%pdf-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /type/extgstate /opm 1 >> endobj 2 0 obj << /type/extgstate /op true >> endobj 3 0 obj << /type/extgstate /op false >> endobj 4 0 obj << /length 5809 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 13.5 0 0 13.5 73 585.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and reflective practice applied to)tj 0 -1.33333 td (research in education for sustainability)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 73 546.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford, university of reading, united kingdom)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 510.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(a)19(bstr)19(act)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 498.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(this article describes r)19(esear)18(ch with schoolteacher)19(s using participat)18(ory)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(methods and r)19(eflectiv)18(e pr)19(actice)36(. these appr)19(oaches hav)19(e been used t)18(o enable)]tj t* [(teacher)19(s t)18(o est)19(ablish their pr)18(actice needs in r)19(elation t)19(o education f)36(or sus-)]tj 0 -1.26315 td [(t)19(ainability (efs) and also maint)19(ain the integrity o)18(f their subject disciplines)37(.)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(the participat)19(ory methods ar)18(e deriv)19(ed fr)18(om v)19(arious sour)19(ces used in differ)-1(-)]tj t* [(ent conte)19(xts)36(, but hav)19(e the purpose o)18(f being empo)19(w)19(ering and democr)19(atic)18(.)]tj t* [(the intention is t)19(o de)18(v)19(elop kno)19(wledge and action that is dir)18(ectly useful t)19(o)]tj t* [(the participating gr)19(oup thr)18(ough a pr)19(ocess o)18(f collectiv)19(e self-enquiry)111(, wher)18(e)]tj t* [(r)19(eflection helps t)19(o f)36(ocus on the learning pr)19(ocess r)18(ather than the out)19(comes)37(.)]tj t* (the w)tj 2.55346 0 td (ay)tj 1 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.68466 0 td 0 tc (that these methods hav)tj 9.86563 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70265 0 td 0 tc [(been applied, their deriv)19(ation fr)18(om other)]tj -14.80641 -1.26317 td [(fields o)19(f r)18(esear)19(ch, their str)18(engths)37(, as w)19(ell as the pr)18(oblems encounter)19(ed when)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (applying them, ar)tj 7.49756 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70259 0 td 0 tc (discussed.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 342.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (r\216sum\216)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 330.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (cet article d\216crit la r)tj 8.69824 0 td (echer)tj 2.25733 0 td (che effectu\216e aupr\217s d\325enseignants \210 la f)tj 16.97265 0 td (av)tj 0.9812 0 td (eur de)tj -28.90942 -1.26317 td (m\216thodes participativ)tj 9.23877 0 td (es et de pr)tj 4.33007 0 td [(atiques r\216fle)19(xiv)18(es)37(. ces appr)18(oches ont \216t\216)]tj -13.56884 -1.26316 td [(adopt\216es afin que les enseignants puissent d\216limiter leur)19(s besoins en ce qui)]tj -0.0002 tc (a)' 0.75859 0 td 0 tc (tr)tj 0.75899 0 td (ait aux pr)tj 4.16577 0 td (atiques emplo)tj 5.86817 0 td (y\216es dans l\325\216ducation pour un av)tj 13.90527 0 td (enir viable et)tj -25.45679 -1.26317 td (aussi afin de leur permettr)tj 11.30957 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70262 0 td 0 tc [(de pr\216serv)19(er l\325int\216grit\216 de leur)18(s disciplines)37(. l)18(es)]tj -12.01219 -1.26316 td [(m\216thodes participativ)19(es sont d\216riv\216es de plusieur)18(s sour)19(ces auxquelles on)]tj (f)' 0.29589 0 td (ait appel dans div)tj 7.42457 0 td (er)tj 0.85082 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.68457 0 td 0 tc (conte)tj 2.27734 0 td [(xtes)37(. t)147(outef)37(ois)37(, elles se v)18(eulent habilit)19(antes et)]tj -11.5332 -1.26317 td [(d\216mocr)19(atiques dans le but d\325engendr)18(er des connaissances et des actions qui)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(sont dir)19(ectement utiles au gr)18(oupe participant, gr\211ce \210 un pr)19(ocessus collectif)]tj t* (de questionnement per)tj 9.66382 0 td (sonnel au cour)tj 6.23999 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.68465 0 td 0 tc (duquel la r\216fle)tj 5.99576 0 td (xion permet de se con)tj 9.27417 0 td (-)tj -31.8584 -1.26317 td [(centr)19(er sur le pr)18(ocessus d\325appr)19(entissage plut\231t que sur les r\216sult)18(ats)37(. l)19(es)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (div)tj 1.27783 0 td (er)tj 0.85083 0 td (ses f)tj 1.85009 0 td (ormes d\325application de ces m\216thodes)tj 15.45777 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.51763 0 td 0 tc (leur d\216riv)tj 4.09052 0 td (ation d\325autr)tj 5.05542 0 td (es)tj -29.10009 -1.26318 td (domaines de r)tj 5.96094 0 td (echer)tj 2.25733 0 td (che)tj 1.36963 0 td -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.51756 0 td 0 tc [(leur)19(s f)36(or)19(ces)36(, ainsi que les pr)19(obl\217mes r)18(encontr\216s au)]tj -10.10546 -1.26317 td [(moment de leur application sont abor)19(d\216s dans cet article)36(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 138.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(the application of r)19(esear)18(ch methods used in v)19(ery differ)19(ent conte)18(xts t)19(o envi-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(r)18(onment)19(al education and education f)19(or sust)19(ainability (efs) can pr)18(o)19(vide e)19(x)18(cit-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.116 tw [(ing ne)19(w a)18(v)19(enues f)19(or pr)18(ogr)19(ess in our field. this article is concerned with)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(participat)19(ory methods combined with r)19(eflectiv)18(e pr)19(actice among teacher)19(s in)]tj t* 0 tc -0.004 tw [(schools)37(. the discussion will f)18(ocus on pr)19(ocesses and issues of methodology)111(,)]tj (r)' 0.3543 0 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw (ather than giving a r)tj 9.35027 0.00001 td (eport on the subst)tj 8.29861 0.00001 td [(antiv)19(e content of an)18(y particular)]tj -18.0032 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(study)111(. ther)18(e will be brief discussion of the authorit)19(ativ)19(e sour)18(ces fr)19(om which)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (129)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.496 324 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 176.8514 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (canadian journal of environmental education, 8, spring 2003)tj /f4 1 tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1648 tm 1 g -0.25 tc ( )tj et q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /length 6422 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.048 tw [(the methodology has been deriv)19(ed, the adv)18(ant)19(ages of its use and w)19(a)19(y)19(s in)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(which it can be applied t)19(o education f)18(or sust)19(ainability with teacher)19(s)1( )1(o)1(r)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(teacher)19(s on pr)18(e-service cour)19(ses)37(. this will include potential pr)18(oblems that need)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(t)19(o be addr)19(essed; some of this will be illustr)18(ated with brief e)19(x)19(amples fr)19(om the)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.017 tc 0.122 tw [(author\325)37(s pr)18(e)19(vious r)19(esear)19(ch. it should be appr)18(eciated that participat)19(ory)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(appr)19(oaches lend themselv)18(es particularly w)19(ell t)19(o e)19(xtension int)18(o v)19(arious types)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(of action r)19(esear)18(ch; ho)19(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)111(, these will not be consider)18(ed specifically in this)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(article)56(. the purpose of this article is t)18(o mak)19(e the case f)19(or the use of a particular)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(type of methodology; not simply as an alternativ)19(e t)18(o differ)19(ent appr)19(oaches t)18(o)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch, but in or)18(der t)19(o achie)19(v)18(e quite differ)19(ent ends)37(.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(the appr)19(oaches described and discussed in this paper ar)18(e deriv)19(ed prin-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(cipally fr)19(om the w)18(ork of r)19(eason and other)19(s and r)18(elates t)19(o the natur)19(e of change)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(and the r)19(elationship of r)18(esear)19(ch and pr)19(actice \(see belo)18(w\). a)37(t the outset)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(r)19(eader)19(s should appr)19(eciate that participat)18(ory methods of r)19(esear)19(ch and de)19(v)19(el-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(opment ar)19(e not pr)18(esented her)19(e as unpr)19(oblematic)19(. it is difficult t)18(o write)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(about them without them becoming de-conte)19(xtualiz)18(ed and ther)19(ef)19(or)18(e turned)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(int)19(o something studied academically fr)18(om the outside)56(. in an attempt t)19(o get)]tj t* 0.009 tc 0.13 tw [(t)19(o the essence of this differ)19(ence the)19(y ha)18(v)19(e been described as \322)56(a living)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(pr)19(ocess of coming t)18(o kno)19(w)111(, r)19(ather than a f)18(ormal academic method\323 \(r)19(eason,)]tj t* 0 tc -0.01 tw [(1994, p. 325\). also r)19(eason and br)18(adbury \(200)56(1\) admit t)19(o not being able t)19(o)]tj t* 0.035 tw [(pr)19(o)19(vide an e)18(xhaustiv)19(e r)19(e)18(vie)19(w of each type of participat)19(ory method, which)]tj t* -0.005 tc 0 tw (allo)tj 1.48144 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73535 0 td -0.0048 tc (s)tj 0.68508 0 td (e)tj 0.47656 0 td -0.005 tc (xplor)tj 2.19848 0 td -0.009 tw [(ation of the subtleties of theory and pr)19(actice)56(. this pr)18(esents dif-)]tj -5.57691 -1.20001 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(ficulties f)19(or those coming t)18(o these methodologies fr)19(om differ)19(ent r)19(esear)18(ch tr)19(a-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(ditions who will w)19(ant mor)18(e f)19(ormal definitions of the appr)18(oaches)37(. it is easier)]tj 0 tc (f)' 0.29614 0 td -0.002 tw (or those coming afr)tj 8.45576 0 td (esh t)tj 2.05386 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81297 0 td 0 tc [(these methods t)19(o appr)18(eciate the ideology of the)]tj -11.61873 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(appr)19(oach than the det)18(ailed description of the pr)19(ocess)37(.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(the r)19(eason f)18(or de)19(v)19(eloping and applying these participat)19(ory methodologies)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw (is that f)tj 3.11422 0 td -0.0116 tc (or)tj 1.14786 0 td -0.012 tc (the most part r)tj 6.28346 0 td [(esear)19(ch inv)18(olving pr)19(actitioner)19(s)36(, who ar)19(e teacher)19(s or)]tj -10.54554 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.003 tw [(student teacher)19(s)37(, is carried out b)18(y an individual who is functioning, f)19(or the)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.013 tw [(time being at an)19(y r)18(ate)56(, as an outsider t)19(o that community of teacher)18(s)38(. most)]tj t* 0 tw (orthodo)tj 3.38843 0 td -0.0002 tc (x)tj 0.86171 0 td (f)tj 0.29619 0 td 0 tc 0.047 tw [(orms of r)19(esear)18(ch inv)19(olv)19(e surv)18(e)19(y)19(s)37(, questionnair)19(es)37(, intervie)18(w)19(s)37(, or)]tj -4.54633 -1.20001 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(observ)19(ations that ar)18(e specifically designed t)19(o e)19(x)18(clude the subjects fr)19(om)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.046 tw [(making choices on the subject matter f)19(or the r)18(esear)19(ch. also, in most con-)]tj (v)' 0.47621 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(entional r)19(esear)18(ch the r)19(esear)19(cher sets the agenda. this ma)18(y be f)19(or a v)19(ariety)]tj -0.47621 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.01 tw [(of purposes but these do not gener)19(ally include dir)18(ectly changing the think-)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw (ing and beha)tj 5.54131 0 td [(viour of the pr)19(actitioner)18(s inv)19(olv)19(ed. in other w)19(or)18(ds the r)19(esear)19(ch)]tj -5.54131 -1.2 td [(can be described as being \322done t)19(o\323 r)18(ather than \322done with\323 those who ar)19(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(the f)19(ocus of the study)110(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(p)56(articipat)18(ory methods link)19(ed t)19(o a c)18(y)19(cle of r)19(eflection, and fr)18(equently)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(action, can be an effectiv)19(e)1( )1(w)19(a)19(y of bringing about change and casting teach-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(er)19(s in the r)18(ole of co-r)19(esear)19(cher)18(s)37(. a)56(ction r)19(esear)19(ch shar)18(es man)19(y of the quali-)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(ties of participat)19(ory methods but often r)19(equir)18(es differ)19(ent le)19(v)18(els of co-oper)19(ation)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(betw)19(een r)18(esear)19(cher and the pr)19(actitioner)18(s)37(, but ther)19(e is gener)18(ally no doubt about)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(whom is contr)19(olling the undert)18(aking. furthermor)19(e)56(, it w)19(as appr)18(eciated that in)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (130)tj et q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /length 7505 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.012 tw [(r)19(ecent y)19(ear)18(s ther)19(e is an incr)19(easing tendenc)18(y in man)19(y countries f)19(or inno)18(v)19(a-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(tion t)19(o be imposed on teacher)18(s \(see)56(, f)19(or e)18(x)19(ample)56(, unesco-a)56(ceid, 1994\) and)]tj 0 -1.20001 td [(r)19(ar)18(ely arises as part of their o)19(wn agenda. the o)18(v)19(er)19(all effect is t)18(o r)19(educe teach-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.119 tw [(er)19(s\325 per)18(ception of their pr)19(ofessional st)19(atus)36(. one purpose of participat)19(ory)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.013 tw [(r)19(esear)19(ch is t)18(o consciously r)19(edr)19(ess the balance and e)18(xplor)19(e w)19(a)18(y)19(s of empo)19(w-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(erment and pr)19(o)18(vide opportunities f)19(or teacher)19(s t)18(o ha)19(v)19(e some contr)18(ol o)19(v)18(er the)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.002 tw [(de)19(v)19(elopment of their o)18(wn pr)19(ofessional e)19(xpertise)55(. \(f)56(or further discussion of)]tj 0 -1.19999 td 0 tw [(these ideas see)56(, f)18(or e)19(x)19(ample)56(, ha)18(yw)19(ar)19(d, 1998.\))]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 206.5564 470.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (background)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 447.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(p)55(articipat)19(ory appr)19(oaches ar)19(e becoming mor)18(e commonly used in tr)19(aining con-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(te)19(xts)36(, f)19(or e)19(x)19(ample in r)19(elation t)18(o international de)19(v)19(elopment pr)19(ojects \(see)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(grieser)111(, 2000\); ho)18(w)20(e)19(v)19(er)111(, their use in r)18(esear)19(ch in education f)19(or sust)18(ainability)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(is not r)19(ecor)18(ded. although w)19(e should not be t)19(oo concerned with the r)19(ange of)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw (the terms used t)tj 6.93629 0 td -0.0032 tc (o)tj 0.79776 0 td -0.003 tc (describe participat)tj 7.91006 0 td [(ory methods of enquiry)111(, it is necessary)]tj -15.64411 -1.20001 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(t)19(o offer some clarification about the natur)19(e of the field and the authorit)19(ativ)19(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.011 tw [(sour)19(ces fr)18(om which it is deriv)19(ed. a number of differ)19(ent w)18(ork)19(er)19(s ha)18(v)19(e used)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(participat)19(ory methods f)18(or r)19(esear)19(ch in differ)18(ent conte)19(xts)37(, adapting it t)19(o their)]tj t* 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(o)19(wn use and pr)19(o)19(viding differ)19(ent labels f)18(or what the)19(y ar)19(e doing. r)19(eason)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw ((1994) gr)tj 3.90968 0 td (oups all of these methods within the term )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 293.6282 339.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.003 tc (co-oper)tj 3.05653 0 td -0.011 tw [(ativ)19(e inquiry)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 375.7777 339.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0028 tc (.)tj 0.53905 0 td -0.003 tc (his)tj -30.81682 -1.2 td 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(w)19(ork has r)19(anged widely but one e)19(x)19(ample inv)18(olv)19(ed health pr)19(ofessionals)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(functioning locally in the uk as a multidisciplinary gr)18(oup. other specific terms)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0 tw (include )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 105.6015 303.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 tc (participat)tj 3.83903 0 td 0.005 tw [(ory appr)19(aisal)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 196.6828 303.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0192 tc (,)tj 0.52277 0 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (used b)tj 2.72445 0 td -0.0191 tc (y)tj 0.76384 0 td -0.019 tc [(chamber)19(s (1992) t)18(o describe his w)19(ork)]tj -16.37934 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(in agricultur)19(al e)18(xtension in thir)19(d w)19(orld rur)18(al de)19(v)19(elopment. f)55(als-bor)19(da (1988),)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.133 tw [(w)18(orking with people in thir)19(d w)18(orld countries t)19(o)-1( )-1(e)-1(n)-1(a)-1(b)-1(l)-1(e)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1(m)-1( )-1(t)18(o ha)18(v)19(e)-1( )-1(a)]tj t* 0 tc 0.092 tw [(v)19(oice in their o)18(wn social de)19(v)19(elopment, uses the term )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 312.1509 267.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.085 tw [(participat)19(ory action)]tj -23.91509 -1.2 td -0.012 tc 0 tw [(r)19(esear)18(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 107.0334 255.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0127 tc (.)tj 0.52932 0 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(aspects of these)56(, and man)19(y mor)18(e)56(, ha)18(v)19(e been borr)18(o)19(w)18(ed b)19(y differ)19(ent)]tj -3.93266 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.099 tw [(w)19(ork)19(er)18(s as consider)19(ed appr)19(opriate t)18(o the r)19(equir)19(ements of their r)18(esear)19(ch.)]tj t* -0.004 tw [(ho)19(w)19(e)18(v)19(er)111(, all shar)19(e a common ingr)18(edient, which r)19(elates t)19(o the participat)18(ory)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(natur)19(e of the appr)18(oach that is carried out with)1( gr)18(oups of people who ha)19(v)19(e a)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(shar)19(ed inter)18(est. the)19(y dr)19(a)18(w on a particular r)19(ange of skills fr)19(om the r)18(esear)19(cher)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(and a discussion of these will be an import)19(ant part of this article)55(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.014 tc [(the author)111(, in a series of pr)18(e)19(viously r)18(eported studies (see later), has used)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.011 tw (the methodology discussed in this article)tj 16.6255 0 td -0.0245 tc (.)tj 0.51748 0 td -0.025 tc [(the methodology w)19(as deriv)18(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(m)-1(a)-1(i)-1(n)-1(-)]tj -17.14299 -1.2 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw (ly fr)tj 1.60585 0 td [(om participat)19(ory appr)18(aisal \(chamber)19(s)37(, 1992; her)19(on & r)18(eason, 200)56(1\), par-)]tj -1.60585 -1.2 td -0.025 tc 0.006 tw [(t)-5(i)-5(c)-5(i)-5(p)-5(a)-5(t)14(o)-5(r)-6(y action r)19(esear)19(ch [p)92(ar] \(f)56(als-bor)19(da & r)18(ahman, 199)56(1; p)56(ark, 1997\), and)]tj -0.0308 tc (a)' 0.72763 0 td (f)tj 0.26552 0.00001 td -0.031 tc 0.011 tw (orm of co-oper)tj 6.01738 0 td 0 tw (ativ)tj 1.43217 0 td -0.0308 tc (e)tj 0.72763 0 td -0.031 tc 0.011 tw (enquiry \(her)tj 5.0859 0.00001 td [(on, 1992, 1996; r)19(eason, 1988\). these types)]tj -14.25623 -1.20002 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(o)6(f)6( )6(c)6(o)6(-)6(o)6(p)6(e)6(r)19(ativ)19(e/participat)19(o)1(r)1(y)1( )1(e)1(n)1(q)1(u)1(i)1(r)1(y)1( )1(a)1(r)19(e adapt)19(able and can be used fle)19(x)1(i)1(b)1(l)1(y)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(in differ)19(ent conte)18(x)1(t)1(s)1( )1(f)20(o)1(r)1( )1(p)1(r)20(ofessional tr)18(aining \(r)19(eason & br)19(a)1(d)1(b)1(u)1(r)1(y)111(,)1( )1(2)1(0)1(0)57(1)1(\))1(.)1( )1( )1(a)1(n)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0 tw (import)tj 2.7955 0 td (ant)tj 1.5918 0 td -0.024 tc 0.005 tw (purpose of all of these methods is t)tj 14.33348 0.00001 td -0.0242 tc (o)tj 0.77119 0 td -0.024 tc 0 tw (mak)tj 1.81675 0.00001 td -0.0242 tc (e)tj 0.73429 0 td -0.024 tc 0.005 tw [(participants a)19(w)19(ar)18(e of the)]tj -22.043 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.003 tw [(choices a)19(v)18(ailable and the consequences of making their choice)-6(s)31(.)-6( )-6(t)-6(h)-6(e)-6( )-6(l)-6(i)-6(t)-6(e)-6(r)12(a)-6(t)-6(u)-6(r)13(e)]tj t* 0.005 tc 0.134 tw [(indicated that these appr)19(oaches ar)18(e lik)19(ely t)19(o be successful with people)55(,)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 157.9131 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and relflective practice applied to research)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (131)tj et q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /length 6315 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.03 tw [(such as teacher)19(s)37(, who ar)18(e encour)19(aged t)19(o feel r)18(e)1(lativ)18(ely empo)19(w)19(er)19(ed b)18(y the)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(pr)19(ocess and who wish t)18(o e)19(xplor)19(e and de)18(v)19(elop their pr)19(actice in a collabor)18(ativ)19(e)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(w)19(a)19(y with their peer)19(s)1( )1(\()1(r)20(eason, 1994\). the r)18(eflectiv)19(e aspects of the appr)19(oach)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(mak)19(e an essential contribution and the)18(y ar)19(e based on the ideas and pr)19(actice)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(of stenhouse (1975) and sch\232n (1987, 1995) in r)19(elation t)19(o teacher)18(s and teach-)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(ing. her)19(e the emphasis is on the learning pr)18(ocesses r)19(ather than the pr)19(oduct.)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(p)56(articipants ar)19(e encour)18(aged t)19(o adopt a critical attitude t)19(o)19(w)19(ar)18(ds the curricu-)]tj 0 -1.19999 td 0.009 tw [(lum and teaching appr)19(oaches)36(, r)19(ather than str)19(aightf)18(orw)19(ar)19(d accept)18(ance)56(. the)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(main concern is with pr)19(ofessional pr)18(oblem solving made rigor)19(ous b)18(y e)19(v)19(alu-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.076 tw [(ativ)19(e r)18(eflection, and wher)19(e the f)19(ocus is upon an epistemology of pr)18(actice)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(r)19(ather than an attempt t)19(o intr)19(oduce ar)18(guments based upon academic schol-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(ar)19(ship. sh\232n (1995) consider)18(s that the isolated position of individual teach-)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.132 tw [(er)19(s within the classr)18(oom is a pr)19(oblem that w)18(orks against the r)19(eflectiv)19(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(pr)19(ocess and that peer e)18(x)19(changes can help t)19(o o)19(v)18(er)19(come the difficulty)111(.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(the underlying principles of the participat)19(ory aspects of the appr)19(oach ar)18(e)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(t)19(o place v)19(alue on the e)18(xperience of participants as pr)19(actitioner)19(s)37(, t)18(o help them)]tj t* 0 tc 0.007 tw [(t)19(o w)18(ork collabor)19(ativ)19(ely with colleagues and t)19(o mak)18(e them feel empo)19(w)19(er)19(ed)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(b)19(y the pr)19(ocess)36(. fr)19(om these principles the intention is t)19(o de)18(v)19(elop kno)19(wledge)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(and action that can be sho)19(wn t)18(o be dir)19(ectly useful thr)18(ough a pr)19(ocess of col-)]tj t* 0.02 tw [(labor)19(ativ)18(e self-enquiry and r)19(eflection \(f)56(als-bor)19(da, 1988\). it begins with the)]tj t* -0.014 tw [(pr)19(emise that pr)18(actitioner)19(s kno)19(w the conte)18(xt in which the)19(y ar)19(e w)18(orking and)]tj t* -0.004 tc 0 tw (gener)tj 2.40388 0 td -0.01 tw (ally the)tj 3.0871 0 td -0.0044 tc (y)tj 0.77857 0 td (ha)tj 1.02858 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.47696 0 td -0.0043 tc (e)tj 0.75971 0 td (a)tj 0.75971 0 td -0.004 tc [(collectiv)19(e fund of kno)18(wledge and pr)19(actical e)19(xperience)]tj -9.29451 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.01 tw [(with which the)19(y can solv)18(e their o)19(wn pr)19(oblems)36(. what the)19(y r)19(equir)18(e is a suit-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(able conte)19(xt in which t)18(o function in making their decisions)37(. furthermor)19(e the)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0 tw (import)tj 2.91851 0 td 0.137 tw (ant purpose of de)tj 8.0373 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4832 0 td 0.002 tc [(eloping \322o)19(wner)18(ship\323 of the solutions that the)19(y)]tj -11.43901 -1.20001 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(cr)19(eate f)18(or themselv)19(es is an essential part of pr)19(ocess)36(. ther)19(ef)19(or)18(e)57(, the benefits)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.014 tw [(in r)19(elation t)18(o education f)19(or sust)19(ainability ar)18(e that it should enable teacher)19(s)]tj (t)' 0.29056 0 td -0.0058 tc (o)tj 0.79518 0 td -0.006 tc 0 tw (dr)tj 0.89586 0 td -0.008 tw [(a)18(w fr)19(om their o)19(wn kno)18(wledge about sust)19(ainability and that of their col-)]tj -1.9816 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.006 tw [(leagues and t)19(o appr)18(eciate the v)19(alue of their o)19(wn e)19(xpertise)55(. within the con-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(te)19(xt of this type of r)18(esear)19(ch the)19(y ar)19(e encour)18(aged t)19(o learn fr)19(om each other and)]tj 0 tc (t)' 0.27268 0 td -0.0236 tc (o)tj 0.77744 0 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw (continue the pr)tj 6.25891 0 td [(ocess b)19(y under)18(st)19(anding that thinking is not enough and the)19(y)]tj -7.30903 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(need t)19(o mo)18(v)19(e on t)19(o est)18(ablishing an appr)19(oach t)19(o pr)19(actice)55(.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(the ideas behind the methodology ar)19(e simple but difficult t)18(o put int)19(o pr)18(ac-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (tice)tj 1.48071 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.62791 0 td 0 tc 0.072 tw [(and ho)19(w)19(e)18(v)19(er car)19(efully the r)19(esear)18(cher applies the principles)37(, the final)]tj -2.10862 -1.2 td -0.008 tw [(achie)19(v)18(ement ne)19(v)19(er seems t)19(o fully r)18(ealiz)19(e what w)19(as intended. ne)18(v)19(ertheless)37(,)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0 tw (ther)tj 1.62645 0 td (e)tj 0.73999 0 td 0.01 tw [(is sufficient her)19(e t)18(o mak)19(e the case f)19(or this being an import)18(ant and some-)]tj -2.36644 -1.2 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(what inno)19(v)18(ativ)19(e a)18(v)19(enue f)18(or futur)19(e r)18(esear)19(ch in education f)19(or sust)18(ainability)111(. l)19(ater)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(in this paper consider)19(ation will be giv)19(en t)18(o some of the particular appr)19(oach-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(es and skills r)19(equir)18(ed f)19(or applying the methodology)111(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(t)88(o illustr)19(ate some of these points)37(, e)18(x)19(amples will be dr)19(a)19(wn fr)19(om a num)-1(-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.006 tc (ber)tj 1.6721 0 td -0.008 tw [(of cases wher)19(e the author has used this methodology)111(. these include the)]tj -1.6721 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(f)19(ollo)19(wing enquiries: )]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (132)tj et q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /length 6339 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 73 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(w)93(orking with science teacher)19(s t)18(o consider appr)19(oaches t)19(o biodiv)19(er)18(sity education)]tj 0 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(\(ga)19(yf)18(or)19(d, 2000\);)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(d)1(e)20(v)19(eloping a deeper appr)19(eciation among science and geogr)19(aph)18(y teacher)19(s)1( )1(o)1(f)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(the pedagogical implications of education f)19(or sust)18(ainability \(ga)19(yf)19(or)18(d, 200)56(1\);)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(exploring the natur)19(e of envir)18(o)-1(n)-1(m)-1(e)-1(n)-1(t)18(al liter)19(ac)19(y and considering the implica)-1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(tions f)19(or science teacher)18(s in their classr)19(oom pr)19(actice \(ga)18(yf)19(or)18(d, 2002a\);)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc 0.105 tw [(de)19(v)18(eloping collabor)19(ation betw)19(een science teacher)19(s and their non-science)]tj t* 0.015 tc 0.124 tw [(teaching colleagues in r)19(elation t)18(o education f)19(or sust)19(ainability \(ga)18(y)1(f)20(o)1(r)20(d)1(,)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (2002b\); and)tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc 0.085 tw [(exploring the contribution of science education f)19(or teaching contr)18(o)19(v)19(er)19(sial)]tj t* 0 tw [(issues in r)19(elation t)18(o sust)19(ainability \(ga)19(yf)18(or)19(d, 2002c\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 444.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(these cases pr)19(o)19(vide the subst)18(antiv)19(e)56(, conte)19(xtualiz)18(ed back)19(dr)19(op f)18(or the pr)19(esent)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(r)19(eflectiv)19(e comment)18(ary on the pr)19(ocess)37(.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(the v)19(arious enquiries upon which this article is based set out t)18(o addr)19(ess)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(the concerns mainly of science teacher)19(s and those inv)18(olv)19(ed with per)18(sonal and)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(social education type cour)19(ses)36(. often the motiv)19(ation ar)19(ose because the science)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(t)-1(e)-1(a)-1(c)-1(h)-1(e)-1(r)18(s felt that the)18(y lack)19(ed the time and e)19(xpertise t)18(o deal with the full r)19(a)-1(n)-1(g)-1(e)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.135 tw (of per)tj 2.69335 0 td 0 tw (spectiv)tj 3.02445 0 td 0.135 tw (es r)tj 1.7043 0 td 0.004 tc (elated t)tj 3.34964 0 td 0.0035 tc (o)tj 0.95725 0 td 0.003 tc [(education f)19(or sust)18(ainability)111(. a)37(t the same time)]tj -11.729 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.085 tw [(the)19(y w)18(er)19(e often clear that the)19(y felt mor)18(e confident t)19(o teach the essential)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(kno)19(wledge and skills that ar)18(e centr)19(al t)19(o their subject discipline and which could)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw (contribute significantly t)tj 10.00405 0 td -0.0188 tc (o)tj 0.78224 0 td -0.019 tc (education f)tj 4.6137 0 td (or sust)tj 2.74334 0 td [(ainability)111(. the teacher)18(s of the per-)]tj -18.14333 -1.20001 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(sonal and social education type cour)19(ses consider)18(ed that their e)19(xpertise in the)]tj 0 -1.2 td [(scientific aspects of education f)19(or sust)18(ainability w)19(as gener)19(ally t)18(oo limited and)]tj t* -0.006 tc 0 tw (the)tj 1.33279 0 td -0.0065 tc (y)tj 0.77644 0 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (also lack)tj 3.61992 0 td (ed sufficient time t)tj 7.95927 0 td -0.0066 tc (o)tj 0.79434 0 td -0.007 tc [(pr)19(o)18(vide appr)19(opriate scientific backgr)18(ound)]tj -14.48277 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(under)19(st)18(anding. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.008 tc 0.13 tw (most of the r)tj 6.00269 0 td 0.009 tc 0 tw (esear)tj 2.31994 0 td 0.13 tw (ch on which this article is based has often been)tj -10.12263 -1.20001 td -0.002 tc 0 tw (undert)tj 2.82396 0 td (ak)tj 0.99706 0 td -0.012 tw [(en with differ)19(ent gr)18(oups f)19(ollo)19(wing differ)18(ent agendas but in par)19(a)-1(l)-1(l)-1(e)-1(l)]tj -3.82102 -1.20001 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(with other gr)19(oups)36(. collectiv)19(ely the differ)19(ent pieces of w)18(ork ha)19(v)19(e t)18(ak)19(en mor)18(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (than fiv)tj 3.2555 0 td -0.0014 tc (e)tj 0.76257 0 td (y)tj 0.49903 0 td -0.001 tc 0 tw (ear)tj 1.34756 0 td -0.0014 tc (s)tj 0.68856 0 td -0.001 tc (fr)tj 0.66367 0 td -0.013 tw (om st)tj 2.40696 0 td [(art t)19(o completion and o)18(v)19(er)19(all the)19(y sho)18(w an e)19(v)19(olution)]tj -9.62385 -1.20002 td (and r)tj 2.24164 0 td [(efinement of the methodology)111(, which is r)19(eported her)18(e)56(. although most)]tj -2.24164 -1.2 td 0.013 tc 0.126 tw [(of them ha)19(v)19(e been conducted with science teacher)19(s)37(, the methodology)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (should ha)tj 4.16724 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (wide application with man)tj 11.49858 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79674 0 td 0 tc (differ)tj 2.29555 0 td (ent types of teacher)tj 8.57446 0 td -0.037 tc 0.037 tw [(s.)-37( )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 154.9053 170.7035 tm 0 0 0 1 k (considerations for the researcher)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 147.9035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(gener)19(al consider)18(ations f)19(or the r)19(esear)18(cher will be dealt with fir)19(st f)19(ollo)18(w)19(ed b)19(y)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.135 tw [(mor)19(e specific e)18(x)19(amples t)18(ak)19(en fr)19(om the appr)18(oaches used b)19(y the author)111(.)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (ho)tj 1.22192 0.00001 td 0.034 tw [(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)110(, the r)19(eader should be a)19(w)19(ar)18(e that the most sur)19(e beginning t)19(o suc-)]tj -1.2219 -1.2 td 0.008 tw [(cessful application of these methods will be f)19(or the r)18(esear)19(cher t)19(o be a fully)]tj t* 0.008 tc 0.131 tw [(accepted and trusted member of the pr)19(actice community in which the)]tj 0 tc (w)' 0.74 0 td 0 tw [(ork will t)19(ak)18(e place)56(.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 157.9131 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and relflective practice applied to research)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (133)tj et q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /length 6487 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 55 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.011 tw [(basically the main skill r)19(equir)18(ed of the r)19(esear)19(cher r)18(elates t)19(o being able)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0.005 tc 0.133 tw [(t)18(o w)19(ork in genuine collabor)19(ation with other)18(s in the gr)19(oup thus tr)18(eating)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.01 tw [(them as f)19(ar as possible as peer)18(s)37(, which implies equality and applying dem-)]tj t* -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(ocr)19(atic pr)18(ocesses)37(. the challenge ther)19(e)-1(f)18(or)18(e is t)19(o be able t)19(o set up a gr)18(oup that)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(can w)19(ork co-oper)18(ativ)19(ely)111(, e)18(v)19(en though the initial ideas f)19(or content and pr)18(ocess)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(ar)19(e those of one or tw)18(o individuals)37(. the pr)19(ocess must mak)18(e sense t)19(o all mem-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.02 tw [(ber)19(s of the gr)18(oup and not be seen simply as a piece of r)19(esear)19(ch. the skills)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(r)19(equir)19(ed of the r)18(esear)19(cher often inv)19(olv)19(e car)18(eful listening, helping t)19(o r)19(econcile)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.014 tw [(differ)19(ences)36(, assisting b)19(y adding clarity t)19(o what has been discussed and cr)18(e-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(ating goodwill. the r)19(ole of the r)18(esear)19(cher should be)56(, as f)18(ar as possible)56(, t)19(o main)-1(-)]tj t* 0 tc -0.009 tw [(t)19(ain a \322lo)19(w pr)18(ofile\323 and t)19(o act as a f)18(acilit)19(at)19(or in the pr)19(ocess r)18(ather than as a)]tj t* -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(leader or e)19(xpert. the r)18(esear)19(ch is intended t)19(o be a v)19(ehicle f)18(or enabling teach-)]tj t* -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(er)19(s t)18(o r)19(eflect on their pr)19(actice and t)18(o use the out)19(comes t)19(o inf)18(orm futur)19(e pr)19(ac-)]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(tice)56(. an essential part of the pr)18(ocess is that the teacher)19(s ar)19(e also inv)18(olv)19(ed in)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(the analy)19(sis and e)18(v)19(aluation of the out)19(comes)37(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(str)19(ategies ar)18(e needed t)19(o ensur)19(e inclusivity f)19(or all member)18(s of gr)19(oup activ-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(ities)37(. a further pr)18(oblem in the initial phase of the r)19(esear)19(ch is t)19(o adopt a bal)-1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.013 tw [(ance betw)19(een being t)18(oo pr)19(escriptiv)19(e which ma)18(y cause r)19(esentment or ha)19(v)19(e)]tj t* 0.039 tw [(the participants simply f)19(ollo)18(w the r)19(esear)19(cher\325)36(s suggestions so that th)1(e col)-1(-)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(labor)19(ativ)18(e aspect of the pr)19(ocess is lost as against allo)19(wing the situation t)19(o be)]tj t* 0 tc -0.003 tw [(t)19(oo open so that the gr)19(oup lacks dir)18(ection and purpose or the)19(y t)19(ak)18(e discus-)]tj t* -0.014 tc 0 tw (sion in an unpr)tj 6.35005 0 td (oductiv)tj 3.05311 0 td -0.0136 tc (e)tj 0.75033 0 td -0.014 tc (dir)tj 1.12547 0 td (ection. ther)tj 5.00387 0 td [(ef)19(or)18(e)56(, in or)18(der t)19(o get the pr)19(ocess st)18(art-)]tj -16.28283 -1.20001 td -0.006 tc 0.007 tw [(e)-6(d)-6( )-6(t)-6(h)-6(e)-6( )-6(r)13(e)-6(s)-6(e)-6(a)-6(r)12(cher ma)19(y ha)19(v)18(e t)19(o t)18(ak)19(e on a mor)19(e pr)18(o-activ)19(e r)18(ole b)19(y suggesting)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.0234 tc (a)tj 0.735 0 td -0.023 tc 0.004 tw [(structur)19(e f)18(or the enterprise but pr)19(obably t)19(aking car)18(e not t)19(o pr)19(escribe the con-)]tj -0.735 -1.2 td -0.02 tc 0.001 tw (tent. this emphasiz)tj 8.0783 0 td (es the need t)tj 5.29432 0 td -0.0204 tc (o)tj 0.77501 0 td -0.02 tc (be clear t)tj 3.77964 0 td -0.0204 tc (o)tj 0.77501 0 td -0.02 tc [(all participants at the v)19(ery begin-)]tj -18.70228 -1.20001 td -0.01 tc -0.01 tw [(ning, about the motiv)19(ation f)18(or undert)19(aking the activity and the methodology)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.012 tc -0.008 tw [(used. fle)19(xibility on the part of the r)18(esear)19(cher t)19(ogether with close observ)18(ation)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.005 tw (of the w)tj 3.46477 0 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.47564 0 td -0.0057 tc (y)tj 0.78113 0 td -0.006 tc [(that the gr)19(oup r)18(eacts t)19(o ideas in this initial st)18(age is also essential.)]tj -4.72154 -1.20001 td -0.017 tc -0.003 tw [(thus the r)19(esear)18(cher must be sensitiv)19(e t)19(o the implications of the differ)18(ences in)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.006 tc 0 tw [(conte)19(xt betw)18(een one situation and another in which he or she is w)19(orking. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 145.5781 206.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (an outline programme)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 183.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(the ne)19(xt section pr)18(o)19(vides a brief outline of a gener)19(aliz)18(ed pr)19(ogr)19(amme in or)19(der)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc (t)tj 0.27325 0 td -0.023 tc (o)tj 0.77794 0 td 0.009 tw [(illustr)19(ate ho)18(w the methods that ha)19(v)19(e been discussed in gener)19(al terms might)]tj -1.05119 -1.2 td 0.015 tc 0.124 tw (be f)tj 1.81341 0 td [(ormed int)19(o a pr)18(oject. it is based on specific e)19(x)19(amples t)19(ak)18(en fr)19(om)]tj -1.81341 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(r)19(esear)18(ch conducted b)19(y the author)111(. in all cases the participants made most of)]tj t* 0 tc 0.132 tw (the decisions collabor)tj 9.61402 0.00001 td 0 tw (ativ)tj 1.55493 0 td (ely)tj 1.14893 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.68734 0 td 0 tc 0.132 tw (the f)tj 2.3173 0.00001 td [(ollo)19(wing pr)18(o)19(vides a description of the)]tj -15.32252 -1.20002 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(p)1(r)20(ocess but this must not be interpr)18(eted as pr)19(escriptiv)19(e)56(.)1( )1(i)1(t)1( )1(s)1(i)1(m)1(p)1(l)1(y)1( )1(s)1(h)1(o)20(w)19(s)1( )1(a)1( )1(p)1(o)1(s)1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(sible sequence of e)19(v)18(ents w)1(i)-1(th)1( )-1(so)1(me e)18(xplanation. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 37 87.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc tj 1.5158 0 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(initial discussion with a fe)19(w k)18(e)19(y individuals t)18(o gauge the support f)19(or the idea.)]tj 0 -1.2632 td 0.001 tc 0.138 tw [(this is often f)19(ollo)18(w)19(ed b)19(y de)19(v)18(elopment of the idea and pr)19(oduction of an)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (134)tj et q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /length 7050 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(o)19(v)18(er)19(all str)18(ategy with a fe)19(w of the people who will be dir)19(ectly inv)18(olv)19(ed in ensu-)]tj 0 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ing gr)19(oup sessions)36(.)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc 0.014 tw [(f)56(ormation of the gr)19(oup, with the fir)18(st meeting as soon afterw)19(ar)19(ds as possi-)]tj t* -0.001 tw [(ble)56(. this ma)19(y include a \322needs assessmen)-1(t\323 and gener)19(al f)19(ormulation of the)]tj t* 0.006 tc 0.133 tw [(pr)19(ogr)18(amme)56(. in this early st)19(age the r)19(esear)18(cher ma)19(y be ask)19(ed t)18(o pr)19(o)19(vide)]tj t* 0 tc 0.073 tw [(some backgr)19(ound material f)18(or the participants)37(. a planned series of gr)19(oup)]tj t* 0 tw [(meetings)37(, pr)18(obably about tw)19(o w)19(eeks apart. )]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc [(cr)19(eation of a str)18(ategy with specific ideas f)19(or implement)19(ation.)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc -0.006 tw [(ther)19(e ma)18(y then f)19(ollo)19(w a piece of action r)18(esear)19(ch, f)19(or e)18(x)19(ample wher)19(e a par-)]tj t* 0 tw (ticular piece of pedagogy is trialed in the school.)tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(if some action r)19(esear)19(ch is carried out ther)18(e ma)19(y then f)19(ollo)19(w an e)18(v)19(aluation of)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(the out)19(comes)36(. )]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc [(finally ther)19(e is an e)18(v)19(aluation b)19(y participants of the o)19(v)18(er)19(all e)19(xperience)56(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 416.9036 tm 0 0 0 1 k (getting started )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 397.7036 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(in planning w)19(ork of this kind ther)18(e is usually initial discussion with import)19(ant)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(individuals who ma)19(y not be intended t)18(o be part of an)19(y subsequent gr)19(oup activ-)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(i)1(t)1(y)112(. this often includes the head of the institution and import)18(ant senior)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(st)19(aff and helps t)18(o ensur)19(e a satisf)19(act)18(ory le)19(v)19(el of institutional co-oper)19(ation. ther)18(e)]tj t* -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(ma)19(y then f)18(ollo)19(w further discussions with potential participants of the gr)19(oup)]tj t* 0 tc 0.022 tw [(activities leading t)19(o agr)18(eement about the gener)19(al ar)19(ea of content. the fir)19(st)]tj t* 0.007 tc 0.132 tw [(meeting of the gr)19(oup normally includes a needs assessment and st)19(ate)-1(-)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(ments about what differ)19(ent participants hope t)18(o achie)19(v)19(e fr)18(om the pr)19(ocess)37(. one)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw [(of the difficult aspects of the enterprise comes at this early st)19(age)56(, when the)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(methodology and the r)19(ationale ar)18(e e)19(xplained. this is import)19(ant because the)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(e)19(xpect)19(ations of the gr)18(oup about the out)19(comes and the pr)19(ocess will be main-)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(ly f)19(ormed at this time)55(. a)56(dequate time is needed f)19(or questions and discussion,)]tj t* 0 tc 0.008 tw [(negotiation and agr)19(eement about ho)18(w some of their concerns will be met.)]tj (f)' 0.45482 0 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw (or e)tj 1.57347 0 td 0 tc (x)tj 0.49194 0 td -0.026 tc 0 tw (ample)tj 2.4992 0 td -0.0262 tc (,)tj 0.51575 0 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw (when considering some of the import)tj 15.42175 0 td (ant issues surr)tj 5.83363 0 td (ounding edu)tj 5.13174 0 td 0 tc (-)tj -31.9223 -1.20002 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw (cation f)tj 3.08368 0 td (or sust)tj 2.74909 0 td [(ainability)111(, man)18(y member)19(s of the gr)19(oup feel that the)19(y w)18(ould lik)19(e)]tj -5.83277 -1.20001 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw (the r)tj 1.89347 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.16137 0 td 0.009 tw (cher t)tj 2.33327 0 td -0.0233 tc (o)tj 0.77764 0 td (t)tj 0.27311 0 td -0.023 tc 0 tw (ak)tj 0.95381 0 td -0.0232 tc (e)tj 0.74079 0 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw (the initiativ)tj 4.57789 0 td -0.0232 tc (e)tj 0.74079 0 td -0.023 tc (and simply tell them about the main issues)tj -14.45214 -1.20002 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (and curr)tj 3.53721 0 td (ent thinking about the t)tj 9.89054 0 td 0 tw (opic)tj 1.75147 0 td -0.0112 tc (.)tj 0.53075 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw (it is fr)tj 2.42302 0 td (equently clear that the)tj 9.42396 0 td -0.0112 tc (y)tj 0.7717 0 td (e)tj 0.47015 0 td -0.011 tc [(xpect t)19(o)]tj -28.7988 -1.20002 td 0 tc 0.031 tw (be giv)tj 2.60466 0 td (en further inf)tj 5.7828 0 td [(ormation t)19(o st)18(art them off. one w)19(a)19(y of addr)18(essing this)]tj -8.38746 -1.20001 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw (need, without the r)tj 7.98535 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.21022 0 td -0.001 tw (cher changing r)tj 6.51993 0 td (ole t)tj 1.78462 0 td (oo dr)tj 2.19135 0 td 0 tw (amatically)tj 4.18217 0 td -0.0134 tc (,)tj 0.52856 0 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw (has been t)tj 4.32887 0 td -0.0135 tc (o)tj 0.78743 0 td -0.014 tc 0 tw (pr)tj 0.88038 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.52354 0 td (-)tj -31.92242 -1.20003 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw (vide some brief articles or selected sections of articles f)tj 22.96493 0 td [(or participants t)19(o r)18(ead)]tj -22.96493 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (bef)tj 1.35205 0 td 0.063 tw [(or)19(e the ne)18(xt session.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 7 0 0 7 177.6555 160.0136 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 184.9565 157.7036 tm 0 0 0 1 k (fr)tj 0.88794 0 td 0.063 tw [(om their r)19(eading, participants can identify f)18(or)]tj -12.08359 -1.20001 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(themselv)19(es what the)18(y consider t)19(o be the main aspects of the ar)19(guments and)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw (ideas inv)tj 3.63244 -0.00001 td [(olv)19(ed. on another occasion, a series of short contr)19(o)19(v)19(er)18(sial st)19(atements)]tj -3.63244 -1.19999 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(about the natur)19(e and purpose of education f)19(or sust)18(ainability f)19(or them t)19(o dis-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(cuss has been an effectiv)19(e w)18(a)19(y of getting them t)19(o engage in the pr)19(ocess)36(. )]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.045 tw (although the intention is t)tj 11.42055 -0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.85966 0 td 0 tc [(cr)19(eate a f)18(airly r)19(elax)19(ed atmospher)18(e f)19(or the)]tj -14.0802 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(activity)111(, it is gener)18(ally essential at an early st)19(age t)19(o set out some rules f)18(or ho)19(w)]tj t* 0 tc 0.092 tw [(the gr)19(oup will conduct itself. p)55(ar)19(ado)19(xically these ar)19(e often discussed and)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 157.9131 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and relflective practice applied to research)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (135)tj et q endstream endobj 11 0 obj << /length 6826 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 tc 0.128 tw [(a)-1(g)-1(r)18(e)-1(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(i)-1(n)-1( )-1(a)-1( )-1(s)-1(o)-1(m)-1(e)17(what f)19(ormal w)19(a)18(y)110(. pr)19(oblems within gr)19(oups often arise)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(because of differ)19(ences in st)18(atus and e)19(xperience of the differ)19(ent member)19(s)37(, the)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(f)19(act that some w)19(ant t)18(o speak at length whilst other)19(s need encour)19(agement t)18(o)]tj t* 0 tc -0.008 tw [(speak at all, some participants can be f)19(airly negativ)18(e especially in the early)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(st)19(ages of the discussion, or ther)18(e ma)19(y be anxieties about the length of the ses-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.056 tw [(sions which ma)19(y conflict with other r)18(esponsibilities the)19(y ha)19(v)18(e outside the)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0.008 tc 0.131 tw [(gr)19(oup. some str)18(ategies that ha)19(v)18(e been used ha)19(v)19(e included r)18(ot)19(ating the)]tj 0 -1.19999 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(chairper)19(son t)18(o giv)19(e the opportunity f)19(or less e)18(xperienced member)19(s t)19(o t)18(ak)19(e on)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.031 tw [(this r)19(ole)55(. the chairper)19(son is made a)19(w)19(ar)18(e of the impo)1(rt)18(ance of limiting the)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.062 tw [(length of time that an)19(y one per)18(son speaks and the number of times the)19(y)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(speak and at the same time the need t)19(o encour)18(age the less activ)19(e participants)]tj t* 0 tc -0.005 tw [(t)19(o contribute)56(. eff)18(orts should also be made t)19(o v)19(alue the comments made b)18(y)]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(each individual and t)19(o k)18(eep negativ)19(e comments during the sessions t)18(o a min-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.093 tw [(imum. ho)19(w)19(e)18(v)19(er)111(, at the beginning or end of sessions ther)19(e should be the)]tj t* 0.011 tw [(opportunity f)19(or individuals t)18(o st)19(ate what the)19(y ha)18(v)19(e f)19(ound unsatisf)18(act)19(ory so)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(f)19(ar and f)19(or this t)18(o be balanced b)19(y an)19(y positiv)18(e comments)37(. this pr)19(o)19(vides fr)18(e)1(-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.006 tw [(quent f)19(ormativ)18(e e)19(v)19(aluation b)19(y the participants)36(. it is helpful if each session)]tj t* -0.01 tw [(is clearly time-limited with agr)19(eement about their length. also the e)18(xpect)19(a-)]tj t* -0.004 tc [(tion that some people will do some further w)19(ork betw)18(een gr)19(oup sessions t)19(o)]tj t* 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(mo)19(v)19(e the thinking along and t)18(o pr)19(esent their ideas briefly t)18(o the gr)19(oup)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(when the)19(y ne)18(xt meet can assist the pr)19(ocess b)19(y pr)18(o)19(viding gr)19(eater momentum.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw (during the fir)tj 5.7106 0 td (st gr)tj 1.83698 0 td (oup meeting it is usually most effectiv)tj 16.16786 0 td -0.0048 tc (e)tj 0.75919 0 td (t)tj 0.29151 0 td (o)tj 0.79622 0 td -0.005 tc (place some)tj -27.36236 -1.20001 td 0 tc -0.012 tw [(constr)19(aints on the gr)18(oup f)19(ollo)19(wing the needs assessment. suggestions her)18(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(can be made tent)19(ativ)18(ely and it should be clear that b)19(y agr)19(eement the)19(y)]tj t* 0 tc -0.014 tw (could be changed. her)tj 9.65855 0 td -0.0004 tc (e)tj 0.76362 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (limit)tj 1.94255 0 td -0.014 tw (ations need t)tj 5.56173 0 td -0.0003 tc (o)tj 0.8007 0 td 0 tc [(be placed on the field t)19(o be dis-)]tj -18.72715 -1.20001 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(cussed and the adv)19(ant)19(age of setting out a series of aims that the)18(y)1( )1(w)20(ould lik)19(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [(t)19(o achie)18(v)19(e)56(. these ar)18(e often arriv)19(ed at b)19(y thinking about the sort of questions)]tj t* -0.001 tc 0 tw (the)tj 1.34953 0 td -0.0011 tc (y)tj 0.78169 0 td (w)tj 0.73936 0 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [(ould lik)19(e t)18(o answ)19(er and ho)19(w the)18(y might be able t)19(o answ)19(er them \(see)]tj -2.87058 -1.20001 td -0.021 tc 0.008 tw [(belo)19(w)1(\))1(.)1( )1(t)1(h)1(e)1( )1(a)1(i)1(m)1(s)1( )1(a)1(r)19(e also influenced b)19(y the particular concerns that the)19(y)1( )1(h)1(a)20(v)19(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(as pr)19(actitioner)18(s)37(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 37 212.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (moving things on and maintaining the momentum)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 193.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 tc 0.007 tw (once the gr)tj 4.86752 0 td -0.019 tc (oup sessions ha)tj 6.53364 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4628 0 td -0.0185 tc (e)tj 0.74827 0 td -0.019 tc (got underw)tj 4.7295 0 td 0 tc (a)tj 0.4628 0 td -0.0186 tc (y)tj 0.76715 0 td -0.019 tc (it is import)tj 4.51412 0 td -0.018 tc (ant at the end of each)tj -23.08579 -1.20002 td 0.003 tc 0.016 tw (session t)tj 3.76205 0 td 0.0027 tc (o)tj 0.83649 0 td 0.003 tc (be clear about what has been decided and t)tj 19.09904 0 td 0.0027 tc (o)tj 0.83647 0 td 0.003 tc [(agr)19(ee on the ne)18(xt)]tj -24.53405 -1.20001 td -0.016 tc 0 tw (steps)tj 2.10437 0 td -0.0164 tc (.)tj 0.52826 0 td -0.016 tc 0.005 tw [(fr)19(equently this is f)18(ormally r)19(ecor)19(ded and used in the intr)19(oduction t)18(o the)]tj -2.63263 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.083 tw [(subsequent session. her)19(e the r)18(esear)19(cher/f)19(acilit)18(at)19(or can become inv)19(olv)18(ed.)]tj t* 0.025 tc 0.143 tw (during each session ther)tj 11.69415 0.00001 td 0.0249 tc (e)tj 0.97097 0 td 0.025 tc [(ar)19(e occasions when str)18(ategies need t)19(o be)]tj -12.66512 -1.20001 td -0.012 tc 0.001 tw [(emplo)19(y)19(ed f)19(o)1(r)1( )1(m)1(o)19(ving thinking on. one simple method is f)19(or the participants)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.003 tw [(t)19(o divide int)19(o smaller \322buzz gr)18(oups\323 t)19(o consider differ)19(ent w)18(a)19(y)19(s of addr)19(ess-)]tj t* 0.009 tc 0.133 tw (ing a particular aspect of the t)tj 13.96525 0.00001 td (opic and then r)tj 7.10354 0.00001 td (eport back briefly t)tj 8.77755 0.00001 td 0.0086 tc (o)tj 0.96519 0 td 0.009 tc 0 tw (the)tj -30.8115 -1.2 td 0.011 tc 0.131 tw [(whole gr)19(oup. another and mor)18(e elabor)19(ate w)19(a)19(y of doing this is f)18(or the)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.004 tw [(gr)19(oup t)18(o divide int)19(o smaller gr)19(oups t)18(o cr)19(eate visual models of their thinking.)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.011 tw (an e)tj 1.9501 0 td 0 tc (x)tj 0.5175 0 td -0.001 tc (ample of this w)tj 6.62654 0.00001 td [(as that a gr)19(oup set themselv)18(es the t)19(ask of pr)19(oducing a)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (136)tj et q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /length 6595 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 tw [(diagr)19(am t)18(o illustr)19(ate the multiplicity of f)19(act)19(or)18(s that affect sust)19(ainability \(see)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.003 tc 0.086 tw [(ga)19(yf)18(or)19(d, 200)55(1\). in another case the)19(y pr)19(oduced a model of a hier)18(ar)19(chical)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.01 tc -0.002 tw [(sequence of kno)19(wledge and skills t)18(o sho)19(w ho)18(w scie)1(nce education could help)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.137 tw [(t)18(o de)19(v)18(elop envir)19(onment)19(al liter)18(ac)19(y \(see ga)19(yf)18(or)19(d, 2002a\). these sorts of)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.005 tc -0.006 tw [(activities enable participants t)19(o clarify their thinking and t)18(o determine what)]tj t* 0.002 tc -0.013 tw [(questions the)19(y need t)18(o addr)19(ess t)19(o mo)18(v)19(e their thinking on. the)19(y also signif-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0.003 tc 0 tw [(icantly assist the pr)19(ocess of r)18(eflection. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 488.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (concluding the activity and asking the question: )tj 0.27632 -1.3 td (\322where do we go from here?\323)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 456.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.017 tc (ther)tj 1.89591 0 td -0.0168 tc (e)tj 0.74717 0 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(also needs t)19(o be a mechanism f)19(or pulling it all t)18(ogether at the end. this)]tj -2.64308 -1.20001 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(is wher)19(e the summativ)18(e e)19(v)19(aluation is import)18(ant. the participants need t)19(o be)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.057 tw [(inv)19(olv)18(ed in making their o)19(wn judgements about what has been achie)19(v)19(ed.)]tj t* -0.001 tc -0.013 tw (putting the v)tj 5.43905 0 td [(arious ideas int)19(o pr)18(actice leads natur)19(ally int)19(o differ)18(ent types of)]tj -5.43905 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.066 tw [(action r)19(esear)18(ch, which can then be r)19(eflected upon and judgements made)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (based on pr)tj 5.0242 0 td 0 tc (e)tj 0.47464 0 td -0.007 tc (viously agr)tj 4.56742 0 td (eed criteria. thus)tj 7.32932 0 td -0.0067 tc (,)tj 0.53523 0 td -0.007 tc [(some of this w)19(ork can go thr)18(ough)]tj -17.93081 -1.20001 td -0.0114 tc (a)tj 0.75256 0 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(c)19(y)19(clic pr)19(ocess)36(, wher)19(eb)19(y participat)18(ory-r)19(eflectiv)18(e activity leads t)19(o trialing and)]tj -0.75256 -1.2 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(testing ideas pr)19(actically with classes and then collabor)18(ativ)19(ely r)19(eflecting on the)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(out)19(comes)36(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 10 0 2.12557 10 73 332.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the evaluative process)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 313.7616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.022 tw (it has been mentioned that the participants\325 inv)tj 20.76485 0 td [(olv)19(ement in the e)18(v)19(aluativ)19(e)]tj -20.76485 -1.2 td 0.001 tc 0 tw (pr)tj 0.90963 0 td 0.138 tw (ocess is an essential part of the methodology)tj 20.35618 0 td 0.0012 tc (.)tj 0.69597 0 td 0.001 tc (this type of e)tj 6.28377 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.48252 0 td 0.001 tc 0 tw (aluation)tj -28.72807 -1.20001 td -0.022 tc (inv)tj 1.24714 0 td (olv)tj 1.19221 0 td 0.008 tw (es judgements about the r)tj 10.71762 0 td 0 tw (ealiz)tj 1.83248 0 td 0.008 tw [(ation of the aims that the)19(y ha)18(v)20(e set them-)]tj -14.98945 -1.20001 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(selv)19(es in the early st)18(ages of the r)19(esear)19(ch. it r)18(equir)19(es clear articulation of the)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.009 tc 0.13 tw (criteria that the participants will apply in making these decisions)tj 29.67202 0 td (.)tj 0.70375 0 td 0 tw (this)tj -30.37578 -1.20001 td -0.021 tc (pr)tj 0.86501 0 td 0.007 tw (ocess of e)tj 4.04432 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.46022 0 td -0.021 tc [(aluation against criteria that pr)19(actitioner)19(s ha)18(v)19(e set f)19(or themselv)19(es)]tj -5.36955 -1.20001 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(pr)19(o)18(vides an element of v)19(alidity t)19(o the whole pr)18(ocess)37(. fr)19(equently these criteria)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.85107 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7777 0 td (dir)tj 1.16591 0 td 0 tc (ectly r)tj 2.6665 0 td (elated t)tj 3.18579 0 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81465 0 td 0 tc (pr)tj 0.90703 0 td (actice)tj 2.44361 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.55578 0 td 0 tc (both past and in the futur)tj 11.03748 0 td -0.056 tc (e.)tj -22.60552 -1.20002 td 0 tc (t)tj 0.4616 0 td -0.0065 tc (o)tj 0.79442 0 td -0.007 tc (illustr)tj 2.32447 0 td -0.006 tc -0.007 tw (ate the f)tj 3.46492 0 td -0.007 tc [(orm that the e)19(v)18(a)-1(l)-1(u)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(v)18(e pr)18(ocess can t)19(ak)19(e it is necessary)]tj -8.84541 -1.20001 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(t)19(o dr)18(a)19(w fr)19(om e)18(x)19(amples of some of the w)19(ork that has been undert)19(ak)18(en. this)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.138 tw (means considering the br)tj 11.4434 0 td (oad aims that ar)tj 7.45944 0 td (ose out of their pr)tj 8.28361 0 td (actical con)tj 4.73563 0 td (-)tj -31.92208 -1.20001 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw (cerns as teacher)tj 6.7393 0 td -0.0167 tc (s)tj 0.67335 0 td -0.017 tc (and then r)tj 4.32108 0 td [(elating these t)19(o the out)18(comes)37(. as an e)19(x)18(ample the)]tj -11.73373 -1.20001 td -0.014 tc 0.001 tw (concerns of one gr)tj 7.79586 0 td [(o)1(u)1(p)1( )1(w)20(e)1(r)19(e that the)19(y)1( )1(w)1(i)1(s)1(h)1(e)1(d)1( )1(t)20(o)1( )1(e)19(x)1(p)1(l)1(o)1(r)20(e the contribution that)]tj -7.79586 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.014 tw [(science teacher)19(s could mak)18(e t)19(o the teaching of contr)19(o)19(v)19(er)18(sial issues r)19(elating)]tj t* -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(t)19(o the envir)19(onment. the)18(y felt that it w)19(ould help t)19(o f)19(ocus their discussion if the)18(y)]tj 0 tc (e)' 0.4812 0.00001 td [(xplor)19(ed these in r)18(elation t)19(o a specific e)19(x)19(ample)56(, which w)18(as teaching about)]tj -0.4812 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(global climate change)56(. their concerns w)19(er)18(e summariz)19(ed as f)19(ollo)18(w)19(s: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 73 97.7616 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc tj 1.5158 0 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(ho)19(w can science education r)18(et)19(ain its integrity as a subject discipline in the cur-)]tj 0 -1.2632 td 0 tc 0.098 tw [(riculum and at the same time help t)19(o addr)18(ess the issue of global climate)]tj t* 0 tw (change?)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 157.9131 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and relflective practice applied to research)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.1572 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (137)tj et q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /length 7149 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 37 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc 0.068 tw [(what basic scientific kno)19(wledge is r)18(equir)19(ed b)19(y 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 f)18(or the study and)]tj 0 -1.26316 td 0 tw [(appr)19(eciation of this t)18(opic?)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0.003 tc 0.136 tw [(what br)19(oad under)18(s)1(t)20(andings of the natur)19(e of science and scientific skills)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(and abilities can be de)19(v)18(eloped thr)19(ough the study of this t)19(opic?)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 528.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 tw [(underlying these concerns w)19(er)18(e their w)19(orries about their o)19(wn gr)18(asp of the)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(issues inv)19(olv)18(ed and their ability t)19(o be able t)19(o simplify these f)18(or their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )37(.)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(also, the f)19(act that the science curriculum is alr)18(eady o)19(v)18(erloaded and the)19(y could)]tj t* -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(see difficulties if the)19(y w)18(er)19(e t)19(o try t)18(o intr)19(oduce ne)19(w t)18(opics w)19(er)19(e concerns)36(. the)19(y)]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(consider)19(ed that it w)18(as inappr)19(opriate f)19(or them t)18(o be inculcating their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(with their o)19(wn vie)18(w)19(s about the ethical, political and economic aspects of the)]tj t* -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(matter)111(. the aims that the)19(y identified closely r)18(eflected the initial concerns that)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(the)19(y e)18(xpr)19(essed.)]tj 1.8 -1.2 td 0.001 tc 0.137 tw [(the out)19(comes of their discussions led t)18(o a clear)19(er under)19(st)18(anding of)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc -0.008 tw [(what the)19(y)111(, as science teacher)18(s)38(, thought that the)18(y could r)19(easonably achie)19(v)18(e)56(.)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(this included an agr)19(eement that ther)18(e w)19(er)19(e import)18(ant scientific elements asso-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.013 tw [(ciated with global climate change that w)19(er)18(e alr)19(eady pr)19(esent within the sci-)]tj t* 0.09 tw [(ence curriculum. also, the t)19(opic lends itself t)18(o the teaching of a r)19(ange of)]tj t* 0 tw (fundament)tj 4.74072 0 td 0.006 tw (al abilities and under)tj 9.05454 0 td 0 tw (st)tj 0.72192 0 td 0.006 tw (andings about science)tj 9.52936 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.56187 0 td 0 tc [(such as the pr)19(o)19(vi)-1(-)]tj -24.60841 -1.20001 td 0 tw [(sional natur)19(e of scientific kno)18(wledge)56(, the de)19(v)19(elopment of an hist)18(orical per-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(spectiv)19(e)56(, the natur)18(e of e)19(vidence and ho)19(w this is link)18(ed t)19(o pr)19(ediction, analy)18(sis)37(,)]tj t* 0 tc -0.005 tw (and the f)tj 3.84175 0 td (ormulation of theories)tj 9.58004 0 td -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55036 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (furthermor)tj 4.96109 0 td -0.005 tw [(e)56(, ther)19(e w)18(as an appr)19(eciation of)]tj -18.93324 -1.20001 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(the contribution of science t)19(o pr)18(oblem solving as w)19(ell as the limit)18(ations of sci-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.008 tw [(ence)56(. a)56(dditionally)110(, ther)19(e ar)19(e possible appr)18(oaches t)19(o teaching a t)19(opic that is)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw (genuinely contr)tj 6.68509 0 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.5165 0 td (v)tj 0.47963 0 td -0.002 tc [(er)19(sial and ther)18(e is no clear consensus amongst e)19(xperts in)]tj -7.68122 -1.20001 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(the field. fr)19(om these out)18(comes the participants genuinely felt that the)19(y)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.008 tw (had mo)tj 3.17344 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.45934 0 td -0.022 tc (ed their thinking f)tj 7.3488 0 td 0 tw (orw)tj 1.58115 0 td (ar)tj 0.80735 0 td (d)tj 0.79793 0 td 0.008 tw (in r)tj 1.38225 0 td [(elation t)19(o teaching their o)18(wn subject dis-)]tj -15.55027 -1.20002 td 0 tc 0 tw (cipline as w)tj 5.07275 0 td (ell as making a contribution t)tj 12.62818 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81478 0 td 0 tc [(education f)19(or sust)18(ainability)111(.)]tj -16.71571 -1.20001 td 0.012 tc 0.124 tw [(another gr)19(oup w)18(as concerned about their o)19(wn appr)19(eciation of the)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0 tw (natur)tj 2.16603 0 td -0.0223 tc (e)tj 0.73898 0 td -0.022 tc 0.006 tw (of education f)tj 5.64455 0 td (or sust)tj 2.71949 0 td (ainability and ho)tj 6.87467 0 td -0.0223 tc (w)tj 0.99794 0 td -0.022 tc (this could be integr)tj 7.85014 0 td [(ated int)19(o the)]tj -26.9918 -1.20002 td -0.003 tc 0 tw (science curriculum of y)tj 9.97062 0 td [(oung childr)19(en. the aims that the)19(y de)18(vised w)19(er)19(e t)18(o:)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 37 204.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td 0 tc (de)tj 1.0371 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.013 tw (elop a clear)tj 4.91814 0 td (er under)tj 3.65243 0 td [(st)19(anding f)18(or themselv)19(es of sust)19(ainability and educa-)]tj -10.08887 -1.26317 td 0 tw (tion f)tj 2.25855 0 td [(or sust)19(ainability;)]tj -3.77434 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(use this under)19(st)18(anding t)19(o inf)19(orm their teaching within the science curriculum;)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (and)tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.51579 0.00001 td 0 tc -0.004 tw (consider w)tj 4.69831 0.00001 td (a)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70011 0 td 0 tc (of e)tj 1.60715 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.48121 0.00001 td (aluating the science curriculum in terms of its contribu-)tj -8.46798 -1.26319 td 0 tw [(tion t)19(o education f)18(or sust)19(ainability and w)19(a)18(y)19(s of assessing their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )37(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 120.3036 tm 0 0 0 1 k (f)tj 0.47374 0.00001 td -0.007 tc (ollo)tj 1.50799 0.00001 td 0.002 tc -0.01 tw (wing a participat)tj 7.22884 0.00001 td 0.001 tc (ory pr)tj 2.61037 0.00001 td 0.002 tc 0 tw (ocess)tj 2.32281 0.00001 td 0.0015 tc (,)tj 0.54907 0 td 0.002 tc -0.01 tw (coupled with r)tj 6.18787 0.00001 td (eflection, the)tj 5.62447 0.00001 td 0.0015 tc (y)tj 0.79006 0 td 0.002 tc 0 tw (arriv)tj 1.98799 0.00001 td -0.01 tw (ed at a)tj -29.2832 -1.2 td 0.004 tc -0.013 tw [(mor)19(e de)18(v)19(eloped under)19(st)18(anding of sust)19(ainability and education f)18(or sust)19(ain-)]tj t* -0.002 tc 0 tw (ability)tj 2.525 0 td -0.0019 tc (.)tj 0.5456 0 td -0.002 tc -0.007 tw (this in turn inf)tj 6.33918 0.00001 td (ormed their ideas about teaching y)tj 14.99896 0.00001 td (oung childr)tj 4.8251 0.00001 td (en and)tj -29.2339 -1.2 td -0.022 tc 0.014 tw (enabled them t)tj 6.2569 0 td -0.0222 tc (o)tj 0.7843 0 td -0.022 tc 0 tw (arriv)tj 1.86938 0.00001 td -0.0221 tc (e)tj 0.74742 0 td -0.022 tc 0.014 tw (at a f)tj 2.06184 0.00001 td (airly sophisticated method of making judgements)tj -11.7199 -1.2 td -0.016 tc 0.008 tw [(about ho)19(w the science curriculum could help them t)18(o contribute t)19(o deliv)19(ering)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (138)tj et q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /length 5565 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.012 tw [(e)-5(d)-5(u)-5(cation f)19(or sust)18(ainability)111(. associated with this w)19(as a car)18(efully de)19(v)19(eloped)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(w)19(a)19(y of assessing their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as the)18(y pr)19(ogr)18(essed thr)19(ough the differ)19(ent st)18(ages)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw (of their primary education.)tj 1.8 -1.20001 td 0.056 tw [(y)80(et another gr)19(oup dela)18(y)19(ed setting their aims until after the)19(y had con-)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0.07 tw [(sider)19(ed the particular implications of education f)18(or sust)19(ainability f)19(or their)]tj t* 0.085 tw [(teaching. after e)19(xtensiv)18(e discussion of the v)19(arious f)19(act)18(or)19(s that affect sus-)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(t)19(ainability)111(, the)18(y set about const)1(r)-1(u)1(cting a set of aims that could be dir)18(ectly r)19(elat-)]tj 0 -1.19999 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ed t)19(o their teaching appr)18(oaches)37(. these w)19(er)18(e t)19(o: )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 73 479.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.074 tw [-1016(intr)19(oduce their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 t)19(o the sort of v)18(ocabulary that is in gener)19(al use t)19(o)]tj 1.51579 -1.26316 td 0 tw [(describe concepts associated with sust)19(ainability;)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td 0.005 tc 0.134 tw [-1011(giv)19(e their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 an under)19(st)18(anding of the w)19(a)19(y in which concepts and)]tj 1.51579 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(ideas)37(, pr)18(oblems)37(, and issues r)19(elated t)18(o sust)19(ainability ar)19(e inter)18(co)1(nn)-1(e)1(cted;)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [-1017(enable 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 t)19(o ha)19(v)18(e an appr)19(eciation of the comple)19(xity of the issues and)]tj 1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(h)1(o)20(w)1( )1(t)1(h)1(e)19(y)1( )1(d)1(r)20(a)19(w)1( )1(f)1(r)20(om a v)18(ariety of aspects of human activity\321scientific)19(, tech-)]tj t* -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(nological, ethical, economic)19(, cultur)18(al, spiritual, and so on; and t)19(o r)19(aise a)18(w)20(ar)18(e)1(-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.135 tw [(ness that not one of these ar)19(eas can mak)19(e the t)18(ot)19(al contribution t)19(o the)]tj 0 -1.26315 td 0 tc 0 tw [(under)19(st)18(anding and possible solution of the pr)19(oblems;)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [-1039(under)19(st)18(and that issues affecting sust)19(ainability r)19(elate not only t)19(o the natur)18(al and)]tj 1.51579 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(built envir)19(onment but also t)18(o the communities and societies inv)19(olv)19(ed;)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td 0.006 tw [-1016(enable their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 t)19(o appr)19(eciate the per)18(spectiv)19(es of other)19(s who ma)18(y not)]tj 1.51579 -1.26316 td 0 tw (shar)tj 1.83276 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77779 0 td 0 tc (their vie)tj 3.51737 0 td (w)tj 0.73999 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70374 0 td 0 tc (on appr)tj 3.35143 0 td [(opriate action t)19(o achie)18(v)19(e sust)19(ainability; and)]tj -12.43888 -1.26317 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [-1019(encour)19(age their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 t)18(o r)19(elate issues that occur on a global scale t)19(o their)]tj 1.51579 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(local conte)19(xt.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 287.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.065 tw [(this led natur)19(ally int)18(o de)19(v)19(eloping some imaginativ)19(e teaching appr)18(oaches)37(,)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(which w)19(er)18(e trialed with their o)19(wn 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as a piece of action r)19(esear)18(ch. these)]tj t* 0 tc 0.01 tw (included life c)tj 6.01974 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td [(cle analy)19(sis of an e)18(v)19(ery)19(da)19(y object f)18(amiliar t)19(o their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )37(,)]tj -6.51974 -1.20001 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(in this case a pair of tr)19(ainer)18(s)38(. this w)18(as also link)19(ed t)19(o an envir)18(onment)19(al impact)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(assessment. the e)19(v)18(aluation that f)19(ollo)19(w)18(ed r)19(esulted in an inter)19(esting analy)18(sis)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (and e)tj 2.38892 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(aluation of what had been achie)19(v)19(ed.)]tj -1.07012 -1.20001 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(on r)19(eflection, the participants felt that the activity that the)18(y had de)19(vised)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw (had helped their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with: )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 73 179.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [-1016(learning and under)19(st)18(anding ne)19(w v)19(ocabulary associated with sust)18(ainability;)]tj 0 -1.26316 td tj 1.51579 0 td 0.035 tw [(pr)19(acticing higher-or)18(der learning, of the type that inv)19(olv)19(es analy)18(sis of inf)19(or-)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(mation, synthesising it int)19(o a coher)18(ent f)19(orm of under)19(s)1(t)19(anding and arriving at)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(their o)19(wn conclusions;)]tj -1.51579 -1.26316 td 0.001 tc 0.137 tw [-1015(de)19(v)18(eloping skills)37(, such as finding out f)19(or themselv)18(es)37(, r)19(epr)18(esenting ideas)37(,)]tj 1.5158 -1.2632 td 0 tc 0 tw [(posing questions)37(, and communicating their ideas;)]tj -1.5158 -1.2632 td [-1016(critical thinking and e)19(v)19(aluating inf)18(ormation; and)]tj t* [-1016(e)19(x)19(er)19(cising socially critical attitudes)36(.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 157.9131 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and relflective practice applied to research)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (139)tj et q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /length 5376 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.103 tw [(in all of the thr)19(ee e)18(x)19(amples giv)19(en abo)19(v)19(e the activity enabled a r)18(eflectiv)19(e)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0.007 tc 0.132 tw [(pr)19(ocess t)18(o t)19(ak)18(e place which, thr)19(ough participat)19(ory e)19(v)18(aluation, the aims)]tj 0 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0 tw [(could be r)19(elated t)18(o the out)19(comes)37(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 168.0186 530.3616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (in conclusion)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 37 507.5616 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.044 tw [(as an appr)19(oach t)18(o r)19(esear)19(ch, the methodology described in this article has)]tj 0 -1.20001 td -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(some obvious limit)19(ations)36(. within each gr)19(oup of participants ther)19(e ar)19(e usually)]tj t* -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(pr)19(oblems of inclusion, which affects the quality and quantity of individual con)-1(-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(tributions)37(. this is often aggr)18(a)19(v)19(ated b)19(y differ)18(ences in st)19(atus amongst partic-)]tj t* 0.004 tc 0.134 tw [(ipants)37(. consequently full consensus is r)19(ar)18(e)-1(l)-1(y)-1( )-1(a)-1(c)-1(h)-1(i)-1(e)18(v)18(a)-1(b)-1(l)-1(e)55(. k)37(e)-1(e)-1(p)-1(i)-1(n)-1(g)-1( )-1(t)17(o the)]tj t* -0.015 tc 0.001 tw [(rules sometimes can be an obst)19(acle t)18(o cr)19(eativ)19(e w)18(ork, and car)19(e must be t)18(ak)19(en)]tj t* [(not t)19(o undermine the chairper)18(son or t)19(o miss opportunities f)19(or digr)18(ession that)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(ma)19(y be pr)18(oductiv)19(e)56(. finally)110(, and import)19(antly)111(, the pr)19(ocess is open t)18(o all of the)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(w)19(a)19(y)19(s that people wittingly or un)19(wittingly deceiv)19(e each other thr)18(ough their nat-)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (ur)tj 0.88794 0 td (al defensiv)tj 4.62939 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc [(mechanisms)37(.)]tj -4.49511 -1.20001 td -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(p)56(articipat)18(ory methods ar)19(e a h)19(ybrid of r)18(esear)19(ch and tr)19(aining methods)36(, but)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td -0.02 tc 0.006 tw [(the case f)19(or them being accepted as authentic r)18(esear)19(c)1(h)1( )1(r)20(ests with the f)19(act that)]tj t* -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(it allo)19(w)18(s pr)19(actitioner)19(s participating in the pr)18(ocess t)19(o r)19(eflect upon and e)18(v)19(alu-)]tj t* 0 tc 0.058 tw [(ate the out)19(comes)36(. although the r)19(esear)19(cher ma)19(y diligently try t)18(o apply the)]tj t* 0.002 tc 0 tw (methodology)tj 5.59572 0 td 0.0018 tc (,)tj 0.69659 0 td 0.002 tc 0.137 tw [(perfection often seems t)19(o elude him or her)111(. ho)18(w)19(e)19(v)19(er)111(, the)]tj -6.29231 -1.20001 td 0 tc 0.035 tw [(benefits of participat)19(ory methods that enable the teacher t)18(o become a co-)]tj 0 -1.2 td -0.004 tw [(r)19(esear)19(cher ar)18(e consider)19(able and the appr)19(oaches w)18(orth)19(y of further de)19(v)18(elop-)]tj t* 0 tw (ment and application in man)tj 12.55493 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79674 0 td 0 tc [(differ)19(ent conte)18(xts)37(.)]tj -11.55167 -1.2 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(ther)19(e is another final and import)18(a)-1(n)-1(t)-1( )-1(p)-1(o)-1(i)-1(n)-1(t)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)-1( )-1(c)-1(a)-1(n)-1( )-1(b)-1(e)-1( )-1(m)-1(a)-1(d)-1(e)55(. ther)19(e ar)19(e)]tj -1.8 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.084 tw [(man)19(y differ)18(ent vie)19(w)19(s about the natur)19(e and purpose of education f)19(or sus)-1(-)]tj t* -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(t)18(ainability and man)19(y of the issues that thr)19(eaten sust)19(ainability ar)18(e contr)19(o)19(v)18(er)18(si)1(al)]tj t* -0.023 tc 0.009 tw [(\(see)56(, f)18(or e)19(x)19(ample)56(, jickling & spork, 1998\). as p)56(a)19(yne (1999) e)19(xplains)36(, the impli-)]tj t* -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(cations of post-modern thinking f)19(or the sort of debate that surr)19(ounds the con)-1(-)]tj t* 0.022 tc 0.254 tw [(tr)19(o)18(v)19(er)19(sies of sust)18(ainability ar)19(e import)18(ant f)19(or f)19(ormal education. the)]tj t* 0 tc 0.058 tw [(methodology described her)19(e pr)18(o)19(vides a r)19(ealistic alternativ)19(e t)18(o univ)19(er)19(salist)]tj t* 0.003 tw [(w)19(orld-vie)19(w)19(s and helps t)18(o r)19(elate t)19(o plur)18(alist ideas wher)19(e kno)19(wledge and the)]tj t* -0.012 tw [(solution of pr)19(oblems is consider)18(ed t)19(o be influenced b)19(y cultur)18(e and conte)19(xt,)]tj t* 0.074 tw [(ar)19(guing against the notion that e)18(v)19(ery genuine question has only one true)]tj t* 0 tw (answ)tj 2.23975 0 td -0.013 tw [(er \(see)56(, f)18(or e)19(x)19(ample)56(, berlin, 1969\). p)56(articipation is an essential part of)]tj -2.23975 -1.2 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw (the empo)tj 4.02892 0 td [(w)19(erment of an)19(y gr)18(oup, including teacher)19(s)37(. it r)19(ecogniz)18(es and allo)19(w)19(s)]tj -4.02892 -1.2 td 0 tc 0.007 tw [(ther)19(e t)18(o be a v)19(ariety of w)19(a)19(y)19(s in which appr)18(oaches t)19(o education f)19(or sust)18(ain-)]tj t* 0 tw (ability can be de)tj 7.11157 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (eloped amongst pr)tj 8.09278 0 td (actitioner)tj 4.07226 0.00001 td -0.037 tc (s.)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (140)tj et q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /length 9138 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 72 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 220.2285 587.4685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (notes)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 7 0 0 7 73 566.9785 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 87.4 564.6685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tc -0.006 tw (copies of the whole or sections of fien (1998), sauv\216 (1996), tilbury (1995),)tj 0 -1.26316 td 0.018 tc 0.121 tw [(and p)56(anel f)19(or sust)18(ainable de)19(v)18(elopment (1998) w)19(er)19(e used t)18(o stimulate)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(thought and discussion about the natur)19(e of education f)18(or sust)19(ainability)111(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 185.5769 507.0685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (notes on contributor)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f12 1 tf 10 0 0 10 73 484.2685 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.121 tw [(chris ga)19(yf)18(or)19(d)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 10 0 0 10 135.503 484.2685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.66967 0 td (a)tj 0.89167 0 td 0 tc 0.114 tw [(r)19(eader in science and envir)18(onment)19(al education at the)]tj -7.81164 -1.2 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(institute univ)19(er)18(sity of r)19(eading, w)19(orks with pr)18(e-service 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 pr)19(eparing t)19(o)]tj t* 0 tc 0.033 tw [(teach pupils in all phases of the education sy)19(stem as w)18(ell as pr)19(o)19(vides pr)19(o-)]tj t* -0.022 tc 0.008 tw [(fessional de)19(v)18(elopment f)19(or post-e)19(xperience teacher)19(s)37(. prior t)18(o this)37(, he w)19(as head)]tj t* 0 tc 0.036 tw [(of science in an all-ability school f)19(or pupils aged 1)160(1-18 y)19(ear)19(s)37(. his r)18(es)1(ea)-1(r)19(ch)]tj t* 0.01 tc 0.128 tw [(inter)19(ests curr)18(ently f)19(ocus on education f)19(or sust)18(ainability)111(, with particular)]tj t* -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(emphasis on using participat)19(ory methods t)18(o de)19(v)19(elop r)19(eflectiv)18(e thinking and)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(team)19(w)19(ork amongst pr)18(actitioner)19(s)37(.)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 207.7622 366.6684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (references)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 73 343.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (berlin, i. (1969). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 135.1749 343.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(f)37(our essay)19(s on liberty)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 212.256 343.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55566 0 td 0 tc [(l)19(ondon: oxf)18(or)19(d.)]tj -16.93872 -1.41176 td -0.002 tw [(chamber)19(s)37(, r. (1992). r)18(ur)19(al appr)19(aisal: r)18(apid, r)19(elax)19(ed and participat)18(ory)111(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 334.2821 331.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 tw (ids bulletin)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 376.1219 331.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 380.8269 331.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.056 tc [(31)55(1)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 392.6389 331.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj -35.48693 -1.41176 td (1-90.)tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td -0.016 tc 0.002 tw [(f)56(als-bor)19(da, o)92(. (1988). kno)19(wledge and peoples\325 po)19(w)19(er: l)19(essons with peasants in nicar)18(agua,)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw [(me)19(xico and colombia. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 175.6763 295.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(journal of r)19(ur)18(al cupertino)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 268.3503 295.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 273.0735 295.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.056 tc (10)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 281.4178 295.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.5557 0 td 0 tc (25-40. )tj -25.07544 -1.41176 td (f)tj 0.47885 0 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [(als-bor)19(da, o)92(. & r)19(ahman, m.a. \(199)56(1\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 216.2234 283.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (a)tj 0.572 0 td -0.002 tc -0.011 tw [(ction and kno)19(wledge: br)18(eaking the monopoly with)]tj -15.30416 -1.41176 td -0.093 tc 0 tw [(pa)-93(r)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 105.7982 271.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55566 0 td 0 tc [(l)19(ondon: ape)18(x pr)19(ess & intermediate t)88(echnology pr)18(ess)37(.)]tj -4.41427 -1.41176 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw (fien, j. (1998). envir)tj 8.373 0 td 0 tw (onment)tj 3.21479 0 td 0.012 tw (al education f)tj 5.49507 0.00001 td [(or a ne)19(w century)110(. in d. hicks & r. slaughter \(eds)37(.\),)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 91 247.8685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (w)tj 0.86914 0 td (orld y)tj 2.36865 0 td (earbook of education: futur)tj 11.43896 0 td (es education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 261.8488 247.8685 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((pp. 245-258). l)tj 6.90942 0.00001 td (ondon: k)tj 3.94433 0 td (ogan p)tj 2.90674 0 td (age)tj 1.44409 0 td (.)tj -37.4221 -1.41178 td 0.01 tc (ga)tj 1.13054 0 td 0.009 tc (yf)tj 0.8344 0 td (or)tj 0.9074 0 td 0.01 tc 0.129 tw (d, c.g. (2000). biodiv)tj 9.84282 0 td 0 tw (er)tj 0.87054 0 td 0.129 tw (sity education: a teacher)tj 11.31536 0 td [(s\325 per)19(spectiv)18(e)56(.)1( )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 342.4739 235.8685 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.009 tc (envir)tj 2.24901 0 td (onment)tj 3.16411 0 td (al)tj -34.99829 -1.41177 td 0 tc (education r)tj 4.99878 0 td (esear)tj 2.18238 0 td (ch)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 160.0687 223.8685 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 164.7919 223.8685 tm 0 0 0 1 k (6)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 169.2017 223.8685 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((4), 347-36)tj 4.70482 0 td (1.)tj -16.02267 -1.41177 td -0.002 tc (ga)tj 1.10732 0.00001 td (yf)tj 0.81118 0 td (or)tj 0.88418 0 td -0.012 tw (d, c.g. \(200)tj 5.04688 0 td (1\). education f)tj 6.24339 0 td (or sust)tj 2.84395 0.00001 td (ainability: an appr)tj 7.9214 0 td (oach t)tj 2.60633 0 td (o)tj 0.79898 0 td (the pr)tj 2.5323 0 td [(ofessional de)19(v)18(el-)]tj -28.67826 -1.4118 td 0 tc 0 tw (opment of teacher)tj 7.96289 0 td (s)tj 0.38892 0 td -0.0003 tc (.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 166.7135 199.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (eur)tj 1.44482 0 td (opean journal of t)tj 7.55566 0 td (eacher education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 303.6328 199.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 308.356 199.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (24)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 317.1755 199.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3), 3)tj 2.20338 0 td (13-327.)tj -30.92991 -1.41177 td -0.012 tc (ga)tj 1.08711 0 td -0.002 tw [(yf)19(or)18(d, c.g. (2002a). envir)19(onment)18(al liter)19(ac)19(y: t)18(o)19(w)19(ar)19(ds a shar)19(ed under)18(st)19(anding f)19(or science)]tj 1.03054 -1.41177 td 0 tc 0 tw [(teacher)19(s)37(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 126.0998 175.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(r)19(esear)19(ch in science & t)87(echnology education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 282.6796 175.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 287.4027 175.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (20)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 296.2223 175.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k [((1), 99-1)161(1)56(0. )]tj -26.26145 -1.41176 td -0.011 tc (ga)tj 1.08955 0 td (yf)tj 0.79341 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.86641 0.00001 td -0.003 tw (d, c.g. (2002b). education f)tj 11.68708 0 td [(or sust)19(ainability: a model f)18(or collabor)19(ation betw)19(een sci-)]tj -12.31881 -1.41179 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [(ence teacher)19(s and non-science teacher)18(s and their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 using participat)19(ory meth-)]tj 0 -1.41176 td 0.007 tc 0.132 tw [(ods and action r)19(esear)18(ch. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 189.035 139.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.006 tc 0.123 tw [(pr)19(oceedings of the 1)56(0th symposium of the international)]tj -11.53353 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0.077 tw [(or)19(ganisation f)18(or science and t)88(echnology education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 277.822 127.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.083 tw [(\(ioste\) \(pp.94-1)56(00\). s\213o p)56(aulo,)]tj -21.9791 -1.4118 td 0 tw (br)tj 0.9438 0 td (azil: ioste. )tj -3.0615 -1.4118 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(ga)19(yf)18(or)19(d, c.g. (2002c). contr)18(o)19(v)19(er)18(sial envir)19(onment)19(al issues: a case study f)18(or the pr)19(ofessional)]tj 2.1176 -1.4118 td 0 tc 0.031 tw [(de)19(v)19(elopment of science teacher)18(s)37(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 216.3934 91.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 tw (international journal of science education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 365.7209 91.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 370.706 91.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k (24)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 379.5256 91.8684 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(\(1)161(1\),)]tj -33.9442 -1.4118 td (1)tj 0.395 0 td -0.0002 tc (19)tj 1.0559 0 td 0 tc (1-1200.)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 157.9131 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (participatory methods and relflective practice applied to research)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 401.153 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (141)tj et q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /length 11358 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 36 63 324 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [(grieser)111(, m. (2000). p)56(articipation. in b)36(.a. da)19(y & m. monr)19(oe \(eds)37(.\), )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 272.4283 588.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.007 tc -0.006 tw [(envir)19(onment)18(al education)]tj -25.5798 -1.41176 td -0.018 tc 0.004 tw [(and communication f)19(or a sust)18(ainable w)19(o)-1(r)-1(l)-1(d)-1(:)-1( )-1(h)-1(a)-1(n)-1(d)-1(b)-1(o)-1(o)-1(k)-1( )-1(f)18(or international pr)18(actitioner)19(s)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 345.1469 576.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.019 tc (\(pp.)tj -34.13493 -1.41176 td -0.0001 tc (1)tj 0.55586 -0.00001 td 0 tc [(7-22\). w)93(ashingt)18(on: a)56(cadem)19(y f)18(or educational de)19(v)19(elopment.)]tj -2.67351 -1.41176 td [(ha)19(yw)18(ar)19(d, c.r. (1998). \324de-f)18(acing po)19(w)19(er\325)148(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 188.7279 552.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(p)37(olity)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 208.8697 552.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 213.5929 552.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.056 tc (31)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 221.9373 552.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((1), 1-22.)tj -21.75733 -1.41176 td [(her)19(on, j. (1992). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 100.2748 540.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(f)37(eeling and per)19(sonhood: psy)18(chology in another k)19(e)19(y)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 279.7584 540.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55566 0 td 0 tc [(l)19(ondon: sage)55(.)]tj -29.11547 -1.41176 td [(her)19(on, j. (1996). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 100.2748 528.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(co-oper)19(ativ)18(e inquiry: r)19(esear)19(ch int)18(o the human condition)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 298.5161 528.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55566 0 td 0 tc [(l)19(ondon: sage)55(.)]tj -31.32227 -1.41176 td -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(her)19(on, j. & r)18(eason, p)148(. \(200)56(1\) the pr)19(actice of co-oper)18(ativ)19(e inquiry: r)19(esear)18(ch \322with\323 r)19(ather)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0.06 tw [(than \322on\323 people)56(. in p)148(. r)18(eason & h. br)19(adbury \(eds)37(.\), )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 254.8412 504.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.056 tw [(handbook of action r)19(esear)18(ch:)]tj -23.51073 -1.41176 td 0 tw [(p)37(articipativ)19(e inquiry and pr)18(actice)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 174.4026 492.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [((pp. 179-188). l)19(ondon: sage)55(. )]tj -16.16501 -1.41176 td -0.014 tw [(jickling, b)37(. & spork, h. (1998). education f)18(or the envir)19(onment: a critique)56(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 307.3975 480.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(envir)19(onment)18(al)]tj -29.69382 -1.41176 td [(education r)19(esear)18(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 124.0687 468.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 128.7919 468.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 133.2017 468.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3), 309-328. )tj -11.31785 -1.41176 td 0.035 tw [(p)56(anel f)19(or sust)18(ainable de)19(v)19(elopment. (1998). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 199.8253 456.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.033 tw [(education f)19(or sust)18(ainable de)19(v)19(elopment in the)]tj -17.03827 -1.41176 td 0 tw [(schools sect)19(or)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 104.2506 444.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.55554 0 td 0 tc [(r)19(eading: council f)18(or envir)19(onment)19(al education.)]tj -8.46738 -1.41176 td -0.019 tc 0.005 tw [(p)55(ark, p)148(. (1997). p)56(articipat)19(ory r)18(esear)19(ch, democr)19(ac)18(y and community)111(. )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 274.5285 432.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.017 tc 0.004 tw [(pr)19(acticing anthr)18(opology)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 356.6371 432.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 55 420.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (19)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 63.8196 420.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((3), 8-13.)tj -3.15525 -1.41176 td -0.009 tw [(p)56(a)19(yne)56(, p)147(. (1999). p)56(ostmodern challenges and modern horiz)19(ons: education \322f)18(or being f)19(or)]tj 2.11765 -1.41177 td 0 tw [(the envir)19(onment.\323 )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 124.876 396.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(envir)19(onment)18(al education r)19(esear)19(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 247.7462 396.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 252.4694 396.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 256.8791 396.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((1), 5-34.)tj -25.86813 -1.41176 td 0.011 tc 0.128 tw [(r)19(eason, p)148(. (1988). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 110.4686 384.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 tc 0.119 tw [(human inquiry in action: de)19(v)19(elopments in ne)18(w par)19(adigm r)18(esear)19(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 356.6393 384.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (.)tj -35.48698 -1.41176 td (l)tj 0.4812 0 td [(ondon: sage publications)37(.)]tj -2.59885 -1.41176 td 0.007 tc 0.132 tw [(r)19(eason, p)148(. (1994). thr)18(ee appr)19(oaches t)19(o participativ)19(e enquiry)110(. in n.k. denzin & y)130(.s.)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (lincoln \(eds)tj 5.23999 0 td (.\), )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 109.1398 348.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (handbook of qualit)tj 7.84741 0 td (ativ)tj 1.53564 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.70255 0 td (r)tj 0.37021 0 td 0 tc [(esear)19(ch)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 226.9548 348.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((pp. 324-339). l)tj 6.90943 0 td (ondon: sage)tj 5.29614 0 td -0.0003 tc (.)tj -34.55319 -1.41177 td -0.026 tc 0.012 tw [(r)19(eason, p)148(. & br)18(adbury)111(, h. \(200)56(1\) intr)19(oduction: inquiry and participation, in sear)18(ch of a w)19(orld)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.73999 0 td 0 tw (orth)tj 1.75879 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.80349 0 td 0 tc 0.007 tw (of human aspir)tj 6.56806 0.00001 td (ation. in p)tj 4.32746 0 td -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.56228 0 td (r)tj 0.6112 0 td 0 tc (eason & h. br)tj 6.03781 0 td [(adbury \(eds)37(.\), )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 290.2958 324.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.006 tw (handbook of action)tj -27.68186 -1.41176 td (r)tj 0.37012 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.18238 0 td [(ch: p)37(articipat)18(ory inquiry and pr)19(actice)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 210.1022 312.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k ((pp. 1-14). l)tj 5.24169 0 td (ondon: sage)tj 5.29614 0 td (.)tj -30.9028 -1.41177 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(sauv\216, l. (1996). envir)19(onment)18(al education and sust)19(ainable de)19(v)19(elopment: further appr)18(ais-)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc 0 tw (al. )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 66.0214 288.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (canadian journal of envir)tj 10.69678 0 td (onment)tj 3.10961 0 td (al education)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 227.1105 288.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0003 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 231.8336 288.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 236.2434 288.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (,)tj 0.55568 0 td 0 tc (7-34.)tj -23.99608 -1.41176 td 0.001 tw (sch\232n, d.a. (1987). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 111.3238 276.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (educating the r)tj 6.27612 0 td [(eflectiv)19(e pr)18(actitioner: t)88(o)19(w)19(ar)18(d a ne)19(w design f)18(or teaching)]tj -12.90245 -1.41177 td (and learning in the pr)tj 8.97486 0 td (ofessions)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 164.0183 264.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55572 0 td 0 tc (san fr)tj 2.7585 0 td (ancisco: josse)tj 5.94238 0.00001 td (y-bass)tj 2.70411 0 td (.)tj -26.90402 -1.41178 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw (sch\232n, d.a. (1995). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 109.6278 252.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.009 tc -0.004 tw (the r)tj 2.10019 0 td 0 tw (eflectiv)tj 2.85544 0 td -0.0088 tc (e)tj 0.68106 0 td -0.009 tc (pr)tj 0.87181 0 td -0.004 tw (actitioner: ho)tj 5.52101 0 td -0.0088 tc (w)tj 0.95911 0 td -0.009 tc 0 tw (pr)tj 0.87184 0.00001 td -0.004 tw (ofessionals think in action)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 317.8672 252.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0093 tc (.)tj 0.53267 0 td -0.009 tc (alder)tj 2.23177 0 td (shot,)tj -33.68999 -1.41177 td 0 tc (hampshir)tj 4.24024 0 td (e: ashgate publishing.)tj -6.35788 -1.41177 td (stenhouse)tj 4.40722 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.66813 0 td 0 tc 0.112 tw (l. (1975). )tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 119.678 228.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.105 tw (an intr)tj 3.02998 0 td (oduction t)tj 4.23383 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.86334 0 td 0 tc (curriculum r)tj 5.25203 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.18238 0 td 0.105 tw (ch and de)tj 4.13222 0 td (v)tj 0.4441 0 td 0 tw (elopment)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 323.2604 228.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 tc (.)tj 0.66805 0 td (l)tj 0.4812 0 td 0 tc (ondon:)tj -32.70929 -1.41177 td (heinemann. )tj -2.11765 -1.41176 td -0.019 tc -0.001 tw [(t)-6(i)-6(lbury)110(, d. (1995). envir)19(onment)19(al education f)19(or sust)18(ainability: defining a ne)19(w f)19(ocus of envi-)]tj 2.11765 -1.41176 td 0 tc (r)tj 0.34552 0 td -0.006 tc 0 tw (onment)tj 3.33654 0 td -0.006 tw (al education in the 1990s)tj 10.74671 0 td -0.0059 tc (.)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 182.2242 192.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 tc (envir)tj 2.1777 0 td (onment)tj 3.07851 0 td -0.005 tw (al education r)tj 5.93181 0 td 0 tw (esear)tj 2.15645 0 td -0.006 tc (ch)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 303.5929 192.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0059 tc (,)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 308.1725 192.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 312.5383 192.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 tc -0.006 tw ((2), 195-2)tj 4.08759 0 td 0 tw (12.)tj -36.50386 -1.41177 td 0 tc -0.009 tw (united nations educational, scientific)tj 16.21094 0 td -0.0001 tc (,)tj 0.54665 0 td 0 tc (and cultur)tj 4.49005 0 td (al or)tj 2.10172 0 td [(ganiz)19(ation\321asia-p)56(acific centr)18(e of)]tj -21.23172 -1.41178 td -0.011 tc -0.003 tw [(educational inno)19(v)18(ation f)19(or de)18(v)19(elopment \(unesco-a)56(ceid\). \(1994\). )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 296.7189 168.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.01 tc -0.003 tw [(final r)19(eport of the)]tj -28.43752 -1.41176 td 0.001 tc 0.128 tw (planning gr)tj 5.07916 0 td [(oup meeting f)19(or the unesco-a)55(ceid pr)19(oject, l)19(earning f)18(or a sust)19(ainable)]tj -5.07916 -1.41177 td 0 tc 0 tw (envir)tj 2.20361 0.00001 td [(onment: inno)19(v)19(ations in t)87(eacher education)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f3 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 221.6569 144.9874 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (.)tj 0.55576 0 td 0 tc (brisbane: griffith univ)tj 9.60952 0.00001 td [(er)19(sity)110(.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (chris gayford)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (142)tj et q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /nums[0<>] >> endobj 19 0 obj << /type/encoding /differences[32/space 44/comma 48/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon 63/question 65/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k 77/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u 87/w 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 107/k/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u/v 121/y 210/quotedblleft/quotedblright] /baseencoding/macromanencoding >> endobj 20 0 obj << /subtype/type1c /length 6213 /length1 6213 >> stream gnrlsq+eurostileregular7 ? 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