%pdf-1.3 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj << /opm 1 /type/extgstate >> endobj 2 0 obj << /op true /type/extgstate >> endobj 3 0 obj << /op false /type/extgstate >> endobj 4 0 obj << /length 4136 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 63.006 324 530.9951 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 73 582.7402 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(a)-232(report on an ontario secondary school)]tj 0 -1.21904 td (integrated environmental studies program)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 542.5388 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(constance l. russell, university of t)110(or)18(onto/oise & john burton, gr)17(ey)]tj 0 -1.21905 td (highlands secondary school, canada)tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 91 505.288 m 377 505.288 l s q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 485.758 tm 0 0 0 1 k (abstract)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 465.558 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 tc [(in secondary schools in canada, envir)19(onmental education is rar)18(ely)]tj 0 -1.3 td [(infused thr)18(oughout the highly discipline-based curriculum. the)]tj t* [(various integrated envir)17(o)1(nme)-1(ntal studies)1( pr)17(ograms operating in a)]tj t* [(number of ontario secondary schools, however)75(, of)18(fer an alterna)-1(-)]tj t* [(tive appr)17(oach which bears some pr)19(omise. in this paper)74(, we)]tj t* (pr)tj 0.94778 0 td (ovide a brief overview of the ontario pr)tj 17.01209 0 td [(ograms befor)18(e turning)]tj -17.95987 -1.3 td [(to a case study of one such pr)18(ogram, highlighting student perspec)-1(-)]tj t* [(tives. w)92(e conclude by discussing the pr)18(omises and limitations of)]tj t* [(these pr)17(ograms, as well as constraints on their implementation. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 337.758 tm 0 0 0 1 k (r\216sum\216)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 317.558 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tc (dans les \216coles secondair)tj 11.07508 0 td (es du canada, l\325\216ducation r)tj 12.02663 0 td (elative \210)tj -23.10171 -1.30001 td (l\325envir)tj 2.84435 0 td (onnement impr\217gne rar)tj 10.44126 0 td (ement tout le pr)tj 7.00599 0 td (ogramme d\325\216tudes)tj -20.2916 -1.30001 td (qui est grandement ax\216 sur les disciplines. les divers)tj 0 -1.3 td [(pr)17(ogrammes d\325\216tudes envir)19(onnementales int\216gr\216es mis en place)]tj t* (dans un certain nombr)tj 9.95493 0 td -0.0026 tc (e)tj 0.72381 0 td -0.003 tc (d\325\216coles secondair)tj 8.00828 0 td [(es de l\325ontario of)18(fr)17(ent)]tj -18.68702 -1.30001 td [(cependant une appr)17(oche alternative qui semble pr)18(ometteuse.)]tj 0 -1.3 td [(dans cet article, nous donnons un br)18(ef aper\215u des pr)18(ogrammes)]tj t* [(ontariens et nous \216tudions ensuite un pr)18(ogramme en particulier)74(,)]tj t* (en y soulignant les perspectives des \216l\217ves. nous concluons par)tj t* (une discussion sur les pr)tj 10.83167 0 td (omesses et les limites de ces)tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 91 176.258 m 377 176.258 l s bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 187.558 tm (pr)tj 0.97279 0 td (ogrammes, ainsi que sur les contraintes de leur mise en \317uvr)tj 26.86667 0 td (e.)tj -29.63946 -4.20001 td -0.008 tc 0.045 tw [(w)-8(h)-8(i)-8(l)-8(e)-8( )-8(school-based envir)18(onmental education practices acr)18(oss canada ar)19(e)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.029 tc 0.009 tw [(diverse, it is still unusual to find envir)18(onmental education infused into all sec)1(-)]tj t* -0.015 tc -0.005 tw [(ondary school subjects or integrated so that the curriculum is or)18(ganized not)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.012 tw [(ar)18(ound subjects but inter)17(connected issues and themes \(pike & selby)111(, 1999\).)]tj t* -0.016 tc -0.004 tw [(mor)18(e commonly)111(, envir)18(onmental education, if it occurs at all, is of)18(fer)17(ed as an)]tj t* -0.032 tc 0.012 tw (isolated elective course (often in science or geography) or as an extracurricular)tj t* -0.017 tc 0 tw (activity)tj 3.0496 0 td -0.0173 tc (,)tj 0.4626 0 td -0.017 tc -0.003 tw (and its existence in a school is fr)tj 13.50887 0.00001 td [(equently due to the ef)17(forts of one or)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.883 324 11.858 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6397 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(canadian journal of en)40(vir)19(onmental education,)-238(5,)-238(spring 2000)-7311(287)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.856 m 324 53.856 l s /gs2 gs q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /length 5293 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.007 tc 0.124 tw [(two committed teachers \(russell, bell, & fawcett, in pr)18(ess\). the curr)18(en)1(t)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.011 tc -0.009 tw [(political context in ontario adds further challenges; teachers ar)18(e faced with)]tj 0 -1.3 td [(funding cutbacks, a mandate to change fr)17(om a 5-year to a 4-year secondary)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.008 tc 0.005 tw [(system ther)18(eby limiting space for electives, and a \322back to basics\323 curricu-)]tj t* 0 tw [(lum which leaves less r)18(oom for envir)19(onmental concerns to be addr)18(essed.)]tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.002 tc -0.011 tw [(despite this context, integrated envir)17(onmental studies pr)18(ograms con)1(-)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.003 tc -0.01 tw (tinue to exist in ontario secondary schools and, in some cases, to flourish.)tj t* -0.014 tc 0.002 tw [(as )1(the )1(popularity )1(of )1(these )1(pr)17(o)-1(g)-1(r)-1(a)-1(m)-1(s)-1( g)-1(r)17(o)-1(w)91(,)-1( s)-1(o)-1( t)-1(o)-1(o)-1( d)-1(o)-1( c)-1(a)-1(l)-1(l)-1(s)-1( f)-1(o)-1(r)-1( m)-1(o)-1(r)18(e )1(r)18(esear)18(ch)]tj t* 0.001 tc 0.124 tw (to bolster anecdotal evidence of their success. the council of outdoor)tj t* -0.024 tc 0.012 tw [(educators of ontario, in particular)74(, has done much work in publicizing these)]tj t* 0 tc 0.006 tw [(pr)17(ograms \(eg., henderson, mehta, & )38(arnott, 1996\), encouraging not only)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.12 tw [(academic but practitioner r)18(esear)17(ch \(henderson, mehta, & elrick, 1996;)]tj t* 0 tc 0.015 tw (horwood, 1995; mehta & henderson, 1996\).)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 232.0479 433.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 237.6971 429.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.015 tw [(in r)18(esponse, we of)18(fer a case)]tj -20.06971 -1.3 td -0.004 tc -0.008 tw (study of one such pr)tj 8.91948 0 td (ogram, highlighting student evaluations. in so doing,)tj -8.91948 -1.3 td -0.018 tc 0.005 tw [(we attempt to not only of)17(fer a detailed description of the pr)18(ogram but ques)-1(-)]tj t* 0.012 tc 0.113 tw [(tion whether such a pr)18(ogram of)17(fers a viable alternative to traditional)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(disciplinary-bound, classr)18(oom-based appr)18(oaches.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 140.1255 343.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(ontario\325)55(s integrated programs)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 319.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.009 tc -0.003 tw (the first integrated envir)tj 10.78228 0 td (onmental studies pr)tj 8.64331 0 td (ogram (esp) at the secondary)tj -19.42559 -1.30001 td -0.007 tc -0.006 tw [(school level in ontario was cr)18(eated in 1981 \(with important antecedents in)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.016 tc 0.004 tw [(the 1970s\), but it is only in the past five or so years that such pr)17(ograms have)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.005 tw (become incr)tj 5.2425 0 td (easingly common in the pr)tj 11.59764 0 td (ovince (mehta & henderson, 1996);)tj -16.84014 -1.30001 td 0 tc 0.1 tw [(curr)18(ently)110(, ther)17(e ar)18(e appr)17(oximately 30 such pr)18(ograms in ontario \(elrick,)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.053 tw [(2000\). in these pr)18(ograms, 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 spend the full day with one gr)17(oup of)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.011 tw [(peers and one or two teachers, as in elementary school, for a semester)75(. )37(an)]tj t* 0 tc 0.097 tw [(integrated appr)17(oach involves gr)18(ouping four or five subjects together to)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.001 tw (make a \322package\323 \(for example, fr)tj 14.74227 0 td (om physical education, leadership, envi)tj 17.12485 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.86712 -1.3 td (r)tj 0.36333 0 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw (onmental science, geography)tj 12.37262 0 td -0.0137 tc (,)tj 0.47362 0 td -0.014 tc (english, or co-operative education\). courses)tj -13.20957 -1.30001 td 0 tc -0.009 tw [(to be of)17(fer)18(ed ar)18(e selected by individual teachers based on their own ar)18(eas)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.003 tc -0.01 tw [(of expertise \(henderson, mehta, & )37(arnott, 1996\), grade level \(1)55(1 or 12 or a)]tj t* 0 tc 0.001 tw (combination\), course standing as \322open\323 or \322university/college pr)tj 29.39288 0 td 0 tw (epara-)tj -29.39288 -1.3 td 0.009 tw (tion,\323 r)tj 3.13036 0.00001 td [(elevancy)111(, and often, whether courses focus as much on issues and)]tj -3.13036 -1.30001 td -0.012 tc -0.001 tw [(skills as \322pur)18(e\323 content \(barr)18(ett & jupp, 2000, p. 12\). common components)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.021 tc 0.009 tw (for many ar)tj 4.95508 0.00001 td -0.0213 tc (e)tj 0.69509 0 td -0.021 tc [(one or two cr)18(edits for co-operative education, wher)18(eby the sec-)]tj -5.6502 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.116 tw (ondary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 teach elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 what they themselves have)tj t* -0.002 tc -0.011 tw (learned in the pr)tj 7.2608 0 td (ogram, or the secondary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 appr)tj 16.97655 0.00001 td (entice in a job that)tj -24.2373 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(has an envir)18(onmental focus \(henderson, mehta, & )37(arnott, 1996\). )]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (288)tj 20.80636 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51538 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40772 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /length 5022 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.054 tw (recent changes to the ontario secondary curriculum have impacted)tj -1.8 -1.30001 td -0.009 tc -0.003 tw [(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(g)1(r)1(a)1(t)1(e)1(d)1( )1(p)1(r)18(ograms. for example, mor)18(e than half of the pr)18(ograms include)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.125 tw [(envir)18(onmental science as part of their package (elrick, 2000), but envi)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.30001 td 0.095 tw [(r)18(onmental science was r)18(ecently r)18(emoved as a course due to the curr)18(ent)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.01 tw [(government\325s hostility to envir)18(onmental concerns and their desir)18(e to be seen)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc -0.011 tw [(pr)17(omoting a \322back to basics\323 curriculum. )37(also, the ministry of education)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.01 tw [(is curr)18(ently drafting guidelines for inter)17(disciplinary studies which would)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(addr)18(ess integrated pr)18(ograms; these guidelines ar)17(e, as yet, unavailable and)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.005 tw [(r)18(emain a sour)18(ce of concern \(barr)18(ett & jupp, 2000; elrick, 2000\). in r)18(esponse)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.117 tw [(to these changes, many of the integrated pr)17(ogram teachers have been)]tj t* -0.013 tc 0.001 tw [(meeting to shar)18(e ideas \(barr)18(ett & jupp, 2000; elrick, 2000\). for example, the)]tj t* 0 tc -0.012 tw [(t)1(e)1(a)1(c)1(h)1(e)1(r)1(s)1( )1(r)19(ecently discussed new r)18(e)1(q)1(u)1(i)1(r)18(ements for 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to do 40 hours)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.122 tw [(of community service. thr)18(ough discussion, they r)18(ealized that much of)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.002 tw (what 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 alr)tj 7.43323 0 td [(eady do in the integrated pr)17(ograms \(for example, r)8(unning)]tj -7.43323 -1.3 td 0 tc -0.004 tw [(the school r)18(ecycling pr)17(ogram, teaching elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , maintaining)]tj t* -0.013 tc 0 tw [(hiking trails\) count towar)17(d these hours, in some cases fulfilling the r)19(equir)17(e-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.005 tw [(ment completely)111(. t)92(ogether)73(, these teachers have also identified a number of)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.123 tw [(other ways they can satisfy the new curriculum \(barr)18(ett & jupp, 2000;)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (elrick, 2000\).)tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.002 tw [(t)92(o fr)18(ee the pr)17(ograms fr)18(om timetable constraints, many ar)18(e physically)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.003 tc -0.01 tw (separated fr)tj 5.23475 0 td -0.002 tc (om the school itself (horwood, 1994). for example, some pr)tj 26.08896 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.54352 0 td (-)tj -31.86723 -1.30001 td -0.012 tc -0.001 tw [(grams operate out of portable buildings on school pr)18(operty)110(, and others bus)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.077 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 of)18(f-site to nearby camps or natural ar)17(eas \(jupp, 1995; mehta &)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.009 tw (henderson, 1996\). some also involve extensive travel both within canada)tj t* -0.005 tc -0.007 tw [(\(elvy)111(, 1997\) and beyond \(sor)18(enson, 1995\). outdoor and experiential learn)-1(-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.121 tw [(ing is emphasized, thus 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in these pr)18(ograms usually spend the)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (bulk of their time outside the classr)tj 15.55591 0 td (oom.)tj -13.75591 -1.3 td 0.099 tw (while ther)tj 4.75406 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.82731 0 td 0 tc (has been some r)tj 7.3518 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.2583 0 td 0.099 tw (ch conducted on the ontario pr)tj 14.32989 0 td (o)tj 0.5459 0 td (-)tj -31.86725 -1.30002 td -0.015 tc 0.003 tw [(grams, to date ther)18(e has been nothing to rival lieberman and hoody\325s 1998)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.003 tc 0.121 tw [(u.s. study of 40 schools \(15 elementary)111(, 13 middle, and 12 secondary\))]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.011 tw (which had adopted what they called the eic model\321the envir)tj 27.6488 0 td (onment as)tj -27.6488 -1.3 td -0.019 tc 0.006 tw [(an integrating context for learning. while lieberman and hoody\325s r)17(esear)18(ch)]tj t* 0.007 tw [(focused on a somewhat dif)19(f)1(e)1(r)18(ent model \(in that their chosen pr)18(ograms wer)18(e)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.008 tw [(not r)18(estricted to secondary schools, wer)18(e often school- or grade-wide, and)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.002 tw [(team-taught\), their r)17(esear)18(ch r)17(eflects what teachers, 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and observers)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.011 tw [(have been saying about the ontario pr)16(ograms, namely that the pr)18(ograms:)]tj 0 -2.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [-1194(gr)17(ound learning in authentic, \322r)17(eal world\323 experience, )]tj 0 -1.3 td tj 1.8 0 td [(demonstrate links between subject ar)17(eas, )]tj -1.8 -1.3 td tj 1.8 0 td (foster r)tj 3.12891 0.00001 td [(esponsibility)110(, collaboration, and a sense of community)112(, )]tj -4.9289 -1.3 td [-1194(incr)18(ease and enhance student-teacher contact, and )]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6774 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc [(repor)-20(t on an ontario secondar)-10(y sc)10(hool )-16154(289)]tj et q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /length 4745 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k [-1194(impr)18(ove r)17(elations between 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 \(b)1(ozzelli, 1999; henderson, )]tj 1.8 -1.30001 td [(mehta, & )37(arnott, 1996; horwood, 1994; jupp, 1995; simms, 1996\). )]tj -1.8 -2.6 td -0.018 tc 0.01 tw [(further)73(, lieberman and hoody (1998) document a significant impr)19(ovement)]tj 0 -1.30001 td 0.013 tc 0.117 tw [(in student performance in r)18(eading, writing, math, science, and social)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.005 tc 0 tw (studies.)tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.008 tc -0.004 tw [(thr)18(ough an examination of standar)17(dized tests, behavioural data, sam-)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.043 tw (ples of curricular materials, student work, and interviews with teachers,)tj t* -0.012 tw [(administrators, and 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , lieberman and hoody (1998) pr)19(ovide solid)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.119 tw [(evidence that integrated envir)17(onmental pr)18(ograms bear much pr)18(omise.)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.01 tw [(however)74(, because of the design of their study \(determined by their desir)17(e)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.004 tw [(for a nation-wide survey\), r)18(esear)17(chers wer)18(e only able to spend just over one)]tj t* 0.001 tc 0.124 tw (day at each of the 40 schools. in that period of time, they collected an)tj t* -0.002 tc 0 tw (impr)tj 2.14526 0 td -0.011 tw [(essive amount of data but wer)18(e unable to amass the rich type of data)]tj -2.14526 -1.3 td 0 tc -0.001 tw [(generally associated with a case study)111(. further)73(, because of their design, it)]tj t* -0.011 tc [(a)1(p)1(p)1(e)1(a)1(r)1(s)1( )1(t)1(h)1(a)1(t)1( )1(t)1(h)1(e)1(y)1( )1(w)1(e)1(r)18(e only able to survey or speak with appr)17(oximately 10)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 per school. )tj 1.8 -1.3 td 0.01 tw [(our r)17(eport can be seen as supplementary to lieberman and hoody\325s)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.002 tc -0.01 tw [(r)18(esear)18(ch in that it of)17(fers a mor)18(e detailed description of a secondary school)]tj t* 0.011 tc 0.114 tw [(pr)17(ogram with striking similarities: an experiential, community-based,)]tj t* -0.008 tc 0 tw (inter)tj 2.01598 0 td -0.005 tw (disciplinary appr)tj 7.4687 0 td (oach with the envir)tj 8.37387 0 td (onment as the central integrating)tj -17.85855 -1.30001 td -0.025 tc 0.012 tw [(concept. further)74(, our r)17(eport focuses on a qualitative analysis of student expe-)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc -0.01 tw [(rience which has been r)18(ecently noted as an ar)17(ea deserving mor)18(e attention)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.004 tw (\(hart, 1999; pivnick, 1999\). while an individual case study \(particularly one)tj t* -0.025 tc 0.012 tw [(which highlights testimony of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who have chosen to enr)18(ol in this pr)17(o-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.107 tw [(gram and who thus do not r)18(epr)17(esent the entir)17(e student body\) may not)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.008 tw (necessarily pr)tj 6.0196 0 td (ovide generalizable r)tj 9.15139 0 td (esults, it can of)tj 6.44834 0 td (fer detailed descriptions)tj -21.61933 -1.30001 td 0 tc 0.005 tw (which may pr)tj 6.15841 0 td (ovide fertile gr)tj 6.52633 0 td (ound for theory testing and generation, par)tj 19.18251 0 td (-)tj -31.86725 -1.30001 td 0.004 tc 0.121 tw [(ticularly when combined with insights fr)17(om other r)18(elated case studies)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(\(feagin, or)7(um, & sjober)18(g, 1991\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 188.729 176.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (methods)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 152.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (t)tj 0.63279 0.00001 td 0.0099 tc (he)tj 1.53105 0 td 0.01 tc 0.19 tw [(second author)74(, john burton, has been teaching the esp)-433(at gr)17(ey)]tj -2.16384 -1.30001 td -0.007 tc 0.122 tw (highlands secondary school in flesherton, ontario since 1993. the first)tj 0 -1.3 td -0.016 tc -0.007 tw [(author)74(, connie russell, attended gr)18(ey highlands in the late 1970s and early)]tj t* 0.01 tc 0.14 tw (1980s. fr)tj 4.0871 0 td (om 1993 to 1996, she was involved intermittently)tj 22.95385 0.00001 td 0.0098 tc (,)tj 0.66004 0 td 0.01 tc 0 tw (pr)tj 0.99812 0.00001 td (oviding)tj -28.6991 -1.3 td -0.035 tc 0.012 tw [(r)18(esour)18(ces, occasionally acting as a chaper)18(one on outings, and facilitating work-)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0 tw (shops (see bell, russell, & plotkin, 1998). in 1997, we decided that to enhance)tj t* -0.01 tc [(the pr)17(ogram, we ought to solicit student evaluations.)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (290)tj 20.80635 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51539 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40771 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /length 5146 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.005 tw [(o)15(ur primary sour)18(ce of data for this particular paper comes fr)18(om pr)18(e-)]tj -1.8 -1.30001 td -0.018 tc [(and post-course questionnair)18(es. in consultation with john, connie designed)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.1 tw [(two-page questionnair)17(es \(consisting of 14 items in the pr)18(e-course ques)1(-)]tj 0 -1.30001 td 0.002 tc 0.122 tw [(tionnair)17(e, 16 in the post-course, with open-ended questions like \322why)]tj t* 0 tc 0.117 tw [(did you enr)18(ol in this course?\323 and \322what did you like least about this)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(course?\323\). connie administer)19(ed them on the first and last day of the esp)-220(in)]tj t* 0 tc 0.018 tw [(1997, 1998, and 1999. 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 wer)18(e informed that the questionnair)17(e was)]tj t* -0.025 tc 0.012 tw [(voluntary)110(, and that their frank assessments could help impr)18(ove the pr)18(ogram.)]tj t* 0 tc 0.076 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 signed their questionnair)17(es to ease pr)18(e-course and post-course)]tj t* 0.001 tc 0.123 tw [(comparisons, but wer)18(e assur)18(ed confidentiality)111(.)-1( )36(as well, they wer)17(e told)]tj t* 0 tc 0.046 tw [(that john would not see the r)17(esults of the questionnair)18(es until after final)]tj t* -0.013 tc 0.001 tw [(marks for the year wer)18(e submitted. )36(all 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 participated \(22 in 1997, 25)]tj t* 0 tc 0.017 tw (in 1998, and 26 in 1999\).)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 179.05 433.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 184.719 429.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.017 tw [(connie thematically coded the questionnair)18(e as)]tj -11.1719 -1.3 td -0.009 tc -0.003 tw (well as r)tj 3.60491 0 td [(esponses to each question. each student\325s r)19(esponse to the pr)17(e- and)]tj -3.60491 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.046 tw [(post-course questionnair)18(es wer)18(e compar)18(ed as wer)18(e the overall r)17(esults of)]tj t* 0 tw [(each year)74(. )]tj 1.8 -1.3 td 0.014 tc 0.111 tw [(the questionnair)18(e data was complemented by knowledge gained)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(thr)17(ough our participation in the pr)17(ogram as teacher and as r)18(esear)18(cher)74(,)]tj t* 0.009 tc 0.116 tw [(casual conversations with 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 on outings, and r)18(eview of student)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.006 tw [(journals; while these other sour)18(ces give us confidence that the questionnair)18(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0.003 tw (data accurately r)tj 7.35597 0 td (eflects student perspectives, we do not explicitly r)tj 22.03433 0 td (efer to)tj -29.3903 -1.30001 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(that data in this paper)73(. the quotes of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 that follow)92(, then, ar)17(e gleaned)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(solely fr)18(om the questionnair)17(es. )]tj 1.8 -1.3 td 0.046 tw [(w)92(e dither)17(ed about whether to conceal the identity of the school and)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0.004 tw (made our final decision after this paper was accepted for publication; we)tj t* 0 tw [(thus do not believe that this decision has temper)18(ed our comments. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 129.7619 226.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (case study: environmental studies program (esp))tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 202.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (gr)tj 1.13989 0 td 0.113 tw (ey highlands, located about 130 km northwest of t)tj 23.4094 0 td 0 tw (or)tj 0.92285 0 td 0.113 tw (onto, is a r)tj 4.93954 0 td 0 tw (ural)tj -30.41168 -1.30001 td -0.001 tc -0.011 tw [(school of appr)18(oximately 900 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , 95% of whom ar)18(e bussed to school,)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.018 tc 0.006 tw [(some fr)18(om as far away as 30 km. it is the only secondary school in the vicin)1(-)]tj t* -0.019 tc (ity and thus must meet a diverse range of student needs. 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 generally)tj t* -0.005 tc -0.008 tw (live in towns no lar)tj 8.38224 0.00001 td [(ger than 2500 people or on farms, and most come fr)19(om)]tj -8.38224 -1.30001 td -0.007 tc -0.005 tw [(families long established in the ar)18(ea. most 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the school ar)18(e lower)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.016 tc 0.003 tw (to middle class, and white. since the majority of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have to \322catch the)tj t* 0.007 tc 0.117 tw [(bus\323 immediately after classes ar)18(e dismissed, an after)18(-school envir)18(on-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (mental pr)tj 4.2878 0 td (ogram is not possible \(burton, in pr)tj 15.65039 0.00001 td (ess\).)tj -18.1382 -1.3 td -0.006 tc -0.004 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the esp)-222(earn four grade 12 cr)18(edits \(one envir)18(onmental sci-)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.005 tw [(ence, one outdoor physical education, two co-)1(o)2(p)2(e)2(r)2(a)2(t)2(i)2(v)2(e)2( )2(e)2(d)2(u)2(c)2(a)2(t)2(i)2(o)2(n)2(\))2( )2(d)2(u)2(r)2(i)2(n)2(g)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (291)tj et q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /length 5522 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.032 tw [(the febr)7(uary)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f8 1 tf 10 0 0 10 93.9688 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (-)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 99.457 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.032 tw [(june semester)74(. because of a \322grandfather\323 clause, envir)18(on-)]tj -6.2457 -1.30001 td -0.024 tc 0.012 tw [(mental science can be taught until 2001; john likely will r)17(eplace it with a new)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(grade 1)55(1 geography course that focuses on r)18(esour)17(ce management. )]tj 1.8 -1.30001 td -0.016 tc 0.004 tw [(based in a portable building behind the school, 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 spend appr)18(ox-)]tj -1.8 -1.30001 td 0.008 tc 0.117 tw [(imately 75% of the semester outside, on school pr)18(operty \(102 acr)18(es of)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.009 tc -0.004 tw [(naturally r)17(egenerating farmland, matur)18(e for)17(est, and wetlands\), in the adja)1(-)]tj t* -0.013 tc 0.001 tw [(cent natural and human communities, and occasionally in r)19(emote locations)]tj t* -0.018 tc 0.006 tw [(in northern ontario. concepts in envir)17(onmental science, outdoor r)18(e)1(c)1(r)19(eation,)]tj t* 0 tc 0.025 tw [(and envir)18(onmental education ar)18(e learned during such activities as water)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.006 tw [(testing, winter and summer camping, r)18(ock-climbing, cr)18(oss-country skiing,)]tj t* 0 tc 0.095 tw [(snowshoeing, hiking, and a 16-day wilderness canoe trip in t)92(emagami.)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.122 tw (assignments include journal keeping, developing activities and lesson)tj t* 0.018 tc 0.107 tw [(plans for co-op teaching, r)18(esear)17(ching car)18(eers, final exams, as well as)]tj 0 tc (r)' 0.37695 0 td 0.026 tw [(esear)18(ching and pr)17(esenting r)18(eports to the class on envir)18(onmental science)]tj -0.37695 -1.3 td -0.012 tc -0.001 tw [(topics and various envir)18(onmental issues. 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 also participate in many)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.009 tw [(action pr)18(ojects including r)8(unning the school-wide r)18(ecycling pr)17(ogram, tr)18(e)1(e)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.004 tw [(planting, letter)17(-writing campaigns, trail maintenance, litter r)17(emoval, waste)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.012 tw [(audits, and impr)18(omptu ef)18(forts like assisting with a clean-up after a torna)-1(-)]tj -0.0001 tc (do)' 1.45837 0 td (hit)tj 1.50023 0 td 0 tc 0.052 tw [(the ar)17(ea in 1996. 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 also r)18(eceive first )37(aid certification, cpr)]tj -2.9586 -1.3 td 0.002 tc 0.123 tw (training, and have an opportunity to earn \322level one\323 canoe tripping)tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (certification fr)tj 6.20557 0 td (om the ontario recr)tj 8.95776 0 td (eational canoe )tj 6.79248 0 td (association.)tj -20.15581 -1.30001 td -0.001 tc -0.012 tw [(given that 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 r)17(eceive two cr)18(edits in co-operative education, 20-)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.05 tw [(22 days of the semester ar)18(e spent teaching a total of appr)17(oximately 1500)]tj t* -0.003 tc 0.017 tw [(e)-3(l)-3(e)-3(m)-3(entary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (jk - 8) fr)17(om the feeder schools. the elementary stu)1(-)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.119 tw [(dents spend the entir)18(e day on the pr)17(operty and the esp)-355(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 lead)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.009 tw [(co-operative and envir)18(onmental games, facilitate outdoor r)18(ecr)18(eation activ)-1(-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.007 tw (ities, conduct pond studies, and give interpr)tj 19.08822 0 td (etive walks. in pr)tj 7.47373 0 td (eparation for)tj -26.56195 -1.3 td -0.02 tc 0.005 tw (their teaching assignments, they visit the pr)tj 18.39112 0 td (operty r)tj 3.37552 0 td 0 tw (egularly)tj 3.40051 0 td -0.0199 tc (,)tj 0.46494 0 td -0.02 tc 0.005 tw (stopping at sig)tj 6.23522 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.86731 -1.30001 td 0.012 tc 0.111 tw [(nificant landmarks and interpr)18(etive signs along the trails, learning to)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.011 tc -0.004 tw [(identify dominant tr)17(ee species and signs of animals, continually discussing)]tj t* -0.003 tc 0.012 tw (with john and with each other how these could be used with the elemen)tj 31.86725 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.86725 -1.3 td 0.001 tc 0.121 tw [(tary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . each student is also r)18(equir)17(ed to select a minimum of 25)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.004 tw [(envir)18(onmental or co-operative activities and learn to facilitate each one with)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.011 tw [(their classmates, getting feedback fr)17(om john and their peers as they go along.)]tj 1.8 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.125 tw [(given the very low esp)-358(student/elementary student ratio \(usually)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.019 tc 0.006 tw [(about 3 to 1\), the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 teach in teams. the esp)-220(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 take turns being)]tj t* 0 tc 0.023 tw [(gr)17(oup leader)74(, usually thr)17(ee to four times over the semester; their r)18(espon-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.001 tw (sibilities for the day include developing detailed lesson plans and acting as)tj t* -0.022 tc 0.01 tw (primary facilitator)tj 7.6274 0 td -0.0222 tc (.)tj 0.4652 0 td -0.022 tc 0 tw (instr)tj 1.94526 0.00001 td 0.01 tw (uction on what to expect of elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and)tj -10.0379 -1.3 td -0.003 tc -0.01 tw [(how to handle potential pr)17(oblems is pr)18(ovided by one of the teachers fr)18(om)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (292)tj 20.80636 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51538 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40772 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /length 5269 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tw [(the neighbouring elementary school or by john. further)73(, each elementary)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.007 tc -0.005 tw [(teacher who brings a class for the day is asked to fill out a questionnair)18(e at)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(the end, of)18(fering feedback.)]tj 1.8 -1.30001 td -0.015 tc 0.002 tw [(the esp)-219(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 find out about this pr)17(ogram fr)18(om a variety of sour)18(ces)]tj -1.8 -1.30001 td 0.013 tc 0.112 tw (\(course calendars, local newspaper articles, guidance counselors, and)tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.076 tw [(teachers\), but the majority of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 over the past thr)17(ee years learned)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.123 tw [(about the pr)17(ogram fr)18(om either friends or siblings who had pr)18(eviously)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.004 tw [(taken the course. indeed, 94% of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 sought out information fr)18(om past)]tj t* 0 tc 0.003 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 prior to enr)18(oling. the wor)17(d of mouth was overwhelmingly pos)1(-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.001 tw [(itive; accor)18(ding to one student, \322ther)17(e is almost a legend about the course.\323)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.009 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who had older siblings go thr)18(ough the pr)17(ogram wer)18(e particular)-1(-)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.118 tw [(ly well-informed and wer)18(e often ur)17(ged by their par)17(ents to enr)18(ol. one)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.009 tw [(student r)18(eported that the course \322helpe)-1(d my br)18(other matur)17(e and gr)18(ow up)]tj t* 0 tc -0.012 tw (and [my par)tj 5.41717 0 td [(ents] thought it would do the same for me.\323 similarly)111(, anoth-)]tj -5.41717 -1.3 td 0.008 tw [(er said: \322my br)18(other took this course and he was always excited about it.)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.003 tw (so he got me excited about it. he usually doesn\325t get excited so it had to be)tj t* -0.011 tc -0.001 tw [(good.\323 no 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 had participated in a similar pr)18(ogram befor)18(e, although)]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.74973 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (few 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 did have camping experience.)tj 1.05027 -1.3 td -0.023 tc [(in the first year)73(, 1993, the pr)18(ogram is said to have drawn, in the wor)18(d)-1(s)-1( )-1(o)-1(f)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0.0099 tc (a)tj 1.00716 0 td 0.01 tc 0.237 tw [(former student, \322mostly fr)18(om an outdoorsy cr)18(owd, and fr)18(om the)]tj -1.00716 -1.3 td -0.01 tc 0 tw (gr)tj 1.1199 0 td 0.041 tw (eenpeace wannabes,\323 but over the years, the esp)tj 21.65891 0 td (has begun to attract a)tj -22.77881 -1.30001 td -0.012 tc -0.011 tw [(wider range of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 \(barr)18(on, 1996, p. 32\). in the past thr)17(ee years, 29% of)]tj 0 -1.3 td [(these 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 r)18(eported prior involvement with conservation, envir)17(onmen-)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.012 tw [(tal, or animal welfar)18(e or)17(ganizations prior to enr)18(olment in the course. while)]tj t* 0.085 tw [(the pr)17(ogram appeals to both males and females, ther)19(e has been a gender)]tj t* -0.025 tc 0.003 tw [(imbalance. over the past thr)17(ee years, 63% of the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have been male. \(in)]tj t* -0.01 tc 0 tw (2000, however)tj 6.175 0 td -0.0101 tc (,)tj 0.47974 0 td -0.01 tc (the females outnumber the males.\) )tj -4.85474 -1.3 td 0.042 tw (the pr)tj 2.88347 0 td (ogram is voluntary)tj 8.25067 0 td (.)tj 0.48546 0 td (at gr)tj 2.48599 0 td (ey highlands, all 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 indicate in)tj -15.90559 -1.30001 td -0.03 tc 0.007 tw [(febr)7(uary what courses they wish to take the following year; usually about 30-)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.01 tc 0.118 tw [(40 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 sign up for the esp)129(. 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ar)18(e then asked to complete an)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.004 tw (application form \(asking them for medical information, par)tj 24.63617 0 td (ental permissions,)tj -24.63617 -1.3 td -0.011 tc -0.011 tw [(p)1(r)18(evious r)18(elevant experiences, and r)18(easons for enr)18(oling\). thus far)74(, john has)]tj t* -0.01 tc 0.125 tw (not had to use the application as a \322weeding\323 tool beyond checking for)tj t* -0.031 tc 0.008 tw [(pr)17(er)18(equisite courses. )37(a)-173(cdn$100 r)18(efundable r)17(eservation deposit must be paid)]tj t* -0.03 tc [(in the fall. by the time the course begins the following febr)7(uary)110(, only the most)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.007 tw [(committed 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have chosen to enr)19(ol. over the past 3 years, enr)17(olment)]tj t* 0 tw (has ranged between 22 and 26 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .)tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.022 tc (reasons for enr)tj 6.4991 0.00001 td (oling have been diverse. some 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 wanted to spend)tj -8.2991 -1.3 td -0.0102 tc (a)tj 0.8429 0 td -0.01 tc 0.113 tw (semester learning outside, experientially)tj 17.73465 0.00001 td -0.0101 tc (,)tj 0.59296 0 td -0.01 tc (in a non-traditional pr)tj 9.91009 0.00001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(o)10(gram.)]tj -29.0806 -1.3 td 0.005 tc 0.12 tw [(others looked forwar)18(d to the various field trips and learning outdoor)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (293)tj et q endstream endobj 11 0 obj << /length 4395 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.009 tw [(r)18(ecr)18(eation skills. others indicated their desir)18(e to learn about natur)17(e, envi)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.30001 td 0.003 tc 0.122 tw [(r)18(onmental issues, and envir)18(onmental advocacy)112(. some felt that the esp)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.009 tc -0.004 tw [(would help them with their car)17(eer goals \(in fields like teaching or working)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(with childr)18(en, envir)17(onmental science, conservation, for)19(estry)110(, policing, and)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.001 tw (ecotourism\) and others felt it would help with their personal goals \(includ-)tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.093 tw (ing learning leadership skills, building confidence, and getting fit\). the)tj t* 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(possibility of making new friends and working with a gr)17(oup was also)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.119 tw [(attractive. for many 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , the r)17(eputation of the course as fun and)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(adventur)18(e-filled was a big part of its appeal.)]tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(financially)110(, beyond john\325s salary)111(, the boar)18(d has not committed itself to)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td [(the esp)129(, thus 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ar)18(e r)17(esponsible for all costs incurr)18(ed over the semes)1(-)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(ter)73(, mostly associated with field trips \(barr)19(on, 1996; cr)18(osby)110(, 1997\). in 1993,)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.007 tw [(the cost per student was cdn$550 but due to john\325s fundraising ef)18(forts, has)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0 tw (decr)tj 1.84351 0 td 0.004 tw [(eased each year so that in 1999, the cost was cdn$400. while most stu)1(-)]tj -1.84351 -1.3 td -0.011 tc -0.001 tw [(dents felt that the costs wer)18(e not pr)17(ohibitive \(barr)17(on, 1996\), occasionally an)]tj t* 0 tc 0.008 tw [(esp)-240(student has mentioned that a friend had chosen not to enr)18(ol because)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.118 tw [(of the course fee. concerned that the pr)18(ogram be accessible, john has)]tj t* 0 tc 0.04 tw [(made ef)18(forts to attract funding fr)17(om other sour)18(ces as well as ensur)19(e that)]tj t* 0.005 tw [(ther)17(e ar)18(e multiple fundraising opportunities for 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . indeed, in past)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.003 tw [(years, a number of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have been able to raise the entir)17(e course fee by)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (participating in all the fundraising events \(barr)tj 20.77808 0 td (on, 1996; burton, 1998\).)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 161.3877 292.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (student perspectives)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 268.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.029 tc 0.006 tw [(thr)18(ee key themes emer)17(ged in the questionnair)17(es as important to the st)1(udents:)]tj 0 -2.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [-1194(experiential learning, )]tj 0 -1.3 td [-1194(interpersonal skill development, and )]tj t* [-1194(personal gr)18(owth. )]tj 0 -2.3 td -0.014 tc 0.002 tw (implicit, and occasionally explicit, in their comments is a comparison of the)tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(esp)-232(and mor)18(e traditional schooling.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 156.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (experiential learning)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 136.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 tc -0.012 tw (most 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 indicated that learning experientially)tj 22.67824 0 td -0.0007 tc (,)tj 0.48671 0 td -0.001 tc (outdoors, was easier)tj -23.16495 -1.30001 td -0.007 tc -0.006 tw [(thus mor)18(e ef)17(fective for them than a traditional school setting. in the wor)18(ds)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0.001 tw (of one student, \322we actually did the things we wer)tj 21.63665 0.00001 td -0.0141 tc (e)tj 0.7023 0 td -0.014 tc (learning about, instead)tj -22.3389 -1.3 td 0 tc -0.002 tw [(of just learning about it.\323 she pr)17(ovided an example: \322it is easier for me to)]tj t* 0.01 tc 0.115 tw [(learn about feeding r)17(elationships playing the part of the animals in a)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(game, than r)17(eading it in a textbook.\323 similarly)110(, other 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 said:)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (294)tj 20.80635 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51539 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40771 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /length 5167 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 586.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(in ways its easier because you\325r)18(e never in a classr)18(oom, you\325r)18(e always)]tj 0 -1.16667 td -0.019 tc 0.006 tw [(hiking or something but it was har)17(der because i felt that i learned ten times)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(mor)18(e stuf)18(f than i would in a boring classr)17(oom.)]tj -0.0101 tc (i)' 0.58842 0 td -0.01 tc 0.022 tw [(found i dealt with the same amount of dif)18(ficult ques)1(tions, the dif)17(fer)18(ence)]tj -0.58842 -1.16667 td -0.03 tc 0.007 tw (being i was not dealing with the questions on paper but actually living them.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 521.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(for others, that is pr)17(ecisely what made this pr)18(ogram mor)18(e dif)18(ficult: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 500.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc [(people think this is an easy course because we ar)18(e rar)17(ely in c)1(lass and seem)]tj 0 -1.16667 td -0.02 tc 0.008 tw [(to be always having fun. but as an esp\325er)74(, yes, it is r)18(eally fun, but it is most)-1(-)]tj -0.0001 tc (ly)' 1.18716 0 td 0 tc 0.091 tw (experiential learning and also very physically demanding. but most)tj -1.18716 -1.16667 td 0 tw (people don\325t understand that.)tj 0 -2.27778 td 0.005 tw [(mor)18(e is expected of you. it is your decision to do the pr)18(oper thing and if)]tj 0 -1.16667 td -0.013 tc 0 tw (you decide to do something you shouldn\325t, you feel so guilty about letting)tj t* -0.017 tc 0.004 tw [(everyone down. in r)18(egular classes, you tend to just car)18(e about yourself and)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.005 tw (you don\325t car)tj 5.75623 0 td (e)tj 0.70836 0 td [(about what the teacher thinks of you, but this is totally dif)-2(-)]tj -6.4646 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw [(fer)17(ent.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 383.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.063 tw [(one student found the question of whether the pr)17(ogram was easier)74(, the)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tw (same, or har)tj 5.43481 0 td (der than traditional school \322ridiculous.\323 she continued on: )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 350.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.036 tw (this semester cannot be compar)tj 14.30238 0 td [(ed with r)18(egular class. i learned in a dif-)]tj -14.30238 -1.16666 td -0.002 tc -0.01 tw [(f)1(e)1(r)18(ent way\321maybe that was easier)74(. but i learned mor)18(e about me and life)]tj 0 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw (skills than any other class has ever taught me.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 306.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.006 tc (accor)tj 2.61832 0 td 0.119 tw (ding to some 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , teaching elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 gr)tj 25.6062 0 td 0 tw (eatly)tj -30.02452 -1.30001 td -0.01 tc -0.003 tw [(helped them in their own understanding of course content. )37(as one student)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.085 tw [(wr)18(ote, \322t)91(eaching the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 made it easier for me to learn and it will)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(always be r)18(emember)17(ed.\323 others wer)18(e excited by the r)17(esponsibility given to)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (them:)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 233.4039 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.011 tc -0.002 tw ([i liked] the tr)tj 5.90398 0 td (ust we wer)tj 4.74544 0 td -0.0107 tc (e)tj 0.70566 0 td -0.011 tc (given. w)tj 3.83078 0 td (ith public school kids, with the wilder)tj 16.33897 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.52484 -1.16668 td -0.002 tc -0.011 tw [(ness atmospher)18(e, our own meals. w)92(ow! w)92(e wer)18(e tr)17(eated like we actually)]tj 0 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw (could think for ourselves!)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 189.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.022 tc 0.009 tw (many 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 also valued that their learning felt authentic and meaningful:)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 168.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.025 tc -0.003 tw ([what i liked best was] the chance to experience important things, instead of)tj 0 -1.16667 td -0.015 tc 0 tw (sitting in a class filling your head with information and no understanding.)tj 0 -2.33334 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.68063 0 td 0 tc 0.094 tw (liked that everything had a purpose and was needed or used during)tj -0.68063 -1.16667 td 0 tw (either the co-op with the kids or the canoe trip.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 103.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.003 tc -0.01 tw (this feeling of purpose was enhanced by the fact that many 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(enter)17(ed the pr)18(ogram with personal or car)18(eer goals. particularly for those)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0 tw (stu)tj 1.3744 0 td 0.002 tc 0.123 tw (dents who expr)tj 7.1326 0.00001 td (essed inter)tj 4.86803 0.00001 td (est in teaching or working with childr)tj 17.51001 0.00001 td 0 tw (en,)tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (295)tj et q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /length 5261 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.011 tc 0.114 tw [(the co-op sessions with)-369(e)6(l)6(e)6(m)6(e)6(n)6(t)6(a)6(r)6(y)6( )6(c)6(h)6(i)6(l)6(d)6(r)23(e)6(n)6( )6(w)6(e)6(r)24(e)5( )5(i)5(n)5(v)5(a)5(l)5(u)5(a)5(b)5(l)5(e)5(.)5( )5(i)5(n)5( )5(s)5(o)5(m)5(e)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.014 tc -0.004 tw [(cases, it confirmed a student\325s hunch that teaching might be an appr)18(opria)-5(t)-5(e)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc -0.001 tw [(car)18(eer)73(, others wer)18(e surprised to find that they enjoyed teaching and wer)18(e)]tj 0 -1.30001 td 0.015 tc 0.11 tw (pondering the implications of that insight, and still others found the)tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(thought of ever teaching childr)17(en again absolutely horrifying!)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 509.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (interpersonal skills development)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 489.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.006 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 appr)18(eciated the opportunity to hone their interpersonal skills. )35(at)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.01 tc 0.115 tw [(the outset, a number of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 wr)17(ote that they wer)17(e nervous about)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.008 tw [(g)1(r)18(oup work and spending so much time with the same gr)18(oup of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ,)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.118 tw [(many of whom they did not know well, if at all. )37(as one r)18(elated later)73(,)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(\322usually if you thr)17(ow 25 kids together)74(, they wouldn\325t all get along but we)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.007 tw [(did in this situation.\323 indeed, a number of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 indicated that they wer)18(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(surprised by their fellow 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . )37(as one said:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 55 390.5709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.02 tc 0.007 tw [(ther)18(e wer)17(e so many dif)18(fer)18(ent types of people fr)17(om dif)18(fer)18(ent \322gr)17(oups.\323 half)]tj 0 -1.16667 td -0.004 tc -0.009 tw (of the class i would never have talked to befor)tj 20.1227 0 td -0.0035 tc (e)tj 0.71289 0 td -0.004 tc (this course. now . . . they)tj -20.83559 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ar)18(e my friends.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 346.5709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(in a pr)18(ogram mor)18(e akin to the elementary model wher)17(e 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 spend the)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.008 tc -0.004 tw [(e)1(n)1(t)1(i)1(r)18(e day with one teacher and one gr)18(oup of peers, ther)18(e is gr)17(eater oppor-)]tj t* 0.012 tc 0.113 tw (tunity for 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to get to know one another and mor)tj 26.1629 0 td 0.0123 tc (e)tj 0.8661 0 td 0.012 tc (attention is)tj -27.029 -1.3 td -0.01 tc -0.002 tw [(devoted to learning how to work as a team. in the wor)18(ds of these 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 55 286.5709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.024 tw [(it surprised me how well the class worked together)74(. in most classes, the)]tj 0 -1.16667 td -0.004 tc -0.009 tw [(people ar)18(e ther)17(e to learn, not to work on dynamics. that is pr)18(obably why)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [([r)17(egular] class is not fun.)]tj 0 -2.27778 td -0.0002 tc (i)tj 0.59252 0 td 0 tc 0.006 tw (think its gr)tj 4.82153 0 td (eat spending so much time with these people and getting to)tj -5.41404 -1.16667 td 0 tw (know them for who they ar)tj 12.09131 0 td (e, not just who you thought they wer)tj 16.33716 0 td (e.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 211.5709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.007 tc -0.006 tw (many commented on how important their time together was in build-)tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw (ing their ability to work as a team, especially during dif)tj 23.68639 0 td (ficult moments, like)tj -23.68639 -1.3 td -0.002 tc -0.01 tw (one unusually cold, mosquito-ridden canoe trip when tempers wer)tj 29.37807 0 td -0.0023 tc (e)tj 0.71404 0 td -0.002 tc 0 tw (fray)tj 1.77533 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.86745 -1.30001 td -0.003 tc (ing. )tj 1.86622 0 td -0.009 tw [(a)-182(number believed that learning these skills would help them later in)]tj -1.86622 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw (their chosen car)tj 6.94873 0 td (eers and personal life: )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 55 139.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0095 tc (i)tj 0.56485 0 td -0.01 tc -0.003 tw [(liked the amount of time you spend with the same gr)17(oup of people. this)]tj -0.56485 -1.16667 td 0.002 tc 0.123 tw [(allows for the r)18(ealization that each person has faults and that you do)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (too. by seeing other people\325s faults, you find your own and work on it.)tj 0 -2.2778 td -0.007 tw [([i learned] how to take car)18(e of others. t)92(o get along with everyone even if)]tj 0 -1.1667 td 0.006 tw (you feel they ar)tj 6.8729 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.7346 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (wr)tj 1.21102 0.00001 td 0.006 tw (ong. [and] how much tr)tj 10.77923 0.00001 td (ust you r)tj 3.94601 0.00001 td (eally need in or)tj 6.82967 0.00001 td 0 tw (der)tj -30.3735 -1.1667 td (to get thr)tj 4.0171 0 td (ough life.)tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (296)tj 20.80636 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51538 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40772 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /length 4957 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 586.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.68625 0 td 0 tc 0.099 tw [(learned a lot about myself, how i work with others, how to impr)18(ove)]tj -0.68625 -1.16667 td -0.006 tc -0.006 tw [(myself, how to be patient. how to be an important member of a team. )36(a)1(l)1(l)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (of those skills a lot of people never learn.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 538.0038 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(personal gr)17(owth)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 517.8038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.003 tc 0.122 tw [(a)-320(thir)17(d theme raised by the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 was personal gr)18(owth. many dis-)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.02 tc 0.452 tw [(cussed their incr)18(eased awar)18(eness and knowledge about natur)18(e,)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.008 tw [(e)1(n)1(v)1(i)1(r)19(onmental issues, and envir)18(onmental action. others discussed oppor-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.108 tw [(tunities to learn about and test skills needed in various car)18(eers. others)]tj t* 0.059 tw [(br)17(ought up mor)18(e personal issues, particularly gr)17(owth in self-awar)18(eness,)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.117 tw [(l)1(e)1(a)1(r)1(n)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( )1(p)1(a)1(t)1(i)1(e)1(n)1(c)1(e)1(,)1( )1(t)1(r)8(ust, and team-work, building self-confidence, and)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(incr)18(easing their physical fitness. her)17(e ar)18(e some examples:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 418.8038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.59442 0 td 0 tc 0.008 tw [(learned a lot about who i was and wher)18(e i want to be in fifteen years. i)]tj -0.59442 -1.16667 td 0.039 tw [(learned how to deal with things without losing it. )36(also, i learned better)]tj t* 0 tw (leadership and communication skills.)tj 0 -2.33333 td 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(i\325m not as shy anymor)18(e, doing the pr)18(esentations helped me a lot, not)]tj 0 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw [(just in class but every day)111(.)]tj 0 -2.33333 td -0.0049 tc (i)tj 0.56949 0 td -0.005 tc -0.008 tw (learned so much about myself, how to better interact with people, to try)tj -0.56949 -1.16667 td -0.022 tc 0.01 tw (new things, and to keep doing things you like, how to look at life in a much)tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (simpler way)tj 5.3916 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.49969 0 td 0 tc (not to let insignificant things bug me.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 300.8038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tw (most of these 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 went on to say that they had not experienced such)tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tw [(personal gr)18(owth in a traditional classr)17(oom. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 260.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (a)tj 0.93506 0 td (caveat)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 240.2038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.03 tc -0.003 tw (when asked if they would r)tj 11.5026 0 td (ecommend the course to others, all of the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )tj -11.5026 -1.30001 td -0.02 tc 0.028 tw (in each year of this study said that they would do so; many concluded their)tj 0 -1.3 td -0.036 tc 0.003 tw [(post-course survey with phrases like \322esp)-199(r)-1(o)-1(c)-1(k)-1(s)-1(!)-1-1( )-1(o)-1(r)-1( )-1-1(e)-1(s)-1(p)-200(rules!\323 repeatedly)111(,)]tj t* -0.017 tc -0.006 tw [(t)10(h)10(e)10(y)10( )10(m)10(entioned the importance of experiential learning, the development of)]tj t* -0.029 tc 0.006 tw (interpersonal skills, and the opportunity for personal gr)tj 23.05301 0 td (owth. w)tj 3.50201 0 td -0.0287 tc (e)tj 0.67775 0 td -0.029 tc (do not wish)tj -27.23277 -1.30001 td -0.01 tc -0.012 tw (to imply)tj 3.53861 0 td -0.0103 tc (,)tj 0.46712 0 td -0.01 tc [(however)74(, that the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 had no concerns. 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 did become)]tj -4.00573 -1.3 td -0.023 tc 0 tw (fr)tj 0.67506 0 td -0.022 tc (ustrated, at times, with one another and with john. others complained that)tj -0.67506 -1.3 td -0.013 tc 0.117 tw [(t)-10(h)-10(e)-10( )-10(esp)-338(was not completely experiential and outdoors, and disliked t)1(hat)]tj t* -0.039 tc 0.011 tw [(s)5(o)5(m)5(e)5( )5(c)5(l)5(a)5(s)5(s)5(r)24(o)4(o)4(m work and assignments r)18(emained. having had a taste of a mor)18(e)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.122 tw [(s)-5(t)-5(u)-5(d)-5(e)-5(n)-5(t)-5(-)-5(c)-5(e)-5(n)-5(t)-5(r)12(e)-5(d)-5( )-5(a)-5(p)-5(p)-5(r)13(o)-5(ach, many 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 also desir)19(ed mor)18(e participation)]tj t* -0.04 tc 0.007 tw (and contr)tj 3.8654 0 td (ol over the course. )tj 7.54225 0.00001 td (and others expr)tj 6.61023 0.00001 td (essed concern and indignation that)tj -18.0179 -1.3 td -0.02 tc 0 tw [(the course had a r)18(eputation as a \322bir)17(d course\323 in some quarters.)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (297)tj et q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /length 5336 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 120.5735 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (promises, limitations, and constraints)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 561.871 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.023 tc 0.01 tw [(building on the insights of the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the esp)129(, ther)17(e ar)18(e four interr)17(elated)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.017 tc 0.004 tw [(characteristics of this pr)18(ogram, and integrated pr)17(ograms in general, that the)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.025 tc 0.012 tw [(two of us find particularly appealing: experiential learning, authenticity)109(,)-1( )-1(c)-1(o)-1(n)-1(-)]tj t* 0.02 tc 0.167 tw (nections to human and natural communities, and holism. first, the)tj t* 0.009 tc 0.116 tw (emphasis on experiential learning in a variety of settings has a better)tj t* -0.012 tc -0.001 tw (chance, we believe, to meet the diverse range of learning styles of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .)tj t* -0.007 tc -0.005 tw [(as so many of these 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 indicated, sitting in a classr)19(oom taking notes)]tj t* 0 tc 0.082 tw [(of)18(f a blackboar)17(d about seemingly abstract concepts was either too chal-)]tj t* 0.02 tc 0.424 tw [(lenging or too boring for them. repeatedly)110(, in the post-course)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (questionnair)tj 5.55908 0 td 0.051 tw [(es, 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 expr)18(essed their surprise at how much they had)]tj -5.55908 -1.3 td -0.006 tc -0.007 tw [(learned as well as how much of that learning they had r)18(etained. horwood)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.119 tw ((1994, 1995) and lieberman and hoody (1998) also found experiential)tj t* -0.001 tc -0.011 tw (learning to be a vital component of the integrated pr)tj 22.9069 0 td (ograms they studied.)tj -21.1069 -1.3 td -0.009 tc -0.003 tw [(second, 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 wer)18(e engaged in \322r)18(eal-life\323 envir)17(onmental and social)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.098 tw [(pr)17(ojects lending a feeling of authenticity and purpose to their learning.)]tj t* 0.072 tw [(similarly)111(, both horwood (1994, 1995) and lieberman and hoody (1998))]tj t* -0.011 tw (found that being involved in specific local issues gave 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 a sense of)tj t* 0.022 tw (ownership and pride in their ef)tj 13.90175 0 td (forts, allowed them to feel that they wer)tj 17.81953 0 td (e)tj -31.72128 -1.3 td -0.021 tc 0.009 tw (making a dif)tj 5.34862 0 td 0 tw (fer)tj 1.12545 0 td 0.009 tw (ence, and helped them make connections between what they)tj -6.47407 -1.30001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(learned in school and the world ar)18(ound them.)]tj 1.8 -1.3 td 0.038 tw [(this participation in authentic pr)17(ojects r)18(elates to the thir)17(d important)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0.014 tc 0.111 tw (characteristic: the attention to r)tj 14.61075 0 td (elationships both among humans and)tj -14.61075 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.125 tw [(between humans and other life. thr)18(ough intense interactions with one)]tj t* 0.06 tw [(gr)17(oup of peers, teaching elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and participating in com-)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.005 tw (munity pr)tj 4.39802 0 td (ojects, 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 felt that they enhanced their interpersonal skills.)tj -4.39802 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.032 tw [(further)73(, much of their learning was about, in, and with the natural com-)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.002 tw (munities of which these 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ar)tj 15.18197 0 td -0.0146 tc (e)tj 0.70179 0 td -0.015 tc (part, and many of their action pr)tj 13.93622 0 td 0 tw (ojects)tj -29.81998 -1.3 td 0 tc (wer)tj 1.6897 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.72874 0 td (in)tj 1.12261 0 td 0 tc (service to these communities. )tj -1.74105 -1.30001 td -0.021 tc 0.008 tw [(fourth, this pr)17(ogram takes a holistic appr)18(oach. cognitive learning is not)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(the sole focus. kinesthetic, af)18(fective, and sensory learning certainly occurs)]tj t* 0 tc 0.01 tw (\(see also lieberman & hoody)tj 13.04177 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.5094 0 td 0 tc [(1998\) and we ventur)18(e that moral and spir-)]tj -13.55117 -1.3 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(itual exploration and gr)17(owth also can take place. )37(a)-183(holistic appr)18(oach is also)]tj t* -0.018 tc 0.006 tw (evident in the inter)tj 8.05116 0 td (disciplinary natur)tj 7.59351 0.00001 td -0.0182 tc (e)tj 0.69817 0 td -0.018 tc [(of this pr)18(ogram, which is particularly)]tj -16.34284 -1.30001 td -0.01 tc -0.002 tw [(important given that envir)17(onmental concepts and issues ar)19(e often complex)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(and messy)111(. )37(as rogers (1999) writes: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 55 99.371 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.003 tc (inter)tj 2.1176 0 td 0.122 tw [(disciplinarity can r)18(espond to this \322messiness\323 by beginning with)]tj -2.1176 -1.1667 td -0.007 tc -0.005 tw (the r)tj 1.9723 0 td (ecognition that ther)tj 8.48461 0.00001 td -0.0073 tc (e)tj 0.70905 0 td -0.007 tc (is no single appr)tj 7.1551 0.00001 td (oach that will addr)tj 8.2081 0.00001 td (ess the com)tj 4.99605 0.00001 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.5252 -1.1667 td 0 tw (plexity of envir)tj 6.7307 0 td (onmental issues. indeed, inter)tj 13.23364 0.00001 td (disciplinarity assumes that )tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (298)tj 20.80635 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51539 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40771 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /length 5388 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 586.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(ther)17(e ar)18(e a range of perspectives and information that will have to be inte)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw [(grated if this complexity is to be r)17(ecognized. (p. 5))]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 91 543.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.009 tc 0.005 tw [(when taken together)73(, these four themes contain elements identified as)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.018 tc -0.004 tw [(important by some members of the canadian academic envir)19(onmental edu-)]tj t* -0.009 tc 0.006 tw [(cation community \(russell, bell, & fawcett, in pr)18(ess\). for example, similar)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0.042 tw [(themes have emer)18(ged in calls for envir)18(onmental education practices to be)]tj t* -0.034 tc 0.012 tw [(influenced by holistic appr)18(oaches \(o\325sullivan, 1999; pivnick, 1997; selby)111(, 1999\),)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.015 tc -0.007 tw (natural history \(bell, 1997; quinn, 1995\), critical pedagogy \(fawcett, marino)tj -0.0071 tc (&)' 1.13679 0 td -0.007 tc 0.123 tw [(raglon, 1991; lousley)111(, 1999; marino, 1997; o\325sullivan, 1999\), ecofemi)1(-)]tj -1.13679 -1.2 td -0.024 tc 0.003 tw [(nism \(fawcett, marino, & raglon, 1991; russell & bell, 1996; selby)111(, 1999\), and)]tj t* -0.009 tc 0 tw [(envir)18(onmental justice \(barr)18(on, 1998; martil-de castr)18(o, 1999\).)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 422.5038 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(mor)18(e caveats)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 402.3038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(w)92(e do not want to paint an entir)17(ely r)17(osy pictur)18(e, however)74(. these pr)18(o)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0.033 tw (grams ar)tj 3.91711 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.76152 0 td 0 tc [(not perfect nor ar)17(e they without constraints. one limitation of)]tj -4.67863 -1.30001 td -0.021 tc 0.009 tw [(many of the ontario pr)17(ograms, including this case study)112(, is that they ar)17(e still)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.012 tc -0.001 tw (heavily based in sciences or geography and less focused on the arts. part of)tj t* 0 tc 0.074 tw [(that pr)17(oblem, in ontario at least, is that most of these pr)17(ograms ar)18(e not)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.011 tw [(team-taught so ar)17(e limited by the individual teacher)-74(\325s expertise and com)1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.036 tw (fort level with various subjects. while we tend to agr)tj 23.62696 0 td (ee with horwood\325s)tj -23.62696 -1.3 td 0.023 tw ((1995) suggestion that the actual cluster of subject ar)tj 23.19757 0 td (eas is less important)tj -23.19757 -1.3 td 0.011 tw (than pr)tj 3.22868 0 td (oviding opportunities for experiential learning, we still think that)tj -3.22868 -1.30001 td -0.0002 tc (a)tj 0.74967 0 td 0 tc 0 tw [(tr)7(uly inter)18(disciplinary pr)17(ogram is pr)18(eferable.)]tj 1.05033 -1.3 td -0.018 tc 0.006 tw [(a)1(n)1(o)1(t)1(h)1(e)1(r)1( )1(d)1(i)1(f)19(ficulty associated with being a single-teacher pr)17(ogram is the)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw (imme)tj 2.53555 0 td -0.003 tc 0.125 tw (nse amount of work that falls on the shoulders of one individual)tj -2.53555 -1.3 td 0.051 tw [(\(ashton, 1998; horwood, 1995; pike & selby)111(, 1999, p. 21\). ther)18(e is a sub-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.007 tw [(stantial amount of pr)17(eparation r)18(equir)17(ed in getting the pr)17(ogram initially of)17(f)]tj t* 0.017 tc 0.125 tw (the gr)tj 2.79951 0 td (ound, continually adapting it to comply with new ministry of)tj -2.79951 -1.3 td -0.016 tc 0.001 tw [(education curriculum guidelines, changing boar)18(d priorities, internal school)]tj t* -0.003 tc 0.033 tw (politics, and teacher contract issues concerning teaching and supervision)tj t* -0.016 tc 0.001 tw (time. mor)tj 4.20766 0 td 0 tw (eover)tj 2.31149 0 td -0.0157 tc (,)tj 0.46922 0 td -0.016 tc 0.001 tw (the amount of time r)tj 8.7513 0 td [(equir)17(ed to or)18(ganize it on a yearly basis)]tj -15.73967 -1.30001 td -0.018 tc 0 tw [(i)-3(s)-3( )-3(s)-3(u)-3(b)-3(s)-3(t)-3(a)-3(n)-3(t)-3(i)-3(a)-3(l)-3(.)-3( )-3(i)-3(n)-3(d)-3(e)-3(e)-3(d)-3(,)-3( )-3(j)-3(o)-3(h)-3(n)-3( )-3(s)-3(a)-3(i)-3(d)-3( )-3(t)-3(hat while he would enjoy teaching the esp)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc (in both terms, he simply could not do so alone. )tj 1.8 -1.3 td 0.003 tc 0.121 tw [(fundraising r)18(epr)17(esents a significant amount of that work since, as)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.001 tc -0.012 tw (ashton (1998) notes, funding is a perpetual pr)tj 20.17618 0.00001 td (oblem. while 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 con)tj 11.69112 0.00001 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.8673 -1.3 td -0.008 tc -0.004 tw [(tribute financially to the pr)17(ogram, they do not bear the full cost. )17(y)92(et asking)]tj t* 0 tc 0.022 tw [(the boar)18(d for mor)18(e funding may not be wise. given the cutbacks to edu)-1(-)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.011 tw (cation in ontario, financial independence may be essential to the survival)tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(of these pr)18(ograms. )37(as barr)18(on (1996) notes about this pr)17(ogram: )]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (299)tj et q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /length 5797 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 55 586.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.57452 0 td (.)tj 0.57452 0 td (.)tj 0.57452 0 td 0 tc 0.075 tw [(public knowledge that the pr)17(ogramme does not cost the boar)18(d one)]tj -1.72356 -1.16667 td -0.011 tw [(penny has helped esp)-221(to gain acceptance and support within the school,)]tj t* 0.019 tw [(among staf)18(f, and with par)17(ents. it may be that independence is critical in)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.009 tw [(helping integrated pr)17(ogrammes avoid vulnerability to both criticism and)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (budget clawbacks. (p. 33) )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 521.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 tc 0.121 tw [(w)92(e agr)17(ee with barr)18(on\325s assessment while at the same time wishing to)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(highlight that financial independence r)17(equir)17(es substantial ef)18(fort on the)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(teacher)-74(\325s part. )]tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.005 tc -0.01 tw [(t)-3(he numer)18(ous field trips, many of which ar)18(e overnight \(appr)17(oximate-)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.003 tc 0.001 tw [(ly 21 nights over the semester)74(, including a 16 day canoe trip\), also r)18(equir)17(e)]tj -0.022 tc (a)' 0.71292 0 td 0.007 tw [(commitment beyond what many teachers can of)18(fer)74(, particularly those with)]tj -0.71292 -1.3 td -0.011 tc -0.004 tw [(family r)18(esponsibilities. given the intense natur)17(e of these pr)17(ograms, it is not)]tj t* 0.014 tc 0.109 tw (surprising, then, that horwood (1995) asserted that opportunities for)tj t* -0.003 tc 0 tw (teacher r)tj 3.80836 0 td [(enewal and support wer)18(e vital for pr)17(ogram sustainability)111(.)]tj -2.00836 -1.3 td -0.013 tc -0.01 tw (lieberman and hoody (1998) indicate that team teaching may alleviate)tj -1.8 -1.3 td -0.01 tc -0.012 tw (some of these pr)tj 7.02701 0 td (oblems by not only spr)tj 9.84034 0 td (eading the work between a number)tj -16.86735 -1.30001 td -0.0101 tc (of)tj 1.19353 0 td -0.01 tc 0.095 tw (individuals but also by pr)tj 11.50671 0 td (oviding opportunities for support. but team)tj -12.70024 -1.3 td -0.025 tc 0.002 tw [(teaching, if narr)17(owly understood as a \322r)19(elay\323)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 225.5528 369.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0249 tc (3)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 231.1337 365.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.025 tc 0.002 tw [(wher)18(e teachers do not actually)]tj -19.41337 -1.3 td -0.003 tc 0.117 tw [(teach together)73(, may jeopar)18(dize something many of the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 gr)18(eatly)]tj t* -0.017 tc -0.005 tw [(a)1(p)1(p)1(r)18(eciated: the elementary model, wher)18(eby they spent the entir)16(e time with)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(one teacher and with one gr)18(oup of 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . having two teachers full-time)]tj -0.0102 tc (in)' 1.14114 0 td -0.01 tc 0.049 tw [(one pr)18(ogram to pr)17(ovide support, enhance inter)18(disciplinarity)111(, while still)]tj -1.14114 -1.3 td -0.033 tc 0.01 tw [(ensuring such continuity has occurr)18(ed in ontario with success (bozzelli, 1999),)]tj t* -0.01 tc 0 tw [(but is uncommon and incr)18(easingly unlikely given the funding cutbacks.)]tj 1.8 -1.3 td -0.02 tc 0.007 tw [(another challenge facing these pr)17(ograms is their non-traditional natur)23(e)5(.)]tj -1.8 -1.3 td 0.001 tc 0.119 tw (while concerns that the esp)tj 13.2523 0 td (is a \322bir)tj 3.68257 0 td 0.0009 tc (d)tj 0.98178 0 td 0.001 tc (course\323 certainly have lessened)tj -17.91665 -1.3 td 0.002 tc 0.118 tw (with time, ther)tj 6.78996 0 td 0.0017 tc (e)tj 0.85049 0 td (r)tj 0.3792 0 td 0.002 tc (emains some r)tj 6.62803 0 td (esistance to the pr)tj 8.32534 0 td (ogram among a few)tj -22.97302 -1.30001 td -0.005 tc 0.015 tw [(teachers and administrators who scof)19(f at 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 \325 ability to learn content)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.029 tc 0.012 tw [(while outside, appar)18(ently only having fun. this skepticism is obviously being)]tj t* -0.017 tc -0.001 tw [(passed on to 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 since some of them did worry about the r)19(eputation of)]tj t* -0.029 tc 0.012 tw (the course. lieberman and hoody\325s (1998) documentation of significant gains)tj t* -0.003 tc 0.123 tw (in student performance obviously of)tj 16.47532 0 td (fers one antidote to such concerns;)tj -16.47532 -1.3 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.37196 0 td -0.005 tc 0 tw [(esear)18(ch of this kind, based on canadian pr)18(ograms, is much needed.)]tj 1.42804 -1.3 td 0 tc (finally)tj 2.95508 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.58126 0 td 0 tc 0.082 tw [(the time-limited natur)17(e of these pr)18(ograms is also a concern.)]tj -5.33634 -1.3 td 0.096 tw (hobson (1996) r)tj 7.21759 0.00001 td (eminds us that \322[a]s it stands today)tj 16.10785 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.59615 0 td 0 tc (these pr)tj 3.61364 0.00001 td 0 tw (ogrammes)tj -27.53522 -1.30002 td -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(make up an extr)17(emely small pr)18(oportion of a 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 \325 academic car)19(eer\323 \(p.)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0.001 tw (28\). following 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as they r)tj 13.89193 0.00001 td (eturned fr)tj 4.2965 0.00001 td (om an integrated pr)tj 8.52316 0.00001 td (ogram to the)tj -26.7116 -1.3 td -0.007 tc -0.006 tw [(traditional classr)18(oom, hobson found that few of the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 continued to)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.003 tw [(be actively involved in envir)18(onmental issues. one student told her that the)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.005 tw [(p)1(r)18(ogram, in r)18(e)1(t)1(r)18(ospect, was \322like a vacation.\323 while hobson\325s findings may)]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (300)tj 20.80636 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51538 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40772 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /length 5187 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 tc 0.114 tw [(r)18(eveal as much about the traditional classr)18(oom as the integrated pr)17(o-)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.015 tc 0.002 tw [(grams, r)18(esear)18(ch of a longitudinal natur)17(e is necessary)111(. )37(although many of the)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.001 tc -0.011 tw [(r)18(ecent esp)-219(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 attested to the power of the pr)17(ogram, we do not have)]tj 0 -1.30001 td -0.016 tc 0.004 tw [(such follow-up data yet. )37(also, in light of the gr)17(owing inter)17(est in \322significant)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.005 tw [(life experiences\323 (palmer et al., 1998), it would be inter)17(esting to ask former)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.004 tw [(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , years hence, whether they believe that the pr)16(ogram had a lasting)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (impact on them.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 213.8525 473.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(a)-232(conclusion)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 449.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.008 tc 0.117 tw [(much r)18(esear)18(ch needs to be done. nevertheless, we ar)18(e comfortable in)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0.004 tc 0.12 tw [(asserting our belief that integrated pr)17(ograms such as the one featur)18(ed)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.011 tw [(her)17(e show pr)18(omise. paul hart (1999), in pr)18(esenting his findings on childr)18(en\325s)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.006 tw [(ideas about the envir)18(onment, r)17(ecounted a r)18(ecurring theme in the stories of)]tj t* -0.013 tc 0.001 tw (elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : that teenagers wer)tj 17.12743 0 td -0.0132 tc (e)tj 0.70322 0 td -0.013 tc (self-involved and had no concern)tj -17.83065 -1.30001 td -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(for others or the envir)18(onment.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 202.6046 388.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 207.9147 384.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(our study of)18(fers a mor)18(e hopeful glimpse of)]tj -13.49147 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(this often devalued age gr)18(oup. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.006 tw (the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in this case study had opportunities to learn experientially)tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.012 tw (about and with their natural and social communities which, by their own)tj t* 0.008 tc 0.117 tw [(r)18(eckoning, led them to hone interpersonal skills and gr)18(ow personally)111(.)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (inter)tj 2.10034 0 td (estingly)tj 3.39282 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55348 0 td 0 tc 0.054 tw (while the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 did mention their incr)tj 18.4248 0 td (eased knowledge)tj -24.47143 -1.20001 td -0.015 tc 0.002 tw [(about and commitment to envir)18(onmental issues, what they most wanted to)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.007 tw [(r)18(elate to us at the end of the pr)17(ogram was their excitement at learning by)]tj t* -0.002 tw (doing, their interpersonal skills development, and their personal gr)tj 29.66241 0 td 0 tw (owth.)tj -29.66241 -1.2 td 0.006 tc 0.119 tw [(as envir)18(onmental educators, this does not tr)18(ouble us. )37(as selby (1995))]tj t* 0 tc -0.004 tw (suggests, such learning may be an important step in 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 developing)tj t* 0 tw (the necessary capacity for democratic, envir)tj 19.31323 0 td (onmental citizenship. )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 220.6735 215.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (notes)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 73 195.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 78.0556 191.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.033 tc 0.007 tw (since 1995, the council of outdoor educators of ontario\325s journal, pathways:)tj -0.50556 -1.3 td -0.034 tc 0.009 tw (ontario journal of outdoor education, has devoted a column for teachers, stu)tj 31.86707 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.86707 -1.3 td -0.013 tc 0 tw (dents, and r)tj 5.09076 0 td (esear)tj 2.19581 0.00001 td (chers to discuss these pr)tj 10.36898 0 td (ograms.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 73 143.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 78.3482 139.871 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(fr)17(om 1993 to 1999, ther)18(e wer)18(e also between 3 and 7 second-year esp)-219(stu)-1(-)]tj -0.53482 -1.3 td -0.002 tc -0.011 tw (dents who helped lead field trips, but who otherwise earned co-operative)tj t* 0 tc -0.008 tw [(education cr)18(edits outside of the pr)18(ogram in an envir)18(onment-r)17(elated field.)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.007 tw (\(examples of positions included working with a conservation of)tj 27.86634 0.00001 td 0 tw (ficer)tj 1.83738 0.00001 td -0.0061 tc (,)tj 0.4813 0 td -0.006 tc (with)tj -30.185 -1.3 td -0.0222 tc (a)tj 0.7152 0 td -0.022 tc 0.01 tw [(for)18(estry consulting company)111(, and acting as a teaching assistant.\) these stu-)]tj -0.7152 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw [(dents wer)18(e not included in this analysis. )]tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (301)tj et q endstream endobj 19 0 obj << /length 5718 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 37 589.671 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0233 tc (3)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 42.7104 585.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.023 tc 0.011 tw [(pamela courtenay hall suggested this phrase to us while ar)18(guing that, ide)-1(-)]tj -0.57104 -1.30001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ally)110(, team teaching is collaborative.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 6 0 0 6 37 553.671 tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 42.5042 549.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(inter)17(estingly)111(, often the esp)-233(世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 themselves complained about their)]tj -0.55042 -1.3 td -0.025 tc 0.012 tw (peers in ways akin to hart\325s elementary 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . many attributed their own)tj t* -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(gr)17(owing inter)18(est to their participation in the the pr)16(ogram. for a critical dis)1(-)]tj t* 0.017 tc 0.108 tw [(cussion of student apathy)111(, see lousley\325s (1999) ethnography of thr)18(ee)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(t)92(or)18(onto secondary school envir)18(onmental clubs.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 163.4604 463.0709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (acknowledgements)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 439.2709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tc 0.086 tw [(first, we wish to thank all of the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the esp)-312(who so gener)18(ously)]tj 0 -1.3 td -0.027 tc 0 tw (shar)tj 1.77536 0 td 0.007 tw (ed their insights with us. second, we wish to acknowledge the bluewater)tj -1.77536 -1.3 td -0.008 tc -0.012 tw [(district boar)18(d of education and janet glasspool, dir)19(ector of education, for)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.008 tw (granting us permission to name the school, with no strings attached. thir)tj 31.35103 0 td 0 tw (d,)tj -31.35103 -1.3 td -0.0076 tc (we)tj 1.65402 0 td -0.008 tc 0.114 tw [(ar)18(e grateful for the editorial suggestions of john )36(ankenman, pamela)]tj -1.65402 -1.3 td 0 tw (courtenay hall, don w)tj 10.26047 0 td [(atson, and two anonymous r)18(eviewers.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 157.9087 339.6709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (notes on contributors)tj -12.09087 -2.38 td 0.005 tc 0.12 tw (connie russell)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 112.3243 315.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.005 tc 0.12 tw (teaches in the faculty of envir)tj 14.07439 0 td (onmental studies, )tj 8.50671 0 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.58013 0 td 0.005 tc 0 tw (ork)tj -30.69366 -1.30001 td -0.015 tc 0.003 tw (university and consults for the international institute for global education,)tj 0 -1.3 td 0.01 tc 0.115 tw [(ontario institute for studies in education, university of t)92(o)1(r)19(o)1(n)1(t)1(o)1(.)1( )1(h)1(e)1(r)]tj t* 0 tc 0.011 tw (work in envir)tj 6.01892 0 td (onmental education intersects with inter)tj 17.86841 0 td (ests in critical ped)tj 7.97992 0 td (-)tj -31.86725 -1.30001 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(agogy)110(, ecofeminism, narrative, human/animal r)19(elations, community-based)]tj 0 -1.3 td 0 tc 0 tw (conservation, and ecotourism.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 227.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.107 tw (john burton)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 10 0 0 10 97.4762 227.8709 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.107 tw [(developed and teaches the esp)-339(as well as science at gr)18(ey)]tj -6.04762 -1.3 td -0.01 tc -0.002 tw (highlands secondary school in flesherton, ontario. he also has led canoe,)tj t* 0 tc 0.005 tw (hiking, and rafting trips thr)tj 12.12224 0 td (oughout canada, and has taught white water)tj -12.12224 -1.3 td -0.006 tc -0.007 tw [(canoeing and kayaking. john has a b.ed and an m.sc in sedimentary geol)1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (ogy fr)tj 2.61743 0 td [(om 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 in thunder bay)111(, ontario.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 173.0085 141.271 tm 0 0 0 1 k (references )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 37 119.9709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc -0.001 tw [(ashton, c. (1998). getting started: )36(an integrated curriculum pr)18(ogramme. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 322.1125 119.9709 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc (pathways:)tj -29.6792 -1.1667 td 0 tc (ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 194.6143 109.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 199.1143 109.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (10)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 208.1143 109.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((2), 20-21.)tj -19.0127 -1.1667 td 0.083 tw [(barr)18(ett, m.j. & jupp, j. (2000). integrated pr)17(ogrammes and the new curriculum.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 55 88.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 234.5935 88.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 239.0935 88.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (12)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 248.0935 88.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((2), 12-15.)tj -23.4548 -1.1667 td 0.007 tc (barr)tj 1.9124 0 td 0.118 tw [(on, j. (1996). w)55(in-win financing: the art of survival in an integrated pr)17(o-)]tj 0.0876 -1.1667 td 0 tc 0 tw (gramme. )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 92.7556 67.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 272.3491 67.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 276.8491 67.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k (8)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 281.3491 67.4709 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((2), 30-34.)tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 36 53.86 m 360 53.86 l s 0 0 0 0 k 36 38.9391 324 11.858 re f 36 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 36 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (302)tj 20.80636 0.00001 td 0 tc (constance l.)tj 6.51538 0.00001 td (russell &)tj 4.83374 0.00001 td (john bur)tj 4.40772 0.00001 td (ton)tj et q endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /length 11508 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 531 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 73 586.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.093 tw [(barr)18(on, j. (1998). shhhh! movement afoot! listening to voices in the grassr)18(oots.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 575.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 270.5935 575.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 275.0935 575.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (10)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 284.0935 575.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((1), 22-25.)tj -23.45483 -1.16667 td 0.106 tw [(bell, )37(a. (1997). natural history fr)17(om a learner)-74(\325s perspective. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 320.1197 565.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.106 tw (canadian journal of)tj -25.45774 -1.16667 td 0 tw [(envir)18(onmental education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 185.2341 554.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 189.7341 554.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 194.2341 554.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj 0.49995 0 td (132-144.)tj -13.9704 -1.16667 td -0.009 tc -0.004 tw [(bell, )37(a.c., russell, c.l., & plotkin, r. (1998). envir)19(onmental learning and the study)]tj 2 -1.16667 td -0.0002 tc (of)tj 1.12853 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (extinction. )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 145.0901 533.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(journal of envir)18(onmental education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 277.3105 533.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 281.8105 533.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (29)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 290.8105 533.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((2), 4-10.)tj -24.20117 -1.16667 td 0.075 tw [(bozzelli, e. (1999). roc 1998 and horwood\325s model of integrated pr)19(ogrammes.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 512.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 270.5935 512.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 275.0935 512.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.055 tc (11)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 283.5991 512.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((2), 24-26.)tj -23.3999 -1.16667 td -0.001 tc -0.011 tw [(burton, j. \(in pr)17(ess\). 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in action: the envir)19(onmental studies pr)17(ogram (esp))]tj 2 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0.02 tw [(at gr)17(ey highlands secondary school. in g. pike & d. selby (eds.), )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 357.4185 491.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 tw (the global)tj -29.60205 -1.16667 td 0 tw (school)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 113.1528 481.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (.)tj 0.5 0 td [(t)92(or)18(onto: umbr)17(ella pr)18(ess. )]tj -4.96142 -1.16667 td -0.012 tc (burton, j. (1998). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 138.9352 470.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc (esp 98 newsletter)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 206.0383 470.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0124 tc (.)tj 0.47491 0 td -0.012 tc [(flesherton, ontario: gr)17(ey highlands secondary)]tj -13.25694 -1.16667 td 0 tc (school.)tj -2 -1.16667 td -0.008 tc -0.005 tw [(cr)18(osby)110(, d. (1997). outdoor classr)18(oom winning acclaim. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 290.0411 449.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tc -0.005 tw [(the owen sound sun t)54(imes)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 392.7501 449.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj -33.52779 -1.16667 td [(thursday june 19, p.1)55(1.)]tj -2 -1.16667 td -0.006 tc -0.007 tw [(elrick, m. (2000). integrated studies: notes fr)18(om the integrated pr)17(o)-1(g)-1(r)-1(a)-1(m)-1(s)-1( )-1(s)-1(e)-1(s)-1(s)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(s)-1(,)]tj 2 -1.16667 td -0.005 tc [(council of outdoor educators of ontario (coeo) fall confer)18(ence. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 349.6578 418.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc (interactions:)tj -28.73976 -1.16667 td 0 tc [(the ontario journal of envir)18(onmental education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 270.2068 407.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 274.7068 407.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (12)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 283.7068 407.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3), 14.)tj -23.41187 -1.16667 td 0.073 tw [(elvy)111(, j. (1997). experience canada takes to the r)17(oad. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 286.0639 397.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.073 tw (pathways: ontario journal of)tj -21.67377 -1.16667 td 0 tw (outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 161.3894 386.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 165.8894 386.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (9)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 170.3894 386.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((5), 22-23.)tj -10.82104 -1.16667 td -0.005 tw [(fawcett, l., marino, d., & raglon, r. (1991). playfully critical: reframing envir)18(on)-1(-)]tj 2 -1.16667 td -0.002 tc -0.01 tw (mental education. in j. baldwin (ed.), )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 240.8439 365.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 tc -0.01 tw [(confr)18(onting envir)17(onmental challenges in a)]tj -16.64932 -1.16667 td 0.009 tc 0.116 tw (changing world: selected papers fr)tj 14.58256 0 td (om the 1991 north american association for)tj -14.58256 -1.16667 td -0.02 tc 0.007 tw [(envir)18(onmental education confer)17(ence pr)17(oceedings)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 264.0531 344.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.02 tc 0.007 tw [((pp. 250-254). t)90(r)18(oy)110(, ohio: naaee.)]tj -21.22812 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0.125 tw [(feagin, j.r., or)7(um, )37(a.m., & sjober)19(g, g. (1991). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 266.9744 334.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.125 tw [(a)-338(case for t)-1(h)1(e)-1( )1(case)-1( s)1(t)-1(udy)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 360.9008 334.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0003 tc (.)tj 0.62518 0 td 0 tc (chapel)tj -30.61415 -1.16667 td (hill: university of north car)tj 12.7832 0 td [(olina pr)18(ess.)]tj -14.7832 -1.16667 td 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(hart, p)129(. (1999). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 136.7858 313.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(childr)18(en\325)55(s)-1( )1(ide)-1(a)1(s about)-1( envir)18(onment)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 269.141 313.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0012 tc (.)tj 0.62606 0 td 0.001 tc 0.124 tw [(paper pr)17(esented at the north)]tj -20.41951 -1.16667 td -0.003 tc -0.009 tw [(american )37(association for envir)19(onmental education 28th )37(annual confer)17(ence,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(cincinnati, ohio, )36(august 27-30.)]tj -2 -1.16667 td -0.003 tc -0.01 tw [(henderson, b., mehta, s., & )37(arnott, t)74(. (1996). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 251.5935 281.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tc -0.01 tw [(inventory of integrated curriculum pr)16(o-)]tj -17.84373 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0.051 tw (grammes employing outdoor experiential education at the secondary school level in)tj t* 0 tw (ontario)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 119.9885 260.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (.)tj 0.5 0 td [(t)92(or)18(onto: council of outdoor educators of ontario.)]tj -5.72094 -1.16667 td -0.024 tc 0.011 tw (henderson, b., mehta, s., & elrick, m. (1996). using story for a high school integrated)tj 2 -1.16667 td 0.02 tc 0.105 tw [(curriculum pr)18(ogramme assessment. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 244.7559 239.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 tc 0.105 tw (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor)tj -17.08399 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0 tw (education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 128.1514 229.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 132.6514 229.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (8)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 137.1514 229.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((5), 20-25.)tj -7.12793 -1.16667 td 0.025 tw [(hobson, l. (1996). envir)18(onmental action: how do we make it happen? )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 357.2713 218.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pathways:)tj -29.5857 -1.16667 td (ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 230.6143 208.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 235.1143 208.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (8)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 239.6143 208.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((4), 27-28.)tj -18.5127 -1.16667 td 0.011 tc 0.114 tw (horwood, b. (1994). integration and experience in the secondary curriculum.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 91 187.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (mcgill journal of education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 194.5439 187.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 199.0439 187.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (29)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 208.0439 187.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((1), 89-102.)tj -15.00488 -1.16667 td 0.062 tw [(horwood, b. (1995). ener)18(gy and knowledge: the story of integrated curriculum)]tj 2 -1.16667 td 0 tw (packages. )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 132.0317 166.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 311.6252 166.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 316.1252 166.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (7)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 320.6252 166.4038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((4), 14-18.)tj -27.51391 -1.16666 td 0.007 tc 0.118 tw [(jupp, j. (1995). )37(an integrated pr)17(ogramme fr)18(om the 世界æ¯2022赛程表淘汰赛 \325 perspective: the)]tj 2 -1.16667 td -0.012 tc 0 tw (br)tj 0.96444 0.00001 td -0.001 tw (onte cr)tj 3.18578 0 td [(eek pr)17(oject. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 174.4235 145.4039 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc -0.001 tw (pathways: ontario journal of outdoor education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 349.1472 145.4039 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0117 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 353.4296 145.4039 tm 0 0 0 1 k (7)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 357.8245 145.4039 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc -0.001 tw ((4), 19-23. )tj -31.64717 -1.16667 td 0 tc 0.025 tw (lieberman, g.a. & hoody)tj 11.64575 0 td (,)tj 0.52532 0 td (l.l. (1998). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 229.2322 134.9039 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.025 tw (closing the achievement gap: using the envi)tj 18.08594 0 td (-)tj -33.44507 -1.16667 td -0.017 tc 0.005 tw [(r)18(onment as an integrating context for learning)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 253.0545 124.4039 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0174 tc (.)tj 0.47 0 td -0.017 tc 0.005 tw (san diego, ca: state education and)tj -18.4761 -1.1667 td 0 tc 0 tw (envir)tj 2.4253 0 td (onment roundtable.)tj -4.4253 -1.2222 td 0.012 tc 0.113 tw [(lousley)111(, c. (1999). (de)politicizing the envir)17(onment club: envir)18(onmental dis-)]tj 2 -1.2222 td 0 tc 0.076 tw [(courses and the cultur)18(e of schooling. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 242.7284 91.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.076 tw [(envir)18(onmental education resear)17(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 372.5782 91.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 377.7606 91.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 382.2606 91.9038 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3),)tj -32.3623 -1.2222 td (293-304. )tj et 1 w 0 0 0 1 k 72 53.842 m 396 53.842 l s 0 0 0 0 k 72 38.921 324 11.857 re f 72 38.902 324 11.8581 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 72 44.6589 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.9997 0 td 0 tc (repor)tj 2.9082 0 td -0.0001 tc (t)tj 0.6107 0 td 0 tc (on an ontario secondar)tj 11.34267 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.83376 0 td 0 tc (sc)tj 1.21311 0.00001 td (hool )tj 18.54172 0.00001 td (303)tj et q endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /nums[0<>] >> endobj 22 0 obj << /differences[32/space 40/parenleft/parenright 44/comma 58/colon 65/a/b/c 69/e 73/i/j 76/l/m/n/o/p 82/r/s 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 107/k/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u/v/w 121/y 142/eacute 213/quoteright] /baseencoding/macromanencoding /type/encoding >> endobj 23 0 obj << /subtype/type1c /length 9414 /length1 9414 >> stream wfwqfx+palatino-bold7ûèþk*¬ ˆ?‹‹ ˆ?‹‹ b^·‘$À)"3fqpsuob0j4dezim*h&wnvt1cÏ.$ -/lx+#g+$Ûñ¶{9(ü ¡ ¸ f j ea¹2y ¶ŸŽ~yb¶ü¯xÖ æé  î!›"Í#¯ú þ”ûú”þtàútû@þtÀúc÷«‘÷{…Þ;\‘{•€‘†—‹›‹¡›Å­ç·÷ ø–áûpše“o‹{}…‚……]‡;ˆ8÷ó‘÷ª…Þw}ŒkxƒŽƒ……‘…„”…—cçm÷üsú¨û"3ûwû™ýyûj9zbe3txƒ}ƒ}„„…ƒ…‚†ˆˆkˆu‡8÷z‘ø5ú¯÷jü˜n‰fŠ?‹;dŒm÷aø˜ùÑ÷z‘‡…„‘zy8ûgüƒû¸‰v‡d‡q‰}ˆ‡‡‡††ˆƒ‰}†^‡?‰3ãìó÷÷‰‡÷ãkŒd~Ž}‚……†‰‘…–ˆ£‰±‰‰Ù‰÷‰÷Šõ‹ï‹Ê÷÷qßÁ£ª«Ž«Ó½†§¶{¯n©c¨bšx‹n‹n}tozozhicxbxoƒ;Ž€jŸ|Ÿu¡nµq¿;É&÷jûõ—s“x}¿ÀÁ‹¹‹Õ‰ò‰ÞkvŽ€€”€——m²y·u­bÉû/÷}‡‘‡‘‡’‡‘žv«uªxª{©ó±ØÀ½Í½Í¤Ô‹Ü‹ÏxÄg»fº_ªwšwš<“#‹uf‰ˆ9ˆyoŠe9k‹_/v|9Ý…½…›ƒø 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