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 290.9176 174.0874 tm 0 g (p)tj 0.53192 0 td -0.005 tc 0.053 tw [(er)19(ca flav)18(escens)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 358.1486 174.0874 tm 0 g -0.006 tc 0.057 tw (\); pump)tj 3.4073 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.92216 -1.2 td -0.019 tc -0.003 tw (kinseed sunfish \()tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 142.4714 162.0874 tm 0 g -0.018 tc -0.003 tw [(l)19(epomis gibbosus)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 213.1033 162.0874 tm 0 g -0.019 tc -0.003 tw [(\); and v)19(arious insects \(of the biting and non-)]tj -14.01033 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0.006 tw [(biting v)19(ariety\). as w)18(e w)19(ould often meet these wild animals on a daily basis)36(,)]tj t* -0.02 tc -0.002 tw (these animals w)tj 6.6737 0.00001 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.81068 0.00001 td -0.0203 tc (e)tj 0.73537 0 td -0.02 tc -0.002 tw (the living beings that made up part of our neighbourhood. )tj -6.77975 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw (ov)tj 1.22217 0 td 0.079 tw (er the cour)tj 4.84268 0 td (se of that summer)tj 8.03429 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.63511 0 td (i)tj 0.6531 0 td 0 tc [(attempted, thr)19(ough the natur)18(e pr)19(o-)]tj -16.8274 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(gr)19(amming, t)18(o pr)19(o)19(vide liv)19(ed e)18(xperience with the mor)19(e-than-human w)18(orld and)]tj t* 0 tc 0.008 tw [(opportunities f)19(or the camper)18(s t)19(o r)19(ef)-1(lect on tho)1(se e)18(xperiences)37(. i hoped that)]tj t* 0 tw (thr)tj 1.2219 0 td -0.013 tw (ough these encounter)tj 9.30631 0.00001 td [(s)37(, camper)19(s w)18(ould ha)19(v)19(e the chance t)18(o feel intimac)19(y)]tj -10.5282 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(\(though the)19(y ma)18(y not call it that\) and gr)19(o)19(w t)18(o v)19(alue their disco)19(v)18(eries as sub-)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 g (129)tj et q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /length 5910 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 g 0.02 tc 0.118 tw [(jects)37(, r)18(ather than objects)37(. fr)19(om these inter)18(actions)37(, m)19(y observ)18(ation of)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.044 tw [(camper)19(s\325 r)18(eactions t)19(o the common wild animals that the)19(y disco)18(v)19(er)19(ed and)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(r)19(e)1(d)1(i)1(s)1(c)1(o)20(v)19(er)19(ed, and in listening t)18(o the camper)19(s i intervie)19(w)19(ed, i belie)19(v)19(e that com-)]tj t* -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(mon wild animals pla)19(y)19(ed an import)18(ant r)19(ole in camper)19(s\325 de)18(v)19(elopment of a r)19(ela-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(tionship with the mor)19(e-than-human w)18(orld.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 168.7651 506.3616 tm 0 g (methodology)tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 37 482.5616 tm 0 g (phenomenography and ethnography )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 463.3616 tm 0 g -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(giv)19(en m)18(y inter)19(est in inv)19(estigating childr)18(en\325)37(s conceptions of natur)19(e and the)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.126 tw [(r)19(ole of place in envir)19(onment)18(al education, i w)19(as inter)19(ested in selecting a)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(methodology that w)19(ould allo)18(w f)19(or the multiple v)19(oices of the intervie)19(w)18(ees and)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(the potential differ)19(ences t)18(o emer)19(ge)56(, be hear)19(d, and not be \322flattened\323 in analy-)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(sis)37(. phenomenogr)18(aph)19(y)111(, wher)19(e the under)19(st)18(anding of the qualit)19(ativ)19(e v)18(ariation)]tj t* 0 tc 0.035 tw [(and discernment of a phenomenon becomes the out)19(come of the r)18(esear)19(ch)]tj t* 0.01 tc 0.129 tw [(\(t)80(rigw)18(ell, 2000\), met these r)19(equir)19(ements)36(. a methodology de)19(v)18(eloped t)19(o)]tj t* 0 tc 0.028 tw [(answ)19(er questions about thinking and learning, phenomenogr)18(aph)19(y aims t)19(o)]tj t* -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(\322identify the multiple conceptions)37(, or meanings)37(, that a particular gr)18(oup of peo-)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(ple ha)19(v)19(e f)18(or particular phenomenon\323 \(or)19(gill, 2002, p. 3\). the r)19(esults of a phe)-1(-)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(nomenogr)19(aphic inquiry ar)18(e a set of \322second or)19(der\323 categories \(richar)19(dson,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(1999\) that attempt t)19(o describe ho)18(w r)19(ele)19(v)19(ant phenomenon )-1(is e)19(xperienced.)]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(when i write of the mor)19(e-than-human w)18(orld, i\325m writing of the biotic and)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(abiotic components that t)19(ogether cr)18(eate the biological communities that ar)19(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0.065 tw [(often called natur)19(e)56(. t)87(o ha)19(v)19(e meaningful kno)19(wledge of these )-1(communit)1(ies)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.133 tw (means t)tj 3.63485 0 td 0.0054 tc (o)tj 0.95921 0 td 0.005 tc 0 tw (ha)tj 1.04816 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.48675 0 td 0.0054 tc (e)tj 0.92222 0 td 0.005 tc (import)tj 2.93986 0 td 0.133 tw (ant kno)tj 3.44979 0 td (wledge acquir)tj 6.20451 0 td (ed at the local le)tj 7.69023 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.48675 0 td 0.005 tc (el. this is)tj -27.82233 -1.20003 td -0.003 tc 0 tw (kno)tj 1.60374 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (wledge that de)tj 6.27804 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.47884 0 td -0.002 tc (elops fr)tj 3.17291 0 td -0.013 tw [(om )-1(in-conte)19(x)1(t)1(,)1( f)1(i)1(r)19(st-hand )-1(e)19(xperiences)37(.)1( a)1(s)1( s)1(u)1(c)1(h)1(,)1( i)]tj -11.53353 -1.20001 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(w)19(as inter)18(ested in a methodology that w)19(ould allo)19(w me t)19(o include and r)19(eflect)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (on these kinds of e)tj 7.89765 0 td 0 tw (xperiences)tj 4.49266 0 td -0.0156 tc (.)tj 0.52644 0 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (camp is a social place and phenomenogr)tj 17.21759 0 td 0 tw (aph)tj 1.54665 0 td 0 tc (y)tj -31.68099 -1.20001 td 0.022 tc 0.248 tw (alone w)tj 3.77298 0 td (as not enough t)tj 7.76148 0 td 0.0221 tc (o)tj 1.10702 0 td 0.022 tc (encapsulate these kinds of engagements)tj 19.28067 0 td 0 tc (.)tj -31.92215 -1.20001 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(e)-1(t)-1(h)-1(n)-1(o)-1(g)-1(r)18(aph)18(y)111(, in its ability t)19(o \322describe a cultur)18(e\323 \(byrne)56(, 200)56(1, p. 82\) and the)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.007 tc 0 tw (origins)tj 2.83679 0 td -0.0074 tc (,)tj 0.53457 0 td (v)tj 0.474 0 td -0.007 tc (alues)tj 2.13074 0 td -0.0074 tc (,)tj 0.53445 0 td (r)tj 0.34399 0 td -0.007 tc (oles)tj 1.63794 0 td -0.0073 tc (,)tj 0.5347 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (and material items associated with that cultur)tj 19.38599 0 td -0.0073 tc (e)tj 0.75667 0 td -0.007 tc 0 tw [(\(byrne)56(,)]tj -29.16984 -1.20002 td -0.002 tc (200)tj 1.60703 0 td -0.012 tw (1\) appear)tj 4.06588 0 td [(ed t)19(o meet m)18(y methodological needs)37(. thus i decided a h)19(ybrid)]tj -5.67291 -1.20001 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(method based on aspects of phenomenogr)19(aph)18(y and ethnogr)19(aph)19(y w)18(ould best)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(suit m)19(y r)18(esear)19(ch goals)37(.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 180.3103 141.7616 tm 0 g (method)tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 37 117.9616 tm 0 g (participant selection and interviews)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 98.7616 tm 0 g -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (when selecting participants f)tj 12.06614 0.00001 td (or this study)tj 5.03489 0.00001 td (,)tj 0.52399 0 td (i)tj 0.54199 0 td (chose a gr)tj 4.2173 0.00001 td (oup of camper)tj 6.07152 0.00001 td (s)tj 0.672 0 td 0 tw (that)tj -30.5678 -1.2 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.3511 0 td (epr)tj 1.407 0 td (esented a cr)tj 5.2402 0 td (oss-section of the lar)tj 8.8877 0.00001 td (ger camp community \(see t)tj 11.99951 0.00001 td (able 1\). )tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (130)tj et q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /length 6060 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 58.5 324 243.765 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 294.4269 tm 0 g -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(t)88(o that end, i selected 14 participants t)18(o intervie)19(w based on a r)19(epr)19(esen-)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.009 tw [(t)19(ation of the camp\325)37(s distribution of gender)110(, age)56(, and nationality)111(. intervie)19(w)19(s)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(t)18(ook place outside on a cabin por)19(ch or in the natur)19(e lodge)55(. it w)19(as import)19(ant)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(t)19(o me that since this w)19(as a study about camper)19(s\325 conceptions of natur)18(e)57(, the)18(y)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(could easily point t)19(o the lak)18(e or a nearb)19(y tr)18(ee and shar)19(e a thought or insight,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(giving the study setting mor)19(e authenticity)110(.)]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.0331 tc (i)tj 0.51858 0 td -0.033 tc 0.011 tw [(e)19(x)19(amined both methodologies and based on m)18(y o)19(wn and other)18(s\325 critiques)37(,)]tj -1.95858 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.015 tw [(appended m)19(y method. specifically)111(, i attempted t)18(o addr)19(ess criticisms of phe-)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0.066 tw [(nomenogr)19(aph)18<79d5>37(s dependence on \322discur)18(siv)19(e accounts\323 \(richar)19(dson, 1999,)]tj t* -0.005 tc 0.144 tw [(p)1(.)-416(68\). based on w)19(ork conducted b)18(y)1( )1(r)20(ejeski (1982), i modified the phe-)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0.023 tw [(nomenogr)19(aphic semi-structur)18(ed intervie)19(w method t)19(o include a set of w)18(ork-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.014 tw [(sheets that w)19(ould allo)18(w participants)37(, if the)19(y wished, t)19(o dr)18(a)19(w their r)19(esponses)36(. )]tj 1.44 -1.2 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw (after v)tj 2.74754 0 td (erbal consent w)tj 6.54735 0 td [(as gr)19(anted on the part of the camper)110(,)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 333.576 153.8331 tm 0 g (3)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 338.8889 150.4269 tm 0 g -0.0215 tc (i)tj 0.53841 0 td (w)tj 0.719 0.00001 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw (ould begin)tj -27.8463 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.003 tw [(b)19(y giving each participant the w)19(orksheets)36(. on t)19(op of those sheets w)19(er)18(e the)]tj 0 -1.2 td (w)tj 0.74376 0.00001 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(or)19(ds \322natur)18(e is\311,\323 \322me and natur)19(e\311\323 and \322camp is\311\323)147(. most partici-)]tj -0.7438 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (pants chose t)tj 5.59535 0.00001 td -0.0074 tc (o)tj 0.79357 0 td -0.007 tc (complete the w)tj 6.55105 0.00001 td (orksheets b)tj 4.87562 0.00001 td -0.0075 tc (y)tj 0.77549 0 td -0.007 tc (writing short answ)tj 7.88865 0.00001 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.8364 0.00001 td -0.0075 tc (s)tj 0.68252 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (and some)tj -27.9986 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.019 tw [(dr)19(e)18(w illustr)19(ations in addition t)19(o their short answ)18(er)19(s)37(. once this activity w)19(as)]tj t* 0.013 tw (completed, i ask)tj 7.13821 0.00001 td [(ed the camper)19(s about their w)18(ork. all dialogue w)19(as r)19(ecor)18(d-)]tj -7.1382 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (ed f)tj 1.6113 0 td (or later tr)tj 4.0123 0.00001 td (anscription and analy)tj 9.27468 0.00001 td (sis as i ask)tj 4.53552 0.00001 td [(ed camper)19(s t)18(o r)19(ead what the)19(y)]tj -19.4338 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(wr)18(ote or describe what the)19(y dr)19(e)19(w)111(, and f)18(ollo)19(w)19(ed up with r)19(elated questions)36(. )]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 g (131)tj et 1 g 97.5 337.199 269.777 255.601 re f q q bt /f13 1 tf 8 0 0 8 286.6699 583.3293 tm 0 g [(p)56(articipant k)37(e)19(y)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 127.3 576.3293 tm 0 g (junior)tj et 0.4 w 0 g 127.3 575.6093 m 147.8781 575.6093 l s bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 147.7277 576.3293 tm (s)tj et 147.7277 575.6093 m 150.9836 575.6093 l s bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 127.3 565.3293 tm -0.0002 tc (7)tj 0.83354 0 td 0 tc [(y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 8 months)37(, m )-13133(jm1)]tj -0.83354 -1.375 td -0.0002 tc (9)tj 0.83354 0 td 0 tc [(y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 4 months)37(, m )-13133(jm2)]tj -0.83354 -2.75 td [(1)56(0 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 5 months)37(, f )-13050(jf1)]tj 0 -1.375 td [(1)56(0 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 7 months)37(, f )-13050(jf2)]tj 0 -2.75 td (intermediates)tj et 127.3 498.6093 m 175.2922 498.6093 l s bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 127.3 488.3293 tm [(1)161(1 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 3 months)37(, m )-12738(im1)]tj 0 -1.375 td [(12 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, m )-17226(im2)]tj t* [(12 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, m )-17226(im3)]tj 0 -2.75 td [(12 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 2 months)37(, f )-12994(if1)]tj 0 -1.375 td [(1)56(0 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 1)56(0 months)37(, f )-12551(if2)]tj t* [(12 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 5 months)37(, f )-12994(if3)]tj 0 -2.75 td (senior)tj et 127.3 399.6094 m 149.3664 399.6094 l s bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 149.216 400.3294 tm (s)tj et 149.216 399.6094 m 152.4719 399.6094 l s bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 127.3 389.3293 tm [(14 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, 6 months)37(, m )-12466(sm1)]tj 0 -1.375 td (14 y)tj 1.88965 0 td [(ear)19(s)37(, 1 month, m )-12855(sm2)]tj -1.88965 -2.75 td (15 y)tj 1.88965 0 td (ear)tj 1.35107 0 td (s)tj 0.38891 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55573 0 td (1)tj 0.83373 0 td 0 tc [(month, f )-13272(sf1)]tj -5.01909 -1.37501 td [(15 y)19(ear)18(s)37(, f )-17531(sf2)]tj et 1 w 95 334.699 274.777 260.601 re s 97 336.699 270.777 256.601 re s 0.125 w 96.185 484.563 m 367.272 484.563 l s 96.185 473.563 m 367.272 473.563 l s 96.185 463.092 m 367.272 463.092 l s 96.185 440.563 m 367.272 440.563 l s 96.185 429.505 m 367.272 429.505 l s 96.185 419.092 m 367.272 419.092 l s 96.185 385.563 m 367.272 385.563 l s 96.185 374.563 m 367.272 374.563 l s 96.185 352.563 m 367.272 352.563 l s 96.185 561.881 m 367.272 561.881 l s 96.185 550.381 m 367.272 550.381 l s 96.185 528.5051 m 367.272 528.5051 l s 96.185 517.351 m 367.272 517.351 l s 1 g 72 303.654 324 23.703 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 108.0698 319.5186 tm 0 g (t)tj 0.40796 0 td (able 1. age)tj 4.76025 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55584 0 td 0 tc [(gender)111(, and camper selection of participants)36(.)]tj et q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /length 5130 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 587.9617 tm 0 g 0.03 tw [(once the)19(y had finished describing their w)18(orksheets)37(, i began t)19(o ask the)]tj -1.44 -1.2 td 0 tw [(questions i had de)19(v)18(eloped \(see t)148(able 2\). )]tj 1.8 -33.60001 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.63517 0 td 0 tc 0.061 tw [(paid special attention thr)19(oughout the hour-long intervie)18(w pr)19(ocess t)19(o)]tj -2.43517 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0 tw (ensur)tj 2.30656 0 td -0.0163 tc (e)tj 0.74769 0 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (that m)tj 2.73873 0 td -0.0163 tc (y)tj 0.76665 0 td -0.016 tc [(intervie)19(w style allo)18(w)20(ed as full and descriptiv)18(e answ)19(er)18(s as pos-)]tj -6.55963 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.011 tw [(sible)56(. i also attempted t)18(o get the most det)19(ail possible fr)19(om the participants)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(thr)19(ough the use of pr)18(obing techniques)37(, such as f)19(ollo)18(w-up questions and)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (questions that w)tj 7.06761 0 td [(er)19(e r)18(elated t)19(o a participant\325)37(s answ)18(er but not necessarily on)]tj -7.06761 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(the sheet of questions t)19(o be ask)18(ed.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 37 152.5617 tm 0 g (transcription and coding of data)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 133.3616 tm 0 g 0.0215 tc (i)tj 0.73427 0 td 0.022 tc 0.117 tw [(tr)19(anscribed the intervie)18(w)20(s)1( )1(m)19(y)20(self, pa)18(ying particular attention t)19(o)]tj -2.53427 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(accur)19(ately r)18(eflect the emotions and emphasis of the participants \(ashw)19(orth)]tj -0.0179 tc (&)' 0.9681 0 td (l)tj 0.4634 0 td -0.018 tc 0 tw (ucas)tj 1.8176 0 td -0.0179 tc (,)tj 0.5241 0 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (2000\). if a camper laughed, i w)tj 13.02841 0.00001 td (ould include that in the tr)tj 10.48416 0.00001 td 0 tw (anscription.)tj -27.2858 -1.2 td 0.004 tw [(if a camper w)19(as emphasizing a point, i it)18(aliciz)19(ed those w)19(o)1(r)19(ds which had f)19(o)1(r)20(ce)]tj t* 0 tc 0.031 tw [(behind them. while i paid attention t)19(o the emotions and emphasis)36(, i ma)19(y)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0 tw (ha)tj 1.0255 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4754 0 td -0.0059 tc (e)tj 0.7581 0 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw (missed meaning that another w)tj 13.53846 0.00001 td [(ould ha)19(v)18(e pick)19(ed up due t)19(o differ)18(ences)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (132)tj et 1 g 42 279.511 310.767 285.122 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 50.2 550.7944 tm 0 g [(1.)-517(t)88(ell me about what y)19(ou wr)19(ote / dr)18(e)19(w)111(.)]tj 0 -1.375 td [(2.)-517(what is natur)19(e?)]tj t* [(3.)-517(do y)19(ou car)19(e about natur)18(e)56(, if at all?)]tj t* [(4.)-517(what do y)19(ou think natur)19(e includes?)]tj t* [(5.)-517(do y)19(ou think y)19(ou ar)18(e a part of natur)19(e?)]tj 1.8 -1.375 td [(a. ho)19(w ar)18(e y)19(ou a part of natur)19(e?)]tj t* [(b)56(. ho)19(w ar)18(e y)19(ou differ)18(ent fr)19(om natur)19(e? )]tj -1.8 -1.375 td [(6.)-517(ha)19(v)19(e y)19(ou e)18(xperienced natur)19(e? wher)19(e?)]tj t* [(7.)-517(ha)19(v)19(e y)19(ou e)18(xperienced natur)19(e at camp? wher)19(e?)]tj t* [(8.)-517(ha)19(v)19(e y)19(ou e)18(xperienced natur)19(e at home? wher)19(e?)]tj 1.8 -1.375 td [(a. is natur)19(e differ)18(ent at camp than it is at home? ho)19(w?)]tj -1.8 -1.375 td -0.011 tc [(9)-11(.)-528(when comparing camp and home)56(, is ther)19(e one place that\325)37(s mor)18(e natur)19(al? wh)19(y? )]tj t* 0 tc [(1)67(0)11(.)-38(in y)19(our e)18(xperience)56(, is natur)19(e something that y)18(ou e)19(xperience y)19(our)18(self or with )]tj 1.8 -1.375 td (other people?)tj -1.8 -1.375 td [(1)161(1.)-122(do y)19(ou ha)19(v)19(e a f)18(a)19(v)19(ourite out)18(door place at camp, if an)19(y?)]tj t* [(12.)-411(what do y)19(ou think community is?)]tj t* [(13.)-411(do y)19(ou think that natur)19(e is a community?)]tj 1.8 -1.375 td (a. what kind of community?)tj -1.8 -1.375 td [(14.)-411(in y)19(our y)19(ear)18(s at camp, ha)19(v)19(e y)19(ou disco)18(v)19(er)19(ed an)18(ything about natur)19(e?)]tj 1.8 -1.375 td (a. what ha)tj 4.6853 0 td [(v)19(e y)18(ou disco)19(v)19(er)19(ed?)]tj -4.6853 -1.375 td (b)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55562 0 td 0 tc (did y)tj 2.29643 0 td [(ou disco)19(v)18(er it y)19(our)19(self?)]tj -3.35205 -1.37501 td [(c)19(. w)92(as it import)19(ant?)]tj -1.8 -1.375 td (15.)tj 1.8 0 td (ho)tj 1.22192 0 td -0.0002 tc (w)tj 1.03666 0 td 0 tc (ar)tj 0.85104 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77783 0 td 0 tc (natur)tj 2.27686 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77783 0 td 0 tc (and camp connected, if at all? )tj -8.74214 -1.37502 td [(16.)-411(what does it mean t)19(o be a part of natur)19(e?)]tj 0 -1.375 td [(17.)-411(ho)19(w is camp import)19(ant t)18(o y)19(ou, if at all?)]tj et 1 w 0 g 39.5 277.01 315.767 290.123 re s 41.5 279.01 311.767 286.123 re s 1 g 36 248.448 324 21.388 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 99.8616 261.9974 tm 0 g [(t)148(able 2. semi\320structur)19(ed intervie)18(w questions)37(.)]tj et q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /length 5673 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 g 0.02 tw [(in interpr)19(et)18(ation. ho)19(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)110(, because i did attempt t)19(o pa)19(y attention t)18(o these)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.022 tc 0.187 tw [(char)19(acteristics as i tr)18(anscribed, i belie)19(v)19(e this led t)18(o a higher-quality)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.127 tw [(tr)19(anscription. since phenomenogr)18(aph)19(y concerns itself with second-or)19(der)]tj t* 0.037 tw [(kno)19(wledge)55(, i did not code the actual dr)19(a)19(wings or te)19(xt of the w)18(orksheets: i)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(r)19(elied on the v)19(erbal description pr)18(o)19(vided b)19(y the participant in the intervie)19(w)111(.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.046 tw [(when coding animals that w)19(er)18(e mentioned in intervie)19(w)19(s)37(, i w)19(ork)18(ed t)19(o)]tj -1.8 -1.20001 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(accur)19(ately r)18(eflect the distinct categories of description used b)19(y the camper)19(s)37(.)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(this meant that r)19(ather than coding f)18(or species of animals)37(, i f)19(o)-1(cused on coding)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw (animal )tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 105.4048 491.9616 tm 0 g [(kinds)37(.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 129.8384 495.3679 tm 0 g (4)tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 464.5616 tm 0 g (analysis)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 445.3616 tm 0 g -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(t)87(o analyz)19(e the dat)19(a associated with the phenomenogr)18(aphical inv)19(estigation)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.017 tw [(of concepts of natur)19(e)56(, i attempted t)18(o structur)19(e the dat)19(a int)18(o coher)19(ent cate-)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(gories of description, w)19(orking t)18(o a)19(v)18(oid \322pr)19(ematur)19(e closur)18(e f)19(or the sak)19(e of pr)18(o-)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(ducing logically and hier)19(ar)18(chically-r)19(elated categories of description\323 \(ashw)19(orth)]tj -0.0001 tc (&)' 0.99018 0 td 0 tc -0.01 tw [(l)19(ucas)36(, 2000, p. 300\). i analyz)19(ed dat)19(a collected in intervie)18(w)19(s and thr)19(ough)]tj -0.99018 -1.2 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(participant observ)19(ation. giv)18(en m)19(y hist)19(ory and participation within the camp)]tj t* 0 tc -0.008 tw [(setting, i also used m)19(y o)18(wn hist)19(orical and conte)19(xtual kno)18(wledge t)19(o analyz)19(e)]tj t* 0 tw [(this dat)19(a and de)18(v)19(elop theory fr)19(om it.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 117.9656 327.7616 tm 0 g (relationship to place and nature: through animals)tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 303.9616 tm 0 g (nature and camp: embodiment and animal others)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 284.7616 tm 0 g 0.0028 tc (in)tj 1.29245 0 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw (the e)tj 2.28037 0 td [(xperiences of the camp ar)19(o)19(whon camper)18(s intervie)19(w)19(ed, the)]tj -5.37282 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.014 tw [(basis f)19(or all e)18(xperiences at camp is the r)19(elationship that e)19(xists betw)19(een the)]tj t* 0.003 tw [(member)19(s of the community)110(. a)37(t fir)19(st glance)56(, this means that import)18(ant and)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0 tw (integr)tj 2.37796 0 td 0.006 tw [(al t)19(o camper)18(s\325 e)19(xperiences ar)19(e the r)18(elationships that the)19(y mak)19(e with the)]tj -2.37796 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(counsellor)19(s)37(, camper)18(s)37(, and instruct)19(or)19(s that surr)18(ound them. equally as impor-)]tj 0 tc (t)' 0.29013 0 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw (ant t)tj 1.92494 0 td -0.0061 tc (o)tj 0.79491 0 td -0.006 tc (these camper)tj 5.75309 0 td (s\325 e)tj 1.43072 0 td [(xperience is the connection the)19(y mak)18(e t)19(o place that)]tj -10.19379 -1.20001 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(surr)19(ounds camp, often thr)18(ough common wild animals)37(. this kind of connection)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(speaks t)19(o a corpor)18(eal kno)19(wledge of the camp itself, and thr)19(ough that embod-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.054 tw (iment, a connection t)tj 9.40012 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.86838 0 td 0 tc (the mor)tj 3.47909 0 td (e-than-human w)tj 7.12759 0 td [(orld. thus)37(, f)18(or camper)19(s)37(, it)]tj -20.87518 -1.20001 td 0.044 tw [(appear)19(s as though their concepts of natur)18(e and place ar)19(e intertwined. f)56(or)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0 tw (some)tj 2.23173 0 td -0.0161 tc (,)tj 0.52583 0 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(such as this 1)56(0-y)18(ear-old female)56(, camp, as the)19(y kno)19(w it, w)18(ould not e)19(xist)]tj -2.75756 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (if natur)tj 3.12842 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.77762 0 td 0 tc [(w)19(as not ar)18(ound:)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 109 130.2616 tm 0 g (jf1:)tj 4.23529 0.00001 td (uh, it w)tj 3.37012 0.00001 td (ould just be a bunch of buildings)tj 14.01953 0.00001 td (.)tj -21.6249 -1.2353 td [(g:)-3328(y)80(eah, y)19(eah. and what w)18(ould that be lik)19(e?)]tj t* (jf1:)tj 4.23529 0.00001 td (boring, v)tj 3.86914 0.00001 td (ery boring. [laughs])tj -8.1044 -1.2353 td (g:)tj 4.23529 0.00001 td (boring?)tj -4.2353 -1.2353 td [(jf1:)-2569(if natur)19(e w)18(asn\325t her)19(e)56(, ther)19(e w)18(ouldn\325t e)19(v)19(en be a nice lak)18(e t)19(o swim in)]tj 4.23529 -1.23529 td (and tr)tj 2.57373 0.00001 td (ees t)tj 1.99975 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81471 0 td 0 tc (um, mak)tj 3.87035 0.00001 td (e)tj 0.44409 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55566 0 td (e)tj 0.48121 0.00001 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (en mak)tj 3.24072 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77773 0 td 0 tc (cabins with. )tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 g (133)tj et q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /length 6417 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.021 tc -0.002 tw [(p)55(erhaps one of the str)19(ongest connections betw)19(een a camper\325)37(s conception)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.015 tc -0.007 tw [(of natur)19(e and camp can be seen in the w)18(or)19(ds of this 12-y)19(ear-old female (if3):)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 553.4617 tm 0 g -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.57485 0 td 0 tc 0.001 tw [(learn something ne)19(w e)18(v)19(ery y)19(ear that i come her)18(e and, lik)19(e)56(, e)19(v)19(ery y)18(ear some-)]tj -0.57485 -1.23529 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(thing st)19(a)18(y)18(s the same with me about natur)19(e is)37(, i guess)36(, the smell of e)19(v)18(erything is)]tj t* 0 tc -0.004 tw [(alw)19(a)18(y)19(s the same)56(. when y)19(ou go t)19(o camp and y)18(ou w)19(alk off the bus)37(, and y)18(ou see)]tj t* 0.132 tw [(e)19(v)19(ery)18(one ther)19(e smiling and looking at y)19(ou and then y)18(ou\325r)19(e w)19(aiting f)18(or that)]tj 0 -1.2353 td -0.013 tw [(moment t)19(o see what cabin y)18(ou\325r)19(e in. and y)19(ou get off the bus and immediately)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(y)19(ou smell the camp, lik)19(e that\325)37(s just m)18(y)1( )1(f)20(a)19(v)19(ourite moment, lik)19(e)1( )1(w)20(alking off the bus)]tj t* -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(and smelling camp and r)19(ealizing e)19(v)18(erything and r)19(ecognizing all the tr)19(ees and stuff.)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(lik)19(e y)18(ou can kno)19(w wher)19(e each tr)18(ee is e)19(v)19(ery time y)18(ou come her)19(e)56(, y)18(ou r)19(ecogniz)19(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (it and stuff.)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 445.4616 tm 0 g -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(camp, f)19(or her)110(, is mor)19(e than just friends or activities)37(. this camper kno)18(w)20(s)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(she\325)37(s arriv)18(ed at camp when she steps off the bus and r)19(ecogniz)19(es \322)56(all the tr)18(ees)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(and stuff.\323 mor)19(e so, she goes on t)18(o link the import)19(ance of natur)19(e and place)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(f)19(or her b)19(y sa)18(ying that \322y)19(ou can kno)19(w wher)18(e each tr)19(ee is e)19(v)19(ery time y)18(ou come)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.014 tw [(her)19(e)56(,)1( )1(y)19(ou r)19(ecogniz)19(e it and stuff.\323 scent, sight, and f)18(amiliarity of people and)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tw [(tr)19(ees all add t)18(o her embodied kno)19(wledge of camp and place)56(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (these embodied e)tj 7.75112 0 td [(xperiences not only connect the camper t)19(o camp, but)]tj -9.55112 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.125 tw [(connect the camper t)19(o the natur)18(al w)19(orld. in this case)56(, camp and natur)19(e)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(become synon)19(ymous)36(. being a)19(w)19(ar)19(e of the place wher)18(e w)19(e ar)18(e r)19(equir)19(es mor)18(e)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(than a look at a map and a glance about. this a)19(w)19(ar)18(eness r)19(equir)19(es appr)18(oach-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.039 tw [(ing the w)19(orld and altering one\325)36(s per)19(spectiv)19(e so as t)18(o giv)19(e significance and)]tj t* 0.023 tw (meaning t)tj 4.39234 0 td -0.0003 tc (o)tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 89.2975 313.4616 tm 0 g (all)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 102.4664 313.4616 tm 0 g 0.023 tw (that which is within our w)tj 11.37014 0 td (orld. our selv)tj 5.87819 0 td (es and the w)tj 5.56813 0 td (orld in)tj -29.3631 -1.20001 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(which w)19(e inhabit ar)18(e deeply connected \(abr)19(am, 1996\). if r)19(eality comes)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.11 tw [(fr)19(om the \322mutual inscription of other)18(s in m)19(y e)18(xperience)56(, and \(as i must)]tj t* -0.008 tw (assume\) of m)tj 5.83505 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td (self in their e)tj 5.605 0 td [(xperiences\323 \(abr)19(am, 1996, p. 39\), part of what)]tj -11.94005 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(mak)19(es camp r)18(eal is the f)19(amiliarity of those ar)19(ound y)18(ou. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.004 tc 0.134 tw [(while abr)19(am\325)36(s per)19(spectiv)19(e has obvious e)18(xtension t)19(o camper)19(s\325 e)18(xis-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw (tence in the liv)tj 6.0245 0 td (es of the other human member)tj 12.94889 0 td -0.0235 tc (s)tj 0.66652 0 td -0.023 tc [(of the camp community)111(,)1( )1(i)1( )1(a)1(l)1(s)1(o)]tj -19.63991 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.012 tw [(hear)19(d in camper)18(s\325 st)19(ories the inclusion of local common wild animals)37(. this)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(is striking because it has been suggested that the loss of meaningful cont)18(act)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw (with animals has led t)tj 9.0482 0 td -0.0201 tc (o)tj 0.78086 0 td (a)tj 0.74386 0 td -0.02 tc [(st)19(ate in which animals ar)18(e \322incr)19(easingly endanger)19(ed)]tj -10.57292 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(in our minds and in our dir)19(ect e)18(xperiences\323 \(f)56(a)18(w)19(cett, 2002, p. 126\). of the)]tj t* 0 tc -0.011 tw [(14 childr)19(en that i spok)18(e t)19(o, 13 t)19(alk)18(ed about animals in their intervie)19(w)19(s \(see)]tj t* 0 tw [(t)148(able 3 f)19(or the v)18(ariety of kinds mentioned\). )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(as i shar)19(ed earlier)110(, i had camper)19(s appr)19(oaching me daily with animal st)19(o-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (ries)tj 1.51758 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.66163 0 td 0 tc (sightings)tj 3.77703 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.66166 0 td 0 tc 0.106 tw [(and in some cases)37(, the animals themselv)18(es)37(. it appear)19(s as)]tj -6.6179 -1.20001 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(though f)19(or these camper)18(s)38(, their e)18(xperiences of the mor)19(e-than-human w)18(orld)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.0001 tc (not)tj 1.69663 0 td 0 tc -0.007 tw [(only r)19(e)18(v)19(er)19(ses the e)19(xperiential endangerment f)55(a)19(w)19(cett (2002) describes)37(,)]tj -1.6966 -1.2 td 0 tw [(but also connects them t)19(o the place of camp.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.01 tw [(in f)19(act, i w)18(ould suggest that not only do these inter)19(actions with common)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0.023 tw [(wild animals intr)19(oduce camper)18(s t)19(o the life ar)18(ound them, those animal liv)19(es)]tj t* 0.1 tw [(serv)19(e as agents f)18(or childr)19(en t)19(o engage with the gr)18(eater natur)19(al w)19(orld that)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (134)tj et q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /length 5682 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 207.32 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 262.4816 tm 0 g 0.004 tc 0.134 tw [(s)1(u)1(r)1(r)20(o)1(u)1(n)1(d)1(s)1( t)1(h)1(e)1(m)1( a)1(t)1( c)1(a)1(m)1(p)1(.)1( i)1( w)19(ould )-1(suggest )-1(that )-1(these )-1(engagements )-1(with)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.031 tc 0.009 tw [(common wild animals act as a conceptual handhold on which a child can mo)19(v)19(e)]tj t* -0.02 tc -0.002 tw [(on t)19(o engage with the mor)18(e abstr)19(act aspects of \322otherness)37(.\323 in turn, camper)18(s)37(,)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0 tw [(such as this 1)161(1-y)18(ear-old male)56(, e)19(xperience and learn po)18(w)19(erful lessons: )]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 109 203.9816 tm 0 g [(im1:)-2291(i r)19(emember seeing m)18(y fir)19(st fr)19(og in natur)18(e at camp\311)]tj 0 -1.23529 td [(g:)-3328(what does that mean t)19(o see\321had y)19(ou seen fr)18(ogs bef)19(or)18(e?)]tj t* [(im1:)-2291(y)80(es)37(.)]tj t* [(g:)-3328(what does\321what does it mean t)19(o see y)18(our fir)19(st fr)19(og in natur)18(e?)]tj t* (io1:)tj 4.23529 0 td [(p)56(eople\321i\325v)19(e seen pictur)18(es of fr)19(ogs)37(, i kno)18(w what fr)19(ogs look lik)19(e)56(, but)]tj 0 -1.2353 td (i\325v)tj 1.05493 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77787 0 td 0 tc (ne)tj 1.05514 0.00001 td [(v)19(er seen a liv)19(e fr)18(og and then i came t)19(o camp and i w)19(as)]tj -2.88794 -1.23531 td [(e)19(xploring one da)19(y in the w)18(etland and sa)19(w a fr)19(og.)]tj -4.23529 -1.23529 td [(g:)-3328(y)80(eah? and what w)19(as that lik)19(e?)]tj t* (im1:)tj 4.23529 0.00001 td (it w)tj 1.62866 0.00001 td (as just, \322w)tj 4.57275 0.00001 td (o)tj 0.51807 0.00001 td [(w)111(. this is what a fr)19(og is)36(. ho)19(w it looks lik)19(e)56(. a fr)18(og in)]tj -6.71948 -1.23532 td [(r)19(eal life and it\325)37(s a fr)18(og in )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 236.4393 109.4817 tm 0 g (its )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 247.2967 109.4817 tm 0 g [(life)56<2ed3>]tj -16.2702 -1.2353 td [(g:)-3328(mmm, inter)19(esting, a fr)19(og in its life)55(. so what does that mean, t)19(o see)]tj 4.23529 -1.23529 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77776 0 td 0 tc (fr)tj 0.66609 0.00001 td (og in its life?)tj -5.6791 -1.2353 td [(im1:)-2291(um\311)]tj t* [(g:)-3328(wh)19(y is that import)18(ant?)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 g (135)tj et 1 g 85.989 271.708 301.642 319.847 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 96.0182 584.7426 tm 0 g -0.022 tc [(c)-22(a)-22(t)-22(e)-22(g)-22(o)-22(r)-22(y)-22( )-22(o)-22(f)-22( )-22-22(k)-22(i)-22(n)-22(d)-22-6562(number of camper)18(s who mention the \322kind\323)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.7886 571.8987 tm 0 g (insects)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 131.9886 561.6987 tm 0 g 11.249 tw (ants 1)tj 0 -1.19999 td 0 tw [(butterflies)-9008(2)]tj 0 -1.2 td 8.343 tw [(caterpillar)19(s 1)]tj 0 -1.19999 td 0 tw [(cockr)19(oaches)-8028(1)]tj 0 -1.2 td 10.101 tw (insects 1)tj t* 0 tw [(pr)19(a)18(ying mantis)-6861(1)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.7886 500.4988 tm 0 g (herptiles )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 131.9886 490.2989 tm 0 g [(cr)19(ocodiles)-9010(1)]tj 0 -1.2 td 10.935 tw [(fr)19(ogs 3)]tj t* 0 tw [(liz)19(ar)18(ds)-10565(1)]tj t* [(salamander)19(s)-7879(1)]tj t* [(snak)19(es)-10416(1)]tj 0 -1.19999 td [(t)19(oads)-11027(1)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.7886 429.099 tm 0 g (mammals)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 131.9886 418.899 tm 0 g 8.286 tw (chipmunks 1)tj 0 -1.2 td 10.269 tw [(hor)19(ses 1)]tj t* 9.582 tw (humans 5)tj t* 0 tw [(mammals)-9008(2)]tj 0 -1.19999 td [(squirr)19(els)-9677(2)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.7886 367.8991 tm 0 g (annelids)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 131.9886 357.6991 tm 0 g [(leeches)-10156(1)]tj 0 -1.2 td [(w)19(orms)-10380(1)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.7886 337.2991 tm 0 g (fish)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 131.9886 327.0992 tm 0 g 11.508 tw (fish 2)tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.7886 316.8992 tm 0 g [(bir)19(ds)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 131.9886 306.6992 tm 0 g [(bir)19(ds)-11194(3)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 86.9886 286.6992 tm 0 g -0.017 tc [(t)148(able 3. summary of the \322kinds\323 of animals mentioned b)18(y camper)19(s)37(.)]tj et 1 w 0 g 89.274 301.379 276.859 293.921 re s 91.274 303.379 272.859 289.921 re s 91.774 568.8821 m 363.274 568.8821 l s 91.774 559.186 m 363.274 559.186 l s 91.774 548.744 m 363.274 548.744 l s 91.774 538.8 m 363.274 538.8 l s 91.774 528.358 m 363.274 528.358 l s 91.774 518.911 m 363.274 518.911 l s 91.774 508.469 m 363.274 508.469 l s 91.774 498.525 m 363.274 498.525 l s 91.774 488.58 m 363.274 488.58 l s 91.774 477.89 m 363.274 477.89 l s 91.774 468.691 m 363.274 468.691 l s 91.774 458.25 m 363.274 458.25 l s 91.774 437.615 m 363.274 437.615 l s 91.774 447.808 m 363.274 447.808 l s 91.774 427.422 m 363.274 427.422 l s 91.774 417.477 m 363.274 417.477 l s 91.774 407.036 m 363.274 407.036 l s 91.774 397.091 m 363.274 397.091 l s 91.774 387.147 m 363.274 387.147 l s 91.774 377.202 m 363.274 377.202 l s 91.774 366.761 m 363.274 366.761 l s 91.774 356.816 m 363.274 356.816 l s 91.774 346.872 m 363.274 346.872 l s 91.774 336.43 m 363.274 336.43 l s 91.774 325.74 m 363.274 325.74 l s 91.774 316.044 m 363.274 316.044 l s 209.774 568.385 m 209.774 508.221 l s 209.774 498.276 m 209.774 438.112 l s 209.774 427.173 m 209.774 377.451 l s 209.774 367.009 m 209.774 347.12 l s 209.774 336.039 m 209.774 325.243 l s 209.774 315.795 m 209.774 304.999 l s 2 w 91.344 580.815 m 363.783 580.815 l s q endstream endobj 11 0 obj << /length 6550 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73 588.9874 tm 0 g [(im1:)-2291(it\325)37(s import)18(ant because)56(, ah, if y)19(ou look at the fr)19(og and y)18(ou see wher)19(e)]tj 4.23529 -1.23529 td [(it\325)37(s jumping ar)18(ound, y)19(ou kno)19(w wher)18(e it liv)19(es)37(, y)18(ou kno)19(w that it)]tj t* [(kno)19(w)19(s what it\325)36(s looking f)19(or and wher)19(e it\325)36(s going. um, and fr)19(ogs)37(,)]tj t* [(fr)19(ogs ar)18(e just funn)19(y)111(. the)19(y just jump, jump, jump.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 533.4874 tm 0 g -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(coming t)19(o e)18(xperience a fr)19(og fir)19(st-hand led t)19(o a po)18(w)20(erful moment in this)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0.011 tc 0.128 tw [(camper\325)37(s under)18(s)1(t)20(anding of fr)19(ogs)36(. this bo)19(y has no)19(w e)18(xperienced man)19(y)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(things about this fr)19(og\325)36(s e)19(xistence fir)19(st-hand. he has w)19(alk)18(ed thr)19(ough the)]tj t* 0 tc -0.001 tw [(w)19(etland wher)19(e the fr)18(og liv)19(es)37(, felt the same w)18(ater on his legs and got t)19(o see)]tj t* 0.041 tw [(what a fr)19(og r)18(eally looks lik)19(e)56(. r)18(ather than living passiv)19(ely in the pages of a)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(b)1(o)1(o)1(k)1(,)1( t)1(h)1(i)1(s)1( b)1(o)20(y)1( c)1(a)1(n)1( n)1(o)19(w )-1(denote )-1(per)19(sonal )-1(e)19(xperience )-1(and )-1(agenc)18(y)1( t)20(o)1( f)1(r)20(o)1(g)1(s)11( e)19(x)1(i)1(s)1(-)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(tence)56(.)1( )1(i)1(t)1( )1(i)1(s)1( )1(t)1(h)1(r)19(ough their identification with those common wild animals)37(,)1( )1(a)1(s)]tj t* 0 tc -0.011 tw [(ev)19(ernden (1992) has written, that one \322discloses one\325)37(s o)18(wn e)19(xistence)56(. lik)18(e)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(the tr)19(a)19(v)19(eler in a f)19(o)1(r)19(eign land who suddenly becomes a)19(w)20(a)1(r)19(e)1( )1(o)1(f)1( )1(h)1(i)1(s)1( )1(o)1(r)1( )1(h)1(e)1(r)1( )1(o)20(w)1(n)]tj t* [(cultur)19(al assumptions because the)18(y ar)19(e no longer shar)19(ed b)19(y e)18(v)19(ery)19(one ar)18(ound,)]tj t* 0 tc 0.002 tw [(the child becomes a)19(w)19(ar)18(e of itself thr)19(ough the e)19(xperience of the otherness\323)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(\(p. 1)161(12\). these living beings ar)18(e no longer abstr)19(act thoughts or objects)37(. this)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(camper has attended t)19(o the fr)19(og and no)18(w kno)19(w)19(s \322wher)19(e it liv)18(es)37(,\323 \322what it\325)37(s)]tj t* 0.009 tc 0.13 tw (looking f)tj 3.95048 0 td [(or and wher)19(e it\325)36(s going.\323 sensuous)37(, embodied kno)19(wledge and)]tj -3.95048 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.04 tw [(attention t)19(o those other)18(s ar)19(ound y)19(ou allo)18(w y)19(ou t)19(o become a)18(w)19(ar)19(e of place)56(.)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0 tw (thus)tj 2.04537 0 td 0.0018 tc (,)tj 0.69662 0 td (i)tj 0.71462 0 td 0.002 tc (belie)tj 2.04646 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.48314 0 td 0.0019 tc (e)tj 0.91869 0 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(that ther)19(e e)18(xists a r)19(elationship betw)19(een their concept of)]tj -6.90489 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(natur)19(e)56(, animals)36(, and themselv)19(es)37(.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 37 314.0874 tm 0 g (importance of unstructured discovery)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 294.8874 tm 0 g -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(camper)19(s\325 inter)18(action with, and e)19(xperience of common wild animals in)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(their daily life not only came fr)19(o)1(m)1( )1(f)19(ormal camp \322natur)19(e)11( )1(p)1(r)19(o)1(g)1(r)20(amming, but)]tj t* 0 tc -0.012 tw (also fr)tj 2.63501 0 td (om acts of disco)tj 6.9988 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(ery and unstructur)19(ed pla)18(y)111(. while the f)19(ocus at camp)]tj -10.11501 -1.20001 td -0.014 tc 0 tw [(ar)19(o)18(whon is on structur)19(ed inter)18(est gr)19(oups)37(, ther)18(e still r)19(emains time in the daily)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(schedule \(up t)19(o f)18(our hour)19(s in a da)18(y\) f)19(or camper)19(s t)18(o pla)19(y and hang out on their)]tj 0 tc (o)' 0.51807 0 td 0 tw (wn. these activities)tj 8.46191 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55566 0 td 0 tc [(mor)19(e often than not, occur out)18(door)19(s)37(. )]tj -7.73564 -1.20001 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.60117 0 td 0 tc 0.027 tw [(belie)19(v)18(e that this access t)19(o, and time spent in what camper)19(s consider)]tj -2.40117 -1.2 td 0.012 tw [(natur)19(e is import)18(ant in the de)19(v)19(elopment of an a)19(w)19(ar)18(eness of the mor)19(e-than-)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.13 tw (human w)tj 4.26411 0 td 0.009 tc [(orld. inter)19(estingly)110(,)1( )1(c)1(h)1(i)1(l)1(d)1(r)20(en and y)19(o)1(u)1(t)1(h)1(,)1( )1(o)1(n)1( )1(a)20(v)19(e)1(r)19(age in canada,)]tj -4.26411 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.029 tw [(spend 8 t)19(o 9% of their time out)18(door)19(s \(l)19(eech, wilb)18(y)111(, mcmullen, & l)19(aporte)56(,)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.014 tw (1997\). little is said in this r)tj 10.98448 0 td [(esear)19(ch on the structur)18(e of that time)56(, ho)19(w)18(e)19(v)18(er)111(, w)18(ork)]tj -10.98448 -1.2 td -0.0001 tc (in)tj 1.12743 0 td 0 tc 0.017 tw [(the united st)19(ates suggests that childr)18(en only spend half an hour a w)19(eek)]tj -1.12743 -1.2 td -0.014 tc -0.001 tw [(out)19(door)18(s participating in unstructur)19(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(a)-1(c)-1(t)-1(i)-1(v)-1(i)-1(t)-1(i)-1(e)-1(s)-1( )-1(\()-1(h)-1(o)-1(f)-1(f)-1(e)-1(r)-1(t)-1(h)-1( )-1(&)-1( )-1(s)-1(a)-1(n)-1(d)-1(b)-1(e)-1(r)18(g, 200)56(1\).)]tj 0 tc (r)' 0.60861 0.00001 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (ecent r)tj 2.95201 0.00001 td [(esear)19(ch in the field of significant life e)18(xperience has suggested that)]tj -3.56062 -1.20001 td 0.017 tc 0.122 tw [(\322participation with \324wild\325 natur)19(e bef)18(or)19(e age 1)161(1 is a particularly potent)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(pathw)19(a)18(y t)19(o)18(w)19(ar)18(d shaping both envir)19(onment)19(al attitudes and beha)18(vior)19(s in)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.132 tw [(adulthood\323 \(w)93(ells & l)18(ekies)37(, 2006, p. 12\). while this ma)19(y seem lik)18(e an)]tj t* 0.022 tc 0.141 tw [(obvious st)19(atement f)18(or those in the field of envir)19(onment)19(al education,)]tj t* 0 tc -0.009 tw [(inter)19(esting in this r)18(esear)19(ch is the conclusion that childhood participation in)]tj t* -0.014 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al education pr)19(ogr)19(ams had little effect on adult envir)18(onment)19(al)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (136)tj et q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /length 7177 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(beha)19(viour)18(s \(w)93(ells & l)19(ekies)36(, 2006\). w)93(ells and l)19(ekies (2006) w)19(er)18(e surprised b)19(y)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.012 tw [(this conclusion, and go on t)19(o suggest that this ma)18(y be due t)19(o cert)19(ain types)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(of envir)19(onment)18(al education, described as \322structur)19(ed modes\323 (p. 12) r)19(ather)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (than \322hands-on and engaging\323 (p. 12), being often the only kinds counted.)tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.094 tw [(with the little amount of unstructur)19(ed time that childr)18(en get t)19(o ha)19(v)19(e)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0.022 tc 0.276 tw [(out)19(door)18(s and the seemingly ambiv)19(alent st)19(atus of highly structur)18(ed)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0.017 tc 0.121 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al education pr)19(ogr)19(ams in the f)19(ormation of envir)18(onment)19(al)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(beha)19(viour)18(s)37(, it seems as though the camp ar)19(o)18(whon e)19(xperience offer)19(s camper)18(s)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(something differ)19(ent. giv)18(e)-1(n)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(c)-1(a)-1(m)-1(p)-1(e)-1(r)18(s\325 synon)19(ymous identification of camp)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.014 tc 0 tw [(and natur)19(e)56(, their ability t)19(o spend unstructur)18(ed time in their da)19(y out)19(door)18(s and)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(their disco)19(v)18(ery of common wild animals while engaged in that unstructur)19(ed)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(time)56(, it appear)18(s as though a syner)19(gy begins t)19(o emer)18(ge)56(. this syner)19(gy holds the)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(potential t)19(o allo)18(w camper)19(s t)19(o de)18(v)19(elop r)19(elationships betw)18(een other humans)37(,)]tj t* 0.016 tc 0.123 tw [(non-humans)37(, and non-living member)19(s of the camp community)110(. while)]tj t* 0 tc 0.093 tw [(outside the scope of this r)19(esear)18(ch, these r)19(elationships ma)19(y be significant)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(enough t)19(o impact later envir)18(o)-1(n)-1(m)-1(e)-1(n)-1(t)18(al attitudes and beha)19(viour)18(s)37(. i theoriz)18(e that)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(this pr)19(ocess is called )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 164.1035 395.9616 tm 0 g (becoming)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 203.7153 395.9616 tm 0 g (.)tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 368.5616 tm 0 g (the disruption of becoming\320camper, becoming\320animal, becoming\320place)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 349.3616 tm 0 g 0.022 tc 0.131 tw [(thr)19(ough the opportunity t)18(o spend a summer)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 300.5599 352.7679 tm 0 g (5)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 307.7603 349.3616 tm 0 g 0.022 tc 0.131 tw [(at camp ar)19(o)18(whon,)]tj -23.47603 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(camper)19(s appear t)18(o incr)19(ease their f)19(amiliarity with common local wild animals)37(.)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(these animals serv)19(e as mor)18(e than just a f)19(ocus f)19(or an activity or fr)18(ee time)56(. in)]tj t* 0 tc 0.008 tw [(camper)19(s\325 inter)18(actions and engagement with animals living their o)19(wn liv)19(es)36(,)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(in their chosen natur)19(al habit)18(ats)37(, the animals serv)19(e as agents f)18(or the camper)19(s)]tj 0 tc (t)' 0.29614 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.88116 0 td 0 tc 0.066 tw (engage with the local natur)tj 11.96831 0 td (al w)tj 1.82512 0 td (orld that surr)tj 5.76133 0 td [(ounds them. giving a fr)19(og)]tj -20.73206 -1.20001 td -0.011 tw [(import)19(ance and agenc)18(y r)19(equir)19(es that fr)18(og t)19(o become something mor)19(e than)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (it originally w)tj 5.60177 0 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (as)tj 0.85217 0 td -0.0185 tc (.)tj 0.52352 0 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (in this act of becoming, ther)tj 11.71066 0 td -0.0185 tc (e)tj 0.74551 0 td -0.018 tc (is something that occur)tj 9.70053 0 td -0.0186 tc (s)tj 0.67129 0 td (t)tj 0.27783 0 td -0.0185 tc (o)tj 0.78252 0 td -0.018 tc 0 tw (the)tj -30.86579 -1.20002 td 0 tc (per)tj 1.40698 0 td (son who ascribes the agenc)tj 11.88745 0 td (y)tj 0.40796 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55561 0 td 0 tc [(t)19(oo. )]tj -12.458 -1.20001 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw (that is the act of )tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 162.0969 241.3616 tm 0 g -0.022 tc (becoming)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 199.9925 241.3616 tm 0 g -0.0231 tc (,)tj 0.51885 0 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(the r)19(e-territ)18(orializ)19(ation and de-territ)19(orializ)18(ation)]tj -13.2181 -1.2 td 0.022 tc 0.255 tw (of what it means t)tj 9.27264 0 td 0.0221 tc (o)tj 1.11456 0 td 0.022 tc (be human \(deleuz)tj 8.75508 0 td 0.0221 tc (e)tj 1.07755 0 td (&)tj 1.29955 0 td 0.022 tc 0 tw (guatt)tj 2.38897 0 td 0.255 tw (ari, 1987\), wher)tj 7.79158 0 td 0 tc (e)tj -31.69994 -1.20001 td 0 tw (deleuz)tj 2.77783 0 td (eoguatt)tj 3.18482 0 td 0.002 tw (arian thought models becoming as the \322r)tj 17.71602 0 td (adically non-subjec-)tj -23.67867 -1.20001 td 0.003 tw [(tiv)19(e vie)18(w of the alliances that people ma)19(y f)19(orm with w)18(omen, animals)37(, v)19(eg-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0 tw (et)tj 0.76296 0 td (ables)tj 2.10283 0 td -0.0167 tc (,)tj 0.5253 0 td -0.017 tc (molecules)tj 4.14693 0 td -0.0167 tc (,)tj 0.52526 0 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw (ad infinitum\323 \(morris)tj 8.72743 0 td -0.0167 tc (,)tj 0.52529 0 td -0.017 tc (2002, p. 1\). becoming is an act that)tj -17.316 -1.20001 td 0 tc (t)tj 0.29981 0 td 0.0035 tc (ak)tj 1.00733 0 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(es place thr)19(ough alliances f)18(ormed with \322minorit)19(arians)37(,\323 but is also a)]tj -1.30714 -1.20001 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.35107 0 td 0 tw [(ejection of the \322majorit)19(arian:\323 man. deleuz)18(e and guatt)19(ari (1987) e)19(xplain:)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 146.8616 tm 0 g 0.016 tc 0.123 tw [(wh)19(y ther)18(e ar)19(e so man)19(y)-572(becomings of man, but no becoming-man? fir)19(st)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw (because man is majorit)tj 9.52457 0.00001 td [(arian par e)19(x)18(cellence)56(,)-530(wher)18(eas becomings ar)19(e minorit)19(arian;)]tj -9.52457 -1.2353 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(all becoming)-555(is a becoming-minorit)19(arian. when w)19(e sa)18(y majority)111(, w)18(e ar)19(e r)19(efer-)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(ring not t)19(o)-544(a gr)19(eater r)19(elativ)18(e quantity but t)19(o the determination of a st)19(ate or st)19(an-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (dar)tj 1.407 0 td (d)tj 1.1118 0 td 0.002 tw (in r)tj 1.46405 0.00001 td (elation t)tj 3.50189 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81711 0 td 0 tc [(which lar)19(ger quantities)36(, as w)19(ell as the smallest, can be said)]tj -8.3018 -1.2353 td 0.001 tc 0.137 tw [(t)19(o)-556(b)1(e)1( m)1(i)1(n)1(o)1(r)1(i)1(t)20(arian: )-1(white\320man, )-1(adult\320male)56(,)1( e)1(t)19(c)20(.)1( m)1(a)1(j)1(o)1(r)1(i)1(t)1(y)1( i)1(m)1(p)1(l)1(i)1(e)1(s)1( a)1( s)1(t)19(ate )-1(of)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(domination, not the r)19(e)18(v)19(er)19(se)56(. \(p. 29)55(1\))]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 g (137)tj et q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /length 6798 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.62736 0 td 0 tc 0.054 tw [(envision camper)19(s coming t)18(o camp ar)19(o)19(whon and )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 279.2444 587.9617 tm 0 g (becoming)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 318.8562 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.60935 0 td 0 tc 0.054 tw (when a)tj -28.79498 -1.2 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(camper gets on a bus or int)19(o a car t)18(o be driv)19(en t)19(o camp, the)18(y begin a)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(p)1(r)20(ocess of becoming\320camper)110(. in deleuz)19(eoguatt)19(arian thought, becomings occur)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [56(accor)19(ding t)18(o pr)19(o)19(ximity r)19(ather than thr)18(ough pr)19(ocesses of identification\323)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.004 tw [(and the z)19(one of pr)18(o)19(ximity f)19(or becoming \322is char)19(acteriz)18(ed b)19(y def)19(amiliarisa-)]tj t* 0.002 tw [(tion, estr)19(angement, and monstr)18(osity\323 \(da)19(y)111(, 2003, p. 26\). while monstr)19(osi)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(ty ma)19(y not apply t)18(o the camp ar)19(o)18(whon e)19(xperience)56(, f)19(or camper)18(s)37(, the act of)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(lea)19(ving par)19(ents)36(, city friends)37(, and home defines the z)19(one of pr)19(o)19(ximity and what)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.012 tw [(it is t)19(o be \322)55(camper)111(.\323 thus)37(, becoming\320camper allo)19(w)19(s a r)18(e-definition of what)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(it is t)19(o be human and the location and type of po)18(w)20(er that can e)18(xist betw)19(een)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(the camper and other)19(s)37(.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 445.4616 tm 0 g 0.129 tw [(it is in this sense that becoming e)19(v)18(erybody/e)19(v)19(erything, making the w)19(orld a)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.013 tw [(becoming, is t)19(o w)18(orld, t)19(o mak)19(e a w)18(orld or w)19(orlds)37(, in other w)18(or)19(ds)36(, t)19(o find one\325)37(s)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(p)1(r)20(o)19(ximities and z)19(ones of indiscernibility)110(. the cosmos as an abstr)19(act machine)56(, and)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(each w)19(orld as an assemblage effectuating it. if one r)18(educes oneself t)19(o one or)-536(s)1(e)20(v-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(er)19(al abstr)18(act lines that will pr)19(olong itself in and conjugate with other)19(s)37(,)-555(pr)18(oduc-)]tj 0 -1.2353 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(ing immediately)111(, dir)18(ectly a w)19(orld in which it is the w)19(orld that)-539(becomes)37(, then one)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0 tw (becomes\320e)tj 4.90747 0 td [(v)19(erybody/e)18(v)19(erything. \(deleuz)19(e & guatt)19(ari, 1987, p. 280\))]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 358.4616 tm 0 g -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(the deleuz)19(eoguatt)19(arian concept of e)18(v)19(erybody/e)19(v)19(erything is similar t)18(o a)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(subject/subject v)19(er)18(sus subject/object concept of r)19(elationships)37(. w)93(e ha)18(v)19(e seen)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(that the potential e)19(xists f)18(or camp ar)19(o)19(whon t)18(o be a place wher)19(e the po)19(w)19(er of)]tj -0.0029 tc ' et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 65.3668 325.8679 tm 0 g (6)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 70.7718 322.4616 tm 0 g -0.003 tc -0.011 tw ([sic] and the hegemonic vie)tj 11.82283 0 td -0.0029 tc (w)tj 1.02009 0 td -0.003 tc (of natur)tj 3.37299 0 td -0.0029 tc (e)tj 0.76113 0 td -0.003 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.84553 0 td -0.0029 tc (e)tj 0.7611 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (disrupted: a fr)tj 6.00961 0 td (og is seen)tj -27.97045 -1.20001 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(as e)19(xisting in its o)18(wn life; natur)19(e)56(, mor)18(e gener)19(ally speaking, is seen as ha)19(ving)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.007 tc 0.131 tw [(v)18(alue)56(, agenc)19(y)110(, and w)19(orth. this is a distinct differ)19(ence fr)18(om the anthr)19(o-)]tj t* 0.01 tc 0.129 tw (pocentric point of vie)tj 9.81319 0 td 0.0101 tc (w)tj 1.18596 0 td 0.01 tc (that permeates curr)tj 8.96928 0 td (ent w)tj 2.69769 0 td [(estern cultur)19(e)55(, wher)19(e)]tj -22.66612 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.007 tw [(humans \322h)19(yper-separ)18(ate [them]selv)19(es fr)19(om natur)18(e and r)19(educe it conceptu-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.007 tc [(ally in or)19(der t)18(o justify domination\323 \(plum)19(w)19(ood, 2002, p. 9\). these vie)19(w)18(s ar)19(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0.016 tw (possible thr)tj 5.01542 0 td (ough the act of becoming. y)tj 12.18382 0 td [(et, that act of becoming, f)19(or some)55(,)]tj -17.19924 -1.20001 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(e)19(xpands fr)19(om becoming\320camper t)18(o be)1(coming\320animal and b)-1(ecoming\320place)57(.)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.06 tw [(de-territ)19(orializ)18(ation and r)19(e-territ)19(orializ)18(ation is in this case liter)19(al. the con-)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw (nection t)tj 3.62143 0 td -0.0201 tc (o)tj 0.7809 0 td -0.02 tc [(the sensuous earth, the place)56(, and embodied e)19(xperience of the ani)-1(-)]tj -4.40233 -1.2 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(mals that liv)19(e with the camper)18(s disrupt the t)19(ak)19(en-f)18(or-gr)19(anted per)19(spectiv)18(es that)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(seem t)19(o e)18(xist concerning natur)19(e prior t)19(o a child becoming\320camper)110(.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 170.9431 156.8616 tm 0 g (implications)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 134.0616 tm 0 g 0.057 tw [(it is thr)19(ough the act of becoming\320camper)110(, becoming\320animal, becom-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (ing\320place that camper)tj 9.60831 0.00001 td -0.0008 tc (s)tj 0.68913 0 td -0.001 tc 0 tw (ha)tj 1.03572 0.00001 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.48053 0.00001 td -0.0008 tc (e)tj 0.76323 0 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (the opportunity t)tj 7.25872 0.00001 td -0.0009 tc (o)tj 0.80002 0 td -0.001 tc [(r)19(edefine their r)18(elationships)]tj -20.6357 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.009 tw [(with other)19(s the)18(y)-1( )-1(e)-1(n)-1(c)-1(o)-1(u)-1(n)-1(t)-1(e)-1(r)110(. thr)19(ough in-place kno)18(wledge and sust)19(a)-1(i)-1(n)-1(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(c)-1(o)-1(n)-1(-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(t)19(act, camper)19(s ha)18(v)19(e the opportunity t)19(o come t)18(o kno)19(w some of the local)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.137 tw (common wild animals)tj 9.91764 0.00001 td 0.0016 tc (.)tj 0.69644 0 td 0.002 tc (if the)tj 2.38826 0.00001 td 0.0017 tc (y)tj 0.93749 0 td 0.002 tc (attend t)tj 3.48469 0.00001 td 0.0016 tc (o)tj 0.95544 0 td 0.002 tc (those other)tj 5.02643 0.00001 td [(s)37(, the)19(y can become)]tj -23.4064 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(mor)19(e f)18(amiliar with them and, in turn, r)19(e)18(v)19(er)19(se the tr)18(end of loss of e)19(xperience)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (138)tj et q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /length 6671 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(with wild animals)37(. these connections with common wild animals in turn offer)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.014 tc 0 tw (connections with the biotic and abiotic community within which the animals)tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc [(and camper)19(s liv)18(e)56(.)]tj 1.8 -1.20001 td 0.007 tc 0.131 tw [(the changes in per)19(ception that occur at camp ar)18(o)19(whon ar)18(e b)19(y no)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.005 tw (means a )tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 112.336 539.9617 tm 0 g [(f)19(ait-accompli)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 169.1036 539.9617 tm 0 g -0.005 tw [(within the camper population and ar)19(e not necessari-)]tj -9.61036 -1.2 td 0.101 tw [(ly gener)19(aliz)18(able t)19(o other populations)37(. if camp ar)19(o)18(whon )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 322.3473 527.9617 tm 0 g (is)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 333.1705 527.9617 tm 0 g -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.8787 0 td 0 tc 0.101 tw [(place wher)19(e)]tj -26.89575 -1.20001 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(camper)19(s can come t)18(o kno)19(w the mor)19(e-than-human w)19(orld, this )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 335.89 515.9616 tm 0 g -0.008 tc (may )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 355.8833 515.9616 tm 0 g -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (be occur-)tj -28.28833 -1.19999 td 0 tc -0.009 tw [(ring in part due t)19(o an intellectual enzymatic r)18(eaction: the pr)19(esence of com-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(mon wild animals in a r)19(eadily-identifiable \322natur)18(e\323 is needed bef)19(or)19(e camper)18(s)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.03 tw [(integr)19(ate this \322natur)18(e\323 int)19(o their e)19(xperiences and mak)18(e a meaningful con-)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(nection t)19(o it. while connections appear t)18(o be easily made in a place lik)19(e camp)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.002 tw [(a)1(r)20(o)19(whon, )-1(these )-1(camper)19(s)1( s)1(p)1(e)1(n)1(d)1( a)1(t)1( m)1(o)1(s)1(t)1( a)1( s)1(i)1(x)1(t)1(h)1( o)1(f)1( a)1( y)19(ear )-1(in )-1(this )-1(envir)19(onment.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(ev)19(en while the camper)19(s shar)18(ed e)19(xperiences of natur)19(e at camp, their st)18(o)1(-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(ries of home life w)19(er)18(e often filled with digit)19(al music pla)19(y)19(er)18(s)37(, video games)37(, tele-)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(phones)37(, and other objects that seemed t)19(o t)18(ak)19(e the place of tr)18(ees)37(, lak)19(es)37(, and)]tj t* 0 tc -0.01 tw [(wild animals in their camp st)19(ories)36(. in f)19(act, while camper)19(s did see natur)18(e as)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(e)19(xisting in the city)110(, it w)19(as not seen as being the same thing as the natur)18(e that)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(e)19(xisted at camp.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.023 tw [(in urban settings)37(, it has been suggested that \322z)18(oos)37(, wildlife parks)37(, and)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(museums pr)19(esently pr)18(o)19(vide the only e)19(xperiences most urban and suburban)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(childr)19(en ha)18(v)19(e with wild animals\323 (kidd & kidd, 1996, p. 120). while summer)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw (camp is a privilege that not all urban childr)tj 17.6199 0 td (en can e)tj 3.48632 0 td (xpect, suggesting that z)tj 9.63866 0 td -0.023 tc 0 tw (oos)tj -30.74488 -1.20001 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(ar)19(e the )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 104.4399 323.9616 tm 0 g -0.017 tc (only)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 124.1871 323.9616 tm 0 g -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(place wher)19(e urban childr)18(en e)19(xperience wild animals silences and)]tj -5.11871 -1.2 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(e)19(x)19(cludes the v)19(ariety of places and e)19(xperiences wher)19(e common wild animals)]tj t* 0 tc 0.055 tw (could be f)tj 4.35206 0 td (ound. i see the f)tj 7.20315 0 td (ormer per)tj 4.40577 0 td [(spectiv)19(e as mor)18(e sympt)19(omatic of the)]tj -15.96098 -1.20001 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(blinder)19(s that seem t)18(o e)19(xist within curr)19(ent pr)18(actice of the type of e)19(xperience)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.007 tw [(that counts as envir)19(onment)18(al education: this is t)19(oo narr)19(o)19(w a f)18(ocus)37(. indeed,)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw (while good w)tj 5.54613 0 td (ork is being done)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 5 0 0 5 200.7131 267.3679 tm 0 g (7)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 206.0491 263.9616 tm 0 g (t)tj 0.27956 0 td -0.0167 tc (o)tj 0.78424 0 td -0.017 tc (intr)tj 1.43242 0 td 0.003 tw [(oduce childr)19(en t)18(o the urban mor)19(e-than-)]tj -15.80113 -1.20001 td 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(human w)19(orld, v)18(aluable envir)19(onment)19(al education is often seen as struc-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.1 tw [(tur)19(ed: a class trip t)18(o the z)19(oo, museum, natur)19(e centr)18(e or wildlife park; or)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0 tw (enr)tj 1.35341 0 td 0.01 tw (olling childr)tj 4.7545 0 td [(en in after-school pr)19(ogr)18(amming. i use the term \322)56(e)19(v)18(ery)19(da)19(y e)18(xpe-)]tj -6.10791 -1.20001 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(rience\323 in the title of this paper on purpose: camper)19(s had the opportunity t)19(o)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(inter)19(act daily with natur)18(e)57(, )-1(the natur)19(al w)19(orld, and the common wild animals)]tj 0 tc (f)' 0.29388 0 td -0.002 tc [(ound within. the opportunity f)19(or some camper)19(s t)18(o mak)19(e these disco)19(v)19(eries)]tj -0.29388 -1.2 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(on their o)19(wn is a po)18(w)19(erful e)19(xperience often lacking in childr)19(en\325)37(s urban)]tj t* -0.007 tc 0 tw (liv)tj 0.96088 0 td -0.007 tw [(es)37(. as such, i w)18(ould suggest that urban envir)19(onment)19(al education needs t)19(o)]tj -0.96088 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.002 tw [(e)19(xpand its f)18(ocus and seek out e)19(xperiences that pr)19(oblematiz)19(e)55(, r)19(e-think, and)]tj t* 0.008 tw [(f)19(oster these mor)19(e-than-human connections; indeed, suggestions along this)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(line of thought ha)19(v)19(e alr)18(eady been made \(see ne)19(wbery)111(, 2003; r)18(ussell, sarick,)]tj 0.0006 tc (&)' 1.1393 0 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(k)37(ennelly)110(, 2002, f)19(or e)19(x)19(ample\). a child\325)37(s envir)18(onment)19(al education ma)19(y)]tj -1.1393 -1.2 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(not come in the e)19(xpected w)18(a)19(y)19(s and in the e)18(xpected places)37(, as i belie)19(v)18(e that)]tj t* 0 tc 0.048 tw [(mor)19(e than one kind of e)18(xperience in one kind of place can lead t)19(o a con-)]tj t* 0 tw [(nection. abr)19(am (2004) writes:)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 g (139)tj et q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /length 7598 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(l)19(et us indeed celebr)19(ate the po)18(w)20(er)18(s of technology)111(, and intr)19(oduce our childr)18(en t)19(o)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(the digit)19(al delights of our er)18(a. but not bef)19(or)18(e w)19(e ha)19(v)18(e acquainted them with the)]tj t* 0 tc 0.028 tw [(gifts of the living land, and enable its palpable m)19(y)19(steries t)18(o ignite their imagi-)]tj t* 0 tw [(nations and their thoughts)37(. (p. 22))]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 533.4874 tm 0 g -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(it w)19(ould seem that ther)18(e is a need f)19(or those who liv)19(e in urban settings t)19(o)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(f)18(acilit)19(ate the opportunity f)19(or e)19(xperiences with common wild animals that sur-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(r)19(ound, and in so doing, cr)18(eate an embodied and sensual urban natur)19(e)56(.)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(while summer camp is one place that appear)19(s t)18(o allo)19(w dir)18(ect embodied e)19(xpe-)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(riences of the mor)19(e-than-human w)19(orld, w)18(e pr)19(o)19(vide a disservice t)19(o camper)18(s)]tj -0.0002 tc (if)' 0.83788 0 td 0 tc [(w)19(e tell them camp is the )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 153.8401 473.4874 tm 0 g (only )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 174.0686 473.4874 tm 0 g -0.013 tw [(place wher)19(e the living land and mor)18(e-than-)]tj -13.70686 -1.2 td 0 tw [(human life e)19(xist.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 184.2285 427.8875 tm 0 g (notes )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 37 407.7274 tm 0 g (1)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 405.0874 tm 0 g -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(this paper r)19(eports r)18(esults of the lar)19(ger inv)19(estigation that i undert)18(ook in par-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.062 tw [(tial completion of m)19(y master of envir)18(onment)19(al studies degr)19(ee at y)80(ork)]tj t* 0 tw [(univ)19(er)18(sity)111(, ont)19(ario.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 37 371.7274 tm 0 g (2)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 369.0874 tm 0 g -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (it is w)tj 2.51022 0 td (orth noting that all animals that w)tj 14.29398 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.82986 0 td -0.0107 tc (e)tj 0.7533 0 td -0.011 tc (captur)tj 2.65804 0 td -0.003 tw (ed during a natur)tj 7.27144 0 td -0.0107 tc (e)tj 0.75324 0 td -0.011 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(o)-1(-)]tj -29.07008 -1.20001 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(gr)19(am w)18(er)19(e k)19(ept o)18(v)19(ernight in a terr)19(arium and r)19(eleased the f)18(ollo)19(wing da)19(y;)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(the ethic of r)19(eturning wild animals t)18(o their appr)19(opriate place w)19(as discussed)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.131 tw (with the camper)tj 7.45015 0 td 0 tc (s)tj 0.3965 0 td 0.0075 tc (.)tj 0.70229 0 td (i)tj 0.72029 0 td 0.007 tc (often had a har)tj 7.10058 0 td (der time sharing this ethic with)tj -16.36981 -1.20001 td -0.016 tc 0.001 tw [(c)-1(a)-1(m)-1(p)-1(e)-1(r)18(s who captur)18(ed their o)19(wn animals: y)19(o)-1(u)-1(n)-1(g)-1(e)-1(r)-1( )-1(c)-1(a)-1(m)-1(p)-1(e)-1(r)17(s belie)19(v)18(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.006 tw [(the)19(y should k)18(eep their animals as pets)37(. i w)19(ould often ha)18(v)19(e long conv)19(er-)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (sations with camper)tj 8.6684 0 td -0.0026 tc (s)tj 0.68737 0 td -0.003 tc (who chatted with me about what the)tj 15.77269 0 td -0.0026 tc (y)tj 0.78035 0 td -0.003 tc (imagined it)tj -25.90881 -1.20001 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(w)19(o)1(u)1(l)1(d)1( )1(b)1(e)1( )1(l)1(i)1(k)20(e)1( )1(t)20(o)1( )1(b)1(e)1( )1(k)19(ept in a jar)111(.)1( )1(r)20(eflecting on their o)19(wn feelings and then)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.009 tw (thinking about the animal that the)tj 14.71385 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.78749 0 td 0 tc (had caught w)tj 5.75938 0 td (as enough f)tj 4.96264 0 td (or them t)tj 3.99975 0 td (o)tj -30.22311 -1.20001 td 0 tw (agr)tj 1.35107 0 td (ee t)tj 1.57398 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81481 0 td 0 tc (let that animal \322go.\323)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 37 251.7274 tm 0 g (3)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 249.0874 tm 0 g 0.013 tw [(anon)19(ymous r)18(e)19(vie)19(w)19(er)18(s of this article w)19(er)19(e (rightly) concerned about the)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.007 tw (ethics inv)tj 4.11686 0 td 0 tw (olv)tj 1.25903 0 td 0.007 tw (ed with intervie)tj 6.77108 0 td (wing childr)tj 4.80167 0 td (en. though not o)tj 7.39087 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(ertly st)19(ated in)]tj -24.82071 -1.20002 td 0.002 tw (the body of this paper)tj 9.43757 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55812 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td 0 tc [(erbal consent w)19(as the last step in a long line of)]tj -10.47689 -1.20001 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(actions that i t)19(ook t)18(o mak)19(e sur)19(e that this r)18(esear)19(ch w)19(as conducted ethically)110(.)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc (f)tj 0.47789 0 td -0.0032 tc (or)tj 1.16447 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (this w)tj 2.54412 0 td (ork, i w)tj 3.24876 0 td 0 tw (ork)tj 1.39755 0 td -0.011 tw (ed t)tj 1.60681 0 td -0.0032 tc (o)tj 0.79781 0 td -0.003 tc [(seek permission and appr)19(o)19(v)19(al fr)18(om all gr)19(oups)]tj -11.23742 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw (inv)tj 1.31396 0 td -0.012 tw [(olv)19(ed, including: camp ar)18(o)19(whon\325)37(s dir)19(ect)18(or)19(s; m)18(y f)19(aculty\325)37(s committee)]tj -1.31396 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(t)19(o r)18(e)19(vie)19(w r)18(esear)19(ch inv)19(olving human participants; camper par)18(ents; and the)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (camper)tj 3.26209 0 td 0.0005 tc (s)tj 0.84327 0 td 0 tc 0.138 tw [(themselv)19(es)36(. ex)19(cluded fr)19(om the st)18(andar)19(diz)19(ed pr)18(ocedur)19(es ar)19(e)]tj -4.10536 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw (the animals themselv)tj 8.74171 0.00001 td 0 tw (es)tj 0.83857 0.00001 td -0.0254 tc (.)tj 0.51651 0 td -0.025 tc (ho)tj 1.17165 0.00001 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.71482 0.00001 td (e)tj 0.45602 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.45603 0.00001 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(er)111(, i str)18(o)19(v)19(e t)19(o appr)19(oach them with the same)]tj -12.89531 -1.20004 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(ethical alignment as i w)19(ould other humans)37(. this per)18(spectiv)19(e is not entir)19(e-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(ly unpr)19(oblematic)18(, as it could be ar)19(gued that these or)19(ganisms could not eas)-1(-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (ily v)tj 1.7319 0 td (oice their consent one w)tj 10.3941 0.00001 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.47326 0.00001 td -0.0081 tc (y)tj 0.77494 0 td -0.008 tc [(or another)111(. this is a tension that e)18(xists in)]tj -13.3742 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(the w)19(ork and that i continue t)18(o struggle with.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 37 95.7274 tm 0 g (4)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 51.4 93.0874 tm 0 g -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.5835 0 td 0 tc 0.01 tw [(ha)19(v)18(e used the term )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 143.5519 93.0874 tm 0 g (kinds)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 168.642 93.0874 tm 0 g 0.01 tw [(r)19(ather than )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 219.7596 93.0874 tm 0 g (species )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 252.0549 93.0874 tm 0 g 0.01 tw (as the distinct categories)tj -20.0655 -1.2 td 0 tw (camper)tj 3.2588 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.7987 0 td 0 tc (shar)tj 1.8327 0 td 0.095 tw [(ed with me w)19(er)18(e not necessarily distinct in a speciation)]tj -5.8902 -1.2 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(sense)56(. f)55(or e)19(x)19(ample)55(, camper)19(s consider)19(ed caterpillar)18(s and butterflies t)19(o be)]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 g (gavan p. l. watson)tj et 1 g 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 g (140)tj et q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /length 7149 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 72 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 587.9617 tm 0 g -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(distinct, and thus i consider)19(ed them as differ)18(ent kinds)37(. ho)19(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)111(, in a bio-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(logical sense)56(, caterpillar)19(s and butterflies ar)18(e seen as being the same)]tj 0 -1.20001 td [(or)19(ganism in differ)18(ent st)19(ages of de)19(v)18(elopment. in f)19(ocusing on kinds)36(, i)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(ha)19(v)19(e attempted t)18(o k)19(eep int)19(act the richness of the camper)18(s\325 categories of)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(animals)37(, albeit at the e)18(xpense of being biologically pr)19(ecise)56(.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 73 530.6016 tm 0 g (5)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 527.9617 tm 0 g -0.014 tc [(camper)19(s can choose t)18(o attend camp f)19(or one session of f)19(our w)18(eeks or tw)19(o)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc [(sessions f)19(or a t)18(ot)19(al of eight w)19(eeks a summer)110(.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 73 506.6016 tm 0 g (6)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 503.9616 tm 0 g -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(as an anon)19(ymous r)18(e)19(vie)19(w)19(er noted, connecting \(perhaps e)19(v)18(en natur)19(alizing\))]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.014 tw [(w)19(oman and natur)19(e as deleuz)19(e and guatt)18(ari appear t)19(o do could be pr)19(o)1(b-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(lematiz)19(ed b)18(y cert)19(ain ecofeminist discour)19(ses)36(. it\325)37(s not m)19(y intention her)18(e t)19(o)]tj t* -0.005 tw [(s)-1(u)-1(g)-1(g)-1(e)-1(s)-1(t)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)-1( )-1(s)-1(o)-1(m)-1(e)-1(h)-1(o)18(w w)18(o)-1(m)-1(e)-1(n)-1( )-1(a)-1(r)18(e uncritically closer t)19(o)-1( )-1(n)-1(a)-1(t)-1(u)-1(r)17(e and this is)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(the w)19(a)18(y things )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 149.5304 455.9616 tm 0 g -0.025 tc (ought )tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 174.0834 455.9616 tm 0 g -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(t)18(o be)56(. r)19(ather)111(, i find the concept helpful t)18(o engage with)]tj -8.66834 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(the po)19(w)19(er of questioning what it is t)18(o be human.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8 0 0 8 73 434.6016 tm 0 g (7)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.4 431.9616 tm 0 g 0.012 tc 0.127 tw [(again, with thanks t)19(o an anon)18(ymous r)19(e)19(vie)19(w)19(er)111(, these pr)18(ogr)19(ams and)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.002 tw [(places include: urban natur)19(e centr)18(es)37(, natur)19(aliz)18(ed schooly)19(ar)19(ds)36(, backy)19(ar)19(d)]tj t* 0.01 tw [(natur)19(alizing pr)18(ojects)37(, and thr)19(ough field natur)19(alist clubs\325 \322y)18(oung natur)19(al-)]tj t* 0 tw [(ist\323 pr)19(ogr)18(ams)37(.)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 185.5769 362.3616 tm 0 g (notes on contributor)tj et q q bt /f13 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 339.5616 tm 0 g (ga)tj 1.16699 0 td 0.126 tw [(v)19(an p)148(. l. w)73(atson)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 166.0976 339.5616 tm 0 g 0.118 tw (is a phd candidate in the f)tj 12.3028 0 td [(aculty of envir)19(onment)18(al)]tj -21.61256 -1.20001 td 0.003 tw [(studies)37(, y)79(ork univ)19(er)19(sity)110(. inter)19(ested in human-animal studies)37(, he is curr)18(ent-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.013 tc 0.125 tw [(ly inv)19(estigating the educational and philosophical implications of bir)19(d)-1(-)]tj 0 tc (w)' 0.73999 0 td 0.13 tw [(at)19(ching. a passionate natur)18(alist, in addition t)19(o summer camps)37(, he has)]tj -0.73999 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(w)19(ork)18(ed f)19(or school boar)19(ds and natur)18(e centr)19(es)37(, sharing his sense of w)19(onder of)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.134 tw [(the surr)19(ounding w)18(orld with all ages)37(. )]tj et q q bt /f13 1 tf 10 0 0 10 240.2585 279.5616 tm 0 g 0.005 tc [(cont)19(act: )]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 282.8649 279.5616 tm 0 g 0.005 tc 0.134 tw [(f)56(aculty of envir)19(onment)18(al)]tj -20.98649 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(studies)37(, hnes building, y)79(ork univ)19(er)19(sity)110(, 47)37(00 k)37(eele st., t)87(or)19(ont)19(o, on, m3j 1p3,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(canada; ga)19(v)19(an@y)18(ork)19(u.ca)]tj et q q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 207.7622 221.9616 tm 0 g (references)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73 199.1616 tm 0 g 0.005 tc (abr)tj 1.55293 0 td 0.134 tw (am, d. (1996). )tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 146.1774 199.1616 tm 0 g 0.005 tc 0.124 tw (the spell of the sensuous: p)tj 12.16447 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.82396 0 td 0.124 tw (ception and language in a mor)tj 13.3118 0 td 0 tw (e-than-)tj -32.79168 -1.41177 td 0 tc (human w)tj 3.83106 0 td (orld)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 137.5695 187.1616 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55565 0 td 0 tc (ne)tj 1.16602 0 td -0.0003 tc (w)tj 1.03646 0 td (y)tj 0.53118 0 td 0 tc (ork: vint)tj 3.72094 0 td (age books)tj 4.35205 0 td (.)tj -18.95871 -1.41178 td (abr)tj 1.53687 0 td [(am, d. (2004). earth st)19(ories)36(. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 192.3113 175.1616 tm 0 g (r)tj 0.61108 0 td [(esur)19(gence)36(, january/f)37(ebruary)111(,)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 301.1573 175.1616 tm 0 g (20-22.)tj -26.84204 -1.41176 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(ashw)19(orth, p)147(. & l)19(ucas)37(, u. (2000). a)56(chie)18(ving empath)19(y and engagement: a pr)19(actical appr)19(oach)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0.004 tc 0.134 tw [(t)18(o the design, conduct and r)19(eporting of phenomenogr)18(aphic r)19(esear)19(ch. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 358.9892 151.1616 tm 0 g 0.004 tc 0.125 tw (studies in)tj -31.52814 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (higher education, 25)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 165.1218 139.1616 tm 0 g ((3), 295-308.)tj -10.83786 -1.41176 td -0.023 tc -0.002 tw [(b)-11(y)-11(r)-11(n)-11(e)45(, m. \(200)56(1\). ethnogr)18(aph)19(y as a qualit)19(ativ)18(e r)19(esear)19(ch method. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 299.4889 127.1616 tm 0 g -0.022 tc -0.002 tw [(a)55(orn journal, 74)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 358.8627 127.1616 tm 0 g -0.023 tc -0.002 tw ((1), 82-84.)tj -33.6309 -1.4118 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(da)19(y)111(, r. \(2003, f)55(ebruary 15\). )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 185.2163 115.1616 tm 0 g 0.001 tc 0.128 tw [(ex)19(cerpts fr)18(om: animal songs: tr)19(anslation, community)111(, the)]tj -11.0843 -1.4118 td 0.021 tc 0.373 tw [(question of the \324animal\325: inf)19(ormation)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 239.3477 103.1616 tm 0 g 0.022 tc (.)tj 1.0002 0 td 0.4 tw [(r)19(etrie)18(v)19(ed f)56(ebruary 16, 2004, fr)18(om)]tj -18.4529 -1.4118 td 0 tc 0 tw [(http://www)111(.lisp.w)18(a)19(yne)56(.edu/~ai2398/animal.htm)]tj -2.1176 -1.4118 td 0.058 tw [(deleuz)19(e)56(, g., & guatt)18(ari, f)148(. (1987). )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 200.6092 79.1616 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (a)tj 0.94243 0 td 0 tc 0.054 tw [(thousand plateaus: capit)19(alism and schiz)18(ophr)19(enia)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 385.3982 79.1616 tm 0 g [(\(b)37(.)]tj -34.6351 -1.4118 td [(massumi, t)80(r)19(ans)36(.\). minneapolis: univ)19(er)19(sity of minnesot)18(a pr)19(ess)37(.)]tj et 1 g 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 337.5503 33.8348 tm 0 g (wild becomings)tj et 1 g 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 g (141)tj et q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /length 7877 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q 1 g 36 63 324 532.8 re f q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(ev)19(ernden, n. (1992). )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 113.4346 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(the social cr)19(eation of natur)18(e)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 210.4668 588.9874 tm 0 g -0.0147 tc (.)tj 0.52727 0 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(baltimor)19(e: the johns hopkins univ)18(er)19(sity)]tj -18.81748 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(ess)36(.)]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td (f)tj 0.49032 -0.00001 td 0.009 tc 0.13 tw [(a)18(w)19(cett, l. (2002). childr)19(en\325)36(s wild animal st)19(ories: questioning inter\320species bonds)37(.)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 552.9874 tm 0 g [(canadian journal of envir)19(onment)18(al education, 7)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 224.8983 552.9874 tm 0 g ((2), 125-139.)tj -22.10568 -1.41176 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(hofferth, s. l. & sandber)19(g, j. f)147(. \(200)56(1\). ho)19(w american childr)18(en spend their time)56(. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 333.5596 540.9874 tm 0 g -0.001 tc (journal)tj -32.77172 -1.41176 td 0 tc [(of marriage and f)37(amily)110(, 63)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 150.0004 528.9874 tm 0 g -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55573 0 td 0 tc (295-308.)tj -13.84989 -1.41176 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(kidd, a. h. & kidd, r. m. (1996). de)19(v)19(elopment)18(al f)19(act)19(or)18(s leading t)19(o positiv)19(e attitudes t)18(o)19(w)19(ar)19(d)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(wildlife and conserv)19(ation. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 151.9469 504.9874 tm 0 g [(applied animal behaviour science)37(, 47)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 285.3737 504.9874 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55558 0 td 0 tc [(1)161(19-125.)]tj -29.77601 -1.41176 td -0.007 tw [(l)19(eech, j. a., wilb)18(y)112(, k., mcmullen, e., & l)18(aporte)56(, k. (1997). the canadian human activity)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0.089 tw [(pattern surv)19(e)18(y: r)19(eport of methods and populations surv)19(e)19(y)19(ed. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 288.514 480.9874 tm 0 g 0.083 tw [(chr)19(onic diseases in)]tj -27.47224 -1.41176 td 0.021 tc 0 tw (canada)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 82.3156 468.9874 tm 0 g 0.0219 tc (,)tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91.2886 468.9874 tm 0 g 0.02 tc (17)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 100.4609 468.9874 tm 0 g 0.022 tc (.)tj 1.05553 0 td 0.456 tw [(r)19(etrie)18(v)19(ed april 13, 2006, fr)19(om http://www)110(.phac\320aspc)19(.gc)19(.ca/)]tj -6.40387 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(publicat/cdic\320mcc/17\3203/d_e)56(.html)]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td 0.108 tw [(morris)37(, m. \(2002, ma)18(y 3)56(1\). )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 141.3874 444.9874 tm 0 g 0.101 tw [(ho)19(w (not) t)18(o become plant: a deleuz)19(eoguatt)19(arian analy)18(sis of)]tj -10.16323 -1.41176 td 0.034 tw (human/plant assemblages)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 146.354 432.9874 tm 0 g -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.59247 0 td 0 tc 0.037 tw [(r)19(etrie)18(v)19(ed f)56(ebruary 16, 2004, fr)18(om http://www)111(.gwu.edu/)]tj -11.34 -1.41176 td 0 tw (~medusa/plant.html)tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(ne)19(wbery)110(, l. (2003). caution: education is v)19(ery messy! social differ)18(ence)56(, justice)56(, and)]tj 2.11765 -1.41177 td 0 tc 0 tw [(teaching out)19(door)18(s)37(. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 125.0358 396.9874 tm 0 g [(p)37(athw)19(ay)18(s)37(, 15)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 171.5969 396.9874 tm 0 g ((1), 2-3.)tj -15.83493 -1.41176 td 0.005 tc 0.133 tw [(or)19(gill, m. k. \(2002, mar)18(ch 6\). )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 154.983 384.9874 tm 0 g 0.005 tc [(phenomenogr)19(aph)18(y)111(.)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 225.9355 384.9874 tm 0 g 0.005 tc 0.133 tw [(r)18(etrie)19(v)18(ed f)56(ebruary 1)56(0, 2003, fr)18(om)]tj -20.11006 -1.41176 td -0.013 tc 0 tw (http://chemed.chem.pur)tj 10.16126 0 td [(due)56(.edu/chemed/bodner)19(gr)18(oup/fr)19(ame)19(w)19(orks/phenogr)18(aph)19(y)111(.htm)]tj -12.27891 -1.41176 td 0.011 tc 0.128 tw [(plum)19(w)19(ood, v)111(. (2002). )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 123.5641 360.9874 tm 0 g 0.01 tc 0.119 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al cultur)19(e: the ecological crisis of r)19(eason)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 322.3979 360.9874 tm 0 g 0.0106 tc (.)tj 0.70531 0 td 0.011 tc [(l)19(ondon:)]tj -32.16389 -1.41176 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.61108 0 td (outledge)tj 3.62964 0 td (.)tj -6.35837 -1.41177 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(r)19(ejeski, d. (1982). childr)19(en look at natur)18(e: envir)19(onment)19(al per)18(ception and education. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 334.6556 336.9874 tm 0 g -0.022 tc (journal)tj -32.90066 -1.41176 td 0 tc (of envir)tj 3.27734 0 td (onment)tj 3.10962 0 td (al education, 14)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 166.2429 324.9874 tm 0 g ((4), 27-40.)tj -15.20505 -1.41176 td (richar)tj 2.75854 0 td 0.04 tw (dson, j. t)tj 4.00544 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.59562 0 td 0 tc [(e. (1999). the concepts and methods of phenomenogr)19(aphic r)18(esear)19(ch.)]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 300.9874 tm 0 g [(r)19(e)19(vie)18(w of educational r)19(esear)19(ch, 69)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 179.906 300.9874 tm 0 g ((1), 53-82.)tj -16.81247 -1.41176 td (r)tj 0.6066 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw (ussell, c., sarick, t)tj 7.85874 0 td (., & k)tj 2.3986 0.00001 td 0 tw (ennelly)tj 3.00642 0 td -0.0046 tc (,)tj 0.53742 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw (j. (2002). queering envir)tj 10.52425 0 td 0 tw (onment)tj 3.34294 0 td -0.009 tw (al education. )tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 326.0683 288.9874 tm 0 g -0.004 tc (canadian)tj -31.89039 -1.41176 td 0 tc (journal of envir)tj 6.53418 0 td [(onment)19(al education, 7)]tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 189.5162 276.9874 tm 0 g ((1), 54-66.)tj -17.94308 -1.41176 td (t)tj 0.47607 0 td (rigw)tj 1.86866 0.00001 td -0.003 tw (ell, k. (2000). )tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 108.8175 264.9874 tm 0 g (phenomenogr)tj 5.70118 0 td (aph)tj 1.51758 0.00001 td -0.002 tw (y: v)tj 1.51488 0 td (ariation and discernment.)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 276.2713 264.9874 tm 0 g (p)tj 0.51807 0 td -0.003 tw (aper pr)tj 3.10795 0.00001 td (esented at the)tj -29.65794 -1.41177 td -0.007 tc 0 tw (impr)tj 2.06445 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.51122 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (ving student l)tj 6.07522 0 td (earning, pr)tj 4.67506 0 td (oceedings of the 1999 7th international symposium,)tj -13.32595 -1.41178 td 0 tc 0 tw (oxf)tj 1.57398 0 td [(or)19(d.)]tj -3.69162 -1.41177 td (w)tj 0.85032 0 td -0.001 tc (ells)tj 1.36782 0.00001 td -0.0009 tc (,)tj 0.54105 0 td (n.)tj 1.22515 0 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (m., & l)tj 3.09773 0 td 0 tw (ekies)tj 2.16272 0 td -0.0009 tc (,)tj 0.54109 0 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (k. s. (2006). natur)tj 7.98303 0 td -0.0009 tc (e)tj 0.76316 0 td -0.001 tc (and the life cour)tj 6.98438 0 td (se: p)tj 1.9826 0.00001 td 0 tw (athw)tj 2.10781 0 td -0.013 tw [(a)19(y)18(s fr)19(om childhood)]tj -27.48921 -1.41179 td -0.008 tc 0 tw (natur)tj 2.23678 0 td -0.0081 tc (e)tj 0.75593 0 td (e)tj 0.47318 0 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (xperiences t)tj 5.156 0 td -0.0081 tc (o)tj 0.7929 0 td -0.008 tc (adult envir)tj 4.51619 0 td 0 tw [(onment)19(alism. )]tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 225.5176 216.9874 tm 0 g -0.008 tc (childr)tj 2.43657 0 td -0.005 tw (en, y)tj 1.93735 0 td (outh and envir)tj 5.99374 0 td 0 tw (onments)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 343.4083 216.9874 tm 0 g -0.0084 tc (,)tj et q q bt /f12 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 347.9452 216.9874 tm 0 g -0.008 tc (16)tj et q q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 356.6376 216.9874 tm 0 g (.)tj -35.48678 -1.41176 td [(r)19(etrie)19(v)18(ed april 30, 2006, fr)19(om http://c)19(y)19(e)56(.color)18(ado.edu )]tj et 1 g 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re 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