taking stock of canadian environmental and sustainability education in teacher education research: chronicling our past and charting our future
research activities of the canadian environmental and sustainability education in teacher education standing committee are the focus of this paper. a history of the standing committee's research activities, a comparison of canadian with international approaches to ese-te research, the identification and prioritizing of a future canadian ese-te research agenda, and a model for developing a research agenda amongst canadian ese-te stakeholders comprise the work. a future research agenda may consist of re-defining ese; conducting a literature review of canadian and international ese-te research; and reviewing canadian and international ese-te research topics, including: connections between the social and the ecological; teacher ‘identity' and ‘agency'; urban, digital, interdisciplinary, community-based, and marginalized ese; teaching/student learning and belief systems; and limitations and challenges in applying research to practice. key words: canadian, environmental and sustainability education, teacher education, research, standing committee on ese-te.downloads
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