%pdf-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /opm 1 /type/extgstate >> endobj 2 0 obj << /op true /type/extgstate >> endobj 3 0 obj << /op false /type/extgstate >> endobj 4 0 obj << /length 5889 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 13.5 0 0 13.5 37 585.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: )tj 0 -1.33333 td (writing environmental education research texts)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 37 546.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (heila lotz-sisitka & jane burt, rhodes university, south africa)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 51.4 510.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(a)19(bstr)19(act)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 51.4 498.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(the her)19(oine came back fr)18(om her v)19(ery import)18(ant quest and sat do)19(wn t)19(o)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (write a thesis . . . )tj 2.27368 -1.26316 td [(while m)19(ythical journe)18(y)19(s do not alw)19(ay)18(s end this w)19(ay)111(, the st)18(ories hav)19(e)]tj -2.27368 -1.26315 td [(t)19(o be t)19(old. the w)18(ork o)19(f telling the st)18(ory in the her)19<6fd5>36(s journe)19(y is o)19(ften left)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(unt)19(old. this paper e)18(xplor)19(es some o)18(f the headw)19(ork that goes int)19(o te)18(xtw)19(ork)]tj t* [(\(v)74(an manen, 1995\) in envir)18(onment)19(al education r)19(esear)18(ch. w)74(e ar)19(gue that)]tj t* [(writing is an integr)19(al part o)18(f the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess)37(, and should not be vie)18(w)19(ed)]tj t* [(as an \322)37(add on\323 or a silent, unt)18(old part o)19(f the adv)19(entur)18(e)37(.)]tj 2.27368 -1.26316 td [(w)74(e r)19(eflect on some o)18(f the institutional and epistemological issues)]tj -2.27368 -1.26316 td (associated with writing social science \(in our case envir)tj 23.52978 0 td (onment)tj 3.24024 0 td (al education\))tj -26.77002 -1.26316 td [(r)19(esear)19(ch te)18(xts)37(. w)36(riting r)19(esear)19(ch is ne)18(v)19(er an easy enterprise)37(, it is bound b)18(y)]tj t* (hist)tj 1.57348 0 td (ory and tr)tj 4.31445 0 td (adition, conv)tj 5.50024 0 td (ention, institutional habit, and r)tj 13.68384 0 td (egulation. it is)tj -25.07202 -1.26317 td (also constr)tj 4.64721 0 td (ained b)tj 3.05518 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.77762 0 td 0 tc [(the uncert)19(ainty o)18(f the pr)19(ocess o)18(f writing itself, b)19(y pr)19(ob)-1(-)]tj -8.48001 -1.26316 td [(lems o)19(f po)18(w)19(er r)19(elations in r)18(esear)19(ch, and the difficulty o)18(f writing t)19(o r)19(epr)18(e-)]tj t* (sent e)tj 2.46118 0 td (xperience rigor)tj 6.4607 0 td (ously and authentically while r)tj 13.10718 0 td (ecognizing that all)tj -22.02905 -1.26317 td (writing is a constructed symbolic r)tj 14.82983 0 td (epr)tj 1.36963 0 td [(esent)19(ation o)18(f e)19(xperience)36(. the paper)]tj -16.19946 -1.26316 td [(r)19(efle)19(xiv)18(ely r)19(e)19(vie)18(w)19(s our attempts at \322being br)19(av)19(e\323 in the construction o)18(f our)]tj (r)' 0.40698 0 td (esear)tj 2.22046 0 td (ch te)tj 1.99828 0 td (xts)tj 1.27759 0 td (.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 51.4 270.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (r\216sum\216)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 51.4 258.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (a)tj 0.61108 0 td -0.0003 tc (u)tj 0.81447 0 td (r)tj 0.4072 0 td 0 tc (et)tj 0.77686 0 td (our d\325une qu\220te tr\217s import)tj 11.7185 0 td [(ante)37(, l\325h\216r)18(o\225ne s\325est inst)19(all\216e pour \216crir)18(e)]tj -14.32812 -1.26317 td (sa th\217se . . . )tj 2.27368 -1.26316 td [(si les v)19(o)19(y)19(ages m)18(ythiques ne se terminent pas t)19(oujour)18(s de la sorte)37(, il)]tj -2.27368 -1.26316 td (n\325en demeur)tj 5.27539 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70265 0 td 0 tc (pas moins que les r\216cits doiv)tj 12.12524 0 td (ent \220tr)tj 2.81299 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70261 0 td 0 tc (part)tj 1.77761 0 td [(ag\216s)37(. bien souv)18(ent,)]tj -23.39648 -1.26317 td [(le tr)19(av)18(ail n\216cessair)19(e pour r)19(aconter l\325hist)18(oir)19(e du h\216r)18(os est pass\216 sous silence)37(.)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (l)tj 0.51806 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70263 0 td 0 tc (pr\216sent article e)tj 6.79224 0 td (xplor)tj 2.24023 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70265 0 td 0 tc (une partie du tr)tj 6.68358 0 td (av)tj 0.9812 0 td (ail de r\216fle)tj 4.40308 0 td (xion qui est engag\216)tj -23.02368 -1.26318 td (dans la r\216daction de te)tj 9.55248 0 td (xtes \(v)tj 2.85083 0 td (an manen, 1995\) au niv)tj 9.94434 0 td [(eau de la r)19(echer)18(che en)]tj -22.34765 -1.26317 td [(\216ducation envir)19(onnement)18(ale)37(. nous affirmons que l\325\216critur)19(e f)36(ait partie int\216-)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (gr)tj 0.90698 0 td [(ante du pr)19(ocessus de r)18(echer)19(che et qu\325il ne f)37(aut)-1( en aucun cas la per)19(ce)19(v)18(oir)]tj -0.90698 -1.26316 td [(comme un ajout mineur ou, encor)19(e)37(, comme une \216t)18(ape de l\325av)19(entur)18(e v)19(ou\216e \210)]tj t* [(ne pas \220tr)19(e r)18(acont\216e)37(. )]tj 2.27368 -1.26316 td [(notr)19(e r\216fle)18(xion porte sur cert)19(aines des questions d\325or)18(dr)19(e institutionnel)]tj -2.2737 -1.2632 td [(et \216pist\216mologique associ\216es \210 la r\216daction de te)19(xtes dans le domaine des)]tj t* [(sciences sociales \(dans notr)19(e cas)36(, l\325\216ducation envir)19(onnement)19(ale\). ce genr)18(e de)]tj t* [(r\216daction n\325est jamais f)37(acile \320 elle est cor)18(set\216e par l\325hist)19(oir)18(e)37(, la tr)19(adition, les)]tj t* (conv)tj 1.9817 0 td (entions et par les habitudes et les r\217gles institutionnelles)tj 23.97193 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.51766 0 td 0 tc (elle est \216gale)tj 5.42081 0.00001 td (-)tj -31.8921 -1.2632 td [(ment g\220n\216e par l\325incertitude inh\216r)19(ente \210 l\325acte d\325\216crir)18(e)37(, par des pr)19(obl\217mes de)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (132)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.352 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3519 33.8347 tm 0 0 0 1 k (canadian journal of environmental education, 7(1), spring 2002)tj /f3 1 tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1648 tm 1 g -0.25 tc ( )tj et q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /length 5952 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(r)19(apports de f)37(or)18(ce en r)19(echer)18(che et par les difficult\216s pr)19(opr)18(es \210 t)19(oute tent)19(ativ)18(e)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(de r)19(elater une e)18(xp\216rience par \216crit av)19(ec rigueur et authenticit\216, t)18(out en)]tj t* [(r)19(econnaissant que l\325\216critur)19(e est une r)18(epr\216sent)19(ation construite et symbolique)]tj t* [(de l\325e)19(xp\216rience)36(. l)167(\325article o)19(ffr)18(e un compte r)19(endu r\216fl\216chi de nos tent)18(ativ)19(es de)]tj t* [(cour)19(age dans l\325\216labor)18(ation de nos te)19(xtes de r)18(echer)19(che)37(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 104.5244 493.2914 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the quest: the hero, the king, the dragon, and the story)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 470.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.058 tw [(the her)19<6fd5>36(s journe)19(y is a m)19(yth that is f)18(ound in most of the w)19(orld\325)37(s cultur)18(es)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.01 tw [((campbell, 1956). r)19(esear)18(ch can be vie)19(w)19(ed as a her)19<6fd5>36(s journe)19(y)111(. ther)19(e is the)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(quest\321the sear)19(ch f)18(or kno)19(wledge and the need f)19(or impr)18(o)19(v)19(ement which)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(often driv)19(es the quest; the dr)18(agon\321the main obst)19(acle (question) that w)19(e ha)18(v)19(e)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(t)19(o)1( )1(o)20(v)19(er)19(c)1(o)1(m)1(e)1( )1(i)1(f)1( )1(w)19(e ar)19(e t)19(o achie)18(v)20(e our quest. finally)110(,)1( )1(w)20(e win the prince/ss and)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.131 tw [(the castle and liv)19(e happily e)18(v)19(er after)110(. in academic terms the priz)19(e is a)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(degr)19(ee)56(, a book published, or a paper published in a journal. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(but what about the st)19(age of this journe)18(y)111(, when the her)19(o bec)-1(omes the )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0947 386.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.016 tc [(st)19(o)-1(-)]tj -30.70947 -1.2 td 0.008 tc (ryteller)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 103.4379 374.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0086 tc (?)tj 0.83241 0 td 0.009 tc 0.13 tw [(when and ho)19(w does the her)18(o shar)19(e the st)19(ory with the r)19(est of)]tj -3.8762 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (his/her community? ma)tj 10.18384 0 td [(ybe the st)19(ory w)18(ent something lik)19(e this:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 338.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k (king)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.2554 338.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.55568 0 td 0 tc [(he)19(y)111(, her)18(o, did y)19(ou kill the dr)19(agon?)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 314.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(her)19(o)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.8096 314.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (:)tj 0.5555 0 td 0 tc [(y)74(up.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 290.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k (king)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.2554 290.4914 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (:)tj 0.55573 0 td 0 tc [(cool, her)19<65d5>36(s lots of gold.)]tj -2.48127 -2.4 td (w)tj 0.84337 0 td -0.0078 tc (e)tj 0.75616 0 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (don\325t think so. the king will sur)tj 13.50391 0 td (ely insist on a blo)tj 7.38382 0 td [(w-b)19(y-blo)18(w account \(f)19(or)]tj -22.48726 -1.20001 td [(all t)19(o r)18(ead\) on ho)19(w the her)19(o got t)18(o the dr)19(agon, the e)19(vil wit)19(ch s/he met along)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.004 tw [(the w)19(a)18(y and, of cour)19(se)56(, ho)18(w the dr)19(agon w)19(as killed. w)92(e think that the her)19(o)]tj t* -0.014 tw (is only belie)tj 5.12014 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (ed when he/she has a good st)tj 12.67757 0 td [(ory t)19(o tell. of cour)18(se)56(, this can be)]tj -18.27891 -1.20001 td -0.023 tc (a)tj 0.74097 0 td 0.009 tw [(difficult t)19(ask. after all, the her)18(o is tr)19(ained as a her)19(o and not a st)18(oryteller)111(. and)]tj -0.74097 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.014 tw [(most kno)19(w that her)18(oes pr)19(actice and pr)19(actice their st)18(ories bef)19(or)19(e the)18(y meet)]tj t* 0 tw (the king. this does not mak)tj 12.14749 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77764 0 td 0 tc (the st)tj 2.37052 0 td [(orytelling easier f)19(or the her)18(o. similarly)111(,)]tj -15.29565 -1.20001 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(the r)19(esear)18(cher can find the t)19(ask of writing \(and r)19(e-writing\) the r)19(esear)18(ch)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.33844 0 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(ather str)19(essful. some ma)18(y e)19(v)18(en be hear)19(d t)19(o whisper that the dr)18(agon is actu-)]tj -0.33844 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ally the writing pr)19(ocess w)18(aiting in the shado)19(w)19(s)37(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td [(r)19(esear)19(ch journe)18(y)19(s f)19(ollo)19(w man)18(y differ)19(ent paths)37(, particularly in envir)18(on-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(ment)19(al education. some sa)19(y that a lone quest f)18(or truth ma)19(y not be a safe jour-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(ne)19(y)110(. lik)19(e envir)19(onment)19(al pr)18(oblems)37(, the dr)19(agon w)19(e set out t)18(o captur)19(e tends t)19(o)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(e)19(xist in comple)19(x, div)18(er)19(se)56(, and often conflicting f)18(orms)37(. l)19(one journe)18(y)19(s and nar-)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(r)19(o)19(w quests in envir)18(onment)19(al education \(r)19(esear)19(ch\) seem t)18(o limit the potential)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(t)19(o engage meaningfully with/in the comple)19(x featur)18(es of envir)19(onment)19(al \(and)]tj t* 0 tc -0.008 tw [(educational\) issues and concerns \(janse v)19(an r)18(ensbur)19(g, 1995\). these issues)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.1652 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (133)tj et q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /length 5800 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(seem t)19(o need deliber)18(ation about change and social tr)19(ansf)19(ormation amongst)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(people in conte)19(xts that ar)18(e often as div)19(er)19(se and comple)18(x as the issues or risks)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(themselv)19(es \(l)18(otz, 1999\). )]tj 1.8 -1.20001 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(t)88(o boldly go and kill the dr)19(agon alone ma)19(y be danger)19(ous as w)18(ell as inap-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.02 tw [(pr)19(opriate)55(. w)93(e ma)19(y e)18(v)19(en w)19(ant t)18(o question the idea of the r)19(esear)19(cher as the)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(\322kno)19(wledgeable her)18(o.\323 with the emer)19(gence of the participat)19(ory r)18(esear)19(ch jour-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td [(ne)19(y)110(, the r)19(esear)19(ch e)18(xperience mo)19(v)19(es a)18(w)19(a)18(y fr)19(om finding \322truths)37(,\323 or e)18(v)19(en mor)18(e)]tj 0 -1.19999 td 0 tc 0.046 tw [(tent)19(ativ)18(e \322)56(conclusions)37(,\323 t)19(o pr)18(ocesses that pr)19(esent openings f)19(or further \(r)18(e-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.006 tw [(\)sear)19(ching, f)18(or ne)19(w quests)37(, and ongoing tr)18(a)19(v)19(els \(l)19(otz, 1996\). the challenge)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.004 tw [(in this type of journe)19(y lies in w)18(orking with/in r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocesses which ar)19(e)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(emer)19(gent and enabling r)18(ather than imposing and engineering \(l)19(otz, 1996\).)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(w)92(e ar)19(gue that one of these emer)19(gent and enabling r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocesses is)37(, or)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(ought t)19(o be)55(, the writing of the te)19(xt itself. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 44.8379 410.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the stories: contextualization and overview of research narratives)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 387.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(after killing the dr)19(agon, e)18(v)19(ery her)19(o has a st)18(ory t)19(o tell. w)93(e)56(, the author)18(s of this)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(paper)111(, t)18(old our)19(s in tw)19(o theses \(l)18(otz, 1996; burt, 1999\). on r)19(eturning fr)19(om our)]tj t* 0 tc 0.074 tw [(participat)19(ory r)18(esear)19(ch journe)19(y)19(s w)18(e discussed the st)19(ories w)18(e t)19(old, and dis-)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(co)19(v)18(er)18(ed that w)19(e)-1( )-1(b)-1(o)-1(t)-1(h)-1( )-1(s)-1(t)-1(r)-1(u)-1(g)-1(g)-1(l)-1(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(t)18(o tell our st)19(ories \(it seems easier t)18(o t)19(alk about)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw (the st)tj 2.2978 0 td [(ories after the)19(y ha)18(v)19(e been t)19(old\). w)92(e both f)19(ound the accepted genr)19(e and)]tj -2.2978 -1.20001 td 0.012 tc 0.127 tw [(structur)19(e of conv)18(entional thesis writing inappr)19(opriate)56(, just as positivist)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.014 tc 0 tw [(appr)19(oaches t)18(o)1( )1(r)20(esear)19(c)1(h)1( )1(w)19(er)19(e inappr)19(opriate)56(,)1( )1(t)19(o our quest t)19(o confr)19(ont the com)-1(-)]tj t* -0.003 tc (ple)tj 1.2706 0 td -0.011 tw [(xity of envir)19(onment)18(al and educational change)56(, in a country wher)19(e social)]tj -1.2706 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(and educational tr)19(ansf)18(ormation ar)19(e intimately tied up with issues of democ-)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(r)19(ac)19(y)111(, envir)19(onment)18(al justice)56(, and social change)56(. w)92(e both vie)19(w envir)19(onment)18(al)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(education w)19(ork as a \(partial, but nonetheless vit)18(al\) pr)19(ocess of engaging)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(with, and r)19(esponding t)18(o envir)19(onment)19(al risk, and see r)19(esear)18(ch as part of this)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(ocess)36(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.008 tw [(w)92(e disco)19(v)18(er)19(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(t)17(o)-1(o)-1(,)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1(r)18(e w)19(er)18(e similar r)19(e)-1(a)-1(s)-1(o)-1(n)-1(s)-1( )-1(f)18(or the w)18(a)19(y in which)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.1 tw [(w)19(e appr)19(oached the te)18(xtw)19(ork in our st)19(ories)36(. ev)19(en so, both st)19(ories r)18(emain)]tj t* 0.005 tw [(unique)56(, as do the v)18(oices that tell them. in this paper)111(, y)19(ou will encounter us)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(telling our o)19(wn st)18(ories \(intr)19(oduced b)19(y \322heila writes\323 or \322jane writes\323\). y)80(ou will)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(also encounter us writing about each other\325)37(s st)18(ories \(r)19(eported as \322jane did this\323)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw (or \322heila did that\323\) and y)tj 10.37634 0 td [(ou will find that w)19(e ha)18(v)19(e dr)19(a)19(wn on original te)19(xt fr)18(om)]tj -10.37634 -1.2 td 0.005 tc 0.134 tw (the st)tj 2.53535 0 td [(ories w)19(e wr)18(ote \(our theses\321these ar)19(e mark)18(ed as an e)19(xtr)19(act fr)18(om)]tj -2.53535 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(jane\325)37(s te)18(xt, or an e)19(xtr)19(act fr)18(om heila\325)37(s te)19(xt\). w)92(e also dr)19(a)19(w on our co-author)19(s)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw (in the w)tj 3.32902 0.00001 td (orld of academia\321and their te)tj 12.57255 0 td (xts ar)tj 2.27388 0 td -0.0238 tc (e)tj 0.74018 0 td -0.024 tc (quoted v)tj 3.57945 0.00001 td [(erbatim and r)19(efer)18(enced)]tj -22.49508 -1.20002 td 0 tc 0.009 tw [(appr)19(opriately)110(, as is the norm in academic te)19(xt writing. her)19(e f)18(ollo)19(w)19(s a brief)]tj t* 0 tw [(o)19(v)19(ervie)18(w of the original st)19(ories w)19(e wr)18(ote (the theses):)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (134)tj et q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /length 7196 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 77.1265 587.4685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (heila\325s story: the development of environmental education resource)tj -0.22193 -1.09091 td (materials for junior primary education through teacher participation)tj 11.89477 -1.0909 td ((lotz, 1996))tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 542.1685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0196 tc (.)tj 0.51129 0 td (.)tj 0.51129 0 td (.)tj 0.51129 0 td -0.02 tc -0.006 tw [(the student should under)19(st)18(and that their writing encompasses methodological)]tj -1.53386 -1.23529 td -0.013 tc -0.012 tw [(and analytical str)19(ategies . . . . it must become part of our r)18(efle)19(xiv)19(e self-a)19(w)19(ar)19(eness)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.013 tw [(that w)19(e r)18(ecognise the rhet)19(orical and stylistic conv)19(entions with which w)19(e deal . . .)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.012 tw [(in or)19(der t)18(o bring it within our e)19(xplicit methodological and epistemological under-)]tj t* -0.023 tc -0.002 tw [(st)19(anding . . . . the academ)18(y ma)19(y need t)18(o be mor)19(e open t)19(o . . . theses in which te)18(x-)]tj t* -0.011 tc 0.097 tw [(tual e)19(xperiment)19(ation is a major r)18(eason d\325etr)19(e)56(, [and] cannot tr)19(eat them as less)]tj t* -0.014 tc -0.011 tw [(import)19(ant than an)18(y other methodological concerns)37(. \(a)37(tkinson, 199)56(1, p. 168-173\))]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 451.7685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (heila writes)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 432.5685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0066 tc (i)tj 0.54783 0 td -0.007 tc (undert)tj 2.79355 0 td -0.013 tw [(ook a f)19(ormal r)18(esear)19(ch study on participat)19(ory materials de)19(v)18(elopment)]tj -3.34138 -1.20001 td -0.024 tc 0.005 tw [(f)19(or a master)19(s/phd study)110(. this study w)19(as situated in a politically significant time)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.003 tw (in the hist)tj 4.05653 0 td [(ory of south africa\321betw)19(een 1992 and 1996, tw)19(o)1( )1(y)19(ear)19(s bef)19(o)1(r)19(e)56(, and)]tj -4.05653 -1.2 td -0.014 tc 0 tw (tw)tj 1.02745 0 td (o)tj 0.78131 0 td (y)tj 0.48645 0 td -0.006 tw [(ear)19(s after the fir)18(st democr)19(atic elections)37(. the r)19(esear)18(ch e)19(xplicitly engaged)]tj -2.29521 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.133 tw [(with socio-political tr)19(ansf)18(ormation in the educational and envir)19(onment)18(al)]tj t* -0.033 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.78554 0 td 0.013 tw (enas in south africa, seeking pathw)tj 14.36306 0 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.44844 0 td (y)tj 0.46723 0 td -0.033 tc (s)tj 0.65133 0 td (t)tj 0.26344 0 td -0.0329 tc (o)tj 0.76245 0 td -0.033 tc 0 tw (tr)tj 0.60051 0 td (ansf)tj 1.66482 0 td 0.013 tw (ormation in curriculum, mate-)tj -20.00682 -1.20002 td -0.006 tc -0.013 tw (rials de)tj 3.04696 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.47492 0 td -0.006 tc (elopment, and teacher pr)tj 10.77321 0 td [(ofessional de)19(v)19(elopment w)18(ork. i de)19(v)19(eloped)]tj -14.29509 -1.20001 td -0.005 tc 0.139 tw [(r)19(esour)19(ce materials with teacher)19(s in an attempt t)18(o impr)19(o)19(v)19(e the quality of)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.027 tc 0.007 tw (education in the lo)tj 7.55445 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.71351 0 td -0.027 tc (er primary gr)tj 5.40866 0 td 0 tw (ades)tj 1.83893 0 td -0.0266 tc (,)tj 0.50977 0 td -0.027 tc (wher)tj 2.05984 0 td -0.0266 tc (e)tj 0.73182 0 td -0.027 tc (mor)tj 1.69753 0 td -0.0266 tc (e)tj 0.7319 0 td -0.027 tc 0.007 tw (than half of all african chil-)tj -21.24641 -1.20002 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (dr)tj 0.86869 0 td (en entering schooling dr)tj 10.03765 0 td [(op out after their fir)19(st y)18(ear in f)19(ormal education \(due)]tj -10.90634 -1.20001 td -0.029 tc 0.01 tw [(often t)19(o inappr)18(opriate curricula, o)19(v)19(er)19(cr)18(o)19(w)20(ding, lack of r)18(esour)19(ces)37(, and poor qual)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0 tw (ity teaching materials and pr)tj 12.24538 0 td (actices \(see mot)tj 6.76169 0 td (ala, 1992, cited in l)tj 8.42142 0 td (otz, 1996\).)tj -25.62849 -1.20001 td 0.017 tc (thr)tj 1.5134 0 td 0.122 tw (ough a socio-hist)tj 7.75135 0 td [(orical gr)19(ounding of the r)18(esear)19(ch question, the)]tj -11.06475 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.009 tw [(assumptions and ideals of the critical inquiry par)19(adigm and socially critical)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tw (envir)tj 2.18388 0 td (onment)tj 3.36993 0 td 0.139 tw (al education \(l)tj 6.59192 0 td (otz, 1996\) w)tj 5.68564 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.85109 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.91671 0 td 0 tc 0.139 tw [(chosen as theor)19(etical fr)18(ame-)]tj -19.59917 -1.20002 td (w)tj 0.73999 0 td -0.009 tw [(ork f)19(or the study)110(. a)37(t a theor)19(etical le)18(v)19(el, the r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(oject r)19(epr)19(esents an)]tj -0.73999 -1.2 td -0.007 tw [(attempt t)19(o clarify the assumptions and orient)18(ations of socially critical envi-)]tj (r)' 0.34946 0 td -0.002 tc 0 tw (onment)tj 3.36021 0 td -0.012 tw (al education (fien, 1993) as a possible t)tj 16.9588 0 td (angible alternativ)tj 7.42087 0 td -0.0017 tc (e)tj 0.76227 0 td -0.002 tc [(t)19(o mod-)]tj -28.85161 -1.20001 td 0.007 tc 0.131 tw [(ernist models of envir)19(onment)18(al education and educational change in a)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (south african conte)tj 8.14905 0 td (xt. it concludes with an emer)tj 12.10351 0 td (gent critique of narr)tj 8.24411 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.4991 0 td -0.0191 tc (w)tj 1.00386 0 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (inter)tj 1.92265 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.92228 -1.20001 td (pr)tj 0.90698 0 td -0.0001 tc (et)tj 0.79614 0 td 0 tc -0.01 tw (ations of critical theory in envir)tj 13.4833 0 td 0 tw (onment)tj 3.36987 0 td -0.01 tw (al education, noting that critical)tj -18.55629 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(theory in itself ma)19(y be modernist in its intentions)36(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.0062 tc (a)tj 0.88776 0 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(significant part of this r)19(esear)18(ch journe)19(y w)19(as the writing pr)18(ocess)37(, artic-)]tj -2.68776 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw (ulated at the st)tj 6.84534 0 td [(art of the thesis as a r)19(easoned justification f)19(or decisions)]tj -6.84534 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.011 tw [(made in constructing the te)19(xt. the challenges i f)18(aced in \322being br)19(a)19(v)19(e\323 with)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(the te)19(xt\321as no)18(vice r)19(esear)19(cher in an hist)19(orically conserv)18(ativ)19(e institution\321w)19(er)18(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(enormous \(while being a centr)19(e of e)18(x)19(cellence in man)19(y r)18(espects)37(, the univ)19(er-)]tj t* [(sity wher)19(e i studied w)18(as hist)19(orically kno)19(wn as an apartheid institution, pr)19(o-)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.131 tw [(moting the cultur)19(e and tr)18(adition of minority whites\). in spite of earlier)]tj t* 0 tc 0.06 tw [(conserv)19(atism of the institution, m)18(y supervisor)111(, danie schr)19(euder)110(, w)19(as sup-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(portiv)19(e of the pr)18(oject of educational tr)19(ansf)19(ormation in the country)111(, and)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.1652 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (135)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /length 7282 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.059 tw [(encour)19(aged me t)18(o write in a w)19(a)19(y that authentically r)19(eflected m)18(y r)19(esear)19(ch)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(e)19(xperience)56(. without his open-ended orient)18(ation, m)19(y e)19(xplor)18(ation of issues asso-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(ciated with the writing of the te)19(xt \(as part of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess\) w)19(ould pr)18(ob-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(ably not ha)19(v)19(e been possible)55(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 57.8708 518.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (jane\325s story\321dramatic learning: a case study of theatre for)tj 1.13208 -1.0909 td (development and environmental education (burt, 1999))tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 485.0616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.007 tw [(if the medium of our sharing is (partly at least) the message)56(, and the message)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(is art, then the medium should be artistic . . . . mor)19(e and mor)18(e)57(,)1( )1(w)19(e ar)19(e being tr)19(a-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.009 tw [(duced int)19(o writing e)18(v)19(erything lik)19(e a tr)19(aditional)-1( univ)19(er)19(sity thesis . . . . a univ)18(er-)]tj t* 0.011 tw [(sity thesis is a monologue)56(, in e)18(v)19(ery sense undr)19(amatic)19(, and only r)18(ar)19(ely \(mor)19<65d5>36(s)]tj t* 0 tw [(the pity\) artistic)19(. \(o\325t)87(oole)56(, 1997, p. 187\))]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 37 415.6616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (jane writes )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 396.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.017 tc -0.013 tw (in m)tj 1.93787 0 td -0.0169 tc (y)tj 0.7499 0 td (r)tj 0.33454 0 td -0.017 tc [(esear)19(ch i e)18(xplor)19(ed the use of theatr)19(e f)18(or de)19(v)18(elopment f)19(or envir)19(onme)-11(n)-11(-)]tj -3.02231 -1.2 td -0.032 tc 0.013 tw [(t)19(al education in schools as a f)19(ormal r)18(esear)19(ch study f)19(or a master)18(s degr)19(ee)56(. theatr)19(e)]tj 0 tc (f)' 0.28284 0 td -0.013 tc -0.006 tw (or de)tj 2.14904 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4679 0 td -0.013 tc (elopment ackno)tj 6.77079 0 td (wledges the need t)tj 7.85397 0 td -0.0134 tc (o)tj 0.78204 0 td -0.013 tc (use theatr)tj 4.13811 0 td -0.0134 tc (e)tj 0.74508 0 td -0.013 tc (as a platf)tj 3.74412 0 td [(orm f)19(or peo-)]tj -26.93389 -1.20002 td -0.006 tc -0.009 tw (ple t)tj 1.83394 0 td -0.0058 tc (o)tj 0.79436 0 td -0.006 tc 0 tw (fi)tj 0.5627 0 td -0.017 tc -0.009 tw (ght oppr)tj 3.5059 0 td [(ession. the main goal is t)19(o turn the pr)18(actice of theatr)19(e int)19(o an)]tj -6.6969 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.011 tw [(e)17(f)17(f)17(e)17(c)17(t)17(i)17(v)19(e t)18(ool f)19(or the compr)19(ehension of social and per)18(sonal pr)19(oblems \(boal,)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.009 tc 0.129 tw (1995\). this appr)tj 7.52337 0 td (oach fitted w)tj 5.99336 0 td (ell int)tj 2.58469 0 td 0.0094 tc (o)tj 0.96328 0 td 0.009 tc (the learner-centr)tj 7.47512 0 td (ed, constructivist)tj -24.53982 -1.20001 td -0.014 tc 0 tw (methodologies being intr)tj 10.46202 0 td (oduced int)tj 4.41647 0 td (o)tj 0.78701 0 td [(south african schools in the late 1990s)37(.)]tj -15.6655 -1.20001 td 0.002 tc 0.12 tw [(this )-17(r)19(esear)18(ch )-17(t)19(ook )-17(place )-17(in )-17(gr)19(ahamst)18(o)36(w)17(n)17(,)17( a)17( s)17(m)17(a)17(l)17(l)17( u)17(n)17(i)17(v)36(e)17(r)35(s)17(i)17(t)17(y)17( t)36(o)36(w)17(n)17( i)17(n)17( t)17(h)17(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.025 tc -0.005 tw (eastern cape)tj 5.33869 0 td -0.0254 tc (,)tj 0.49994 0 td -0.025 tc (south africa. the eastern cape is one of the most disadv)tj 23.08702 0 td 0 tw (ant)tj 1.29431 0 td (aged)tj -30.21996 -1.20001 td -0.0162 tc (pr)tj 0.875 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.50208 0 td -0.016 tc 0.138 tw [(vinces in south africa with man)19(y people sust)18(aining themselv)19(es dir)19(ectly)]tj -1.37708 -1.20001 td -0.017 tc 0 tw [(fr)19(om the envir)18(onment, e)19(v)18(en in urban settings (burt, 1999, appendix a). )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc (f)tj 0.47181 0 td -0.009 tc (ollo)tj 1.50029 0 td -0.005 tw (wing a series of theatr)tj 9.34246 0 td -0.0093 tc (e)tj 0.75474 0 td (f)tj 0.28705 0 td -0.009 tc (or de)tj 2.17121 0 td [(v)19(elopment w)19(orkshops with a number)]tj -16.32756 -1.20002 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw (of schools)tj 4.21973 0 td -0.0051 tc (,)tj 0.53679 0 td (i)tj 0.55479 0 td -0.005 tc [(w)19(ork)18(ed with one teacher e)19(xploring theatr)19(e f)18(or de)19(v)19(elopment f)19(or)]tj -5.31131 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.002 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al education in a classr)19(oom situation which w)19(as char)18(acteriz)19(ed)]tj (b)' 0.53711 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79666 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (issues of o)tj 4.4985 0 td (v)tj 0.48121 0 td (er-cr)tj 1.96167 0 td [(o)19(w)19(ding and poor basic f)19(acilities)36(.)]tj -6.47515 -1.20001 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(the study ga)19(v)19(e rise t)19(o multiple themes: i r)18(eflected on ho)19(w all participants)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.139 tw [(in the pr)19(oject struggled t)18(o mo)19(v)18(e t)19(o)19(w)18(ar)19(ds learner-center)19(ed, constructivist)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.137 tw (pedagogy; and i r)tj 8.00531 0 td (eflected on perf)tj 7.08881 0 td (ormance v)tj 4.74926 0 td 0 tc (s)tj 0.39127 0 td 0.0022 tc (.)tj 0.6969 0 td 0.002 tc [(pr)19(ocess in envir)18(onment)19(al)]tj -20.93155 -1.20001 td 0.011 tc 0.127 tw [(education, dr)19(ama, )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 123.0864 180.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.011 tc (and)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 142.9312 180.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.011 tc 0.127 tw [(r)18(esear)19(ch and the struggles of all participants in)]tj -10.59312 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (adopting a mor)tj 6.62891 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77774 0 td 0 tc [(pr)19(ocess-orient)18(ated appr)19(oach (burt, 1999).)]tj -5.60665 -1.20001 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(the te)19(xtw)18(ork, k)19(e)19(y)1( )1(t)20(o the r)18(esear)19(ch itself, and written as a pla)19(y)111(,)1( )1(r)20(eflects a)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.061 tw [(post-structur)19(al orient)18(ation. i w)19(anted t)19(o r)18(eflect r)19(esear)19(ch as a pr)18(ocess of r)19(e-)]tj t* 0.047 tw [(sear)19(ching and )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 101.0719 132.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (learning)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 135.3004 132.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.60237 0 td 0 tc 0.047 tw [(something in which an)19(y)19(one can participate)55(. i also)]tj -10.43241 -1.2 td 0.013 tc 0.126 tw [(wished t)19(o r)18(epr)19(esent the man)19(y v)18(oices of the r)19(esear)18(ch p)1(articipants)36(. the)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(te)19(x)1(t)1(w)19(ork became another w)19(a)19(y in which t)19(o)1( )1(r)19(e-sea)1(r)18(ch the ideas of pr)19(ocess and)]tj t* 0 tc 0.138 tw [(constructivism. it became \322the st)19(age\323 on which i challenged the r)18(ole of)]tj t* 0.003 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch in society)110(, and i used the te)19(xt-writing t)19(o mak)18(e m)19(y r)19(esear)18(ch acces-)]tj t* 0 tw [(sible t)19(o non-academic r)18(eader)19(s)37(. )]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (136)tj et q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /length 6512 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 103.3696 587.4685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the plot: epistemological and methodological congruency )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.025 tw [(so ho)19(w does the her)18(o decide what t)19(o tell the king? and ho)19(w will the king)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.012 tw [(kno)19(w if the st)18(ory is \322true\323? w)93(e f)19(ound that the tr)18(aditional w)19(a)19(y)19(s of telling the)]tj t* 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(r)19(esear)18(ch st)19(ory w)19(as not appr)18(opriate t)19(o our)111(, and the participants\325, e)18(xperi-)]tj t* [(ence of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess \(see also nielsen, cole)56(, & kno)19(wles)36(, 200)56(1\).)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(both our r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ojects w)19(er)18(e participat)19(ory r)19(esear)18(ch initiativ)19(es that used the)]tj t* 0 tc [(action r)19(esear)18(ch methodology)111(. heila\325)37(s r)18(esear)19(ch w)19(as fr)18(amed as a critical and)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.013 tc 0.126 tw [(r)19(efle)19(x)1(i)1(v)20(e engagement with the critical theory r)18(esear)19(ch tr)18(adition. jane\325)37(s)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch w)18(as fr)19(amed within a post-structur)19(al r)18(esear)19(ch orient)19(ation. w)92(e w)19(er)19(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0.049 tw [(both f)19(aced with the challenge of epistemological congruenc)18(y betw)19(een the)]tj t* 0 tw [(methodology of our studies and the w)19(a)18(y in which our te)19(xts w)19(er)18(e written. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.027 tw [(dr)19(a)18(wing on the ar)19(guments of melo)19(y (1994) and a)36(tkinson \(199)56(1\) heila)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(notes in her thesis that the writing of qualit)19(ativ)19(e r)18(esear)19(ch is an integr)19(al, e)18(xten-)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(siv)19(e)55(, and perv)19(asiv)18(e featur)19(e of the r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess\321it begins and ends in writ-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.091 tw [(ing. this means that the te)19(xtual construction of qualit)18(ativ)19(e te)19(xts goes f)19(ar)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(be)19(y)18(ond the pr)19(oblems of pr)19(oducing serviceable thesis dr)18(afts\321it inv)19(olv)19(es)]tj t* 0 tc -0.004 tw [(ongoing clarification of the epistemological position of the te)19(xtw)18(ork, in the)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(conte)19(xt of the r)18(esear)19(ch question, the socio-hist)19(orical location of the r)19(esear)18(ch,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(and the r)19(esear)18(ch methodology)111(. heila writes: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 339.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0026 tc (i)tj 0.71536 0 td (f)tj 0.29898 0 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw (ound that doing r)tj 7.95508 0 td [(esear)19(ch inv)18(olv)19(ed pla)19(ying multiple)56(, simult)18(aneous r)19(oles)37(. i)]tj -8.96942 -1.2353 td 0.002 tc [(w)19(as participant in the r)18(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess)37(, i w)19(as a methodologist, an analy)18(st,)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(writer)111(, think)18(er)111(, interpr)19(eter)110(, inquir)19(er and co-learner)111(, and i w)18(as the individual)]tj t* 0 tc 0.058 tw (who, thr)tj 3.68739 0 td (ough social inter)tj 7.22585 0 td [(action and the sharing of dat)19(a and written te)18(xt with)]tj -10.91324 -1.2353 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch participants)37(,)1( )1(w)19(as r)19(esponsible f)18(or some kind of or)19(ganiz)19(ed final pr)18(esen-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td [(t)19(ation. in r)18(eflecting on this r)19(esponsibility)111(, i r)18(ealiz)19(ed the import)19(ant ethical impli-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw (cations that writing the te)tj 11.00951 0 td [(xt has in participat)19(o)1(r)1(y)1( )1(r)19(esear)19(ch and i w)19(as confr)19(onted)]tj -11.00951 -1.2353 td 0.052 tw [(with questions as t)19(o ho)18(w i should r)19(epr)19(esent this pr)18(ocess)37(, what i could/should)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(r)19(eport and what w)18(ould r)19(emain unsaid. giv)19(en that m)18(y r)19(esear)19(ch w)18(as fr)19(amed in the)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(socially critical tr)19(adition \(r)18(obott)19(om & hart, 1993\), the issue of ho)18(w the te)19(x)1(t)1( )1(w)20(a)1(s)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0 tw [(written w)19(as crucial t)18(o the epistemological and methodological congruenc)19(y in m)19(y)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch\321the politics of method (hart, 1996) w)18(as at the f)19(or)19(efr)18(ont of the writing)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(ocess)36(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 191.1685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(jane\325)37(s te)18(xt also set out t)19(o be consistent with her chosen methodological ori-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.01 tw [(ent)19(ation. the te)18(xtw)19(ork became an integr)19(al part of, as w)18(ell as a str)19(ategy t)19(o,)]tj t* -0.002 tc 0 tw (mak)tj 1.88426 0 td -0.0017 tc (e)tj 0.76235 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(sense of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess)37(. w)92(orking with a post-structur)19(al orient)19(a)-1(-)]tj -2.64661 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(tion she pushed the boundaries of the \322serviceable thesis\323 and, thr)19(ough the)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(te)19(xtw)18(ork, questioned what r)19(ole r)19(esear)18(ch should pla)19(y in society)111(, who the main)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.004 tc 0 tw (pla)tj 1.26726 0.00001 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.49639 0.00001 td -0.004 tc (er)tj 0.84387 0.00001 td -0.0037 tc (s)tj 0.68622 0 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw (should be)tj 4.08728 0.00001 td -0.0037 tc (,)tj 0.53825 0 td -0.004 tc [(and who should ha)19(v)18(e access t)19(o the pr)18(ocess as w)19(ell as the)]tj -7.9193 -1.2 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(finished pr)19(oduct. in other w)18(or)19(ds)36(, the accessibility of the language and the a)19(v)19(ail-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(ability of the out)19(comes w)18(er)19(e import)19(ant.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.007 tw (lincoln (1990) and p)tj 8.96531 0.00001 td 0 tw (opk)tj 1.59277 0.00001 td (e)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td 0.007 tw [(witz (1990) both ar)19(gue f)18(or a consider)19(ation of)]tj -12.8393 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(the intimate connection that e)19(xists betw)19(een a r)18(esear)19(cher)19(s\325 use of rhet)18(orical)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(conv)19(entions and their t)18(acit assumptions about the natur)19(e of kno)18(wledge)56(. our)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.1652 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (137)tj et q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /length 7562 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tw [(te)19(xts r)18(eflect this in both the style and our per)19(sonal pr)19(esence in the writing.)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(the self is consistently pr)19(esent, r)18(ather than hidden, in both te)19(xts)36(. heila)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.008 tw [(t)19(ak)18(es her r)19(eader)19(s thr)19(ough a guided t)18(our of her journe)19(y wher)19(eas jane e)18(xists)]tj t* -0.014 tw [(a)1(s)1( )1(t)1(w)20(o main char)18(acter)19(s in her pla)19(y)111(, jane and a male \322)56(alter-ego\323 called z)37(a)1(r)1(u)1(.)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(belo)19(w heila discusses the structur)18(e and style of her thesis with this in mind:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 518.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0111 tc (i)tj 0.5432 0 td -0.011 tc -0.009 tw [(w)19(as a)18(w)19(ar)19(e that thinking and writing about self r)18(efer)19(s t)19(o self as a r)18(elation not an)]tj -0.5432 -1.23529 td -0.006 tc 0.014 tw [(entity and that our theories)37(, pr)18(actice and r)19(esear)19(ch ar)19(e not giv)18(en, but construct-)]tj t* 0.086 tw [(ed b)19(y each of us in community (diamond, 1993). i w)18(as thus able t)19(o see that)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.011 tw [(thr)19(ough the cr)18(eation and interpr)19(et)19(ation of te)18(xt and the pr)19(ocess of \322going public\323)]tj t* -0.015 tc -0.005 tw [(with the per)19(sonal, community is e)19(xtended. i sa)18(w this as an import)19(ant dimension)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.007 tw [(of participat)19(ory r)18(esear)19(ch. thus)37(, t)18(o enable the te)19(xtual conv)19(entions of m)19(y r)18(esear)19(ch)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.004 tw [(pr)19(oject t)18(o r)19(eflect its socially constructed and partial natur)18(e i chose t)19(o write in mor)19(e)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.007 tw [(narr)19(ativ)18(e w)19(a)18(y)19(s)36(, r)19(ather than choosing the e)19(xposit)18(ory and clinical genr)19(e of tr)18(aditional)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0.01 tw [(r)18(eport writing. i wr)19(ote the r)19(esear)19(ch as an unf)18(olding st)19(ory that t)19(ook place o)19(v)18(er a)]tj t* 0.043 tw [(period of f)19(our y)18(ear)19(s)37(. i dr)18(e)19(w on the w)18(ork of z)37(eller \(cited in berk)19(enk)19(otter)110(, 1993\))]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.013 tw [(wher)19(e he st)18(ates that \322)148(. . . the fictiv)19(e techniques of ne)18(w journalism \(i.e)56(., narr)19(ativ)19(e)]tj t* [(and description\) that writer)19(s use t)18(o cr)19(eate authenticity ar)19(e mor)18(e congruent with)]tj 0 -1.2353 td -0.015 tc -0.005 tw [(the fundament)19(al assumptions or \322)56(axioms\323 of natur)18(alistic and r)19(efle)19(xiv)19(e r)18(esear)19(ch.\323)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.0318 tc (i)tj 0.52269 0 td -0.032 tc 0.012 tw (made use of these techniques t)tj 12.53752 0 td -0.0318 tc (o)tj 0.76353 0 td -0.032 tc [(cr)19(eate authenticity and t)18(o pr)19(o)19(vide a thick descrip)-1(-)]tj -13.82374 -1.2353 td -0.03 tc 0.01 tw [(tion which w)19(as aimed at )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 141.5847 371.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.028 tc [(pr)19(esenting)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 176.1927 371.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.03 tc (,)tj 0.50645 0 td 0.01 tw [(not r)19(epr)18(esenting, e)19(xperience (sherman, 1993).)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 349.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.139 tw [(the style of heila\325)37(s thesis writing encompassed the use of met)18(aphor as)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(te)19(xtual conv)18(ention; a r)19(efle)19(xiv)18(e inter)19(est in discur)19(siv)18(e pr)19(actice and ne)19(w fictiv)18(e)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(techniques; r)19(epr)18(esent)19(ation of te)19(xt as socially constructed and partial; and a)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (vie)tj 1.23999 0 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.06214 0 td (of)tj 1.15501 0 td 0 tc (te)tj 0.79608 0 td 0.025 tw (xt as a mechanism f)tj 8.8419 0 td [(or de)19(v)18(eloping v)19(oice)56(, and br)19(oadening partici-)]tj -13.09512 -1.20001 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(pation t)19(o the r)18(eader/s thr)19(ough r)19(esear)19(ch. this appr)18(oach t)19(o te)19(xtw)18(ork opens up)]tj 0 -1.2 td [(ne)19(w a)18(v)19(enues and dimensions f)19(or r)19(eflecting on the r)18(esear)19(ch, and f)19(or cr)18(eating)]tj t* 0 tw (ne)tj 1.0378 0 td -0.0089 tc (w)tj 1.01404 0 td -0.009 tc (fr)tj 0.64864 0 td (ame)tj 1.84406 0 td -0.005 tw [(w)19(orks f)18(or v)19(alidity in r)19(esear)18(ch. l)19(ather \(199)56(1\) noted that self-r)18(efle)19(x-)]tj -4.54454 -1.20001 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(ivity pr)19(o)18(vides some e)19(xperience of both r)19(endering pr)18(oblematic and pr)19(o)19(visional)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(our most firmly-held assumptions and ne)19(v)18(ertheless acting on the w)19(orld, t)19(ak-)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw (ing a st)tj 3.05655 0 td (and. heila, in attempting t)tj 11.19653 0 td -0.0045 tc (o)tj 0.79652 0 td -0.004 tc [(be self-consciously r)19(efle)19(x)1(i)1(v)19(e in r)19(eporting)]tj -15.0496 -1.20001 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(the e)19(v)18(ents of the r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess)37(, accepted and ackno)19(wledged the ine)18(vit)19(able)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(partiality and constructed natur)19(e of all writing, but at the same time)55(,)1( )1(p)1(r)20(o)19(vided)]tj -0.0239 tc (a)' 0.7401 0 td -0.024 tc 0 tw (rigor)tj 1.89794 0 td 0.01 tw [(ous narr)19(ativ)18(e and thr)19(ough the rigor of the r)19(eporting, enhanced the v)19(alid)-1(-)]tj -2.63804 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.12 tw [(ity of the thesis w)19(ork, a point noted b)18(y all the e)19(x)19(aminer)19(s)37(. the te)18(xtw)19(ork)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(sho)19(w)18(ed a r)19(efle)19(xiv)18(e inter)19(est in under)19(st)18(anding the social and hist)19(orical r)19(oots of)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(her o)19(wn te)18(xtual pr)19(actices \(berk)19(enk)18(otter)111(, 1993\), and hence the r)19(esear)18(c)1(h)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(pr)19(ocess itself. it r)18(eflected the r)19(esear)19(ch pr)19(ocess as an )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.8614 157.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.014 tc 0.001 tw [(e)19(xtensiv)19(e)37(, inter)18(activ)19(e)37(, and)]tj -21.88614 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (comple)tj 2.92432 0 td -0.0002 tc (x)tj 0.77753 0 td 0 tc (pr)tj 0.88897 0.00001 td (ocess)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 105.1201 145.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55554 0 td (r)tj 0.3512 0.00001 td 0 tc (ather than a set of r)tj 8.51831 0.00001 td [(ationally pr)19(o)19(v)18(en conclusions)37(. )]tj -14.43706 -1.20001 td -0.014 tc [(jane\325)37(s appr)18(oach t)19(o the te)19(xtw)18(ork also ackno)19(wledged the construction and)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(partial r)19(epr)18(esent)19(ation of the writing pr)19(ocess)37(. her r)18(efle)19(xiv)19(e style t)18(ook place as)]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.7778 0 td 0 tc 0 tw [(dialogue betw)19(een differ)18(ent char)19(acter)19(s in the pla)19(y)111(. jane writes: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 86.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tc 0.027 tw [(the mor)19(e i wr)18(ote the mor)19(e i r)19(ealised ho)18(w man)19(y differ)19(ent v)18(oices)37(, and multiple)]tj 0 -1.2353 td -0.018 tc 0.002 tw [(meanings w)19(er)18(e being made thr)19(ough m)19(y pr)19(ocess of writing. i felt it w)18(as import)17(a)-3(n)-3(t)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (138)tj et q endstream endobj 11 0 obj << /length 7973 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(t)19(o r)18(epr)19(esent all these v)19(oices so as t)19(o open up the writing t)18(o r)19(e)19(v)19(eal, those spaces)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0.003 tw [(that can be concealed behind academic jar)19(gon. the)18(y ar)19(e ar)19(eas wher)18(e learning)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(is often hidden as r)19(esear)19(cher)18(s try t)19(o r)19(epr)18(esent a clear)111(, logical pictur)19(e of the sub-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.013 tw [(ject and not (as heila mentions) that the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess is e)19(xtensiv)18(e)56(, inter)19(ac-)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(tiv)19(e and comple)18(x. in an attempt t)19(o let these \322spaces\323 (often silent) speak, i tried)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(t)19(o giv)18(e a v)19(oice t)19(o all participants as w)18(ell as t)19(o the multiple v)19(oices that e)19(xisted with)-1(-)]tj -0.0193 tc (in)' 1.05833 0 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(me)56(. it w)18(as also import)19(ant that m)19(y supervisor)111(, eur)18(et)19(a janse v)19(an r)19(ensbur)18(g made)]tj -1.05833 -1.23529 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(an appear)19(ance \322on st)19(age\323 and did not r)18(emain a silent char)19(acter behind the scenes)]tj t* -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess (see burt, 1999). although this r)19(efle)19(xiv)18(e appr)19(oach w)19(as con-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.007 tw [(gruent with the epistemology)111(, one e)18(x)19(aminer pointed out the danger)19(s of partic-)]tj t* 0.01 tc 0.128 tw [(ipants getting lost in the comple)19(xities of m)18(y o)19(wn v)19(oice (burt, 1999). this)]tj t* 0.011 tc 0.127 tw [(highlights the fine line an author tr)18(eads b)19(y being self-r)19(eflectiv)18(e as w)19(ell as)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(attempting t)19(o pr)18(esent the v)19(oices of participants)37(. but it is a fine line that can only)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(be tr)19(a)18(v)19(er)19(sed if r)19(esear)18(cher)19(s ar)19(e br)18(a)19(v)19(e enough t)19(o w)18(alk off the beaten tr)19(ack.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 429.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(this orient)19(ation t)18(o writing the te)19(xt supports the ar)19(gument that w)18(e ma)19(y)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(indeed arriv)19(e at the opinion that the normal canons of written scientific dis-)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(cour)19(se ar)18(e inappr)19(opriate f)19(or the r)18(epr)19(esent)19(ation of comple)19(x and multiple r)18(eal-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ities \(a)37(tkinson, 199)55(1; dunlop, 200)56(1\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 196.2869 360.3874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the perspective:)tj -8.74341 -1.09091 td (writing as partial, organized representation of experience)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 325.5874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 tw [(in telling her st)19(ory)110(, the her)19(o is f)19(aced with the e)18(xpect)19(ant cr)19(o)19(w)19(d of )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 357.2439 325.5874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(listener)19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 392.2219 325.5874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (.)tj -31.92219 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(the)19(y w)18(ant t)19(o kno)19(w what happened. a scary moment, almost as scary as f)19(ac)-1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.022 tw (ing the big dr)tj 5.97272 0 td (agon. it w)tj 4.63898 0 td (ould be pointless t)tj 7.95514 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.83681 0 td 0 tc [(tell them about all y)19(our lunch)]tj -19.40365 -1.20001 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(st)19(ops)36(, t)19(o describe ho)18(w the bir)19(ds sang and mention each differ)19(ent sunset y)18(ou)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (sa)tj 0.86974 0 td -0.0188 tc (w)tj 1.00413 0 td (on)tj 1.33732 0 td (y)tj 0.48159 0 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (our tr)tj 2.28046 0 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.46258 0 td (v)tj 0.46259 0 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (els)tj 1.07402 0 td -0.0187 tc (.)tj 0.52329 0 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (and what about all those other adv)tj 14.52628 0 td [(entur)19(es y)18(ou had while)]tj -23.022 -1.20002 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw (trying t)tj 3.05727 0 td -0.0057 tc (o)tj 0.79527 0 td -0.006 tc (find the dr)tj 4.60682 0 td (agon? of cour)tj 5.92772 0 td [(se if y)19(ou ar)18(e the kind of her)19(o that belie)19(v)18(es)]tj -14.38708 -1.20001 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(in participat)19(ory adv)18(entur)19(es)37(, y)18(ou also ha)19(v)19(e t)18(o w)19(orry about e)19(v)18(ery)19(one\325)37(s differ-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.025 tw (ent interpr)tj 4.6159 0 td -0.0001 tc (et)tj 0.79614 0 td 0 tc (ations of the e)tj 6.22147 0 td 0 tw (xperience)tj 4.20239 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.58032 0 td 0 tc 0.025 tw (in writing r)tj 4.86088 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.27685 0 td 0.025 tw [(ch the te)19(xtw)18(ork)19(er is)]tj -23.55395 -1.20002 td (f)tj 0.30653 0 td 0.01 tc 0.129 tw (aced with )tj 4.82386 0 td 0.008 tc [(similar dilemmas and decisions: what t)19(o)1( )1(r)19(epr)19(esent, what t)19(o)]tj -5.13039 -1.20001 td -0.007 tc -0.01 tw [(include)56(, what t)18(o e)19(x)19(clude and ho)18(w t)19(o r)19(epr)18(esent the r)19(esear)19(ch e)18(xperience)56(. this)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73496 0 td -0.005 tc -0.012 tw (as an issue w)tj 5.62015 0 td -0.0051 tc (e)tj 0.75609 0 td -0.005 tc (both confr)tj 4.4193 0 td (onted. an e)tj 4.92163 0 td 0 tw (xtr)tj 1.18779 0 td -0.012 tw [(act fr)19(om jane\325)36(s te)19(xt discusses this: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 184.5874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0233 tc (i)tj 0.53654 0 td (w)tj 0.71713 0 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(anted t)19(o write m)18(y r)19(esear)19(ch up in the f)18(orm of a pla)19(y so that the v)19(oices and r)18(oles)]tj -1.25367 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0.003 tw (of all the participants ar)tj 10.27198 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.78103 0 td 0 tc [(pr)19(esented t)18(o the r)19(eader t)19(o mak)18(e his or her sense out)]tj -11.05301 -1.2353 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(of what happened. as a r)19(esear)18(cher and writer of this pla)19(y)110(, i am t)19(aking on)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (another r)tj 3.90726 0.00001 td (ole in the dr)tj 5.10611 0.00001 td (ama and that is ho)tj 7.91511 0.00001 td -0.0076 tc (w)tj 1.01533 0 td (i)tj 0.55233 0 td -0.008 tc (wish m)tj 3.09633 0.00001 td -0.0075 tc (y)tj 0.77547 0 td -0.008 tc (comments on the r)tj 8.11293 0.00001 td -0.007 tc 0 tw (esear)tj 2.23978 0.00001 td -0.008 tc (ch)tj -32.72064 -1.23534 td 0 tc (t)tj 0.29138 0.00001 td -0.0049 tc (o)tj 0.79612 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw (be vie)tj 2.53592 0.00001 td [(w)19(ed, as another v)19(oice within the pla)18(y)111(. of cour)19(se as a writer i ha)18(v)19(e a lot)]tj -3.62341 -1.23531 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(mor)19(e po)18(w)19(er than other participants)36(, and i get t)19(o lea)19(v)18(e out things i don\325t think ar)19(e)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0 tw (import)tj 2.90649 0.00001 td 0.01 tw (ant and k)tj 4.09492 0.00001 td (eep things in that i think ar)tj 11.80161 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.78793 0 td 0 tc [(r)19(ele)18(v)19(ant. i could just write e)19(v)19(ery-)]tj -19.591 -1.2353 td 0.006 tw [(thing do)19(wn and let the r)18(eader try and decipher the chaos)37(, but in e)19(v)19(ery theatr)18(e)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(pr)19(oduction w)18(e see)56(, or film that w)19(e w)18(at)19(ch, ther)19(e is a dir)18(ect)19(or who cuts and shapes)]tj t* 0 tc -0.004 tw (the film or dr)tj 5.7099 0.00001 td (ama so that the vie)tj 8.2438 0.00001 td [(w)19(er can enjo)19(y the fluidity of the st)18(ory)111(. i w)19(ould)]tj -13.9537 -1.2353 td -0.012 tc -0.003 tw [(lik)19(e t)18(o see one of m)19(y r)18(oles as the dir)19(e)-1(c)-1(t)18(or or in the case of a piece of writing, the)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(edit)19(or of the e)18(v)19(ents)37(. (burt, 1999, p. 4))]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.161 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (139)tj et q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /length 6943 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(heila addr)19(essed this issue b)18(y structuring the te)19(xt in a r)19(efle)19(xiv)18(e manner)111(,)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(k)19(eeping in mind the suggestion of l)18(ofland (1974) that a successful te)19(xt)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(should w)19(ea)18(v)19(e t)19(ogether the local and the generic and should achie)19(v)18(e a satis-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.021 tw [(f)19(act)19(ory mixtur)18(e of dat)19(a and discussion, e)19(x)19(ample)55(, and gener)19(aliz)19(ation. heila)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(used a thr)19(ee-phase chr)18(onological structur)19(e t)19(o both tr)19(ack and describe the shifts)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(in the natur)19(e of the r)18(esear)19(ch pr)19(ocess)37(, and t)18(o tr)19(ack her conceptual engagement)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.097 tw [(with socially critical envir)19(onment)18(al education as the orienting theor)19(etical)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.002 tw [(fr)19(ame)18(w)19(ork. although the phases unf)19(old in br)19(oad chr)18(onological and tempo-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(r)18(al or)19(der)111(, their boundaries ar)19(e not clearly demar)18(cated as cut-off points in time)56(.)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(the structur)19(e illuminates the idea that shifts and changes in r)18(esear)19(ch or under-)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0 tw [(st)19(andings do not t)18(ak)19(e place as an e)19(v)18(olutionary pr)19(ogr)18(ession of e)19(v)18(ents that can)]tj t* 0 tc -0.01 tw [(be \322neatly\323 described \(as mor)19(e \322)55(conv)19(entional\323 theses te)19(xts often pr)19(omise\).)]tj t* -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(in the thesis)37(, this w)18(as illustr)19(ated thr)19(ough the use of poetry)111(. she also emplo)18(y)20(ed)]tj t* 0.017 tc 0.121 tw [(the met)19(aphor of a journe)18(y t)19(o describe differ)19(ent f)18(orms of engagement)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.019 tc [(towa)-19(r)-1(d)-19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 69.7515 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 75.5441 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (with/in)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 104.6139 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.57935 0 td 0 tc (and )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 129.7196 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(be)19(y)18(ond)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 161.9746 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.024 tw [(socially critical envir)19(onment)18(al education, and)]tj -12.49746 -1.2 td 0 tw [(these f)19(ormed the thr)18(ee parts of the thesis)37(. heila writes:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 386.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.01 tw (the structuring of the thesis in this w)tj 15.98568 0 td [(a)19(y helped me t)19(o write at a number of dif)-1(-)]tj -15.98568 -1.2353 td 0.061 tw [(fer)19(ent le)18(v)19(els)37(, interw)19(ea)18(ving differ)19(ent str)19(ands of writing \(about the te)19(xtual con)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(struction, about the r)19(esear)18(ch dat)19(a, about w)19(orking with other)18(s in r)19(esear)19(ch, about)]tj t* [(the epistemological fr)19(ame)18(w)20(ork, about the natur)18(e of change and about r)19(esear)19(ch\))]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(and enabled me t)19(o \322select\323 fr)18(om the mass of dat)19(a and e)19(xperiences o)18(v)19(er a peri-)]tj -0.0001 tc (od)' 1.3605 0 td (of)tj 1.1195 0 td 0 tc -0.01 tw [(f)19(our y)18(ear)19(s)37(, and or)19(ganise the r)18(esear)19(ch pr)19(ocess in a r)18(epr)19(esented f)19(ormat \(in)]tj -2.48 -1.23529 td 0 tw (this case a thesis\).)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 301.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(this e)19(xtr)18(act fr)19(om heila\325)37(s thesis illustr)18(ates ho)19(w met)19(aphor w)18(as used t)19(o pr)18(o)19(vide)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(structur)19(e and orient)18(ation t)19(o the thesis: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 268.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((end of phase 2): )tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.008 tw [(bringing along a camer)19(a, while usually sacr)18(ed t)19(o most t)19(ourists)36(, can invite a lot)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(of e)19(xtr)18(a w)19(orry)111(. betw)18(een the str)19(essful tempt)19(ation t)18(o jam e)19(v)18(ery not)19(able e)19(v)18(ent do)19(wn)]tj 0 tc (y)' 0.5 0 td 0.012 tw (our lens)tj 3.43746 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.56795 0 td 0 tc [(the high cost of film, equipment and de)19(v)19(eloping, and the e)18(v)19(er pr)19(es)-1(-)]tj -4.50541 -1.2353 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(ent par)19(anoia about loss or theft, y)18(ou could end up smashing y)19(our belo)19(v)18(ed)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(nik)18(on t)19(o bits all t)19(oo willingly)110(. still, per)19(sonal phot)19(os ar)18(e mor)19(e)55(, w)19(ell, per)19(sonal than)]tj t* -0.007 tc 0 tw (post)tj 1.78775 0 td -0.007 tw [(car)19(ds)36(, and a shot of that guy fr)19(om cork with the accor)19(dion and the dancing)]tj -1.78775 -1.2353 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(e)19(y)19(es sa)19(y)19(s mor)18(e about y)19(our trip than a glossy poster of big ben \(fr)18(om )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 294.4138 194.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.025 tc 0.012 tw [(l)19(et\325)37(s go 1993:)]tj -28.16633 -1.23529 td 0.001 tc 0.128 tw [(the budget guide t)19(o brit)18(ain & ir)19(eland)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 194.2514 184.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.001 tc 0.137 tw [(\). the description of phase tw)19(o of this)]tj -16.38252 -1.23529 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(journe)19(y has been dir)18(ected b)19(y the choices i ha)19(v)18(e made about the phot)19(ogr)18(aphs or)]tj t* 0 tc 0.008 tw (\322shots\323 i ha)tj 5.05122 0 td [(v)19(e chosen t)18(o pr)19(esent in this r)19(esear)19(ch account. i ha)18(v)19(e tried t)19(o a)18(v)19(oid)]tj -5.05122 -1.2353 td 0.027 tw [(the \322str)19(essful tempt)18(ation t)19(o jam e)19(v)19(ery not)18(able e)19(v)19(ent do)18(wn the lens\323 and ha)19(v)19(e)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(selected those pictur)19(es)36(, t)19(ak)19(en thr)18(ough div)19(er)19(se lenses)37(, which )-1(w)19(er)19(e able t)19(o pr)18(o)19(vide)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(insights int)19(o this journe)18(y in a w)19(a)19(y which w)18(ould r)19(ecount some of the e)19(xtent and)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(v)19(alue of the e)18(xperience)56(, and which could still r)19(eflect those per)18(sonal moments of)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(inter)19(action and encounter with fello)18(w tr)19(a)19(v)18(eller)19(s along the w)19(a)19(y . . . . \(l)18(otz, 1996,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (p. 259\))tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (140)tj et q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /length 6778 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k (she continues: )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 566.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0192 tc (i)tj 0.54071 0 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(dr)19(e)18(w on the w)19(ork of l)19(ather \(199)56(1\) t)18(o under)19(st)18(and better that in writing one f)19(aces)]tj -0.54071 -1.23529 td -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(the \322inescapability of r)19(eductionism\323 and that \322)147(. . . language is delimit)19(ation, a str)18(a)-1(t)-1(e)-1(-)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.134 tw [(gic limit)19(ation of possible meanings\323 (p. xix). she notes that language \322)147(. . .)]tj t* 0 tc 0.01 tw [(fr)19(ames; it brings int)18(o f)19(ocus that which goes unr)19(emark)18(ed.\323 she dr)19(e)19(w m)18(y atten-)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(tion t)19(o the f)18(act that the silences of our o)19(wn writing ar)19(e subject t)18(o some comment)]tj t* 0 tc [(in the te)19(xt, but that w)18(e \322)148(. . . write at a time when the f)19(ormerly unsaid/unhear)18(d)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(ar)19(e becoming incr)18(easingly visible and audible)56(.\323 l)19(ather \(199)56(1\) also dr)19(e)18(w m)19(y atten-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.014 tw [(tion t)19(o the need t)18(o cr)19(eate a te)19(xt that is neither tempor)18(al nor e)19(v)19(olutionary)111(, that)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(doesn\325t t)19(o)1(t)19(alise)56(, that doesn\325t pr)19(esent theor)19(etical orient)18(ations as fix)19(ed and mono-)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(lithic and which pr)19(esents a conceptualisation of kno)18(wledge as constructed,)]tj t* 0 tc 0.047 tw [(contested, incessantly per)19(spectiv)18(al and polyphonic \(l)19(ather)111(, 199)56(1\). with these)]tj t* -0.01 tw [(insights i tried t)19(o cr)18(eate a te)19(xt that w)19(as open enough t)18(o offer multiple per)19(spec-)]tj t* 0 tw [(tiv)19(es t)18(o differ)19(ent r)19(eader)18(s)38(. )]tj 2.11765 -1.23529 td -0.0117 tc (i)tj 0.54829 0 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(chose t)19(o end the thesis with \322multiple endings)36(,\323 each of which r)19(ecognised)]tj -2.66594 -1.23529 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(an ar)19(ea of the r)18(esear)19(ch that had been lar)19(gely unr)19(eported in the thesis)36(.)1( )1(t)1(h)1(r)20(ough)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(this \322open-ending\323 of the r)19(esear)18(ch, i emphasised that the r)19(esear)19(ch r)18(ep)1(ort is mer)18(e-)]tj 0 -1.2353 td 0.014 tc 0.125 tw [(ly (and can only be) a r)19(epr)18(esent)19(ation of one particular per)19(spectiv)18(e of the)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(r)18(esear)19(ch pr)19(ocess)37(, and that a further sear)18(ching f)19(or meaning r)19(emains possible)56(. \(l)18(otz,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (1996\))tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 355.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(heila used the w)19(ell-tr)19(a)18(v)18(elled, but useful met)19(aphor of a journe)19(y and the idea)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.007 tw [(of multiple endings)37(, and w)18(o)19(v)19(e t)19(ogether differ)19(ent te)18(xts)37(, including poetry)111(, so)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.132 tw (that the structuring of the te)tj 12.99468 0 td (xt helps cr)tj 4.83929 0 td (eate both the e)tj 6.9628 0 td (xperience of the)tj -24.79677 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.008 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess and an engagement with the theor)19(etical ideas that under-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.031 tw [(pin it. jane wr)19(ote her thesis as a pla)18(y so as t)19(o r)19(ecogniz)18(e her e)19(xperience of)]tj t* 0 tw (kno)tj 1.61084 0 td 0.014 tw (wledge as constructed and changing. both our methodological orient)tj 29.81132 0 td (a)tj 0.5 0 td (-)tj -31.92216 -1.20001 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(tions chose t)19(o see r)18(esear)19(ch as going be)19(y)18(ond the quest f)19(or kno)19(wledge)56(. w)92(e r)19(ec-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ogniz)19(ed the r)18(ole of r)19(esear)19(ch as an integr)18(al part of the change pr)19(ocesses w)19(e)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw (engage in when w)tj 7.66954 0 td -0.0122 tc (e)tj 0.75179 0 td -0.012 tc (embark on envir)tj 6.99839 0 td [(onment)19(al education w)18(ork in conte)19(xts of)]tj -15.41972 -1.20001 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(social tr)19(ansf)18(ormation. r)19(esear)19(ch, f)18(or us)37(, became a pr)19(ocess motiv)18(ated b)19(y)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(ideals of enablement, empo)19(w)19(erment, and tr)19(ansf)18(ormation. it became the learn-)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw (ing pr)tj 2.4533 0 td (ocess in which w)tj 7.17717 0 td -0.0103 tc (e)tj 0.75364 0 td -0.01 tc [(w)19(er)18(e able t)19(o, with other)19(s as our partner)18(s)37(, clarify our)]tj -10.38411 -1.20001 td 0 tc [(under)19(st)18(andings and pr)19(actice in envir)19(onment)18(al education w)19(ork. w)93(e needed)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(t)19(o try and r)18(eflect this in the te)19(xt. but the te)19(xt does not only r)19(epr)18(esent the e)19(xpe-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw (rience had, but the e)tj 8.8694 0 td [(xperience being had, and the learning that t)19(ak)18(es place)]tj -8.8694 -1.2 td 0 tw [(during the pr)19(ocess of writing. as jane writes:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 154.4616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (pla)tj 1.29614 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.72757 0 td 0 tc 0.024 tw [(ar)19(e written and perf)18(ormed b)19(y people who wish t)19(o dr)18(a)19(w our attention t)19(o)]tj -2.52371 -1.23531 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(something. a pla)19(y is an attempt t)18(o change our w)19(orld, celebr)19(ate it or st)18(art dialogue)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(ar)19(ound a particular issue)56(. as quoted in m)18(y thesis john o t)88(oole (1992) sa)19(y)18(s \322)148(. . .)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(dr)19(ama is something which happens)36(, and ne)19(v)19(er accident)19(ally; it is a dynamic e)19(v)19(ent)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(which is alw)19(a)18(y)18(s part of its conte)19(xt.\323 a pla)18(y constructs an e)19(x)-1(p)-1(e)-1(r)-1(i)-1(e)-1(n)-1(c)-1(e)55(. it r)19(emo)18(v)18(es)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(the e)19(xperience fr)18(om the e)19(v)19(e)1(r)1(y)20(da)19(y)1( )1(w)19(orld of action and places it on the labor)19(at)19(o)1(r)1(y)]tj t* [(of the st)19(age)56(, within a differ)18(ent e)19(xperiment)19(al space)55(. a pla)19(y often is a r)19(eflection on)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(society but it also can be something else)56(. the pr)19(ocess of pla)18(y making also)]tj t* 0 tc 0.005 tw [(comments)37(, de)18(v)19(elops and e)19(xpands our under)19(st)18(anding of our conte)19(xt. although)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.161 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (141)tj et q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /length 7796 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.01 tw [(this is so, the audience)56(, the listener is alw)18(a)19(y)19(s a)19(w)19(ar)19(e that this is a w)18(orld cr)19(eated)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.011 tc -0.004 tw [(b)18(y)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(a)-1(c)-1(t)18(or)18(s)37(. by writing the thesis as a pla)18(y i ackno)19(w)-1(l)-1(e)-1(d)-1(g)-1(e)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(w)18(a)18(y in which w)18(e)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(construct and mak)19(e sense of our w)18(orld depending on who is on st)19(age and what)]tj t* 0 tc [(lines ar)19(e spok)18(en. i see m)19(y r)19(ole as one of the man)18(y construct)19(or)18(s of this particu-)]tj t* 0 tw [(lar conte)19(xt. )]tj 2.11765 -1.23529 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(the pla)19(y not only comments on the e)19(xperience of being part of the dr)18(ama)]tj -2.11765 -1.23529 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(of r)19(esear)18(ch, it is post-modern in its appr)19(oach, as the author r)19(emains pr)18(esent on)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.132 tw [(st)19(age)55(, dialoguing and r)19(eflecting on the te)19(xt. subjectivity is often seen as a)]tj t* 0 tc 0.108 tw [(w)19(eakness in te)19(xts)36(, but i see it as a str)19(ength. being able t)19(o ackno)18(wledge the)]tj t* 0.01 tw [(str)19(ength of m)18(y o)19(wn v)19(oice t)18(o m)19(y)19(self and the r)19(eader allo)18(w)19(s me t)19(o t)19(ak)18(e one step)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(further a)19(w)18(a)18(y fr)19(om the pr)19(ocess)36(. i r)19(e)18(v)18(eal m)19(y)19(self and so can dist)18(ance \322m)19(y)18(self as par-)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(ticipant\323 and enter \322m)19(y)19(self as observ)19(er\323 with mor)18(e ease\321becoming an observ)1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(er)111(, not only of the r)18(esear)19(ch pr)19(ocess)36(, but observ)19(er of the te)19(xt and of m)19(y)19(self.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 440.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.139 tw [(w)93(e think that this kind of ongoing critical and conte)18(xtual r)19(e)18(vie)19(w of our)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(\(r)19(esear)18(ch\) pr)19(actice ma)19(y sharpen our abilities t)18(o engage in ongoing critical con-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.056 tw [(te)19(xtual e)18(v)19(aluation of what a better envir)19(onment f)19(or all \(sust)18(ainable living,)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(socio-ecological justice)56(, et)18(c)19(.\) w)18(ould ent)19(ail in a r)18(a)1(nge of differ)18(e)-1(n)-1(t)-1( )-1(c)-1(o)-1(n)-1(t)-1(e)18(xts)36(, which)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(ar)19(e inadv)18(ertently link)19(ed t)19(o each other in global space)56(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 78.7563 358.8874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the style: multi-textual and multi-layered narratives)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 336.0874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(ther)19(e ar)18(e man)19(y influences when telling a st)19(ory)111(. so f)18(ar w)19(e ha)19(v)18(e e)19(xplor)19(ed issues)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.01 tc 0 tw (lik)tj 0.96952 0 td -0.0102 tc (e)tj 0.75378 0 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw (making sur)tj 4.72753 0 td -0.0102 tc (e)tj 0.75383 0 td -0.01 tc (that the st)tj 4.21578 0 td (ory is congruent with the actual adv)tj 15.11287 0 td [(entur)19(e and t)18(o)]tj -26.53331 -1.20001 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(s)1(t)20(ate that w)18(e can only r)19(epr)19(esent our construction of what happened. as one)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.034 tw [(gaz)19(es at an audience\325)37(s f)18(aces one can feel their e)19(xpect)18(ations)37(, kno)19(wing that)]tj (e)' 0.47504 0 td (v)tj 0.47505 0 td -0.006 tc 0 tw (ery)tj 1.35139 0 td -0.008 tw [(one will not hear the st)19(ory in the same w)18(a)19(y)112(. i)-1(n writ)1(ing r)18(esear)19(ch w)18(e ar)19(e)]tj -2.30148 -1.20001 td 0.009 tc 0.129 tw [(f)18(aced with similar pr)19(essur)19(es)36(. the academ)19(y e)19(xists within a set of rules)36(,)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.018 tc 0 tw (po)tj 1.0382 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.7221 0 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (er structur)tj 4.26815 0 td 0 tw (es)tj 0.85313 0 td (,)tj 0.52402 0 td 0.004 tw (and self-inter)tj 5.41943 0 td 0 tw (ests)tj 1.55808 0 td (.)tj 0.52396 0 td 0.004 tw [(it is also ther)19(e t)18(o r)19(egulate and st)19(andar)18(diz)19(e)]tj -14.90707 -1.20002 td 0 tc 0.139 tw (learning, and acts as quality contr)tj 15.30852 0 td (ol. as student r)tj 6.93682 0 td [(esear)19(cher)18(s)37(, st)19(oryteller)19(s)]tj -22.24534 -1.20001 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(st)19(anding in fr)18(ont of the king, w)19(e w)18(orry about who will r)19(ead the r)19(esear)18(ch te)19(xt)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.008 tc 0.131 tw (and judge its v)tj 6.78578 0 td 0 tw (alue)tj 1.75233 0 td 0.0074 tc (,)tj 0.70218 0 td (v)tj 0.4888 0 td 0.007 tc (alidity)tj 2.59056 0 td 0.0074 tc (,)tj 0.70221 0 td 0.007 tc (rigour)tj 2.507 0 td 0.0075 tc (,)tj 0.70231 0 td 0.007 tc 0.131 tw (and authenticity)tj 7.1605 0 td 0.0075 tc (,)tj 0.70227 0 td 0.007 tc [(and of cour)19(se)55(, w)19(e)]tj -24.09394 -1.20002 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73999 0 td -0.007 tw (orry about )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.2068 216.0874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (ho)tj 1 0 td (w)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 112.1295 216.0874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.007 tw (the te)tj 2.43734 0 td (xt will be r)tj 4.56935 0 td [(ead. will the king lik)19(e the st)18(ory)111(, and ho)19(w)]tj -14.51964 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(does the king lik)19(e his st)18(ories t)19(old? )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td (f)tj 0.48096 0 td -0.007 tw (ortunately both of us w)tj 10.0085 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.85108 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77074 0 td 0 tc -0.007 tw (supported b)tj 5.16003 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.78968 0 td 0 tc (our supervisor)tj 6.17526 0 td [(s)37(, but e)19(v)19(en so,)]tj -26.03625 -1.20002 td (w)tj 0.73999 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.86267 0 td 0 tc 0.085 tw [(w)19(er)18(e const)19(antly a)19(w)19(ar)18(e of the po)19(w)19(er of the academ)19(y in v)18(alidating our)]tj -1.60266 -1.2 td 0 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch. heila writes:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 147.0874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 tw (when writing m)tj 7.05403 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.80635 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (thesis)tj 2.4443 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.56528 0 td (i)tj 0.58328 0 td 0 tc 0.01 tw [(w)19(as pr)18(of)19(oundly a)19(w)19(ar)18(e of the po)19(w)19(er of the academ)19(y)]tj -11.45324 -1.23531 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(in v)19(alidating the te)18(xt as a kno)19(wledge claim. as str)19(ategy t)19(o addr)18(ess this)37(, i \322wr)19(ote)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc (t)tj 0.29561 0.00001 td -0.0007 tc (o)tj 0.80034 0 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (the r)tj 1.98365 0.00001 td 0 tw (eader)tj 2.31227 0.00001 td -0.013 tw [(,\323 and pointed out a ne)19(w r)18(ole f)19(or r)19(eader)19(s of qualit)18(ativ)19(e te)19(xts)36(. i w)19(as)]tj -5.3919 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0.032 tw [(w)19(arned b)19(y a)36(tkinson \(199)56(1\) and melo)19(y (1994) that w)19(e cannot e)18(xpect a shar)19(ed)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(under)19(st)18(anding of our te)19(xtual conv)19(entions and so i, as part of the intr)18(oduction t)19(o)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (the te)tj 2.4186 0 td (xt, indicated t)tj 5.9029 0.00001 td -0.0026 tc (o)tj 0.7984 0 td -0.003 tc (the r)tj 1.97597 0.00001 td [(eader that \322)148(. . . de)18(v)19(eloping a shar)18(ed under)19(st)19(anding of)]tj -11.0959 -1.2353 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(the te)19(xt r)18(equir)19(es the r)19(eader t)18(o tr)19(a)18(v)19(el alongside the r)18(esear)19(cher on the r)19(oad t)18(o epis-)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(temological, methodological and discur)19(siv)18(e clarity and under)19(st)18(anding\323 \(l)19(otz, 1996,)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (142)tj et q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /length 7678 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(p. 9\). ho)19(w)18(e)19(v)19(er)110(, the \322bringing along\323 of the r)19(eader ma)19(y not be enough, as r)18(ead-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0 tw [(er)19(s ha)18(v)19(e an activ)19(e r)18(ole in te)19(xtual construction. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 555.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(w)92(e both used str)19(ategies of multi-te)19(xtual writing, or te)18(xtual plur)19(ality)111(, t)18(o mor)19(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(authentically r)19(epr)18(esent the te)19(xtw)19(ork as w)18(ell as the r)19(esear)19(ch w)19(e w)18(er)19(e inv)19(olv)18(ed)]tj t* 0 tc -0.003 tw [(with, but also t)19(o communicate with our differ)18(ent \322r)19(eader)19(s)37(.\323 the use of te)19(x-)]tj t* 0.035 tw [(tual plur)19(ality allo)18(w)19(s the r)19(eader t)19(o f)18(ollo)19(w the st)19(ory of his/her choice among)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(man)19(y)1( )1(s)1(t)19(o)1(r)1(i)1(e)1(s)38(, enabling his/her v)19(o)1(i)1(c)1(e)1( )1(a)1(s)1( )1(r)19(eader t)19(o be hear)19(d \(l)19(ather & smithies)36(,)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw (1997\). jane writes:)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 474.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 tw [(the r)19(eader can r)18(ead the action \(all the scene t)88(w)19<6fd5>37(s\) and ignor)18(e m)19(y interpr)19(et)18(a-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(tion and mak)19(e up his/her o)18(wn; or the r)19(eader can r)19(ead m)19(y interpr)18(et)19(ation although)]tj t* -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(he/she ma)19(y not be inter)18(ested in the det)19(ails of methodology f)19(ound in the f)18(ootnotes)37(.)]tj t* 0 tc 0.112 tw [(some r)19(eader)18(s with a methodological inter)19(est, will spend a lot of time going)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(thr)19(ough the f)18(ootnotes)37(. other)19(s might be inter)19(ested in particular ideas which i ha)18(v)19(e)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(briefly mentioned, and ma)19(y)1( )1(w)19(ant t)19(o)1( )1(f)20(ollo)18(w up on these ideas b)19(y)1( )1(l)1(o)1(o)1(k)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( )1(u)1(p)1( )1(r)20(ef-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(er)19(ences in the f)18(ootnotes and the r)19(efer)19(ence list.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 389.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(using unconv)19(entional str)18(ategies of communicating with the r)19(eader)111(, does not)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.003 tw (lessen the po)tj 5.67335 0 td [(w)19(er the academ)19(y holds o)18(v)19(er 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )37(, and their written te)19(xts)36(,)]tj -5.67335 -1.2 td 0 tw [(particularly f)19(or fir)18(st-time author)19(s lik)19(e us)36(. jane writes:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 344.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (a)tj 0.57718 0 td -0.0159 tc (t)tj 0.56304 0 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (times i felt insecur)tj 7.68714 0 td (e)tj 0.74801 0 td (with the w)tj 4.40054 0 td [(a)19(y i w)18(as writing m)19(y thesis)37(, but i kne)18(w i had the)]tj -13.97592 -1.2353 td 0.012 tc 0.127 tw (support of m)tj 5.96872 0 td 0.0116 tc (y)tj 0.94741 0 td 0.012 tc (supervisor and department which helped with difficulties i)tj -6.91613 -1.2353 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(e)18(xpected fr)19(om the r)19(est of the academ)19(y)110(. ev)19(en so, the r)19(easons f)18(or writing m)19(y the-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc -0.01 tw (sis as a pla)tj 4.61839 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.78696 0 td 0 tc (arise thr)tj 3.54433 0 td [(oughout the te)19(xt. in the last scene of the pla)18(y m)19(y supervi-)]tj -8.94968 -1.2353 td 0.022 tc 0.184 tw (sor joins me on the st)tj 10.76079 0 td (age and adds her po)tj 9.93786 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.76222 0 td 0.022 tc (erful v)tj 3.06153 0 td (oice t)tj 2.65013 0 td 0.0221 tc (o)tj 1.04347 0 td 0.022 tc (the gr)tj 2.81728 0 td 0 tw [(o)19(wing)]tj -31.03328 -1.23531 td 0 tc [(e)19(xplanations)37(. it w)18(as the post-structur)19(al methodology within which i w)19(as w)18(ork-)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw (ing that set the challenge t)tj 12.13877 0 td 0.0021 tc (o)tj 0.95575 0 td 0.002 tc [(w)19(ork within a differ)18(ent rhet)19(orical style)56(. in the)]tj -13.09452 -1.2353 td 0 tc (e)tj 0.46124 0 td (x)tj 0.49809 0 td -0.02 tc 0 tw (aminer)tj 2.95295 0 td 0.006 tw (s\325 r)tj 1.25872 0 td (eports i f)tj 3.66355 0.00001 td [(ound that m)19(y e)18(x)19(aminer)19(s accepted the challenge of the alter-)]tj -8.83455 -1.23531 td 0 tc 0 tw (nativ)tj 2.12891 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.83612 0 td 0 tc 0.058 tw (style and w)tj 5.04275 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.85108 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.83619 0 td 0 tc 0.058 tw (able t)tj 2.42916 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.8731 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (interpr)tj 2.9245 0 td 0.058 tw (et the methodological significance of the)tj -15.92181 -1.23531 td -0.023 tc 0 tw (te)tj 0.75 0.00001 td 0.009 tw [(xtw)19(ork in the conte)18(xt of tr)19(ansf)19(ormation and ne)18(w orient)19(ations t)19(o r)18(esear)19(ch. it w)19(as)]tj -0.75 -1.2353 td -0.003 tc 0 tw (inter)tj 1.98432 0.00001 td -0.011 tw (esting t)tj 3.11333 0 td (o)tj 0.79803 0 td (see that the e)tj 5.72352 0 td 0 tc (x)tj 0.51518 0 td -0.003 tc 0 tw (aminer)tj 3.0554 0 td -0.0031 tc (s)tj 0.68681 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(sa)19(w themselv)18(es as \322pla)19(y)19(er)18(s\323 in the dr)19(ama)]tj -15.87657 -1.23531 td 0 tc 0 tw (\321one described her)tj 8.72144 0 td (self as a \322theatr)tj 6.72168 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77771 0 td 0 tc (critic)tj 2.10949 0 td (.\323 )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 206.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.013 tc -0.001 tw (in challenging the po)tj 8.78739 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.7274 0 td -0.013 tc (er of the academ)tj 7.10961 0 td -0.0128 tc (y)tj 0.77009 0 td (t)tj 0.28362 0 td -0.0127 tc (o)tj 0.78831 0 td -0.013 tc (decide what counts as legitimate)tj -18.46642 -1.20001 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (kno)tj 1.55564 0 td -0.018 tc 0.005 tw (wledge pr)tj 4.0794 0 td -0.019 tc (oduction in our w)tj 7.32768 0 td (ork, w)tj 2.61531 0 td -0.0185 tc (e)tj 0.74546 0 td -0.019 tc [(ask questions about ho)19(w kno)18(wing can)]tj -16.3235 -1.20001 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(be r)19(epr)18(esented in rigor)19(ous w)19(a)18(y)19(s)37(, but not be confined t)18(o the boundaries of tr)19(a-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.052 tw (ditional academic writing. thr)tj 13.13466 0 td [(ough this w)19(ork, w)18(e ask questions about the)]tj -13.13466 -1.2 td 0.009 tc 0.13 tw [(man)19(y possibilities inher)18(ent in ne)19(w media, ne)19(w journalism, in differ)19(ent)]tj t* 0 tc 0.058 tw [(genr)19<65d5>36(s)38(, and in multi-la)18(y)19(er)19(ed narr)19(ativ)18(es \(see f)19(or e)19(x)19(ample)55(, nielsen, cole)56(, &)]tj t* 0 tw [(kno)19(wles)36(, 200)56(1 f)19(or further e)18(xplor)19(ation of these possibilities\). )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.005 tc -0.006 tw [(pr)19(obably one of the mor)18(e stringent \(and po)19(w)19(erful\) tr)18(aditions associat-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0.028 tw [(ed with writing f)19(or the academ)19(y is the \322liter)18(atur)19(e r)19(e)18(vie)19(w\323 in which one is)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.003 tw [(r)19(equir)18(ed t)19(o write a critique of curr)19(ent liter)19(atur)18(e associated with the r)19(esear)19(ch)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.007 tw [(t)18(opic at the st)19(art of a thesis)37(. w)92(e both f)19(ound that the tr)19(aditional pr)19(ocess of dis)-1(-)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.014 tw [(tinguishing this liter)19(atur)18(e w)19(ork as a separ)19(ate part of the te)19(xtw)18(ork w)19(as not)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.1652 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (143)tj et q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /length 7392 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.014 tc [(c)-5(o)-5(n)-5(duciv)19(e t)18(o)1( )1(r)20(epr)18(esenting our e)19(xperience of doing r)19(esear)19(ch authentically)110(.)1( )1(w)94(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(both decided t)19(o abandon the struggle t)18(o isolate the liter)19(atur)19(e w)18(ork fr)19(om other)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(aspects of the r)19(esear)18(ch and te)19(xtw)19(ork, and in our sear)19(ch f)18(or gr)19(eater method-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.01 tw [(ological and epistemological congruenc)19(y w)18(e opted f)19(or an integr)19(ated, multi-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(te)19(xtual appr)18(oach t)19(o w)19(orking with liter)18(atur)19(e)56(, and f)18(ound that this appr)19(oach w)19(as)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(mor)19(e consistent with the multi-la)18(y)19(er)19(ed narr)18(ativ)19(e style w)19(e had adopted,)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(offering gr)19(eater rigour)110(. v)56(ulliam)19(y)110(, l)19(e)18(win, & stephens (1990) r)19(eferr)19(ed t)18(o the r)19(ole)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(of liter)19(atur)18(e studies in r)19(esear)19(ch when the)18(y t)19(alk)19(ed of a pr)18(ocess of pr)19(ogr)18(essiv)19(e)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(f)19(ocusing in which r)19(eadings and liter)18(atur)19(e pr)19(ogr)18(essiv)19(ely help t)19(o f)18(ocus the st)19(ages)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(of a r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(oject. the)19(y see this pr)18(ogr)19(essiv)19(e f)18(ocusing as an import)19(ant ele-)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(ment of analy)19(sis and note that ongoing engagement with liter)18(atur)19(e thr)19(ough-)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(out the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(o)19(vides gr)19(eater theor)18(etical input int)19(o the emer)19(ging analy)19(sis)36(.)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (jane comments on this:)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 422.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(as our appr)19(oach t)18(o envir)19(o)-1(n)-1(m)-1(e)-1(n)-1(t)18(al education, r)18(e)-1(s)-1(e)-1(a)-1(r)18(ch and dr)19(a)-1(m)-1(a)-1( )-1(b)-1(e)-1(g)-1(a)-1(n)-1( )-1(t)18(o shift)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(fr)19(om a pr)18(oduct t)19(o a pr)19(ocess orient)18(ation, so did m)19(y appr)19(oach t)19(o other aspects of)]tj 0 -1.2353 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(m)18(y thesis)37(. f)56(or e)18(x)19(a)-1(m)-1(p)-1(l)-1(e)55(, the w)18(a)18(y i engaged with the liter)19(atur)19(e)55(. in the beginning)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.0017 tc (i)tj 0.55828 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (made lots of notes)tj 7.8972 0 td -0.0018 tc (,)tj 0.54023 0 td -0.002 tc [(trying t)19(o r)18(emember what each author said. as i sa)19(y in m)19(y)]tj -8.99571 -1.2353 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(thesis)37(, \322each article w)18(ould sw)19(a)19(y me)55(, sa)19(ying \324i\325m the truth\325\323 \(burt, 1999, a)56(ct6sc2,)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(p. 1)56(09\). l)18(ater)111(, as i w)19(armed t)19(o m)18(y subject and became mor)19(e confident in m)18(y o)19(wn)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(v)19(oice)56(, i came t)18(o each paper with an orient)19(ation of m)19(y o)18(wn, seeing them as a dia-)]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(logue with ideas r)19(ather than a lectur)19(e fr)18(om e)19(xperts)37(. this shift in m)18(y appr)19(oach t)19(o)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(the liter)19(atur)18(e ga)19(v)19(e rise t)19(o the appr)18(oach i used t)19(o r)19(epr)18(esent it in m)19(y thesis as anoth-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(er v)19(oice amongst man)18(y)111(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 305.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(heila also f)19(ound that the dealing with the liter)18(atur)19(e r)18(e)19(vie)19(w became a signif)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(icant methodological issue in the study)111(. she writes:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 272.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (r)tj 0.59756 0 td -0.014 tc (eading much of the liter)tj 10.00701 0 td (atur)tj 1.6488 0 td -0.0136 tc (e)tj 0.75039 0 td -0.014 tc [(initially had little meaning, but, as m)19(y e)18(xperience)]tj -13.00376 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0.047 tw [(of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess de)19(v)19(eloped, so man)18(y of the r)19(eadings became not only)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.033 tw [(meaningful, but useful t)19(ools t)18(o help guide the r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess)37(. i tried se)19(v)19(er)18(al)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0 tw (attempts at \322liter)tj 7.04148 0 td (atur)tj 1.64628 0 td -0.0143 tc (e)tj 0.74966 0 td -0.014 tc [(r)19(e)19(vie)18(w)111(,\323 i had numer)19(ous printed pages and computer files)]tj -9.43742 -1.2353 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(full of liter)19(atur)18(e)56(, st)19(ories other people t)19(old about their ideas)37(. i k)18(ept finding that these)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc -0.013 tw [(st)19(ories did not tell m)18(y st)19(ory)110(. w)93(or)18(se)56(, i k)19(ept finding that, in spite of all the labour)]tj (t)' 0.29614 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.813 0 td 0 tc -0.002 tw [(compile a liter)19(atur)18(e r)19(e)19(vie)19(w)111(, ther)18(e w)19(as a significant \322mismat)19(ch\323 betw)18(een the)]tj -1.10914 -1.2353 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(theor)19(etical insights i w)19(as able t)18(o pr)19(esent in the \322liter)19(atur)18(e r)19(e)19(vie)19(w)18(s\323 which i had)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0.014 tw [(compiled in the earlier da)19(y)19(s of the r)18(esear)19(ch pr)19(oject and those i w)18(as compiling)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw (later on in the r)tj 6.59535 0.00001 td [(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess)37(. while i could ha)19(v)19(e chosen t)18(o pr)19(esent the mor)19(e)]tj -6.59535 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0.001 tw (sophisticated v)tj 6.42682 0.00001 td [(er)19(sions of the \322liter)18(atur)19(e r)19(e)19(vie)18(w\323 in the final te)19(xt, i f)19(ound that it)]tj -6.42682 -1.2353 td 0.042 tw [(did not adequately r)19(eflect m)18(y incr)19(easingly sophisticated under)19(st)18(anding of the)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch pr)19(ocess as it unf)18(olded. it also did not r)19(eflect the w)18(a)20(y in which liter)18(atur)19(e)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (had shaped the )tj 6.82768 0.00001 td -0.009 tc 0 tw (unf)tj 1.38024 0.00001 td -0.011 tw [(olding of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess and it did not r)19(eflect the inter-)]tj -8.20792 -1.23531 td 0 tc 0.133 tw [(pla)19(y betw)18(een the unf)19(olding empirical findings and the emer)19(ging theor)19(etical)]tj t* -0.017 tc -0.002 tw [(ideas)37(.)1( )1(r)19(epr)19(esenting the use of liter)19(atur)19(e as a separ)18(ate section in the thesis did not)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.012 tw [(enable me t)19(o r)18(epr)19(esent the r)19(efle)18(xiv)19(e orient)19(ation that i gr)18(adually de)19(v)18(eloped \(o)19(v)19(er)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0.099 tw [(the f)19(our y)18(ear)19(s\) t)19(o the r)18(esear)19(ch orient)19(ation and r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess)37(. this tension)]tj t* -0.013 tw [(betw)19(een the e)18(xpect)19(ations of the academic genr)19(e of thesis writing and m)18(y e)19(xpe-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.008 tw [(rience in the r)19(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess finally pushed me t)19(o decide on a differ)19(ent pr)18(ocess)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (144)tj et q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /length 7444 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(o)6(f)6( )6(i)6(n)6(c)6(o)6(r)6(por)19(ating liter)18(atur)19(e int)19(o the te)18(xt. i did this in a number of w)19(a)19(y)19(s: 1\))]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(thr)19(ough including a conceptually rigor)18(ous and critically analytical sub-te)19(xt in the)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0 tw [(f)19(orm of f)19(ootnotes)37(. this enabled me t)18(o add another \322le)19(v)19(el\323 of te)19(xtw)18(ork t)19(o the the-)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(sis without interrupting the flo)19(w of the main \322st)18(ory)111(.\323 it enabled me t)18(o deepen the)]tj t* 0 tc -0.006 tw [(le)19(v)19(el of discussion about differ)18(ent issues in the thesis)37(. it also cr)19(eated the space)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(f)19(or a r)19(efle)18(xiv)19(e r)19(e)18(vie)19(w of the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess)37(, which i w)19(as then able t)18(o \322build on\323)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(and \322t)19(ak)18(e f)19(orw)19(ar)18(d\323 in the final chapter of the thesis)37(. 2\) thr)18(ough supporting empir-)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(ical e)19(vidence with e)18(xtr)19(acts fr)19(om the liter)18(atur)19(e t)19(o subst)18(antiate and deepen de)19(v)19(el-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.058 tw [(oping ar)19(guments in the thesis)36(, i w)19(as able t)19(o dr)18(a)19(w on the e)19(xperience of other)]tj t* -0.005 tw [(educat)19(or)18(s and r)19(esear)19(cher)18(s in the analy)19(sis and interpr)19(et)18(ation of the dat)19(a, ther)19(e-)]tj t* 0 tw [(b)19(y pr)18(o)19(viding a str)19(ategy f)19(or \322deepening\323 the dat)19(a analy)18(sis in the thesis)37(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 106.748 450.3875 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the voices: representation of all research participants)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 427.5874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(although both our r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ojects f)19(ollo)19(w)19(ed a participat)18(ory appr)19(oach, writ-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(ing a thesis f)19(or the purposes of academic qualification is essentially an indi)-1(-)]tj t* -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(vidualistic e)19(x)19(er)18(cise)56(. ho)19(w do w)18(e as writer)19(s pr)19(esent the no)19(w silent participants?)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (who actually killed the dr)tj 11.20459 0 td (agon?)tj -9.40459 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw (in participat)tj 4.92937 0 td [(ory r)19(esear)18(ch ther)19(e ar)19(e man)18(y ar)19(guments f)19(or \322full participation\323)]tj -6.72937 -1.2 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(of all participants at all st)19(ages of the r)19(esear)18(ch. f)56(or e)19(x)19(ample)55(, carr & k)37(emmis)]tj t* 0 tc 0.016 tw ((1986) maint)tj 5.6266 0 td (ain that \322)tj 3.90115 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.57128 0 td (.)tj 0.57128 0 td (.)tj 0.57128 0 td 0 tc (all those inv)tj 5.21578 0 td 0 tw (olv)tj 1.25904 0 td 0.016 tw [(ed in the r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(ocess should)]tj -17.71642 -1.20001 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(come t)19(o participate equally in all its phases of planning, acting, observing and)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.002 tw [(r)19(eflecting. in this)37(, action r)18(esear)19(ch is democr)19(atic\323 (p. 78). while it is easy t)18(o)]tj t* -0.009 tc 0 tw (inv)tj 1.28628 0 td (olv)tj 1.23135 0 td -0.0093 tc (e)tj 0.75469 0 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw (participants in the planning, dat)tj 13.49102 0 td -0.0093 tc (a)tj 0.75471 0 td -0.009 tc (collection and e)tj 6.63891 0 td [(v)19(en the dat)19(a analy-)]tj -24.15697 -1.20001 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(sis phases of a r)19(esear)18(ch enterprise)56(, it is difficult t)19(o gener)19(ate the same le)18(v)19(els)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.056 tw [(of participation in the writing pr)19(ocess)36(, particularly in a country lik)19(e south)]tj t* -0.003 tw (africa wher)tj 4.97661 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77443 0 td 0 tc (the majority of educat)tj 9.52703 0 td 0 tw (or)tj 0.88794 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70047 0 td 0 tc -0.003 tw [(and learner)19(s use a second language)]tj -16.86648 -1.20001 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(t)18(o communicate in f)19(ormal education conte)19(xts)37(. w)55(ritten language is often not)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw (the pr)tj 2.48078 0 td 0 tw (eferr)tj 1.9749 0 td -0.002 tw (ed f)tj 1.5794 0 td (orm of communication amongst man)tj 15.84092 0 td -0.0123 tc (y)tj 0.77069 0 td -0.012 tc 0 tw (educat)tj 2.77847 0 td (or)tj 0.86354 0 td -0.0123 tc (s)tj 0.67775 0 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(and learner)19(s)]tj -26.96645 -1.20002 td 0 tc -0.012 tw (in south africa, particularly wher)tj 14.21072 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.76606 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (or)tj 0.88806 0 td -0.012 tw [(al cultur)19(es ar)18(e often str)19(onger than cul-)]tj -15.86484 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(tur)19(es influenced b)18(y written te)19(xt. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw (these kinds of issues r)tj 9.63592 0 td (aise questions of po)tj 8.47152 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73648 0 td -0.004 tc (er in participat)tj 6.25471 0 td (ory r)tj 2.02654 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.25934 0 td (ch)tj -31.18451 -1.20002 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.35107 0 td 0.002 tw [(elationships)37(, particularly in the writing enterprise)56(. f)55(or both of us the issue)]tj -0.35107 -1.2 td -0.007 tw [(of participation ga)19(v)18(e rise t)19(o a questioning of ho)19(w t)18(o r)19(epr)19(esent the v)18(oices of)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw (participants in the te)tj 8.50349 0 td (xt. heila sa)tj 4.56818 0 td -0.0201 tc (w)tj 1.00289 0 td -0.02 tc (the de)tj 2.57177 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.46121 0 td -0.02 tc (elopment of \322v)tj 6.17638 0 td [(oice as a centr)19(al te)18(xt\323)]tj -23.28392 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.013 tw [(as an import)19(ant aspect of her r)18(esear)19(ch. diamond (1993) indicates that the)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.002 tw [(struggle f)19(or v)18(oice begins when an attempt is made t)19(o communicate mean-)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (ing t)tj 1.81613 0 td -0.0193 tc (o)tj 0.78173 0 td -0.019 tc (someone else and he notes that, \322finding the w)tj 19.82573 0 td [(or)19(ds)36(, speaking f)19(or y)18(our-)]tj -22.42359 -1.20001 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw (self, describing y)tj 6.92968 0.00001 td (our e)tj 2.10884 0.00001 td (xperience and feeling hear)tj 11.01619 0 td -0.0202 tc (d)tj 0.79977 0 td (b)tj 0.51723 0.00001 td -0.0201 tc (y)tj 0.76286 0 td -0.02 tc 0 tw (other)tj 2.15881 0.00001 td -0.0202 tc (s)tj 0.66978 0 td -0.02 tc (ar)tj 0.81108 0.00001 td -0.0201 tc (e)tj 0.74391 0 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw (all part of this)tj -26.51815 -1.20004 td 0 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(ocess\323 \(p. 5)55(1)161(1\). )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td (heila writes:)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 94.5874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.003 tc 0.136 tw (in m)tj 2.1656 0 td 0.0027 tc (y)tj 0.9384 0 td (r)tj 0.35415 0.00001 td 0.003 tc 0 tw (esear)tj 2.29161 0.00001 td 0.136 tw [(ch pr)19(oject i w)18(as able t)19(o r)19(epr)18(esent m)19(y)19(self as differ)19(ent \322v)19(oices\323)]tj -5.7497 -1.2353 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(which, in phase one)56(, i described as the v)19(oice of the na\225v)18(e)56(, ine)19(xperienced t)19(ourist.)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(in phase tw)19(o, i f)18(ound the v)19(oice of a slightly mor)19(e seasoned tr)18(a)19(v)18(eller and in phase)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.1652 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (145)tj et q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /length 8389 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(thr)19(ee i e)18(xpr)19(essed m)19(y)19(self in the v)18(oice of a fir)19(st-time tr)18(a)19(v)19(el guide)56(. each v)19(oice added)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(ne)19(w dimensions t)18(o the pr)19(e)19(vious r)19(esear)18(ch v)19(oices)37(. t)87(o e)19(xpr)18(ess m)19(y o)19(wn \322v)18(oice\323 in)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(the r)19(esear)18(ch te)19(xt, i used the activ)19(e v)19(oice which r)18(eflected a mind-shift fr)19(om r)19(atio)-1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.094 tw [(nalist abstr)19(action t)18(o disciplined and rigor)19(ous intuition, description and inter-)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(p)1(r)20(et)18(ation in the thesis)37(. sherman (1993) emphasises the use of the activ)19(e v)19(oice)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(in r)19(eporting qualit)18(ativ)19(e r)19(esear)18(ch when he st)19(ates that \322)148(. . . qualit)18(ativ)19(e r)19(esear)18(ch writ-)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(ing r)19(equir)18(es the r)19(esear)19(cher t)19(o t)18(ak)19(e a st)18(and, t)19(o be an interpr)19(eter)111(, and t)18(o be)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(engaged in the action. it r)19(equir)18(es the activ)19(e v)19(oice\323 (p. 236).)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 492.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tw [(jane also disco)19(v)18(er)19(ed that her v)19(oice changed thr)19(oughout the te)18(xt. she divid-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(ed these differ)19(ent \322self v)18(oices\323 int)19(o differ)19(ent char)18(acter)19(s)37(. these char)19(acter)18(s r)19(ep-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(r)19(esented her per)19(sonal v)18(oice)56(, as w)19(ell as the v)18(oice of people that influenced her)111(.)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(in this w)19(a)18(y she w)19(as able t)18(o dialogue with the v)19(oices within her)19(self. although)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(most of the char)19(acter)18(s r)19(epr)19(esent some part of jane)56(, ther)18(e ar)19(e tw)19(o dominant)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(v)19(oices)37(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td [(jane e)19(xplains:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 398.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tw [(fir)19(st of all ther)18(e is me)56(, \322jane)56(.\323 but she is portr)19(a)18(y)19(ed as the naiv)19(e r)19(esear)18(cher she)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(w)19(as)36(, confused, sometimes despondent, ver)56(y emotional. she is also the writer)111(.)]tj t* (she e)tj 2.30913 0 td [(xists in thr)19(ee differ)18(ent spaces within the pla)19(y: in her home with char)19(acter)]tj -2.30913 -1.23529 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(z)37(aru, her alter-ego, wher)18(e she battles t)19(o mak)19(e sense of her e)19(xperience; secondly)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (within the action of the pla)tj 11.31373 0.00001 td -0.0108 tc (y)tj 0.77215 0 td -0.011 tc (as a char)tj 3.74849 0.00001 td (acter with the other r)tj 8.89872 0 td 0 tw (ole-pla)tj 2.75881 0 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.48929 0 td -0.011 tc (er)tj 0.82967 0 td -0.003 tw (s; and final)tj 4.643 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -33.45386 -1.23532 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(ly as the main guest on tw)19(o tele)18(vision t)19(alk sho)19(w)19(s)37(. her char)19(acter tends t)18(o matur)19(e)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc (t)tj 0.28508 0 td (o)tj 0.507 0 td (w)tj 0.72893 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(ar)19(ds the end of the pla)18(y so that when w)19(e meet her during the t)19(alk sho)19(w)19(s she)]tj -1.52101 -1.2353 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (is confident and seems t)tj 10.45553 0 td -0.0023 tc (o)tj 0.79866 0 td -0.002 tc 0 tw (ha)tj 1.03272 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.47902 0 td -0.0023 tc (e)tj 0.76177 0 td (a)tj 0.76177 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (deeper under)tj 5.73946 0 td 0 tw (st)tj 0.71757 0 td -0.012 tw (anding of the r)tj 6.30204 0 td [(esear)19(ch. z)36(aru is)]tj -27.04853 -1.23531 td 0 tc 0.009 tw [(jane\325)37(s alter-ego, he is the per)18(son she t)19(alks t)19(o and fights with. he e)18(xist)1(s only )-1(in)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.007 tc 0.132 tw (her mind so can\325t join the other participants within the action of the pla)tj 33.21323 0 td 0 tc (y)tj -33.21323 -1.2353 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw (\(although during a)tj 7.77814 0 td (ct3sc3 he disobe)tj 7.13266 0 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.49021 0 td -0.0099 tc (s)tj 0.68011 0 td -0.01 tc (this rule of the writer and appear)tj 13.90045 0.00001 td -0.0099 tc (s)tj 0.68002 0 td -0.01 tc 0 tw (outside)tj -30.6616 -1.23531 td 0.008 tc 0.131 tw [(the boundaries of her mind\). although z)37(aru appear)19(s the f)18(ool, lik)19(e in most)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.001 tc 0 tw (shak)tj 2.06995 0 td -0.013 tw [(espear)19(e pla)18(y)20(s)37(, he is the one that sees t)19(o the depths of jane\325)36(s pr)19(oblems)37(. he)]tj -2.06995 -1.2353 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (is her ment)tj 4.72824 0 td (or and support. t)tj 7.10749 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.49929 0 td (w)tj 0.7212 0 td -0.019 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.81352 0 td 0.005 tw [(ds the end of the pla)19(y he becomes incorpor)19(ated)]tj -13.86974 -1.23531 td -0.021 tc 0 tw (int)tj 1.06768 0 td -0.0205 tc (o)tj 0.78053 0 td -0.02 tc 0.007 tw (jane and no longer e)tj 8.54255 0 td -0.021 tc (xists as a separ)tj 6.2472 0.00001 td -0.02 tc (ate char)tj 3.30589 0 td 0 tw (acter)tj 1.93481 0 td -0.0206 tc (.)tj 0.52142 0 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw (of cour)tj 3.08504 0 td (se parts of jane also)tj -25.48513 -1.23531 td 0 tc (e)tj 0.47927 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(xisted in other char)19(acter)110(. f)56(or e)19(x)19(ample)55(, f)56(elicity)111(, the t)18(alk sho)19(w host, r)19(eflects her)]tj -0.47927 -1.2353 td 0 tc (c)tj 0.44409 0 td 0 tw (ynical v)tj 3.31445 0 td (oice wher)tj 4.20215 0 td (eas pr)tj 2.62866 0.00001 td [(ofessor k)37(eshini r)18(eflects her academic per)19(sona.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 207.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (w)tj 0.88539 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (riting about participat)tj 9.26845 0 td (ory r)tj 2.03034 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.2641 0 td -0.011 tw [(ch meant not only ha)19(ving t)18(o find and dia-)]tj -14.44828 -1.20001 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(logue with the multiple and changing per)19(sonal v)19(oices)36(, w)19(e both also had t)19(o find)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.0114 tc (a)tj 0.75252 0 td (w)tj 0.72898 0 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.46999 0 td -0.0114 tc (y)tj 0.77156 0 td (of)tj 1.09317 0 td (r)tj 0.33997 0 td -0.011 tc 0 tw (epr)tj 1.37334 0 td -0.003 tw (esenting the v)tj 5.89283 0 td (oices of the participants who wher)tj 14.51061 0 td -0.0113 tc (e)tj 0.75269 0 td (no)tj 1.35238 0 td -0.011 tc (longer sit)tj 3.88422 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.92225 -1.20002 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(ting with us while w)19(e wr)18(ote)56(. heila t)19(ackled this pr)19(oblem in the f)18(ollo)19(wing w)19(a)19(y)1(:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 150.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(thr)19(ough the use of e)18(xtr)19(acts fr)19(om intervie)18(w)1( )1(t)1(r)20(anscripts)37(, video material, w)18(orkshop)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0.006 tc 0 tw (dat)tj 1.37159 0.00001 td 0.132 tw [(a, r)19(esear)18(ch journal and field notes)37(, i tried t)19(o r)19(epr)18(esent the v)19(oice of the)]tj -1.37159 -1.2353 td 0.014 tc 0.125 tw [(teacher)19(s who w)18(er)19(e centr)19(al partner)19(s )-1(in m)19(y r)19(esear)18(ch pr)19(oject. while i tried,)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(thr)19(ough the structur)18(e and discur)19(siv)19(e natur)18(e of m)19(y r)19(esear)18(ch r)19(eport, t)19(o mak)18(e kno)19(wn)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(the e)19(xistence and legitimac)18(y of teacher)19(s)11( )1(w)20(o)1(r)19(ds and kno)19(wledge)56(,)1( )1(i)1( )1(w)19(as only able)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(t)19(o r)19(epr)18(esent them thr)19(ough including e)19(xtr)18(acts or summaries of teacher te)19(xt and)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(liv)19(ed e)18(xperience)56(. i t)19(old st)19(ories of our w)18(ork t)19(ogether)111(, using f)18(ace v)19(alidity techniques)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(t)19(o ensur)19(e that these w)18(er)19(e \322our\323 st)19(ories and not only \322m)18(y\323 st)19(ories)37(. ir)18(onically)111(, the)]tj t* 0 tc -0.002 tw [(e)19(xtensiv)18(e natur)19(e of the participation in m)19(y r)18(esear)19(ch pr)19(oject did not enable me)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (146)tj et q endstream endobj 19 0 obj << /length 7943 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(t)19(o do justice \(in the te)19(xt writing\) t)18(o the div)19(er)19(se)55(, rich inter)19(actions and discussions)]tj 0 -1.23529 td 0 tc 0.038 tw [(which occurr)19(ed as a r)18(esult of teacher)19(s w)19(orking t)18(ogether ar)19(ound a concern f)19(or)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.134 tw [(de)19(v)18(eloping better quality materials)37(. ther)19(e w)19(as t)18(oo much dat)19(a t)19(o r)18(eflect, t)19(o)]tj t* 0 tc 0.027 tw [(dr)19(a)18(w on and t)19(o or)19(ganiz)18(e)56(. this led t)19(o a some)19(what abstr)18(acted r)19(epr)19(esent)18(ation of)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(teacher)19(s)11( )1(v)19(oices as \322the teacher\325)37(s)1( )1(v)20(oice\323 in the thesis)37(, assuming or r)19(epr)18(esenting)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(teacher)19(s t)18(o be a single entity or gr)19(ouping in the study)111(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 513.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 tw [(jane appr)19(oached the pr)18(oblem of pr)19(o)19(viding a v)19(oice f)18(or participants b)19(y split-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(ting each a)56(ct int)19(o thr)18(ee scenes)37(, which f)19(ollo)18(w)19(ed the pattern of action r)19(esear)19(ch.)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (jane writes:)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 468.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.06 tw [(each act consisted of an intr)19(oduction scene)55(, an action scene and a r)19(eflection)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(scene)56(. the intr)19(oduction scene conceptualiz)18(ed the act thr)19(ough dialogue betw)19(een)]tj t* 0 tc -0.003 tw [(jane and z)37(aru, and the action scene w)18(as a r)19(e-enactment of the actual r)19(esear)19(ch)]tj t* -0.011 tw [(situation. p)56(articipants\325 dialogue w)18(as r)19(epr)19(oduced v)18(erbatim fr)19(om t)19(ape and video)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(r)18(ecor)19(dings of the w)19(orkshops)36(. this w)19(as f)19(ollo)18(w)19(ed b)19(y a r)18(eflection scene betw)19(een jane)]tj t* 0 tc 0.038 tw [(and z)37(aru. this f)18(orm v)19(aried later in the pla)19(y)111(, with a r)18(efle)19(xiv)19(e f)19(orum discussion)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(betw)19(een the teacher)18(s being r)19(epr)19(esented as a panel discussion after a tele)18(vision)]tj 0 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ne)19(w)19(s br)18(oadcast. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 372.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.004 tc (ho)tj 1.21366 -0.00001 td -0.013 tw [(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)111(, jane still struggled with the teacher\325)36(s participation in the te)19(xtw)19(ork)]tj -1.21366 -1.2 td -0.007 tc -0.01 tw [(st)19(age of her thesis)36(. this can be seen in the f)19(ollo)19(wing e)18(xtr)19(act fr)19(om her thesis:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 339.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 tc (jane)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 106.0289 339.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0021 tc (:)tj 0.53979 0 td (.)tj 0.53979 0 td (.)tj 0.53979 0 td (.)tj 0.53979 0 td (i)tj 0.55779 0 td (w)tj 0.73827 0 td -0.002 tc (ork)tj 1.40088 0 td -0.012 tw (ed with a lot of people during the r)tj 14.85278 0 td [(esear)19(ch pr)18(ocess and all of us)]tj -21.47697 -1.2353 td 0 tc (e)tj 0.46285 0 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (xperienced the r)tj 6.80714 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.18512 0 td 0.004 tw (ch. but the r)tj 5.07147 0.00001 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.1851 0 td 0.004 tw (ch didn\325t st)tj 4.62248 0 td [(op ther)19(e)56(, actually i think most)]tj -21.33417 -1.23531 td -0.0114 tc (of)tj 1.09318 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(the r)19(esear)18(ch happened afterw)19(ar)19(ds when i w)19(as alone or with m)18(y supervisor or)]tj -1.09318 -1.23529 td -0.02 tc 0 tw (friends)tj 2.82507 0 td -0.0198 tc (.)tj 0.52204 0 td -0.02 tc (no)tj 1.16374 0 td -0.0199 tc (w)tj 1.00289 0 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(w)18(ouldn\325t it be gr)19(eat if this pr)19(ocess could also be shar)18(ed with the par-)]tj -5.51375 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0 tw (ticipants)tj 3.62915 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55573 0 td 0 tc (if the)tj 2.20354 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79678 0 td 0 tc (could be part of the whole r)tj 11.96323 0 td (esear)tj 2.27686 0 td (ch pr)tj 2.20361 0.00001 td (ocess . . .)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 276.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (f)tj 0.50153 0 td 0.001 tc (elicity)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 116.4342 276.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0015 tc (:)tj 0.69627 0 td 0.001 tc 0.137 tw (but didn\325t y)tj 5.33185 0 td 0.002 tc [(ou ha)19(v)19(e tr)19(ouble with the lack of participation fr)18(om the)]tj -9.02038 -1.2353 td 0 tc 0 tw (teacher)tj 3.18481 0 td (s?)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 245.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (jane)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 106.0908 245.4874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.69309 0 td (y)tj 0.53116 0 td 0 tc 0.138 tw [(es)37(, y)18(ou\325r)19(e right. k)37(ath)18(y w)19(as not that inter)18(ested in participating in the)]tj -2.99965 -1.2353 td (r)tj 0.35107 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.27686 0 td -0.004 tw (ch, but r)tj 3.60379 0 td (emember that the r)tj 8.43387 0 td [(esear)19(ch t)18(opic w)19(as m)19(y r)18(esear)19(ch curiosity and)]tj -14.66559 -1.23531 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (not her)tj 3.09369 0 td 0 tc (s)tj 0.38842 0 td -0.0007 tc (.)tj 0.54127 0 td -0.001 tc (also if w)tj 3.67159 0 td -0.0006 tc (e)tj 0.76339 0 td -0.001 tc (could de)tj 3.63108 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.48071 0 td -0.001 tc (elop a cultur)tj 5.29971 0 td -0.0006 tc (e)tj 0.76341 0 td -0.001 tc (of learning as r)tj 6.43158 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.27435 0 td -0.013 tw [(ching ma)19(ybe it)]tj -27.3392 -1.23532 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(w)19(ould be mor)18(e accept)19(able as it w)19(ould be something that w)19(e do with the childr)18(en)]tj 0 -1.23529 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (in our class)tj 4.80991 0.00001 td -0.0014 tc (.)tj 0.54054 0 td (i)tj 0.55854 0 td -0.001 tc (don\325t kno)tj 4.12394 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.64666 0 td -0.0014 tc (,)tj 0.54053 0 td -0.001 tc 0 tw (ma)tj 1.3675 0 td -0.013 tw [(ybe i\325m pipe dr)19(eaming, also this learning pr)18(ocess)]tj -12.58761 -1.23531 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.72924 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (orks f)tj 2.35761 0 td (or me and perhaps it w)tj 9.83947 0 td (on\325t w)tj 2.65376 0 td (ork f)tj 1.94259 0 td (or other)tj 3.35418 0 td 0 tc (s)tj 0.37816 0 td -0.0109 tc (.)tj 0.53106 0 td -0.011 tc (but i do think it is import)tj 10.57815 0 td 0 tw (ant)tj -32.36422 -1.23532 td 0 tc [(t)19(o open it up as an option. \(burt, 1999, a)56(ct6sc2, p. 1)55(09\))]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 159.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tc 0.002 tw [(p)56(erhaps w)18(e w)19(er)19(e both t)18(oo impatient, or did not t)19(ak)19(e the r)19(ole of participat)18(o-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.01 tw [(ry r)19(esear)18(ch as pr)19(ofessional de)19(v)18(elopment f)19(or our partner)19(s as seriously as w)19(e)]tj t* 0.038 tw [(t)19(ook it f)18(or our)19(selv)19(es)36(. hart (1996) and p)56(a)19(yne and riddell (1999) ar)19(e among)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.011 tw [(those that ha)19(v)18(e r)19(eminded us that w)18(e should ackno)19(wledge that humans ar)19(e nat-)]tj t* -0.003 tc 0.026 tw [(ur)19(al st)18(oryteller)19(s)37(, and that w)19(e need t)18(o allo)19(w mor)19(e time f)18(or teacher)19(s t)19(o write)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.011 tw [(about their pr)19(actice)56(, and t)18(o de)19(v)18(elop an authentic \322v)19(oice\323 in a pr)19(actical language)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(that \322)148(. . . incorpor)19(ates the r)18(eality of their teaching, situatedness)37(, hist)19(ory and)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.01 tw [(conte)19(xt.\323 w)92(e should not end up telling the st)19(ory of capturing the dr)19(agon a)-3(l)-3(o)-3(n)-3(e)-3(!)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.1652 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (147)tj et q endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /length 6275 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.005 tc 0.133 tw [(although this r)19(emains a pr)18(oblematic ar)19(ea, w)19(e should not sh)19(y a)18(w)19(a)18(y)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.067 tw [(fr)19(om the challenge of looking f)18(or alternativ)19(e w)19(a)18(y)19(s t)19(o e)19(xtend participat)18(ory)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch t)18(o include the pr)19(ocess of te)19(xtw)18(ork.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 173.3494 530.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (conclusion)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 507.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(r)19(eflecting upon our e)18(xperiences of writing our r)19(esear)19(ch te)18(xts w)19(e ar)19(e left with)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(man)19(y questions about r)18(epr)19(esenting r)19(esear)18(ch. k)37(e)19(y among them is whether the)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(conv)19(entional \322thesis\323 with its cultur)18(e)56(, hist)19(ory)111(, and tr)18(adition is the only v)19(alid)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.004 tw [(w)19(a)19(y)111(. our e)19(xplor)18(ations of te)19(xtw)18(ork ha)19(v)19(e pr)19(o)18(vided us wit)1(h some insight int)18(o)]tj t* 0.021 tw [(other possibilities f)19(or writing \322the thesis)36(.\323 in spite of our \322being br)19(a)19(v)19(e\323 w)18(e)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(w)19(er)19(e both bound b)19(y the pr)18(e)19(v)20(ailing te)18(xtual conv)19(ention of the academ)18(y)11(t)20(o)1( )1(p)1(r)20(o-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(duce a serviceable thesis)37(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(both our r)19(e)-1(s)-1(e)-1(a)-1(r)17(ch pr)19(ojects consisted of man)19(y other te)19(xts besides the actu)-1(-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td [(al thesis: video r)19(ecor)18(dings of w)19(orking with participants)37(, r)19(esear)18(ch journals)37(, pho-)]tj 0 tc (t)' 0.30125 0 td 0.005 tc 0 tw (ogr)tj 1.40326 0 td 0.134 tw [(aphs)37(, intervie)18(w tr)19(anscripts and published r)19(esour)19(ce materials)36(. as w)19(e)]tj -1.70451 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.011 tw [(r)19(e)19(vie)18(w our written st)19(ories)37(, the theses)37(, w)18(e ask questions as t)19(o ho)18(w w)19(e could)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(ha)19(v)19(e e)18(xtended the ideas of te)19(xtual plur)19(ality t)18(o include these te)19(xts in the r)19(ep-)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(r)19(esent)19(ation of our r)19(esear)18(c)1(h)1( )1(w)20(ork, and ho)19(w our written te)18(x)1(t)1(s)1( )1(w)20(ould ha)19(v)19(e been)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(differ)19(ently constructed had the \322po)18(w)19(er of the academ)19(y\323 not been so str)19(ong)]tj t* (an influence in pr)tj 7.54237 0 td [(escribing conv)19(entions of r)18(epr)19(esenting r)19(esear)19(ch f)18(or degr)19(ee)]tj -7.54237 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(purposes)37(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(l)18(earning fr)19(om r)19(esear)19(ch happens thr)18(ough the e)19(xperience as much and per-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.006 tw (haps mor)tj 4.0859 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77147 0 td 0 tc [(than the learning that t)19(ak)18(es place fr)19(om the conclusions)37(, a mo)18(v)19(e)]tj -4.85737 -1.2 td 0.006 tw [(a)19(w)19(a)19(y fr)18(om answ)19(er)19(s t)18(o e)19(xperience)56(. as w)18(e ha)19(v)19(e ar)18(gued in this paper)111(, part of)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(this e)19(xperience is the headw)18(ork that goes int)19(o the te)19(xtw)19(ork in r)18(esear)19(ch. each)]tj t* 0 tc 0.059 tw [(envir)19(onment is differ)18(ent, as ar)19(e the man)19(y issues that confr)18(ont us in envi-)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(r)19(onment)18(al and educational w)19(ork. w)93(e can w)18(ork t)19(o)19(w)18(ar)19(ds changing our under-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(s)1(t)20(anding of both the r)18(ole of r)19(esear)19(ch and envir)18(onment)19(al education pr)19(ocesses)]tj t* 0.013 tc 0.126 tw [(thr)19(ough documenting our r)18(esear)19(ch e)19(xperiences rigor)19(ously in te)18(xtw)19(ork.)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(thr)19(ough our e)18(xperience w)19(e ar)19(gue that the f)19(orms and featur)18(es of this te)19(xtw)19(ork)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(ma)19(y be multiple and v)18(aried, and ma)19(y pr)19(esent ne)18(w challenges t)19(o the r)19(esear)18(ch)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(enterprise in academic settings)37(. w)92(e both see the r)19(esear)19(ch enterprise \(includ-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.049 tw [(ing the te)19(xtw)18(ork\) as a r)19(eflection )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 179.5424 183.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (on)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 189.9111 183.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.60478 0 td 0 tc 0.049 tw [(and a r)19(eflection )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 267.6062 183.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (of)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 279.024 183.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.049 tw [(society)111(. if, in envi-)]tj -24.2024 -1.2 td (r)tj 0.37331 0 td 0.022 tc 0.206 tw [(onment)19(al education w)18(ork w)19(e ar)19(e serious about pr)18(ocesses of social)]tj -0.37331 -1.2 td 0.01 tc 0 tw (tr)tj 0.68588 0 td 0.129 tw [(ansf)19(ormation, perhaps w)18(e need t)19(o r)19(efle)18(xiv)19(ely r)19(e)18(vie)19(w and continue t)19(o)]tj -0.68588 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(br)19(a)18(v)18(ely r)19(e-sear)19(ch our te)18(xtual conv)19(entions in w)19(a)18(y)19(s that will contribute t)18(o our)]tj 0 tc (o)' 0.51807 0.00001 td 0 tw (wn, and other)tj 6.05493 0 td (s\325 learning in r)tj 6.23852 0 td (esear)tj 2.27686 0.00001 td (ch . . . )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 111.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(writer)19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 68.2842 111.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.5557 0 td 0 tc [(so, her)19(o what do y)18(ou think about this paper?)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 87.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(her)19(o)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 56.8096 87.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.5555 0 td 0 tc [(w)93(ell, it\325)36(s a bit t)19(ame f)19(or a paper about br)18(a)19(v)19(e te)19(xts)36(.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (148)tj et q endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /length 6001 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(writer)19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 104.2842 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.55568 0 td 0 tc [(he)19(y this is difficult stuff. what do y)18(ou suggest?)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 563.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc [(her)19(o)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.6168 563.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0054 tc (:)tj 0.53656 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(k)37(eep quiet. her)18(e comes the dr)19(agon. \()]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 258.1803 563.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(calling t)19(o the other her)18(oes hidden)]tj -18.51803 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(in the bushes)37(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 129.6479 551.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (\))tj 0.57373 0 td 0 tc [(he)19(y y)18(ou guy)19(s)37(, got the digit)19(al camer)18(a r)19(eady?)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 527.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.075 tw [(y)111(et another her)19(o)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 143.9043 527.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.63561 0 td 0 tc 0.08 tw [(do y)19(ou mind mo)18(ving y)19(our f)19(oot fr)18(om m)19(y cart)19(oon r)18(epr)19(e-)]tj -7.72604 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(sent)19(ation of the gr)18(eat adv)19(entur)19(e of \32459.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 491.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(writer)19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 104.2842 491.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.55568 0 td 0 tc [(oops)37(, sorry)110(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 467.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(her)19(o)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.8096 467.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (:)tj 0.55572 0 td 0 tc [(shh, her)19(e comes the dr)18(agon!)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 443.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(writer)19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 104.2842 443.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (:)tj 0.55556 0 td (\()tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 112.7998 443.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (confused.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 153.3491 443.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (\))tj 0.57375 0 td 0 tc [(but that\325)37(s a computer)110(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.004 tc [(her)19(o)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 92.6741 419.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0038 tc (:)tj 0.53821 0 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(of cour)19(se)55(, no)19(w i can sho)19(w y)18(ou our ne)19(w dr)18(agon homepage de)19(v)19(eloped)]tj -2.50562 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.135 tw [(t)18(o encour)19(age dialogue betw)19(een her)19(oes on the congruenc)18(y betw)19(een our)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.13 tw [(e)18(xperience of dr)19(agon and the w)19(a)18(y in which this has been r)19(ecor)18(ded in)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(m)19(ythological te)19(xts)36(. w)93(ant t)18(o)1( )-1(ha)19(v)19(e a look?)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 189.6025 350.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (acknowledgements)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 327.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.014 tw [(our w)19(ork on this st)18(ory w)19(as inspir)18(ed b)19(y the ongoing quest of our friend and)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.002 tw [(colleague)56(, eur)18(et)19(a janse v)19(an r)19(ensbur)18(g, whose o)19(wn r)19(esear)18(ch writing opened)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw (up a fr)tj 2.68233 0 td [(ame)19(w)19(ork f)18(or r)19(efle)19(xiv)18(e r)19(esear)18(ch in envir)19(onment)19(al education in southern)]tj -2.68233 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(africa \(janse v)19(an r)18(ensbur)19(g, 1995\) and whose inter)19(est in alternativ)18(e r)19(esear)18(ch)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(genr)19(es cr)18(eated the space f)19(or the risks w)19(e t)18(ook in writing our te)19(xts)37(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 184.7632 245.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (noes on contributors)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 223.1616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.022 tc 0.179 tw (heila l)tj 3.48198 0 td 0 tw (otz-sisitk)tj 4.33218 0 td 0 tc (a)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 161.221 223.1616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0221 tc (is)tj 1.1961 0 td 0.022 tc 0.167 tw (associate pr)tj 5.69129 0 td 0 tw (ofessor)tj 3.15489 0 td 0.0221 tc (,)tj 0.76699 0 td 0.022 tc (murr)tj 2.16166 0 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.50344 0 td 0.022 tc (y)tj 1.00794 0 td (&)tj 1.21093 0 td (r)tj 0.63345 0 td 0.167 tw (oberts chair of)tj -25.14879 -1.20002 td 0 tc 0 tw (envir)tj 2.25781 0 td 0.032 tw [(onment)19(al education at rhodes univ)18(er)19(sity)111(, south africa. her r)18(esear)19(ch)]tj -2.25781 -1.2 td -0.002 tc 0 tw (inter)tj 1.99127 0 td -0.012 tw (ests include curriculum de)tj 11.25509 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4797 0 td -0.002 tc (elopment, envir)tj 6.81616 0 td 0 tw (onment)tj 3.36086 0 td -0.012 tw (al learning pr)tj 5.67539 0 td 0 tw (ocess)tj 2.34381 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.92228 -1.20002 td (es)tj 0.88892 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55575 0 td 0 tc (and r)tj 2.2587 0 td (esear)tj 2.27685 0 td (ch design f)tj 4.68506 0 td (or social tr)tj 4.55371 0 td [(ansf)19(ormation. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 163.1616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.032 tw (jane burt)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 118.4319 163.1616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.03 tw [(is an arts-based educat)19(or)110(. she completed her master)19(s degr)19(ee in)]tj -4.54319 -1.2 td 0.06 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al education in 1999. her inter)19(ests include theatr)19(e f)18(or de)19(v)19(el-)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(opment, envir)19(onment)18(al education pr)19(ocesses and tr)19(ansgr)18(essiv)19(e r)19(esear)18(ch.)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(she w)19(orks as an arts-based education consult)18(ant.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.161 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (149)tj et q endstream endobj 22 0 obj << /length 11191 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 171.7622 587.4685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (references)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(a)37(tkinson, p)148(. \(199)56(1\). supervising the te)18(xt. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 188.1095 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(qualit)19(ativ)18(e studies in education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 300.6038 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 305.3269 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 309.7367 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [((2), 16)56(1-174.)]tj -32.08667 -1.41176 td 0.091 tw [(berk)19(enk)18(otter)111(, c. (1993). a \322rhet)19(oric of natur)18(alistic inquiry\323 and the question of genr)19(e)56(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 540.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(r)19(esear)19(ch in the t)87(eaching of english)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 179.4827 540.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 184.2058 540.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (27)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 193.0254 540.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3), 293-304.)tj -18.35593 -1.41176 td 0.073 tw (boal, a. (1995). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 98.2163 528.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.068 tw [(the r)19(ainbo)18(w of desir)19(e: the boal method of theatr)19(e and ther)18(ap)19(y)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 323.5954 528.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.62866 0 td 0 tc [(l)19(ondon:)]tj -32.22812 -1.41176 td [(r)19(outledge)56(.)]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (burt, j. (1999). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 90.833 504.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 tc 0.002 tw [(dr)19(amatic learning)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 152.7599 504.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0157 tc (.)tj 0.52632 0 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(unpublished m.ed thesis)37(. rhodes univ)19(er)18(sity department)]tj -12.02748 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(of education: gr)19(ahamst)18(o)19(wn, south africa.)]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td (campbell, j. (1956). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 112.4105 480.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(the her)19(o with a thousand f)18(aces)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 221.9061 480.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55565 0 td 0 tc [(ne)19(w y)79(ork: meridian.)]tj -22.30931 -1.41176 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(carr)111(, w)129(. & k)37(emmis)37(, s. (1986). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 147.1937 468.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.007 tw [(becoming critical: education, kno)19(wledge and action r)19(esear)18(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 356.6383 468.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (.)tj -35.48686 -1.41176 td (ohio: naaee. )tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(diamond, c.t)130(.p)148(. (1993). w)55(riting t)19(o r)18(eclaim )1(self: the use of narr)18(ativ)19(e in teacher education.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 432.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(t)88(eaching and t)88(eacher education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 167.8782 432.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 172.6013 432.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (9)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 177.0111 432.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [((5/6), 5)56(1)161(1-5)55(17.)]tj -16.47189 -1.41176 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(dunlop, r. \(200)56(1\). ex)18(cerpts fr)19(om boundary ba)19(y: a no)18(v)19(el as r)18(esear)19(ch. in l. nielsen, a. cole)56(,)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td -0.0077 tc (&)tj 0.97829 0 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(j. kno)19(wles \(eds)36(.\), )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 127.7138 408.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.007 tc -0.006 tw (the art of writing inquiry )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.5711 408.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(\(pp. 1)161(1-25\). halif)18(ax, canada: back)19(along)]tj -19.12601 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(books)37(.)]tj -2.11765 -1.41177 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw (fien, j. (1993). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 90.2461 384.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.023 tc 0.01 tw [(education f)19(or the envir)18(onment: critical curriculum theorising and envir)19(onment)19(al)]tj -4.1466 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 89.1432 372.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55578 0 td 0 tc [(geelong, vict)19(oria: deakin univ)18(er)19(sity pr)19(ess)36(. )]tj -6.69028 -1.41176 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(hart, p)148(. (1996). pr)18(oblematising enquiry in envir)19(onment)19(al education: issues of method in)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td -0.0139 tc (a)tj 0.75014 0 td -0.014 tc 0 tw [(study of teacher thinking and pr)19(actice)55(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 200.2436 348.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.013 tc [(canadian journal of envir)19(onment)18(al education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 356.6391 348.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 336.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 59.4098 336.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.5557 0 td 0 tc (56-88.)tj -3.19215 -1.41176 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(janse v)19(an r)18(ensbur)19(g, e. (1995). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 146.6542 324.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.02 tc 0.007 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al education r)19(esear)19(ch in south africa: a landscape)]tj -10.78285 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (of shifting priorities)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 125.5089 312.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55576 0 td 0 tc (unpublished ph.d thesis)tj 10.53848 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55577 0 td 0 tc (rhodes univ)tj 5.46304 0 td [(er)19(sity: gr)18(ahamst)19(o)19(wn. )]tj -27.52585 -1.41177 td -0.014 tc [(l)18(ather)111(, p)148(. \(199)56(1\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 98.2557 300.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.013 tc [(getting smart: f)37(eminist r)18(esear)19(ch and pedagogy within the postmodern)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 338.3789 300.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0136 tc (.)tj 0.52831 0 td -0.014 tc [(ne)19(w)]tj -33.867 -1.41176 td 0 tc [(y)80(ork: r)19(outledge)55(.)]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td (l)tj 0.46936 0 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(ather)111(, p)148(. & smithies)36(, c. (1997). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 151.8504 276.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (t)tj 0.46504 0 td -0.011 tc -0.002 tw [(r)19(oubling the angels: w)38(omen living with hiv/aids)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 324.5069 276.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc (.)tj 0.52999 0 td (boulder:)tj -32.23669 -1.41176 td 0 tc [(w)93(estvie)19(w pr)18(ess)37(.)]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td 0.008 tw [(lincoln, y)130(.s. (1990). the making of a constructivist: a r)18(emembr)19(ance of tr)19(ansf)18(ormations)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tw (past. in e.g. guba (ed.), )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 145.0406 240.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(the par)19(adigm dialog )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 219.4364 240.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k [((pp. 46-66). ne)19(wbury)-1( )1(p)55(ark, c)37(a: sage)56(.)]tj -21.46311 -1.41176 td -0.012 tw [(l)19(ofland, j. (1974). styles of r)19(eporting qualit)18(ativ)19(e field r)19(esear)18(ch. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 267.4548 228.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.011 tw (the american sociologist)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 356.639 228.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 216.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (9)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 59.4098 216.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55558 0 td 0 tc [(1)56(0)56(1-1)160(1)161(1. )]tj -3.19202 -1.41176 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(l)18(otz, h.b)37(. (1996). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 102.3208 204.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc -0.008 tw [(the de)19(v)19(elopment of envir)19(onment)18(al education r)19(esour)19(ce materials f)18(or junior)]tj -5.56715 -1.41176 td 0 tc -0.013 tw [(primary education thr)19(ough teacher participation: the case of the w)18(e)1( )1(c)1(a)1(r)20(e primary pr)18(o)1(j)1(-)]tj t* -0.003 tc 0 tw (ect)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 64.9978 180.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0031 tc (.)tj 0.53888 0 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(unpublished d.ed thesis)37(. univ)18(er)19(sity of stellenbosch, stellenbosch, south africa.)]tj -3.83274 -1.41176 td 0 tc (l)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.005 tw [(otz, h.b)37(. (1999). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 103.3086 168.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (de)tj 1.09204 0 td -0.005 tw [(v)19(eloping curriculum fr)19(ame)18(w)19(orks: a sour)19(cebook on envir)18(onment)19(al edu-)]tj -6.7754 -1.41176 td 0.021 tc 0.145 tw [(cation amongst adult learner)19(s)37(. book 1: an enabling orient)19(ation)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 296.4522 156.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.022 tc (.)tj 0.75532 0 td 0.155 tw [(ho)19(wick: s)36(adc)]tj -29.16147 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (reep/shar)tj 4.55542 0.00001 td (e-net. )tj -6.67307 -1.41176 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(melo)19(y)111(, j.m. (1994). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 106.3152 132.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.009 tc -0.004 tw [(writing the qualit)19(ativ)18(e dissert)19(ation: under)18(st)19(anding b)19(y doing)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 312.3458 132.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0094 tc (.)tj 0.53255 0 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(ne)19(w jer)18(se)19(y)1(:)]tj -30.80853 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(l)19(a)19(wr)18(ence erlbaum. )]tj -2.1176 -1.4118 td 0.103 tw (nielsen, l., cole)tj 7.1113 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.6582 0 td 0 tc (a., & kno)tj 4.40811 0.00001 td 0 tw (wles)tj 1.88867 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.65822 0 td 0 tc 0.103 tw [(j. \(200)56(1\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 199.3179 108.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.095 tw (the art of writing inquiry)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 292.0925 108.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.65825 0 td 0 tc (halif)tj 1.99968 0.00001 td 0.103 tw (ax, canada:)tj -30.5512 -1.4118 td 0 tw [(back)19(along books)36(. )]tj -2.1176 -1.4118 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(o\325t)88(oole)56(, j. (1997). ex-citing writing: r)18(e-e)19(v)18(aluating some pr)19(actices in writing about dr)18(ama)]tj 2.1176 -1.4118 td 0 tc 0 tw (and its r)tj 3.5361 0 td (esear)tj 2.2769 0 td (ch. )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 117.7933 72.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k (r)tj 0.61108 0.00001 td (esear)tj 2.18238 0.00001 td (ch in dr)tj 3.31396 0.00001 td (ama education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 222.2462 72.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 226.9694 72.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 231.3791 72.6686 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((2), 185-19)tj 4.70483 0.00001 td (1.)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.3333 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(heila lotz-sisitka &)-194(jane burt)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.134 17.496 21.866 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.1344 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (150)tj et q endstream endobj 23 0 obj << /length 3528 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.057 tw [(p)56(a)19(yne)56(, p)147(. & riddell, k. (1999). thinking the envir)19(onment: the written epistemology of)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tw [(enquiry)111(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 122.9518 576.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(canadian journal of envir)19(onment)18(al education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 284.0409 576.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 288.764 576.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 293.1738 576.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55572 0 td 0 tc [(243-26)56(1.)]tj -26.45852 -1.41176 td (p)tj 0.49755 -0.00001 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(opk)19(e)18(witz, t)130(. (1990). whose futur)18(e? whose past? notes on critical theory and methodology)112(.)]tj 1.62009 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (in e. guba (ed.), )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 153.3306 552.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(the par)19(adigm dialog)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 227.8882 552.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(\(pp. 3)56(1-46\). ne)18(wbury p)56(ark, c)37(a: sage)56(. )]tj -18.22214 -1.41176 td 0.134 tw [(r)19(obott)19(om, i. & hart, p)147(. (1993). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 194.4337 540.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.125 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch in envir)18(onment)19(al education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 327.7088 540.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.68991 0 td 0 tc 0.134 tw (geelong: deakin)tj -28.538 -1.41176 td 0 tw [(univ)19(er)18(sity pr)19(ess)37(. )]tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td 0.018 tw [(sherman, r. (1993). r)19(eflections on the editing e)18(xperience: w)56(riting qualit)19(ativ)19(e r)18(esear)19(ch.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 504.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(qualit)19(ativ)18(e studies in education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 203.4943 504.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 208.2174 504.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (6)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 212.6272 504.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3), 233-239.)tj -16.42673 -1.41176 td 0.042 tw [(v)93(an manen, j. (1995). an end t)19(o innocence:)-278(the ethnogr)18(aph)19(y of ethnogr)19(aph)19(y)111(. in j. v)92(an)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tw (manen (ed.), )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 140.2651 480.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(r)19(epr)19(esent)18(ation in ethnogr)19(aph)18(y)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 248.3434 480.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55575 0 td 0 tc [(thousand oaks)37(, c)36(a:)-278(sage)56(. )]tj -21.18439 -1.41176 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(v)56(ulliam)19(y)111(, g., l)19(e)18(win, k., & stephens)37(, d. (1990). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 236.8987 468.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.022 tc 0.009 tw [(doing educational r)19(esear)18(ch in de)19(v)18(eloping coun-)]tj -17.16455 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(tries: qualit)19(ativ)18(e str)19(ategies)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 185.6829 456.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55566 0 td 0 tc [(l)19(ondon: f)55(almer)111(.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.4651 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (being brave: writing environmental education research texts)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 397.008 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 402.161 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (151)tj et q endstream endobj 24 0 obj << /nums[0<>] >> endobj 25 0 obj << /differences[32/space 38/ampersand 40/parenleft/parenright 44/comma/hyphen 48/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon 65/a/b/c/d/e 72/h 74/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 107/k/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z 209/emdash 213/quoteright] /baseencoding/macromanencoding /type/encoding >> endobj 26 0 obj << /subtype/type1c /length 6466 /length1 6466 >> stream nxvrua+eurostileregular7 ? ? ea<>#fjohsbw8u&pnmevd3ti5y)-[4l+ 6z"g$ q2,%0x/.17c@>\[^avuxj~j57o % y  h g 2 `*: go s{....!Ũ%gb$,(qww;1s}ppp/!xffmlf8|)j!6}ooa)xjgmmg>| izaiwwib ?kk{+djo utd6jjtsiprbkkkd+dz#mۭԞ{llh$^u1 1 -p p * ny|oot9g r[[.>!z)app[$0(&geuuepsmeei"@t.xlgkkfc{!$hmm| 8__u#4ǿ r>]-$8y hwwgbrckj{20ӣt^: t0z)zrs͋i3d0^1t p`@zkkdi'<"*u_uu_p;v *7$ oss3'(weyyer@uqx@ (oy)jkk{՛ї~qb7p6x6s9s:qrv7=$p]p0ll.l.l.l.sxugbwhwhxydkxjdxixhx΁ci27ziɜmivk~bu5pz zi1=mfpv\/^^10^lgiiegcvmqabnmmddȦbapwvddlnw6c">>|!mccm>w>mm}>>ؠvc cs m_  ڳ֠|mmr7 zu4u oh)6.#u u$ pu u ui$b +heuuepgwdch'4 u p[/=yiyyh@r!eii{4%뭻ϣs[p v;b__b@v7ron} st3 p u$ong}!:iiz36Σ~srzar nsr!/2igssgoq^kjk@a !|hooe;3.9b$ɫ#moo#&.xfe;(uhagg`;z qy,2!ygvvgqd agg yix'ex]guug?-lkk{%w%feex1,ij@4a#-\˙͔Ѓ{{ai 'u ߳ڡ 'c$p i 6(^2h (##q:.me plm<\;;v;_u.. .u.u#r.dwuteud=:am`^qwhgwj#/t 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