%pdf-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /opm 1 /type/extgstate >> endobj 2 0 obj << /op true /type/extgstate >> endobj 3 0 obj << /op false /type/extgstate >> endobj 4 0 obj << /length 4532 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 13.5 0 0 13.5 71.384 585.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 71.384 564.8022 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole, university of victoria, canada)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 85.784 532.1621 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(a)19(bstr)19(act)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 85.784 520.1621 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(this article ar)19(ose fr)18(om m)19(y e)18(xperience r)19(e)19(vie)18(wing films books theatr)19(e dance art)]tj 0 -1.33333 td -0.0002 tc (i)tj 0.55465 0 td 0 tc [(hadn\325t r)19(ealiz)18(ed i w)19(as r)18(e)19(vie)19(wing a confer)19(ence until i\325d written it up)]tj -0.55465 -1.33333 td -0.011 tc [(t)18(ogether with f)37(our other confer)19(ences all o)18(f which blended int)19(o m)19(y phd dissert)18(ation)]tj 0 -2.00001 td 0 tc [(it w)19(as a delight t)18(o attend an aboriginal confer)19(ence )]tj 0 -1.33334 td [(wher)19(e all pr)18(esenter)19(s w)18(er)19(e aboriginal r)18(ather than white indian e)19(xperts)]tj 0 -1.33333 td [(the lingering feeling w)19(as o)18(f delight camar)19(aderie mutual nurtur)19(ance community)]tj 0 -2 td [(an)19(y mishearings or other mis-t)18(ak)19(es in this article r)19(elating t)18(o the confer)19(ence)]tj 0 -1.33333 td -0.0002 tc (i)tj 0.55464 0 td 0 tc [(unr)19(eserv)18(edly blame on co)19(y)19(ote r)18(av)19(en and sasquat)19(ch)]tj -0.55464 -1.33334 td [(who k)19(ept putting their paw)18(s wings beaks hands and such)]tj 0 -1.33333 td [(in the w)19(ay o)18(f m)19(y ear)18(s e)19(y)19(es and nose as much as the)18(y could )]tj t* [(an)19(y pr)18(aise f)37(or this w)18(ork i disclaim per)19(sonally deferring it r)19(ather)]tj t* [(t)19(o narr)19(ativ)18(e chance chance oper)19(ations and trickster discour)19(se)]tj 0 -2 td (k)tj 0.5 0 td (ukw)tj 1.8147 0 td (stumlhk)tj 3.46191 0 td (acw)tj -5.77661 -1.33335 td [(tse)19(x)18(o)19(x)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f1 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 85.784 322.1621 tm 0 0 0 1 k (r\216sum\216)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 85.784 310.1621 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(mon e)19(xp\216rience comme critique de films de livr)18(es de th\216\211tr)19(e de danse et d\325art)]tj 0 -1.33333 td (visuel m\325a inspir\216 cet article)tj t* (je n\325av)tj 2.77637 0 td [(ais pas pris conscience que j\325\216t)19(ais en tr)18(ain de r\216viser un e)19(xpos\216 jusqu\325\210 ce)]tj -2.77637 -1.33334 td [(que je l\325\216criv)19(e)]tj 0 -1.33333 td [(en m\220me temps que l\325\216critur)19(e de quatr)18(e autr)19(es conf\216r)18(ences le t)19(out se mariait)]tj 0 -1.33334 td (bien av)tj 3.03638 0 td [(ec le sujet de ma th\217se de doct)19(or)18(at)]tj -3.03638 -2.00001 td [(ce fut un plaisir d\325assister \210 une conf\216r)19(ence aut)18(ocht)19(one )]tj 0 -1.33333 td -0.0002 tc <88>tj 0.75868 0 td 0 tc [(laquelle chacun des conf\216r)19(encier)18(s fur)19(ent aut)18(ocht)19(ones plut\211t que des e)19(xperts)]tj -0.75868 -1.33333 td [(blancs en mati\217r)19(e d\325indiens)]tj 0 -1.33334 td [(ce fut un sentiment de plaisir d\325amiti\216 de part)19(age de communaut\216)]tj 0 -2 td [(quels que soient les passages confus ou les err)19(eur)18(s dans cet article concernant la)]tj 0 -1.33333 td (conf\216r)tj 2.68408 0 td (ence)tj -2.68408 -1.33333 td (j\325accuse incontest)tj 7.46118 0.00001 td [(ablement le co)19(y)19(ote le corbeau et le \307 sasquat)18(ch \310)]tj -7.46118 -1.33334 td [(qui n\325ont pas cess\216 de bloquer mes y)19(eux mes or)18(eilles mon nez)]tj 0 -1.33333 td [(av)19(ec leur)18(s pattes leur ailes leur)19(s becs et autr)19(es aut)18(ant qu\325ils le pouv)19(aient)]tj t* (je r)tj 1.3874 0 td (enonce per)tj 4.57251 0.00001 td (sonnellement \210 t)tj 6.99659 0.00001 td (ous compliments pour ce tr)tj 11.62622 0.00001 td [(av)19(ail je les o)18(ffr)19(e plut\231t )]tj -24.5828 -1.3334 td -0.0002 tc <88>tj 0.7587 0 td 0 tc [(la chance du r\216cit \210 la chance de l\325action et au langage tr)19(ompeur)]tj -0.7587 -2 td [(k)19(ukw)19(stumlhk)18(acw)]tj 0 -1.3333 td [(tse)19(x)18(o)19(x)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 71.989 17.496 327.7 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 166.9129 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (canadian journal of environmental education, 7(1), spring 2002)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 395.999 17.4601 23.605 23.0399 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3769 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (67)tj /f3 1 tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1648 tm 1 g -0.25 tc ( )tj et q endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /length 5638 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 53.3937 587.9617 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(paddle paddle )-2545(str)19(ok)18(e paddle sw)19(oooosh)]tj -1.89474 -2.21053 td [(y)19(ale univ)19(er)18(sity 1998)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(sno)19(wf)18(all last night fr)19(eezing r)19(ain the side)18(w)19(alks e)19(xtr)19(emely slippery)]tj t* [(the air is crisp full of ener)19(gy pr)18(omise )]tj t* [(w)19(e paddled up her)19(e this morning fr)18(om w)19(arwick ne)19(w y)18(ork)]tj t* [(in our vw golf r)19(elie)18(v)19(ed t)19(o arriv)19(e in the w)18(eather)]tj t* [(w)19(e ar)19(e surprised at the po)18(v)19(erty surr)19(ounding the campus)]tj 0 -2.31579 td [(without a lot of ado w)19(e enter the audit)18(orium)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(sit near the fr)19(ont eagerly anticipate the fir)18(st \322)56(e)19(v)19(ent\323 a pla)18(yr)19(eading)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 460.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (the sounds of steam singing in pipes)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 196.2883 460.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(chants oper)19(ations )]tj -16.93627 -1.26316 td [(signs e)19(v)18(ery wher)19(e of fir)19(st nations absence)]tj t* [(the amist)19(ad memorial lik)18(e an ajudicated addendum in the park)]tj t* [(e)19(v)19(erything in ne)18(w ha)19(v)19(en shuts do)18(wn at 6 pm )]tj 0 -1.26315 td [(t)19(onight w)19(e ar)18(e at a dr)19(amatic monologue b)19(y monique mojica)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (an e)tj 1.83301 0 td (xpatriat nativ)tj 5.75805 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.77768 0 td 0 tc [56(american\323 living in and ar)18(ound t)19(or)19(ont)18(o)]tj -8.36875 -1.26316 td [(she enunciates e)19(v)19(ery other syllable lik)18(e it w)19(as trying t)18(o get a)19(w)19(a)19(y)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (ocally imprints cadence and str)tj 13.81397 0 td (ess lik)tj 2.62915 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77784 0 td 0 tc (tent pegs)tj -17.70216 -1.26317 td (whack wha)tj 5.29589 0 td (ck whack wha)tj 6.83253 0 td (ck whack wha)tj 6.83252 0 td (ck)tj -18.96094 -1.26317 td [56(corn maid corn chips i l)19(o)56(ved t)18(ont)43(o chicky hopal)19(ong cassid)74(y )]tj 0 -1.26316 td (then eases off t)tj 6.59277 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 1.09263 0 td 0 tc (doo ops boom ba boom ba ba bda da da da)tj 22.22598 0 td (y)tj -29.91138 -1.26316 td (shoo bee doo bee w)tj 10.87085 0 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 1.05573 0 td 0 tc (aaad be m)tj 4.81536 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79673 0 td 0 tc (muffin)tj -17.26084 -1.26316 td [(and i\323ll be y)19(our marmalade)-2973(princess butter)18(ed on both sides)]tj -0.27783 -1.26316 td (lik)tj 0.99976 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77773 0 td 0 tc (co)tj 0.98106 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td (ote in dr)tj 3.64721 0 td (ag\323 gr)tj 3.68408 0 td (een sheer pink scarf or)tj 11.0171 0 td [(ange polk)19(a dot dr)18(ess)]tj -21.60694 -1.26318 td (bur)tj 1.44384 0 td (gundy slee)tj 4.61134 0 td [(v)19(es black boots fur trimmed)]tj -6.05518 -1.26316 td [(ariz)19(ona aquamarine right middle finger)]tj t* (decibels of jingly copper r)tj 13.35205 0 td (ound ring left middle finger)tj -13.35205 -1.26316 td (single br)tj 3.68433 0 td [(aid jauntily placed o)19(v)18(er right shoulder )]tj -3.68433 -1.26316 td [(sometimes w)19(e need t)18(o caricatur)19(e our)19(selv)18(es t)19(o mak)19(e a point )]tj (t)' 0.29614 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81478 0 td 0 tc (ne)tj 1.05509 0 td (w)tj 0.73999 0 td (ager)tj 1.85107 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70376 0 td 0 tc [(and other w)19(annabes)]tj -5.46083 -1.26317 td [(she discusses r)19(esear)18(ch methods methodologies)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(r)19(esurr)19(ects quotes fr)18(om museums te)19(xts songs immigr)19(ant tr)18(anscriptions )]tj t* (fr)tj 0.66601 0 td (om long dead mouths john smith\325)tj 15.18653 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70374 0 td 0 tc (chapbooks journals )tj -16.55627 -2.31579 td [(aged 12 pocahont)19(as and her ent)18(our)19(age w)19(ear nothing )]tj 0 -1.26316 td (but deer horns and lea)tj 9.75927 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(es in the f)19(or)18(est)]tj -10.24047 -1.26316 td [(\322i belong t)19(o the deer clan this is the fir)18(st y)19(ear i dance with the other girls)]tj -0.0001 tc (i)' 0.57378 0 td 0 tc (must collect m)tj 6.35176 0.00001 td -0.0003 tc (y)tj 0.7965 0 td (o)tj 0.5182 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (wn)tj 1.61058 0 td 0 tc [(paint w)19(ear m)18(y o)19(wn colour)19<73d3>]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 126.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k (heating pipes chant)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 125.254 126.9616 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(monique does not ackno)19(wledge )]tj -9.459 -1.2632 td (their song con tribution the)tj 14.01684 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79679 0 td 0 tc (beg notice)tj -14.8136 -1.2632 td (her lyrics ar)tj 5.1096 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td (t)tj 0.2962 0 td (o)tj 0.8148 0 td 0 tc (the tune of ludic skipping ditties mother goose )tj -6.9984 -1.2632 td [(jamest)19(o)19(wn vir)18(ginia 1600-something who ar)19(e these men )]tj t* (pocahant)tj 3.9817 0 td [(as\325 r)19(elativ)18(es ask)-2277(whose f)19(amilies do not w)18(ant them )]tj -3.9817 -1.2632 td (st)tj 0.7219 0 td (arving fr)tj 4.48 0 td (eezing on our land dir)tj 9.77587 0.00001 td (ectionless without r)tj 8.70166 0.00001 td (elations )tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8 0 0 8 37.612 34.204 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (68)tj et q endstream endobj 6 0 obj << /length 6972 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(t)19(alk of h)19(ybrid t)18(obacco halfbr)19(eeds monique sa)19(y)19(s she\325)36(s je)19(wish )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(on her f)19(ather\325)36(s side fr)19(om ne)19(w y)18(ork she has ancest)19(or)19(s fr)18(om vir)19(ginia )]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(gr)19(eat gr)18(andmother who mo)19(v)19(ed t)19(o br)18(ooklyn after the civil w)19(ar)]tj -0.7778 -1.26316 td [(monique married a ma)19(y)19(an fr)18(om chiapas she does guerilla theatr)19(e)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 540.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(the pipes r)19(attle lik)18(e chance per)19(cussion)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 246.3292 540.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(she shak)19(es her r)18(attle)]tj -18.41528 -1.26316 td [(sits cr)19(oss-legged looks at the fr)18(ont r)19(o)19(w nerv)19(ous laughter)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [56(a vir)19(gin w)18(arrior w)19(oman with butterfly wings spider gr)19(andmother )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(serpent clothes sk)19(ulls dangle betw)18(een br)19(easts )]tj -0.0001 tc (i)' 0.57376 0 td 0 tc [(birth a continent\323 )-3685(\322ho)18(w man)19(y t)19(ongues cry\323)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 468.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(pipes r)19(attle decr)18(escendo again and again)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 271.0371 468.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(unhear)19(d y)18(et not inaudible)]tj -21.01612 -1.26316 td -0.002 tc -0.012 tw [18(e build alliances with our bodies\323 the singing pipes continue t)19(o beg notice)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(cant)19(abile moder)18(at)19(o sustenat)19(o obligat)19(o da capo)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(\322i am thir)19(d and y)18(oungest wife of a capt)19(ain of the home guar)19<64d3>]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(sounds lik)19(e a gilbert and sulliv)18(an oper)19(a)]tj t* [(\322i look after the childr)19(en of the other wiv)18(es who ar)19(e not m)19(y people)]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [(the)19(y twist m)18(y hair w)19(ash it with har)19(sh ly)18(e soap\323 )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 258.3453 384.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.025 tc 0.012 tw [(the pipes sing lik)19(e a john cage choir)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 372.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k (\322the w)tj 2.83252 0 td (omen rub off the bear gr)tj 10.66602 0.00001 td (ease that k)tj 4.66723 0 td (eeps me w)tj 4.66626 0 td (arm )tj -22.83203 -1.26317 td [(because the)19(y sa)18(y the men don\325t lik)19(e m)19(y smell)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.011 tw [(r)19(ebecca hummingbir)19(d becky t)18(o the po)19(w)19(at)19(an people of vir)18(ginia i cry f)19(or y)19(ou\323)]tj t* 0 tw (her narr)tj 3.49854 0 td (ativ)tj 1.55493 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77777 0 td 0 tc (about a possum with detect)tj 11.9444 0.00001 td [(able muskr)19(at blood )]tj -17.77563 -1.26317 td [(w)19(easels and the department of possum aff)19(air)18(s )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(dr)19(a)18(w)19(s brief applause which i think in this case means f)19(ailur)19(e t)18(o connect)]tj t* (she caricatur)tj 5.51684 0 td (es fir)tj 2.40625 0 td (st nations songs disnifies the indigenous f)tj 19.95996 0 td [(alsett)19(os)]tj -27.88305 -2.52633 td (frida)tj 1.98072 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79677 0 td 0 tc (february 6th medicine riv)tj 11.59117 0 td (er\325)tj 1.11084 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70361 0 td 0 tc (fir)tj 0.9248 0 td (st us scr)tj 3.49878 0.00001 td (eening )tj -20.60668 -1.26317 td (t)tj 0.29614 0 td (om king has a bit part in this film pla)tj 16.83325 0 td [(ying bask)19(etball y)18(o! t)19(om)]tj -17.12939 -1.26316 td [(w)19(e ar)19(e t)18(old a cbc fello)19(w wr)19(ote the scr)18(een pla)19(y)]tj t* (gr)tj 0.85107 0 td (aham gr)tj 3.57373 0 td (eene pla)tj 4.18555 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70374 0 td 0 tc (wil on location r)tj 7.25696 0 td (eporter )tj -17.07104 -1.26317 td (his plane a na)tj 6 0 td [(v)19(ajo single engine seneca 1 is landing in medicine riv)19(er)]tj -6 -1.26316 td [(he hear)19(d his mother\325)36(s health w)19(as not good his only r)19(eason f)18(or)1( comin)-1(g \322home\323)1( )]tj t* (it turns out she is dead ma)tj 12.33251 0 td (ybe a ruse b)tj 5.27783 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79674 0 td 0 tc (the writer t)tj 5.35049 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81478 0 td 0 tc (get wil home)tj -24.57234 -1.26317 td (t)tj 0.29614 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.8148 0 td 0 tc [(be acted on b)19(y e)18(v)19(ents and the people att)19(ached t)19(o them)]tj -1.11094 -1.26316 td [(\322so y)19(ou t)18(ak)19(e y)18(our coffee white?\323 t)19(om/harlan asks adding )]tj t* tj 2.1665 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70378 0 td 0 tc [(in the cemetery o)19(v)18(er ther)19(e the funer)19(al w)19(as last w)18(eek\323)]tj -2.87028 -1.26316 td -0.02 tc (adding \322y)tj 3.99167 0.00001 td (ou kno)tj 2.846 0.00001 td -0.0197 tc (w)tj 0.99758 0 td (w)tj 0.7208 0.00001 td -0.0195 tc (e)tj 0.73896 0 td -0.019 tc (got some gr)tj 4.89673 0.00001 td (ant mone)tj 3.99252 0.00001 td -0.0196 tc (y)tj 0.75774 0 td (f)tj 0.27681 0.00001 td -0.02 tc [(or v)19(ans but w)18(e)-1( )-1(g)-1(o)-1(t)-1( )-1(c)-1(a)-1(m)-1(e)-1(r)18(as instead\323)]tj -19.2188 -1.26319 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(fundr)19(aising plan of pr)18(oducing a calendar with phot)19(os of the elder)19(s)]tj -0.7778 -1.26315 td (\322hi i\325m the friendship centr)tj 12.05396 0.00001 td <65d5>tj 0.74096 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70376 0 td 0 tc (account)tj 3.36948 0.00001 td (ant\323 mak)tj 5.38868 0.00001 td [(eup thr)19(ee inches thick )]tj -22.25683 -1.26318 td (another ster)tj 5.22119 0.00001 td (eotyped nativ)tj 5.88916 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.77762 0 td (w)tj 0.7402 0.00001 td 0 tc (oman )tj 6.3192 0.00001 td (cut t)tj 1.88867 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81467 0 td 0 tc (hor)tj 1.44387 0.00001 td (ser)tj 1.27686 0.00001 td (aces )tj -24.3714 -1.2632 td [(\322i\325m goin\325 t)19(o get me another one of them \325dogs\323 ha ha)]tj t* (thelma who wil is putting the mo)tj 14.29565 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (es on doesn\325t w)tj 6.79541 0.00001 td (ant t)tj 1.96289 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81482 0 td 0 tc [(get married et ceter)19(a)]tj -24.35 -1.2632 td (she doesn\325t w)tj 5.96264 0.00001 td (ant the \322)tj 3.70337 0.00001 td (complication of r)tj 7.35035 0.00001 td (aising a man t)tj 6.10986 0.00001 td (oo\323)tj -23.1262 -1.2632 td -0.004 tc -0.01 tw [(wil struggles t)19(o put the crib t)18(ogether no ik)19(ea this one he\325)37(s wil but is he r)18(eadying)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f 396.995 17.496 22.2 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.995 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (69)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.9153 33.8347 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et q endstream endobj 7 0 obj << /length 6181 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(\322i don\325t w)19(ant t)18(o liv)19(e with a man [pause] i lik)19(e the w)18(a)19(y i do things\323 )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(wil st)19(anding on the r)18(ailr)19(oad tr)19(acks thelma sitting on them)]tj t* [(in a femm)19(y dark flo)18(w)19(er)19(ed dr)19(ess barb)18(y fn cut t)19(o cly)19(de in jail cut t)18(o the game )]tj t* [(cut t)19(o wil alone in the gym afterw)18(ar)19(ds cut t)19(o the maternity w)18(aitingr)19(oom )]tj t* [(wher)19(e wil is called mr hea)18(vyman and laughter at the gender r)19(ole r)19(e)19(v)18(er)19(sal)]tj t* [(the nur)19(se sa)18(y)19(s \322it\325)37(s a girl what will y)19(ou call her\323 \322south wing\323 he sa)18(y)19(s )]tj t* [(seeing the sign behind her deadpan)-100237(s ok)18(a)19(y i\325m indigenous\323 )]tj t* -0.038 tc 0.013 tw [(\322so what happened t)19(o the import)18(ant contr)19(act in africa?\323 \322guess i\325ll be st)19(a)19(ying a while\323)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(the mounties put cly)19(de under his uncle\325)36(s supervision )]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(gr)19(oup shot of elder)18(s end of medicine riv)19(er cut t)19(o \322r)18(eal\323 w)19(orld)]tj -0.7778 -1.26316 td [(geor)19(ge miles of beineck)18(e libr)19(ary has been 28 y)19(ear)18(s at y)19(ale)]tj t* [(he speaks of a met)19(a/discour)18(se of nativ)19(e american studies )]tj t* [(\322rising out of the f)19(oment and activism of the 60s\323)]tj t* [(then geor)19(ge (tink) tink)18(er fr)19(om denv)19(er speaks of missionary conquest)]tj t* [(he does a beautiful pr)19(a)18(y)19(er song in what i t)19(ak)19(e t)18(o be lacot)19(a f)19(or which all st)19(and)]tj t* [(liz cook and jace speak of the theft of nativ)19(e american studies)]tj t* [(liz is pr)19(ofessor emeritus fr)18(om eastern w)19(ashingt)19(on univ)18(er)19(sity )]tj t* [(she speaks of setting the bar high i assume this is a tr)19(ack-and-field met)18(aphor)]tj t* (\322i\325m r)tj 2.5354 0 td (eally quite thrilled t)tj 8.33423 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81478 0 td 0 tc (be her)tj 2.74064 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (in the colonies\323 flourish of laughter)tj -15.20283 -1.26317 td [(she\325)37(s fr)18(om a small sioux r)19(eserv)19(ation in dak)18(o t)130(a )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(quoting a colleague she sa)19(y)19(s \322y)18(ou kno)19(w i r)18(eally don\325t lik)19(e people )]tj t* (who go behind the bush and beat ar)tj 15.63086 0 td (ound\323 )tj -15.63086 -1.26316 td [19(emember no)18(w i\325m r)19(etir)19(ed\323 she sa)18(y)19(s \322so i can sa)19(y an)18(ything i w)19(ant)]tj t* [(\324i\325m out of the loop\325 t)19(o use an old geor)18(ge bush phr)19(ase\323)]tj t* (the)tj 1.35205 0 td (y\325r)tj 1.14771 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77775 0 td 0 tc (big on him do)tj 6.0367 0 td [(wn her)19(e he\325)36(s one of the good old bo)19(y)19(s fr)19(om her)18(e)]tj -9.31421 -1.26317 td [(\322post-indian\323 language has a w)19(a)18(y of t)19(aking on a life of its o)19(wn)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (she r)tj 2.11059 0 td (eads most of her w)tj 8.27711 0 td (or)tj 0.88794 0 td (ds or)tj 2.70313 0 td (aliz)tj 1.44385 0.00001 td (es r)tj 2.38818 0 td [(ather than is or)19(al )]tj -17.81079 -1.26318 td (it\325)tj 0.81469 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70361 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td 0 tc [(ery much written in a conv)19(er)18(sational writerly w)19(a)19(y)]tj -1.99951 -1.26316 td [(she speaks of author)19(s t)18(apping int)19(o alr)19(eady legitimiz)18(ed discour)19(ses)]tj t* (\322nativ)tj 2.57275 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77779 0 td 0 tc (american studies ha)tj 8.66533 0 td (ving t)tj 2.40675 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81479 0 td 0 tc (fight off post-modernism et ceter)tj 14.27676 0 td -0.0002 tc (a)tj -29.51416 -1.26317 td -0.0001 tc (not)tj 1.70356 0 td (t)tj 0.2962 0 td (o)tj 0.8148 0 td 0 tc [(mention simple lethar)19(gy and stupidity\323)]tj -2.81456 -1.26316 td [(ther)19(e ar)18(e liber)19(al doses of humour thr)19(oughout her t)18(alk)]tj t* (\322the la)tj 2.81469 0 td -0.0002 tc (w)tj 1.03667 0 td 0 tc (has r)tj 2.11055 0 td (ar)tj 0.85107 0 td (ely been mor)tj 5.72217 0 td (al in the tr)tj 4.44408 0 td (eatment of indians\323)tj -16.97924 -1.26317 td (she goes on about r)tj 8.46216 0 td [(acism colonialism disne)19(y pocahont)18(as as hist)19(ory )]tj -8.46216 -1.26316 td [(k)19(en burns\325 le)19(wis and clark)18(e document)19(ary the quote )]tj t* (\322the w)tj 2.83252 0 td [(onderful thing about this country is that it st)19(arted at z)18(er)19(o\323 right! )]tj -2.83252 -1.26316 td (then \322it is a crime t)tj 8.31275 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81456 0 td (o)tj 0.5182 0.00001 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (erturn a scrupulously cleansed hist)tj 15.23926 0.00001 td (ory)tj -25.36597 -1.26318 td [(as y)19(ou kno)18(w all rhet)19(orical questions ar)19(e accusations\323)]tj 0 -2.52631 td (r)tj 0.35107 0.00001 td (obert w)tj 3.29541 0.00001 td (arrior sa)tj 3.59008 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 1.81498 0 td 0 tc (his book \322lik)tj 5.94381 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td (a)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (hurricane\323)tj -17.051 -1.2632 td [(is an attempt t)19(o k)18(eep the f)19(ocus e)19(v)18(en without the political thrust)]tj t* (he speaks of f)tj 5.9636 0 td (oucauldian philosopher)tj 10.05494 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70368 0 td 0 tc (who try t)tj 3.90691 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81461 0 td 0 tc (st)tj 0.72201 0.00001 td [(a)19(y mar)18(ginal)]tj -22.1658 -1.2632 td (\322the rights ar)tj 5.6467 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (not separ)tj 4.03641 0.00001 td (ate fr)tj 2.25879 0.00001 td (om tribal nations and tr)tj 10.25781 0.00001 td (aditions)tj -22.9775 -1.2632 td [(what about f)19(aculties who compr)18(omise f)19(or per)19(sonal gain\323)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (70)tj et q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /length 6041 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.023 tc -0.002 tw [(v)19(e)1(r)1(y)1( )1(p)1(o)20(w)19(erful silence then \322in so)19(v)19(er)19(eignty and nationhood land is most import)19(ant )]tj 0 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(who is behind the diminishment mo)19(v)18(ement in the supr)19(eme court?)]tj t* [(w)19(e must find out if the enem)19(y is out ther)18(e or is one of us\323)]tj t* [(adding \322passiv)19(e violence often goes undisco)18(v)19(er)19(ed\323)]tj t* -0.006 tc -0.008 tw [(he speaks of nativ)19(e american r)18(enaissance of fir)19(st nations and the mainstr)19(eam)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [19(y cultur)18(e is wher)19(e i\325m fr)19(om and wher)18(e i\325m going\323)]tj t* [(he speaks of \322\324colonial laur)19(eats\325 and the deficit model of indianness\323)]tj t* [(ho)19(w \322no)18(v)19(elists ar)19(e r)18(e)19(w)19(ar)19(ded f)18(or this the)19(y see us as nonpla)19(y)19(er)18<73d3>]tj t* [(he goes on about the need t)19(o pa)18(y attention when speaking in english )]tj t* [(t)19(o alw)19(a)18(y)19(s r)19(efer t)19(o \322the gr)18(eat sioux nation\323 )]tj t* [(he speaks of \322the epistemological r)19(oots of nativ)18(e american scholar)19(ship\323)]tj t* [(\322the str)19(ategies of co-opt)18(ation f)19(ailing t)19(o addr)18(ess initial ar)19(guments)]tj t* [(useful t)19(o our o)18(wn constituents\323 then \322post)19(colonial studies will ne)19(v)18(er help us\323)]tj t* [(mo)19(v)18(es on t)19(o \322this being held \324in colonial trust\325 is economic imperialism\323)]tj t* [(\322nativ)19(e american 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 need t)18(o be defensiv)19(e r)19(egulat)18(ory tr)19(ansf)19(ormativ)19<65d3>]tj t* [(\322multicultur)19(alism is not a defender of nativ)18(e american so)19(v)19(er)19(eignty\323)]tj t* [(\322dissidents ar)19(e att)18(ack)19(ed or ignor)19(ed)-143(assimilat)19(or)18(s ar)19(e nurtur)18(ed r)19(e)19(w)19(ar)19(ded)]tj t* [(nativ)19(e indigenous nationalists is what i w)18(ant the people depend on us\323)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(geor)19(ge charles begins with a st)18(ory and the lacot)19(a sa)19(ying )]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.021 tc 0.002 tw [-5(it\325)37(s a good thing y)18(ou\325r)19(e mo)18(ving slo)19(w because y)19(ou\325r)18(e going in the wr)19(ong dir)19(ection\323)]tj 0 tc (t)' 0.29614 0 td 0 tw (ogether with alan kilpatrick and anna and rick che)tj 22.27711 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (allos)tj -23.05444 -1.26317 td [(w)19(e speak of latinos hispanics chicanos w)19(etbacks and self-definition)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(suddenly monique is on st)19(age again this time in a bear)18(cla)19(w dr)19(ess )]tj t* (she speaks of fleshcolour)tj 11.07422 0 td (ed band aids white sugar white flour alcohol )tj -11.07422 -1.26316 td -0.03 tc 0.011 tw [(post)19(colonial str)18(ess disor)19(der ethno-str)18(ess \322t)19(alking back t)19(o w)18(alt disne)19(y mo)19(vies is ok)18(a)19<79d3>]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (then she f)tj 4.27832 0 td (alls do)tj 2.75953 0 td (wn gr)tj 3.01734 0 td (o)tj 0.51806 0 td (wls on all f)tj 5.20361 0.00001 td (our)tj 1.42481 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.98156 0 td 0 tc [(\322i\325m still in r)19(eco)18(v)19(ery fr)19(om disco)18(v)19(ery\323)]tj -18.18322 -1.26318 td (she ackno)tj 4.33325 0.00001 td (wledges the w)tj 6.14795 0 td [(ork of nick deleary and flo)19(y)19(d f)18(a)19(v)19(el st)19(arr)]tj -10.4812 -1.26316 td [(mo)19(v)18(es on t)19(o \322nativ)19(e theatr)18(e guerilla theatr)19(e nativ)19(e perf)19(ormance structur)18(e)]tj t* (decolonizing theatr)tj 8.27661 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 1.05567 0 td 0 tc (the chiapas massacr)tj 8.74022 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 1.05545 0 td (w)tj 0.7402 0 td 0 tc (orking t)tj 3.33229 0 td (o)tj 0.51806 0 td [(w)19(ar)19(d a memorial)]tj -23.7185 -1.26317 td (60 million of our r)tj 7.8689 0 td [(elations gone in the fir)19(st 1)55(00 y)19(ear)19(s f)18(ollo)19(wing cont)19(act)]tj -7.8689 -1.26316 td [(what ar)19(e the consequences of not cr)18(eating art out of these atr)19(ocities\323 )]tj t* (st)tj 0.72193 0 td (anding in the r)tj 6.35082 0 td (ain f)tj 2.46241 0 td (or)tj 0.88794 0 td (est december 22nd chiapas mur)tj 15.9082 0 td (der )tj -26.3313 -1.26317 td (then speaks of the str)tj 9.29687 0 td [(ong w)19(omen\325)36(s song \322this is f)19(or kingst)19(on p4w\323 )]tj -9.29687 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc [(good t)19(alk last night about this and who has permission t)18(o tell st)19(ories )]tj -0.77778 -1.26316 td (whose st)tj 3.7771 0 td [(ory the kingst)19(on riots and so on int)18(o the am)]tj -3.7771 -2.52632 td -0.028 tc -0.003 tw [(9:20 am february 7th another da)19(y at y)18(ale jace sa)19(y)19(s goodhumour)18(edly \322tw)19(o ca)19(v)18(eats\323 )]tj 0 -1.26315 td 0 tc 0 tw (the fir)tj 2.57348 0.00001 td (st is that each participant is her)tj 13.55444 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77783 0 td 0 tc (as themselv)tj 5.11133 0.00001 td (es )tj -22.01708 -1.26318 td (not r)tj 2.05468 0.00001 td (epr)tj 1.40698 0.00001 td (esenting a tribe nation or cultur)tj 14.20068 0.00001 td (e)tj -17.6623 -1.2632 td [(the second that with r)19(espect t)18(o the paper)19(s f)19(or the r)18(espondents )]tj t* (the)tj 1.3521 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.7967 0 td 0 tc (ar)tj 0.851 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (all winging it, ha)tj 7.12845 0.00001 td (ving not r)tj 4.16528 0.00001 td [(eceiv)19(ed them bef)18(or)19(ehand)]tj -15.0713 -1.2632 td (\322when y)tj 3.6103 0 td (ou speak of this as y)tj 9.90772 0.00001 td (ou will be kind\323)tj -13.5181 -1.2632 td [(\322the panel and r)19(espondents\323 include harry long musk)18(ogee fr)19(om oklahoma)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3701 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (71)tj et q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /length 6106 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(phil deloria james riding in ariz)19(ona ofelia u ariz)18(ona poet linguist )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(who w)19(orks with sun tr)18(acks alan kilpatrick ucal sandiego )]tj t* [(who tr)19(anslates 19th century cher)18(ok)19(ee te)19(xts)]tj t* [(geor)19(ge charles upiq fr)18(om alask)19(a ucal sant)19(a barbar)18(a)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(harry long a methodist cler)19(gyman since 1949 speaks of \322one dr)18(op of blood\323 )]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.032 tc 0.007 tw [(the cher)19(ok)18(ee tr)19(ail of tear)19(s the 800 miles a quarter t)18(o a thir)19(d of the people perishing)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.007 tw [56(each of us her)18(e has a special st)19(ory t)19(o shar)18(e singing is a w)19(a)18(y of communicating\323)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(he sa)19(y)19(s a musk)18(ok)19(ee la)19(y pr)18(a)19(y)19(er after no t)19(alk of jesus )]tj t* -0.017 tc 0.003 tw [(then geor)19(ge in beige slacks white sw)19(eatshirt a viet nam v)18(et a musician an act)19(o)1(r)1( )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(speaks fir)19(st in k)18(a)19(y)19(ana his language)]tj t* [(\322those that came bef)19(or)18(e me fir)19(st i w)19(ould lik)18(e t)19(o thank\323)]tj t* [18(e ar)19(e gr)19(ounded t)19(o the place w)18(e come fr)19(om\323 )]tj t* [(his gr)19(eat gr)18(andf)19(ather w)19(as a medicine man \322)56(at this dist)18(ance i can sa)19(y this\323)]tj t* [(his f)19(ather w)18(as a maskmak)19(er including pr)19(ediction masks)]tj t* [(\322i r)19(emember the sound of hail on sealskin on the drum)]tj t* [(\324be)19(w)19(ar)18(e of gifts fr)19(om whiteskinned ones\325\323 the)19(y w)18(er)19(e w)19(arned)]tj t* [18(omen o)19(wned the houses up ther)19(e and the)19(y still do )]tj (m)' 0.87012 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79667 0 td (gr)tj 0.85103 0 td 0 tc (eat aunt used a w)tj 7.6106 0 td (eather pr)tj 3.92554 0 td [(ediction drum back then w)19(e used dogs )]tj -14.05396 -1.26317 td [(t)19(o pr)18(edict the w)19(eather\323 he smiles \322opening the windo)19(w on the tundr)19(a at night )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(is opening the windo)19(w t)18(o the spirit w)19(orld\323)]tj t* (\322our people\325)tj 5.29589 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70361 0 td 0 tc (hist)tj 1.53662 0 td (ory is written on the t)tj 9.36841 0.00001 td [(ongues of our elder)19<73d3>]tj -16.90454 -1.26317 td [(he jok)19(es about the linguists\325 lingo par)18(odies it r)19(espectfully)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(then the russian orthodo)19(x came in the mor)18(a)19(vian)]tj t* (german academics r)tj 8.79467 0 td (esear)tj 2.27686 0 td (ched m)tj 3.22265 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79679 0 td 0 tc (people)tj -15.09098 -1.26317 td [19(y f)18(ather felt his o)19(wn body sa)18(ying)-2689(\324this is m)19(y chur)19<6368d5d3>]tj 0 -1.26316 td (\322gr)tj 1.29492 0 td (atitude can be so po)tj 8.72217 0 td (w)tj 0.73999 0 td (erful )tj 4.40082 0 td (what it can do good f)tj 9.14795 0.00001 td (or y)tj 1.68457 0 td (ou\323)tj -25.99041 -1.26318 td (\322the w)tj 2.83252 0.00001 td (a)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79677 0 td (of)tj 1.12965 0 td 0 tc [(the human beings kno)19(w this the path of the po)18(w)19(er of w)19(or)19(ds )]tj -5.24014 -1.26316 td [(be car)19(eful of thoughts that can become r)18(eal )]tj t* (be car)tj 2.64771 0 td (eful not t)tj 3.87036 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81471 0 td 0 tc (hurt)tj 4.03564 0 td (the thoughts of other)tj 9.05615 0 td <73d3>tj -20.42457 -1.26317 td tj 1.18383 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77783 0 td 0 tc [(belie)19(v)19(e in r)18(eincarnation)-3014(but t)-1(h)1(e y)18(oung people ar)19(e not r)19(emembering )]tj -1.96166 -1.26316 td [(t)19(o r)18(espect the spirits of animals\323 \322the medicine song is y)19(our path )]tj (y)' 0.5 0 td -0.002 tw (our w)tj 2.45989 0 td (a)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79514 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.85103 0 td -0.002 tw (ound do)tj 3.55388 0 td [(wn ther)19(e\323 he speaks of the chant the essence of m)18(y)19(stery )]tj -8.64116 -1.26317 td 0 tw (\322ther)tj 2.16577 0 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj 0.77762 0 td 0 tc [(w)19(as no fix)18(ed meaning in the time when the earth\325)37(s skin w)19(as thin)]tj -2.94339 -1.26316 td [(the \324i\325 that appr)19(oaches \324me\325 who is putting on the big spotted seal\323)]tj t* (denot)tj 2.46288 0 td [(ations ar)19(e often the subte)18(xtual ones the socalled secondary ones)]tj -2.46288 -1.26316 td (conte)tj 2.36987 0.00001 td (xt cr)tj 1.9436 0.00001 td (eates meaning i figur)tj 9.40527 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (e)tj -13.71875 -1.26318 td 0 tc [(y)19(ou cry the w)19(orld r)18(ejoices)-4030(y)19(ou die the w)18(orld cries)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (alan kilpatrick speaks of \322losing irr)tj 14.9419 0.00001 td (eplaceable human e)tj 8.64917 0.00001 td (xpr)tj 1.44385 0.00001 td (essions\323)tj -25.03491 -1.26318 td -0.0001 tc (he)tj 1.33373 0 td 0 tc (goes on about magical te)tj 10.77711 0.00001 td (xts \322w)tj 3.01708 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.88794 0.00001 td (ds ne)tj 2.3147 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (er meant t)tj 4.77734 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81475 0 td 0 tc (be tr)tj 1.99971 0.00001 td (anslated\323 )tj -26.4036 -1.2632 td [(\322it is import)19(ant t)18(oo t)19(o r)19(esist tr)18(anslation\323 \322tr)19(anslation is the activity )]tj t* -0.038 tc 0.013 tw (not the final pr)tj 5.8547 0 td (oduct it is about patterns and about us it is about mutual r)tj 23.48316 0.00001 td 0 tw (e/disco)tj 2.73212 0.00001 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.44304 0.00001 td -0.038 tc (ery\323)tj -32.513 -1.2632 td 0 tc (he speaks of magic of \322tr)tj 12.4624 0.00001 td (anslation as tr)tj 6.35059 0.00001 td (ansmut)tj 3.22167 0.00001 td (ation )tj -22.0347 -1.2632 td (despite a constellation of possibilities\323)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (72)tj et q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /length 5780 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(\322the griffin and thompson pap)19(yrus has been tr)18(anslated as r)19(econstitution\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(no)19(w ther)18<65d5>37(s the sound of a helicopter flying lo)19(w ma)19(ybe the cia or the v)18(atican )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(he speaks of christianity of criticizing indigenous belief)19(s)]tj t* [(\322the opacity of the sacr)19(ed\323 \322negotiating magical w)18(or)19(ds slippery w)19(or)18(ds\323)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(1)56(0:39 ofelia speaks in her language her t)19(alk is of \322)55(acts or gifts of kindness\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.007 tc -0.013 tw [(she speaks of papago which includes south ariz)19(ona all the w)18(a)19(y t)18(o sonor)19(a me)19(xico)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(wher)19(e tw)18(o thousand people liv)19(e of whom 60% ar)19(e indigenous)]tj t* [(f)19(or whom their indigenous language is their fir)19(st language)]tj t* [(her phd is in linguistics she sa)19(y)19(s \322w)18(e cannot run t)19(o the libr)19(ary )]tj t* [(and look further our elder)19(s our speak)18(er)19(s ar)19(e our libr)18(aries\323)]tj t* [18(ou need not just language but cultur)19(al kno)19(wledge )]tj t* [(e)19(xplanation of e)19(xplanation is itself )-1(a)1(nother book )]tj -0.0001 tc (i)' 0.57372 0 td 0 tc [(don\325t w)19(ant t)18(o fill in some gaps sometimes w)19(e sa)19(y nothing\323 )]tj -0.57372 -1.26316 td [(she speaks of collecting and st)19(oring languages just f)18(or the memory )]tj t* [(f)19(or contempor)19(ary languages \322)55(all languages need t)19(o be consider)19(ed )]tj t* -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(opening t)19(o \324other\325 not so e)18(x)19(otic cultur)19(es\323 \322w)18(e tr)19(anslate f)19(or our o)18(wn member)19<73d3>]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(she r)19(efer)18(s t)19(o notes speaks of effect inst)19(ances of english not as a tr)18(anslation )]tj t* (fr)tj 0.66601 0 td (om her language)tj 14.49188 0.00001 td (but as written in english)tj -15.1579 -1.26316 td [(she has mo)19(v)18(ed a)19(w)19(a)19(y fr)19(om dir)18(ect tr)19(anslation)]tj t* [(\322giving someone a drink of w)19(ater fr)18(om cupped hands)]tj t* (what st)tj 3.12939 0 td (a)tj 0.4812 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70373 0 td 0 tc [(back what i pr)19(efer t)18(o not giv)19(e them)]tj -4.81432 -1.26317 td [(or what w)19(on\325t mo)18(v)19(e acr)19(oss language an)19(yw)18(a)19(y but nobody goes thir)18(sty\323)]tj 0 -2.52632 td (deloria speaks of content v)tj 11.61059 0 td (er)tj 0.85107 0 td (sus conte)tj 4.03614 0 td (xt)tj -16.4978 -1.26317 td [(he quotes w)19(alter benjamin sa)18(y)19(s \322it matter)19(s the conte)19(xt the intention\323 )]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.007 tc -0.007 tw (\322looking at the sacr)tj 8.21283 0 td (ed quality of language\323 \322language acquiring its intentionality\323)tj -8.21283 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw tj 1.18383 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77776 0 td 0 tc (must go back t)tj 6.37068 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81485 0 td 0 tc [(the gener)19(ativ)18(e moments\323)]tj -9.14712 -1.26316 td [(he must ha)19(v)18(e memoriz)19(ed a pomo dictionary bef)19(or)18(e coming her)19(e)]tj t* (he comes acr)tj 5.73999 0 td (oss as an intellectual an academic )tj -5.73999 -1.26316 td (speaking of \322f)tj 5.98072 0 td [(our par)19(adigms\323 \322being caught betw)18(een cultur)19(es)]tj -5.98072 -1.26316 td [(cultur)19(al no-per)18(son\325)37(s land a liminal place of social nothingness )]tj t* (bicultur)tj 3.25829 0 td (alism and syncr)tj 7.38819 0 td (etism the tr)tj 5.25879 0 td (anslat)tj 2.53686 0 td (or as br)tj 3.29517 0 td [(ok)18(er z)19(en diagr)19(ams)]tj -21.7373 -1.26317 td -0.0001 tc (r)tj 0.64771 0 td 0 tc (white\325)tj 2.62939 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70376 0 td 0 tc [(middle gr)19(ound which must be some)18(wher)19<65d3>]tj -3.98086 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (he)tj 1.33364 0 td 0 tc [(mo)19(v)18(es on t)19(o mis/per)19(ception mis/r)18(ecognition he\325)37(s on a r)19(oll)]tj -1.33364 -1.26316 td -0.011 tw (he speaks of par)tj 7.04186 0 td [(allelism and simult)19(aneous nativ)18(e and non-nativ)19(e par)19(allel e)19(v)18(ents)]tj -7.04186 -1.26316 td 0 tw (sa)tj 0.90698 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.7037 0 td 0 tc (\322i don\325t w)tj 4.29484 0.00001 td (ear a w)tj 3.16553 0.00001 td (ashingt)tj 3.1106 0.00001 td (on r)tj 1.73975 0.00001 td (edskins cap\323 )tj -14.42139 -1.26319 td [(then speaks of meaning simult)19(aneity a h)18(ybrid post)19(colonial subject)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (quotes homi bhabha \322who t)tj 12.03735 0.00001 td (alks about ivy league indians\323)tj -12.03735 -1.26316 td (he goes on about eur)tj 9.07324 0.00001 td (os including derrida also of spiv)tj 15.64624 0.00001 td (ak)tj -24.7195 -1.2632 td [(\322i\325m pr)19(obably just pillaging\323 he names the name \322subjectivity\323)]tj t* (\322po/l/emic ho)tj 6.62915 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (w)tj 1.0367 0 td 0 tc (does po)tj 3.37028 0.00001 td (w)tj 0.74 0.00001 td (er w)tj 1.88769 0.00001 td [(ork in tr)19(anslation)]tj -13.6638 -1.2632 td (using nativ)tj 4.7021 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7779 0 td 0 tc (language as f)tj 5.62936 0.00001 td (odder f)tj 4.75953 0.00001 td (or appr)tj 3.14746 0.00001 td (opriation\323 or)tj 6.07129 0.00001 td (ation )tj -25.0876 -1.2632 td [(\322ho)19(w do w)18(e constitute boundaries? whose?\323)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3742 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (73)tj et q endstream endobj 11 0 obj << /length 6184 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(he ga)19(v)19(e the eur)18(os a good w)19(ork)18(out in his t)19(alk)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.008 tw [(james riding in fr)19(om ariz)18(ona st)19(ate u giv)19(es his \322indian\323 name his genealogy)]tj t* 0 tw [(speaks of \322)56(an intellectual f)19(oundation based in in)-1(dian tr)19(adition\323)]tj t* [(in his white shirt black v)19(est stetson he sa)18(y)19(s)]tj t* [19(o come in and tell us ho)18(w t)19(o speak is an absur)19(dity\323)]tj t* [(\322who has a right t)19(o tr)18(anslate? who o)19(wns kno)19(wledge?)]tj t* [(what should scholar)19(ship giv)18(e back t)19(o the community?\323)]tj t* [(\322scholarly writing is v)19(ery ambiguous writing y)18(ou get permission )]tj t* [(but y)19(ou giv)18(e complete edit)19(orial contr)19(ol t)18(o the community\323)]tj t* [(he goes on about \322pr)19(esenting hist)18(ory corr)19(ectly r)19(ectifying pr)18(oblems caused b)19(y )]tj t* [(nonindians\323 ho)19(w the o)18(v)19(erlander)19(s en r)19(oute t)18(o the w)19(est)19(coast )]tj t* [(r)19(epr)19(esented \322)55(america\325)37(s fir)19(st driv)18(eb)19(y shootings\323)]tj t* -0.007 tc -0.013 tw [(he t)19(alks about \322)55(capturing meaning o)19(v)19(er centuries\323 \322island place becoming land\323)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(of \322)56(coming int)18(o english wher)19(e meaning fr)19(eez)19(es\323)]tj t* [(brings t)19(o mind the quote \322r)18(ain just hitting the desert that sound )]tj t* [(the dampness of desert\323)-1609(some people nod \322)56(and this ar)18(oma happens\323)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(oh w)19(onderful a list fr)18(om a white man in the audience with a scruffy pon)19(yt)19(ail)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (about \322)tj 3.11035 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td (xposing te)tj 4.46216 0 td (xts\323 \322destructiv)tj 6.94215 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77783 0 td 0 tc [(incant)19(ations and cur)18(ses\323)]tj -15.77368 -1.26317 td [(and \322going int)19(o the temple t)18(o study without going ther)19(e t)19(o w)18(or)19(ship\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(the question/comment/accusation is dir)19(ected at alan )]tj t* (who sa)tj 3.03638 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70373 0 td 0 tc (\322the po)tj 3.16639 0.00001 td [(w)19(er died with the o)19(wner)18(s of the te)19(xt\323 his par)19(ents)]tj -7.4065 -1.26317 td [(lots of mix)19(ed feelings fr)18(om that e)19(x change bad medicine linger)19(s)]tj 0 -2.52632 td (i)tj 0.25779 0 td -0.007 tc -0.013 tw (nes speaks of indigenous scholar)tj 13.92222 0 td (ship assimilation conv)tj 10.45408 0 td [(er)19(sion political r)18(eality )]tj -24.63409 -1.26317 td 0 tc 0 tw [(being tr)19(ained at the univ)18(er)19(sity t)19(o categoriz)18(e and w)19(alking the earth)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.028 tc tj 0.88851 0 td 0.014 tw (ou ha)tj 2.26411 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.45353 0 td -0.0278 tc (e)tj 0.7362 0 td (t)tj 0.26855 0 td (o)tj 0.7732 0 td -0.028 tc (be a compr)tj 4.65802 0.00001 td 0 tw (ehensiv)tj 3.10196 0 td -0.0278 tc (e)tj 0.73617 0 td -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [(scholar y)19(ou ha)18(v)19(e t)18(o be a poet in both languages\323)]tj -13.88023 -2.52633 td -0.0001 tc (n)tj 0.85179 0 td 0 tc 0 tw [(scott momada)19(y w)18(as born in oklahoma in 1934 liv)19(es in ne)19(w me)18(xico )]tj -0.85179 -1.26316 td (teaches at the univ)tj 8.12964 0 td (er)tj 0.85107 0 td (sity of ariz)tj 4.49853 0 td (ona )tj -13.47924 -1.26317 td (he speaks of sequence \322in the dimension which w)tj 21.66479 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77781 0 td 0 tc (call time\323)tj -22.4426 -1.26316 td [(\322time as a particle of eternity eternity a stillness as f)19(ar as w)18(e kno)19(w )]tj t* (it is a door thr)tj 6.3689 0 td (ough which w)tj 6.01758 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (per)tj 1.40701 0 td (ceiv)tj 1.70288 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77784 0 td 0 tc (the e)tj 2.12988 0 td [(v)19(er pr)18(esent )]tj -19.18188 -1.26317 td (our ancest)tj 4.48022 0 td [(or)19(s and pr)18(ogen)19(y a place t)19(o meet them\323 )]tj -4.48022 -1.26316 td [(he speaks of ancient paintings in a ca)19(v)18(e in spain)]tj t* (wher)tj 2.16577 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(he felt lik)19(e he \322passed fr)18(om time t)19(o timelessness\323 )]tj -2.94357 -1.26316 td (\322time is in the middle dist)tj 11.22095 0.00001 td (ance it passes a)tj 8.14771 0.00001 td (w)tj 0.73999 0.00001 td (a)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td <79d3>tj -20.58984 -1.26318 td -0.009 tc -0.011 tw [(he speaks of the apr)19(on of sumar)18(on desert)1( the color)18(ado plateau rio gr)19(ande v)19(a)-1(l)-1(l)-1(e)18(y)]tj 0 -1.26315 td 0 tc 0 tw (\322i think of those kio)tj 8.55444 0.00001 td (w)tj 0.73999 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77779 0 td 0 tc (and their hor)tj 5.62894 0.00001 td (ses their cent)tj 6.29541 0.00001 td [(aur cultur)19(e )]tj -21.99658 -1.26318 td (migr)tj 1.99878 0.00001 td (ation tenur)tj 4.73925 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (inv)tj 1.314 0.00001 td (asion the sacr)tj 6.23951 0.00001 td (ed journe)tj 4.07348 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79664 0 td 0 tc (of kio)tj 2.42529 0.00001 td (w)tj 0.73999 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77777 0 td (t)tj 0.2962 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81457 0 td 0 tc [(r)19(ain)18(y mount)19(ain\323)]tj -24.9933 -1.2632 td [(the hopi sa)19(y \322w)18(e w)19(er)19(e alw)18(a)19(y)19(s her)19(e\323 \322w)18(e kno)19<77d3>]tj t* (someone ask)tj 5.666 0 td (ed him ho)tj 4.38917 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.03675 0 td 0 tc (long it t)tj 3.27721 0.00001 td (ak)tj 1 0.00001 td [(es f)19(or a people t)18(o become indigenous? )]tj -15.3691 -1.2632 td (he said he can\325t r)tj 7.4443 0 td (emember then goes on about the imagination )tj -7.4443 -1.2632 td -0.045 tc 0.009 tw [-6(the gr)19(eat matrix of the or)19(al the 30,000 y)19(ear tenur)18(e\323 \322identity being fix)19(ed in the earth\323)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (74)tj et q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /length 6100 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(\322multiple use conserv)19(ation a sacr)18(ed r)19(elationship\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(he looks at e)19(v)19(ery)18(one sa)19(y)19(s \322r)19(emembering m)18(y f)19(ace in the mirr)19(or of masks\323 beat)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(then speaks of \322the conquest of the cultur)19(al composite of cultur)18(es\323)]tj t* -0.013 tw [(people ar)19(e st)18(arting t)19(o get tir)19(ed e)18(v)19(ery)19(one at once it\325)37(s 2 pm lo)18(w blood sugar)]tj t* 0 tw [(another poem is sutur)19(ed in lots of monot)18(ones int)19(act )]tj -0.0001 tc (i)' 0.57373 0 td 0 tc [(a)19(w)19(ak)18(en t)19(o \322)56(alw)18(a)19(y)19(s in the pr)19(esence of the sacr)18(ed\323 )]tj -0.57373 -1.26316 td -0.008 tc -0.006 tw [56(artificial tenses e)19(xtensions of the pr)19(esent the past as a kitsch)18(y corner of time\323)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(then he sa)19(y)19(s \322ur)18(set hear)19(s nothing until y)19(ahw)18(eh sa)19(y)19(s \324berries\325)]tj t* [(\324berries?\325 time in conte)19(xt and timelessness\323)]tj t* [(\322ther)19(e is no time on m)18(y side of the t)19(able ther)19(e is time on y)18(our side)]tj t* [(it is a t)19(able f)18(or god\325)37(s sak)19(e i\325m sorry\323)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(at the br)19(eak monique t)18(alks about an anthr)19(opologist\325)37(s mother )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(who appr)19(oached her pr)18(oudly t)19(alking about \322m)19(y daughter the me)18(xican e)19(xpert\323)]tj t* [(what is \324a me)19(xican e)18(xpert\325)]tj t* [(the ne)19(xt part in which dr k)18(e)19(vin mcbridge a tribal ar)19(chaeologist and nonnativ)19(e )]tj t* [(t)19(alks of mashantuck)19(et pequot museum )-1318(of the aboriginal r)19(esear)19(ch centr)19(e)]tj t* [19(e\325 ar)18(e gear)19(ed t)19(o)19(w)19(ar)18(d education)-347(ther)18(e will be a scholar\325)37(s ar)19(ea )]tj t* (in the centr)tj 4.96216 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77777 0 td (f)tj 0.2962 0 td (or)tj 1.18468 0 td 0 tc (16 people an internship pr)tj 11.75942 0 td (ogr)tj 1.38793 0 td (am\323)tj -20.36816 -1.26317 td [(he points without due r)19(espect t)18(o a slide of a w)19(oman with his right thumb)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.57379 0 td 0 tc [(am apalled at this gesticulation no)19(w he calls them \322)56(e)18(xhibits\323)]tj -0.57379 -1.26316 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td (ou can feel e)tj 6.59253 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(ery)19(one shudder at his insensitivity )]tj -7.57373 -1.26317 td [(ther)19(e will be a kind of w)18(ax museum hmm wh)19(y not indian candles )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(dior)19(amas w)18(ooden whites inter)19(activ)19(e computer video)]tj t* (he speaks of the import)tj 10.22265 0 td (ance of \322building in a half da)tj 12.4624 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79681 0 td 0 tc (at the centr)tj 4.94416 0 td <65d3>tj -28.42602 -1.26317 td [(no)19(w ther)18<65d5>37(s a panel on liter)19(atur)18(e )]tj 0 -1.26316 td (al tr)tj 1.68481 0 td (achtenbur)tj 4.35157 0 td -0.0001 tc (g)tj 0.77773 0 td (a)tj 0.77773 0 td (y)tj 0.5002 0 td 0 tc (ale pr)tj 2.42578 0 td (of fr)tj 1.79565 0.00001 td (om american studies moder)tj 12.16455 0 td (ates)tj -24.47802 -1.26318 td (the whitehair)tj 5.70288 0.00001 td (ed pon)tj 2.98168 0 td [(yt)19(ailed man with the fisherman knit )]tj -8.68457 -1.26316 td [(the y)19(oung man in the blue sw)18(eater the short w)19(oman laur)19(en t)18(ohe )]tj t* (the gr)tj 2.49976 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79662 0 td 0 tc (shock)tj 2.48145 0 td (ofhair w)tj 3.5542 0 td (oman and r)tj 5.03638 0 td [(obert w)19(arrior brian w)18(escott act)19(or)]tj -14.84961 -2.52633 td [(r)19(obert w)19(arrior st)18(anf)19(or)19(d u has a phd fr)18(om a r)19(eligious or)19(ganiz)18(ation)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (he gets right int)tj 6.75855 0 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81467 0 td 0 tc (it b)tj 1.3887 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79675 0 td 0 tc (quoting edw)tj 5.35096 0 td (ar)tj 0.85107 0 td -0.0002 tc (d)tj 0.83368 0 td 0 tc (said )tj -16.79438 -1.26317 td (he speaks of intellectual e)tj 11.11181 0 td [(x)19(citement and of \322)56(criticism cr)18(eating subject matter\323)]tj -11.11181 -1.26316 td [(of bir)19(d \322par)18(ading ethnicity and fir)19(st nation\325)37(s aut)18(obiogr)19(aph)19<79d3>]tj (w)' 0.73999 0 td [(a)19(yne ne)19(wt)18(on\325)37(s is f)18(orinst)19(anced the)19(y sa)18(y he does things )]tj -0.73999 -1.26316 td (f)tj 0.29614 0.00001 td (or the cher)tj 4.70313 0.00001 td (ok)tj 1.03686 0.00001 td (ee his people \322)tj 7.46289 0.00001 td (an attitudinal shift t)tj 8.44409 0.00001 td (o/w)tj 1.55469 0.00001 td [(ar)19(d cultur)18(al studies )]tj -23.4978 -1.26319 td [(looking f)19(or the smoking gun in the beinek)18(e libr)19(ary montezuma\323 )]tj 0 -1.26315 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw (he speaks of nativ)tj 7.39094 0.00001 td -0.0244 tc (e)tj 0.73961 0 td -0.024 tc 0 tw (childr)tj 2.28009 0.00001 td 0.01 tw (en being t)tj 4.09266 0.00001 td 0 tw (ak)tj 0.95149 0.00001 td 0.01 tw [(en t)19(o carlyle school in pa fr)18(om the southw)19(est\323)]tj -15.4548 -1.26318 td 0 tc 0 tw (he asks \322what is an english department f)tj 17.62915 0.00001 td (or?\323 )tj -17.6291 -1.2632 td [(ar)19(guing cit)18(ations citing ar)19(gument)19(ations he speaks of ahmed )]tj (r)' 0.3511 0 td (efuses cit)tj 3.999 0 td (ation method t)tj 7.22241 0.00001 td (alks of met)tj 4.77807 0.00001 td [(adiscour)19(se )]tj -16.3506 -1.2632 td (conditions and tr)tj 7.35034 0.00001 td (aject)tj 2 0.00001 td (ories critical space and f)tj 11.27588 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.88794 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (a)tj -21.5142 -1.2632 td 0 tc [(opposition and r)19(e-opposition and criticism in the public spher)18(e )]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3742 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (75)tj et q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /length 5903 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(wher)19(e)18(v)19(er that might be)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(he speaks of \322the inv)19(ention of post)18(colonial discour)19(se as a ne)19(w imperialism\323)]tj t* [(discusses \322hier)19(ar)18(chies of v)19(alues ethical imper)19(ativ)18(es )]tj t* [(plur)19(ot)18(opic and iat)19(opic hermeneutics )]tj t* [(the e)19(xistential encounter of art and science\323)]tj t* [(\322ther)19(e is no blueprint pa)18(y attention t)19(o loci of imagination\323)]tj t* [(he mo)19(v)18(es t)19(o postw)19(ar r)18(elativism \322pap)19(yricizing indigenousness)]tj t* [(f)19(or)18(egr)19(ounding mor)19(ality\323)-965(but ho)18(w about feeling?)]tj t* [(\322in 1837 the nativ)19(e american intellect is spok)18(en of b)19(y r w emer)19(son)]tj t* [(ther)19(e is a need f)18(or r)19(obust a)19(w)19(ar)18(eness of our o)19(wn\323 whate)19(v)19(er )-1(and so f)19(orth)]tj t* [(laur)19(a t)18(ohe is dene fr)19(om the sleep)19(y w)18(ater clan)]tj t* [(she speaks fir)19(st in na)18(v)19(ajo her fir)19(st language then giv)19(es her genealogy)]tj t* [(sa)19(ying she w)18(as br)19(ought up on the na)19(v)18(ajo r)19(eserv)19(ation)]tj t* [(she t)19(alks of tr)18(anslating nativ)19(e cultur)19(es)]tj t* [(she t)19(alks of songs pr)18(a)19(y)19(er)19(s st)18(ories f)19(or healing )]tj t* [(art and poetry and feminism \322ther)19(e w)18(er)19(e no w)19(or)18(ds f)19(or these )]tj t* [(until r)19(ecently no need f)18(or w)19(or)19(ds f)18(or these\323 )]tj t* [(she speaks of the poetic \322seeing the w)19(orld thr)18(ough poetic e)19(y)19(es)]tj t* (of cr)tj 1.9436 0 td (eativ)tj 2.05494 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77777 0 td 0 tc (artists not separ)tj 7.20221 0 td (ating y)tj 2.92554 0 td [(ou fr)19(om an)18(ybody else)]tj -14.90405 -1.26317 td -0.0001 tc (in)tj 1.11067 0 td 0 tc [(the community being uncr)19(eativ)18(e w)19(ould set y)19(ou apart\323)]tj -1.11067 -1.26316 td [(then speaks of \322liter)19(ary identity and being connected t)18(o the homeland)]tj -0.0003 tc (o)' 0.81449 0 td (k)tj 0.5002 0 td 0 tc (eo m)tj 3.01832 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79682 0 td 0 tc (feet belo)tj 3.72247 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.31473 0 td 0 tc [(the land homeland of the na)19(v)19(ajo)]tj -10.16703 -1.26317 td [(the f)19(our sacr)18(ed mount)19(ains)-1704(w)19(e ar)18(e bound w)19(e ar)19(e lik)18(e this\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(she speaks of thr)19(ead and str)18(and and a w)19(ea)19(ving \322w)19(e belong t)18(o land\323)]tj t* (she w)tj 2.49951 0 td (ent t)tj 1.96289 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81471 0 td 0 tc (gr)tj 0.85106 0 td [(ad school in lincoln nebr)19(ask)18(a in 1982)]tj -6.12817 -1.26317 td [(wher)19(e ther)18(e ar)19(e no mount)19(ains no liz)18(ar)19(ds no sagebrush)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (she dr)tj 2.66651 0 td (o)tj 0.51806 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77777 0 td (t)tj 0.29621 0 td (o)tj 0.81476 0 td 0 tc (the riv)tj 2.75848 0.00001 td (er\325)tj 1.11084 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70372 0 td 0 tc [(edge she w)19(as so homesick)]tj -10.12755 -1.26318 td tj 0.94384 0.00001 td (ou go int)tj 3.79517 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81473 0 td 0 tc [(the body of w)19(ater )-289(y)19(our hand and f)18(oot)-3091(the platte riv)19(er)]tj -5.55374 -1.26316 td [(f)19(ort sumner in ne)19(w me)18(xico is f)19(our gener)19(ations a)18(w)19(a)19<79d3>]tj t* tj 1.18383 0 td (or)tj 0.88795 0 td (ds ar)tj 2.11059 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77775 0 td 0 tc (sacr)tj 1.73983 0 td (ed w)tj 2.35157 0 td [(or)19(ds can hurt y)18(ou couldn\325t giv)19(e out )]tj -9.05152 -1.26317 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td [(our \324indian\325 name)-4518(the name is part of y)18(our identity)]tj -0.5 -1.26316 td [(what y)19(ou called one another b)18(y kinship )]tj t* (this pr)tj 2.74023 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (ented incest y)tj 6.59254 0 td (ou kno)tj 2.9624 0 td -0.0002 tc (w)tj 1.03656 0 td 0 tc [(t)19(o sound ssshhht)]tj -14.29413 -1.26317 td (it is a name place holder)tj 12.75758 0 td [(y)19(ou t)19(ak)18(e the rh)19(ythm of e)19(v)18(erything)]tj -12.75758 -1.26316 td [(in writing this is a w)19(a)18(y of sharing it is shar)19(ed memory)]tj t* (tr)tj 0.66601 0 td [(anslation misses the nuances\323)-2531(\322kw)18(oidjo is living a spiritual life)]tj -0.66601 -1.26316 td (this engender)tj 5.88818 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70361 0 td (e)tj 0.48121 0.00001 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (erything)tj 5.75904 0.00001 td (r)tj 0.35107 0.00001 td (esponsibility t)tj 5.99927 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81464 0 td 0 tc [(f)19(amily community\323)]tj -20.47823 -1.26319 td [(\322what then of a tenur)19(e tr)18(ack what of nativ)19(e scholar)19(ship )]tj 0 -1.26315 td (not being v)tj 4.85132 0.00001 td (alued as tr)tj 4.75903 0.00001 td (aditional scholar)tj 7.09156 0.00001 td (ship?\323)tj -16.70191 -1.26318 td (\322in self-e)tj 3.79517 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (aluation e)tj 4.22143 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (ery y)tj 2.1665 0.00001 td (ear the other f)tj 6.70361 0.00001 td (aculty member)tj 6.53712 0.00001 td -0.0003 tc (s)tj -24.3862 -1.2632 td -0.033 tc -0.003 tw [(didn\325t ha)19(v)19(e t)18(o e)19(xplain themselv)19(es t)19(o the chair who said the administr)18(ation needed it\323 )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw tj 0.9251 0 td (alues ar)tj 3.3325 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (import)tj 2.9066 0 td (ant )tj 4.21835 0.00001 td -0.024 tc 0.01 tw [(e)19(v)19(er hear)19(d that one bef)19(o)1(r)19(e?\323 \322fuck\323 somebody said)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (76)tj et q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /length 6059 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(k)19(ate shanle)19(y fr)18(om cornell sa)19(y)19(s \322it is import)19(ant t)18(o t)19(alk t)19(o the animals )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(and t)19(ak)18(e out the chant\323)-2331(she speaks dispar)19(agingly of ne)18(w)19(ager)19(s )]tj t* [(of appr)19(opriated tribal tunes she quotes uneur)18(opean sounding names )]tj t* -0.025 tc [18(ou ha)19(v)19(e t)18(o f)19(ace y)19(our fear)18(s and the wilderness colonial pr)19(esence t ribal absence\323)]tj t* 0 tc [(\322the american identity depends on indians)-1857(v)19(anishing)]tj t* [(but aboriginal people ar)19(e needed t)18(oo e)19(v)19(en b)19(y them)]tj t* (thinking with the heart is good\323)tj t* [(\322indigenous people often ar)19(e absent fr)18(om t)19(able of contents )]tj t* [(e)19(v)19(en of minority discour)18(se books\323)]tj t* [(ther)19(e is alw)18(a)19(y)19(s the definition inv)19(olving pan-indians)]tj t* [(whate)19(v)19(er that\325)36(s supposed t)19(o mean or pr)19(o)19(v)18(e)]tj t* [(must be fr)19(om the per)18(cussion section the tympani)]tj t* [(\322in indigenous st)19(ories ther)18(e ar)19(e conv)19(er)18(sations with one another)]tj t* [(narr)19(ativ)18(e logics of indigenous epistemology)]tj t* [(the trickster w)19(ould giv)18(e imperialism a r)19(ough time\323)]tj t* [(trickster figur)19(es ar)18(e adjectiv)19(es v)19(erbs )-2100(not nouns)]tj t* [(though \322)56(adjectiv)19(e\323 \322v)18(erb\323 t)19(oo ar)19(e nouns caught in th)-1(e medusa gaz)19(e)]tj t* [(the politics so)19(v)18(er)19(eignty e)19(v)19(erything is sanitiz)18(ed or cer)19(ebr)19(aliz)18(ed )]tj t* (or not tr)tj 4.10986 0 td (anslated at all)tj 7.25856 0.00001 td (she tells of \322s/he/it\323 which is a ne)tj 14.33179 0 td -0.0002 tc (w)tj 1.0366 0 td 0 tc (pr)tj 0.907 0 td (onoun )tj -27.64381 -1.26317 td [(she made up )-1448(gener)18(al laughter as she pr)19(onounces the ne)19(w pr)18(onoun)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [56(a v)19(ariation on w)18(estern carniv)19(al tr)19(opes\323)]tj t* (the t)tj 1.94482 0 td (alk goes on t)tj 5.46289 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81476 0 td 0 tc (\322disease sin crime naming pr)tj 13.21869 0.00001 td (actices and the trickster)tj -21.44116 -1.26317 td [(t)19(o r)18(ecuper)19(ating names t)19(o r)18(enaming \321 somebody has t)19<6fd3>]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(what does emile durkheim ha)19(v)18(e t)19(o do with all this and who let him in? )]tj t* (must be fr)tj 4.44409 0 td (om a bookmark left b)tj 10.20459 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79678 0 td 0 tc (another epistem-borr)tj 9.16512 0 td -0.019 tc [(owe)-19(r)]tj -24.61059 -1.26317 td 0 tc [(her t)19(alk mo)18(v)19(es on t)19(o \322)56(collectiv)18(e efferv)19(escences\323 and \322r)19(eally indigenizing\323 )]tj 0 -1.26316 td (f)tj 0.29614 0 td (ollo)tj 1.53687 0 td (w)tj 0.73999 0 td (ed b)tj 1.87084 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79664 0 td 0 tc (mor)tj 1.77685 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (eur)tj 1.38799 0 td [(ot)19(alk about \322)55(efferv)19(escent f)19(orms of sociality\323)]tj -9.18311 -1.26318 td (\322trickster and time fr)tj 9.07178 0.00001 td (ame co)tj 3.42554 0 td [(y)19(ote old or y)19(oung)]tj -12.49732 -1.26316 td [(the embr)19(ace of contr)18(aries co)19(y)19(ote and ne)19(w)19(age w)19(oman)]tj t* (tw)tj 1.05493 0 td (o-back)tj 2.83349 0 td (ed beast co)tj 4.88917 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td (ote speaking t)tj 6.03686 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81472 0 td 0 tc [(in with a dr)19(eam\323)]tj -16.12917 -1.26317 td (\322must be a dog god inv)tj 11.4441 0 td [(er)19(sion backw)18(ar)19(dness in the sanat)19(arium )]tj -11.4441 -1.26316 td [(in gr)19(een gr)18(ass running w)19(ater\323 jerry rigged people institutions and names)]tj t* (gr)tj 0.85107 0 td (eat gr)tj 2.44384 0 td (andf)tj 1.92603 0 td (ather running w)tj 7.47949 0 td (ater)tj 3.56878 0 td [(f)19(our people in the insane asylum)]tj -16.26922 -1.26317 td (escape and national disaster)tj 12.23975 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70373 0 td 0 tc [(happen ther)19(e is a sir)18(en outside )]tj -12.94348 -1.26316 td [(in her)19(e ther)18(e is t)19(alk of \322lect)19(or of po)18(w)19(er\323 disguising ishmael )]tj t* (\322the w)tj 2.83252 0 td [(or)19(d par)18(odic surf)19(aces detectiv)19(e discour)18(se)]tj -2.83252 -1.26316 td (people and char)tj 6.94506 0.00001 td (acter)tj 2.1289 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70374 0 td 0 tc (meld\323 she speaks of \322)tj 9.38855 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77784 0 td 0 tc (cleanedup co)tj 5.68529 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td (ote\323)tj -26.12939 -1.26319 td [(an anecdote of bir)19(ds in this book flying int)18(o sky)19(scr)19(aper)18(s in t)19(or)18(ont)19(o)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (the tr)tj 2.31469 0.00001 td (aditional flight path being block)tj 13.64917 0.00001 td (ed b)tj 1.87085 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.7966 0 td 0 tc (pr)tj 0.90701 0.00001 td [(ogr)19(ess)]tj -19.53833 -1.26318 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77777 0 td 0 tc (flock of indians flying int)tj 10.72125 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81477 0 td 0 tc (the side of a building)tj 10.97871 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77774 0 td 0 tc (bit shocking)tj -24.0702 -1.2632 td [(e)19(v)19(en the second time ar)18(ound or thir)19(d a short hist)19(ory of indians in canada)]tj t* (and ba)tj 2.9448 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.7966 0 td 0 tc (str)tj 1.0918 0 td (eet being black)tj 6.51904 0.00001 td (ened \322the whole sky f)tj 10.24145 0.00001 td [(or da)19(y)19<73d3>]tj -21.5937 -1.2632 td (the term/in/us e)tj 7.38818 0.00001 td (xploding with binaries comes up)tj -7.3882 -1.2632 td [(and the \322loss of jo)19(yful belief\323 b)18(y monique)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3742 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (77)tj et q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /length 6136 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(cr)19(aig w)18(omack oklahoma cr)19(eek u lethbridge b)19(y w)18(a)19(y of national liter)19(atur)18(es )]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.035 tc 0.01 tw [(at u minnesot)19(a pr)18(ess then brian w)19(escott winnebago and an act)19(or sa)18(y a fe)19(w w)18(or)19(ds)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(then w)19(omac speaks again harry long sings his pr)18(a)19(y)19(er in sk)19(ok)18(ee)]tj t* [(after which eliz)19(abeth is thank)18(ed again)]tj t* [(\322ther)19(e is t)18(alk of the need f)19(or tribal liter)19(atur)18(e t)19(o be tied t)19(o specific landscapes)]tj t* [(locating \(r)19(ather than situating\) liter)18(atur)19(e of community\323)]tj t* [(the trickster turns the lights off in r)19(eal time in and out of fiction)]tj t* [(\322the almanac of the dead rushes b)19(y the trickster tr)18(ope is inv)19(ok)18(ed)]tj t* [(ther)19(e is not alw)18(a)19(y)19(s celebr)19(ation of this tr)19(ope\323)]tj t* [(\322the sun came do)19(wn\323 and \322napi ther)18(e w)19(as shape shifting)]tj t* [(opening up w)19(or)18(ds t)19(o infinite meaning going t)19(oo f)18(ar\323)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(brian w)19(escott who is upiq and enthusiastic w)18(ent t)19(o hollyw)19(ood )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(and became semi-f)19(amous he is both glassy e)18(y)19(ed and )]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f10 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 267.6265 432.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc <87>tj 0.75773 0 td 0 tc (bout de souffle)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 420.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.025 tc 0.011 tw [(fr)19(om alask)18(a he is v)19(ery full of hollyw)19(ood he speaks of the pomo tribe in calif)19(ornia )]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (of)tj 1.12963 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (images consumed of a pomo pomo pomo writer he goes on )tj -1.12963 -1.26316 td -0.014 tc -0.001 tw [(i\325m sur)19(e i must ha)18(v)18(e missed some thing perhaps a pr)19(eposition or filmogr)19(a)-1(p)-1(h)17(y )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(he speaks of trying v)19(ery har)18(d t)19(o think fr)19(om the heart)]tj -0.0002 tc (i)' 0.57352 0 td (w)tj 0.7402 0 td 0 tc (onder if he\325)tj 4.96289 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70376 0 td 0 tc (\322trying\323 with the head t)tj 10.20249 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81472 0 td 0 tc (think fr)tj 3.16623 0 td -0.0001 tc (om)tj 1.70373 0 td 0 tc (the heart)tj -22.86755 -1.26317 td [(trying \322t)19(o tr)18(anslate acr)19(oss gulf)19<73d3>]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(he speaks of 500 nations)-1960(which is a document)18(ary b)19(y k)18(e)19(vin costner)]tj t* (giv)tj 1.23999 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td (me)tj 1.6667 0 td (a)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (br)tj 0.9071 0 td (eak please he goes on about \322tr)tj 14.98145 0.00001 td (aditional education )tj -20.35083 -1.26317 td [(as being consider)19(ed coe)18(v)19(al with st)19(atic societies\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(he w)19(as technical advisor f)18(or \322on deadly gr)19(ound\323 in alask)19(a w)18(oopie ding)]tj t* -0.011 tc (he speaks briefly of bear spirit then of just t)tj 19.09285 0 td (alk then of being in the moment)tj -19.09285 -1.26316 td 0 tc [(he mouths gr)19(and indian pla)18(ying indian)]tj t* (what about \322sheilah t)tj 9.18505 0 td (ouse)tj 1.98072 0 td (y\323 whom he inv)tj 6.90649 0 td (ok)tj 1.03686 0 td (es )tj -19.10913 -1.26317 td (when he speaks of act)tj 9.59302 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.88794 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70368 0 td 0 tc [(who must \322fir)19(st honour te)18(xt\323 )]tj -11.18464 -1.26316 td [(she should kno)19(w she pla)18(y)19(s an)19(y tribe or community)-664(if it pa)19(y)19(s )]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.77787 0 td 0 tc (female gr)tj 4.07369 0 td (aham gr)tj 3.57374 0 td (eene i e)tj 3.68457 0 td (x)tj 0.51806 0 td (agger)tj 2.35107 0 td [(ate t)19(o mak)18(e a point)]tj -14.979 -1.26317 td (can an)tj 2.86987 0 td [(y)19(one i w)19(onder write trickster is it not the other w)18(a)19(y ar)19(ound)]tj -2.86987 -1.26316 td [(the name james w)19(elch comes up f)18(or hea)19(v)19(en\325)37(s sak)18(e i think )]tj t* (ho)tj 1.07397 0 td (w\325d he get in her)tj 7.31446 0 td (e? don\325t the)tj 5.35204 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79663 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4812 0 td [(er giv)19(e up?)]tj -15.49951 -1.26317 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.57379 0 td 0 tc (think about the bringing t)tj 11.03656 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81476 0 td 0 tc [(life of clich\216s and fir)19(st peoples)]tj -12.42511 -1.26316 td [(lik)19(e in t)18(omson highw)19(a)19<79d5>36(s r)19(ez sister)18(s the r)19(aping nanabush)]tj t* (the malicious violent trickster)tj t* (jace is mad sort of he t)tj 10.68505 0.00001 td (alks about man)tj 6.62988 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79677 0 td 0 tc (nations bringing all st)tj 10.14635 0.00001 td (ories t)tj 2.66528 0.00001 td (ogether)tj -30.92334 -1.26318 td [(chicano and fir)19(st nations )-2093(learning t)18(ogether fr)19(om one another)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (what ar)tj 3.25855 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77779 0 td 0 tc (the bor)tj 3.09257 0.00001 td (der)tj 1.40698 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70357 0 td (i)tj 0.57357 0 td (w)tj 0.7402 0.00001 td 0 tc (onder and who made them)tj -10.5532 -2.5263 td [(it is still satur)19(da)18(y night and w)19(e just had a gr)19(ab)18(whaty)19(oucan meal )]tj 0 -1.2632 td (at the beinek)tj 5.6301 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7777 0 td 0 tc (libr)tj 1.4068 0 td (ary with alan kilpatrick )tj -7.8147 -1.2632 td -0.017 tc (str)tj 1.0418 0 td (ange t)tj 2.5479 0 td -0.0168 tc (o)tj 0.7814 0 td -0.017 tc (dine in a r)tj 4.2225 0 td (ar)tj 0.81772 0.00001 td -0.0168 tc (e)tj 0.74438 0 td -0.017 tc (book libr)tj 3.68301 0.00001 td (ary with millions of dollar)tj 10.90194 0.00001 td -0.0168 tc (s)tj 0.67031 0 td -0.017 tc (in books )tj -25.4109 -1.2632 td (behind plastic )tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (78)tj et q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /length 6109 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(huge 1489 map of the w)19(orld in the basement near the t)18(oilets)]tj -0.7778 -1.26316 td [(oh happ)19(y da)18(y pr)19(e)19(w)19(estern hemispher)18(e pr)19(ecolumbian)]tj t* [(gr)19(eat t)18(alk about viz)19(enor and thomas king)-1782(looking at the columbus map)]tj t* [(w)19(e think it w)19(ould be good t)18(o do r)19(esear)19(ch her)18(e)-2924(within and against )]tj t* [(or just not enter cert)19(ain conv)18(er)19(sations)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(w)19(e\325v)19(e mo)18(v)19(ed t)19(o nearb)19(y sudler hall w)18(aiting f)19(or the l/iter)19(ati )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(7:15 and jace is glo)19(wing)-2332(his f)18(ace is happ)19(y his nose v)19(ery r)18(ed)]tj t* [(e)19(v)19(en though w)18(e\325r)19(e 15 minutes late)]tj t* [(betty louise bell oklahoma cher)19(ok)18(ee teaches u michigan)]tj 0.27783 -1.26316 td [19(y br)18(other w)19(ould ne)19(v)18(er belie)19(v)19(e this e)18(v)19(erywher)19(e w)19(e go )]tj -0.27783 -1.26316 td [(he sa)19(y)19(s k)18(eep y)19(our v)19(oice do)18(wn\323 she is pr)19(ecious)]tj t* [(the quality of whate)19(v)18(er is not str)19(ained)]tj t* [(jace puts his co)19(wbo)18(y boots up cr)19(ossed on st)19(age )]tj t* [(he doesn\325t attend man)19(y r)18(eadings i suspect)]tj t* -0.028 tc 0.014 tw [-28(l)-28(o)-28(o)-28(k)-28( )-14(f)-9(o)-28(r)-28( )-14(m)-28(e)-28( )-14(i)-28(n)-28( )-14(t)-28(h)-28(e)-28( )-14(m)-28(o)-28(o)-28(n)-398(the old lady sa)18(y)19(s t)18(alk of the public image of cher)19(ok)18(ees\323 )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(unkind i/mage a beautiful hall mor)19(e t)18(alk of cher)19(ok)19(ees and e)18(v)19(angelism )]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw [18(ou all t)19(alk of genuine r)19(ocks fr)19(om the cher)18(ok)19(ee nation sharp #2 pencils\323 )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (luc)tj 1.22193 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79663 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (er)tj 0.85107 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70359 0 td 0 tc [(sa)19(y)19(s \322i am y)18(our w)19(or)18(st nightmar)19(e)-3539(i )5(am )5(an )5(indian )5(with )5(a )5(pen\323)]tj -4.53563 -1.26317 td [(\322don\325t mess with indian w)19(omen y)18(ou white house/s\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.027 tc 0.002 tw [(laur)19(a t)18(ohe t)19(alks of fir)19(st nations w)19(omen w)18(alking behind their men \322steering them\323)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (she w)tj 2.49951 0 td (ent t)tj 1.96289 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.8148 0 td 0 tc (albuquer)tj 3.77749 0.00001 td (que indian school she speaks of thunder beings )tj -9.05468 -1.26317 td [(baseball bats chit)19(o harjo a cr)18(eek fr)19(om the early 1900s)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.011 tc -0.008 tw [(ofelia of the t)19(ohono o\325odham nation speaks of the birth of st)19(ar)18(s speaks a lot)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (in her o)tj 3.33227 0 td (wn language and i st)tj 9.77709 0 td (arted t)tj 2.81471 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81477 0 td 0 tc [(under)19(st)18(and someho)19(w )]tj -16.73885 -1.26317 td [(language outside of itself perhaps despite itself and m)19(y)19(self)]tj 0 -1.26316 td tj 0.38794 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (erything i write is r)tj 8.23755 0 td (etr)tj 1.16602 0.00001 td (ospect y)tj 4.40772 0 td [(ou kno)19(w\323 she sa)18(y)19(s)]tj -15.16162 -2.52633 td [(h)19(yphenated eliz)19(abeth speaks about the spok)18(ane r)19(ez r)19(eads poems )]tj 0 -1.26316 td (about her e)tj 4.90722 0 td (x-husbands about a black hills museum)tj -4.90722 -1.26316 td (no)tj 1.09204 0 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.03677 0 td 0 tc [(she can\325t e)19(v)18(en get the sequel t)19(o her fir)19(st no)19(v)18(el published)]tj -2.12881 -1.26316 td [(\322it t)19(alks about the 5 or 6 dams on the missouri riv)18(er\323 )]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.77782 0 td 0 tc (beautiful blank)tj 6.40797 0 td (et o)tj 1.61084 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (er her left shoulder)tj -9.27783 -1.26317 td -0.039 tc 0.014 tw (she sees her)tj 5.11124 0 td [(self as a poet a fiction writer she\325)37(s v)18(ery funn)19(y also v)19(ery bitter and nasty)]tj -5.11124 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(in an anti-colonialist w)19(a)18(y)-1445(she documents o)19(v)19(erhear)19(d airplane conv)18(er)19(sations )]tj t* -0.024 tc -0.001 tw (including one w)tj 6.50736 0 td [(oman and her husband who when the)19(y w)18(er)19(e in egypt e)18(xplained)]tj -6.50736 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw (their kids had t)tj 6.50024 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81473 0 td 0 tc (go without t)tj 5.16574 0.00001 td (o)tj 0.51806 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td -0.0004 tc (s)tj 1.65911 0.00001 td 0 tc (because the par)tj 6.81494 0.00001 td [(ents mo)19(v)18(ed ar)19(ound so much )]tj -21.97283 -1.26319 td [(\322please\323 she said t)19(o her)-2555(e)18(xplaining emer)19(genc)19(y onboar)19(d pr)18(ocedur)19(es)]tj 0 -1.26315 td -0.017 tc (\322put the bag o)tj 5.8964 0.00001 td 0 tc (v)tj 0.46453 0.00001 td -0.017 tc (er y)tj 1.581 0.00001 td (our mouth and br)tj 7.38062 0.00001 td [(eathe\323 )-388(instead of being nasty in m)19(y writing)]tj -15.32255 -1.26318 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 1.96311 0 td 0 tc (lea)tj 1.22195 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.48121 0.00001 td (e)tj 6.41317 0.00001 td (blanks)tj -10.0794 -2.5263 td (ines r)tj 2.3875 0 td (eads fr)tj 2.92554 0.00001 td (om a manuscript she tr)tj 10.07275 0.00001 td (anslated fr)tj 4.55542 0.00001 td [(om na)19(v)19(aj)-1(o)1( or apac)-1(he)]tj -19.9412 -1.2632 td (bef)tj 1.3521 0 td (or)tj 0.8879 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (gr)tj 0.8511 0 td (aduate school it is long and beautiful it\325)tj 22.48242 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70378 0 td 0 tc (actually a pr)tj 5.27791 0.00001 td (a)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td (er)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3701 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (79)tj et q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /length 6610 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(ma)19(ybe it\325)36(s the limited edition book with pictur)19(es b)19(y the german w)18(oman)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(with whom she collabor)19(ated in the 197)36(0s)]tj t* [(that\325)37(s no)18(w being auctioned on the internet f)19(or thousands of dollar)19(s)]tj t* [(ines speaks of 13 differ)19(ent schools in element)18(ary she attended as a child)]tj t* [(she t)19(alks of chaining her)18(self in calif)19(ornia in pr)19(otest )-3061(a)5(g)5(a)5(i)5(n)5(s)5(t)5( )14(a)5( )14(l)5(o)5(t)5( )14(o)5(f)5( )14(t)5(h)5(i)5(n)5(g)5(s)5( )14( )]tj t* [(of mo)19(ving t)18(o me)19(xico f)19(or 7 y)18(ear)19(s)-1643(going t)19(o gr)19(aduate school with 7 kids)]tj t* [(her husband ha)19(ving left her)-3250(i lea)18(v)19(e mor)19(e blanks )]tj t* [(because i\325d r)19(ather listen than t)18(ak)19(e notes)]tj t* -0.009 tw [(then she coughs and coughs gestur)19(es f)18(or the na)19(v)19(ajo w)19(oman t)18(o finish f)19(or her )]tj t* 0 tw [(she drinks w)19(ater shak)18(es )-4807(she is not w)18(ell in her body it seems)]tj t* [(ma)19(ybe ther)18(e ar)19(e bad spirits lurking)]tj t* [(later up the st)19(air)18(s of the hall looking do)19(wn)-744(i hear someone sa)18(y )]tj t* (monique is giving her some herbs)tj -0.0002 tc (i)' 0.5736 0 td 0 tc [(r)19(emember i ha)18(v)19(e echinacea and golden seal in m)19(y shirt pock)18(et)]tj -0.5736 -1.26316 td [(and vit)19(amin c bet)18(acar)19(otene calcium i had f)19(or)18(gotten )]tj t* [(she must ha)19(v)18(e kno)19(wn in her spirit that she w)19(ould cough)]tj t* [(must ha)19(v)18(e kno)19(wn i had br)19(ought some medicines fr)19(om ne)18(w y)19(ork st)18(ate)]tj t* -0.006 tc [(and f)19(or)18(gotten t)19(o t)19(ak)18(e them in the morning)-2948(f)42(o)23(r)42(g)23(o)23(t)23(t)23(e)23(n)23( )13(t)41(o)23( )13(g)23(i)23(v)42(e)23( )13(s)23(o)23(m)23(e)23( )13(t)42(o)23( )13(p)23(a)23(t)23( )13(t)41(o)23(o)]tj 0 -2.52632 td 0 tc [(sunda)19(y february 8th 9:37 am jace is r)18(elax)19(ed )-4577(and )-76(w)19(e )-76(ha)18(v)19(en\325t )-76(st)19(arted)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.042 tc 0.011 tw [(shock double t)19(ak)18(e w)19(e)-1( )-1(a)-1(r)18(e)-1( )-1(l)-1(a)-1(t)-1(e)-1( )-1(b)17(y 7 minutes but no)19(w he\325)37(s going t)18(o st)19(a)-1(r)-1(t)-1( )-1( )-1(a)-1(l)-1(m)-1(o)-1(s)-1(t)-1( )-1(o)-1(n)-1( )-1(t)-1(i)-1(m)-1(e)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (he\325)tj 1.29687 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70377 0 td 0 tc (been incr)tj 4.05428 0 td (edible in terms of being w)tj 11.31349 0.00001 td [(at)19(ch bound )]tj -17.36841 -1.26317 td [(mind y)19(ou not \322)55(clock/wise\323 as someone said \322w)19(asn\325t the dir)19(ection\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(because the dir)19(ection w)18(as ar)19(ound bef)19(or)18(e clocks w)19(er)19(e)]tj t* (jace sa)tj 2.88867 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70372 0 td 0 tc (\322whitne)tj 3.38735 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79677 0 td 0 tc [(humanities comple)19(x has not had )]tj -8.27651 -1.26317 td [(such a lar)19(ge sust)18(ained turnout in 5 y)19(ear)19(s\323 semi-sust)18(ained applause)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (then he acts as almost an apologist f)tj 15.72265 0 td (or alan)tj 3.22472 0 td (about whom he sa)tj 7.98144 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj -27.42881 -1.26317 td 0 tc (his par)tj 2.92529 0.00001 td (ents died much)tj 9.27662 0 td [(t)19(oo y)18(oung the)19(y w)19(er)18(e ethnogr)19(apher)19(s)]tj -12.20192 -1.26316 td [(jace sa)19(y)19(s ther)18(e ar)19(e ten t)19(o tw)18(enty thousand speak)19(er)19(s of cher)18(ok)19(ee)]tj t* (trudy richmond fr)tj 7.72119 0 td (om the scanak)tj 6.31494 0 td (oot nation in geor)tj 7.70142 0 td (gia sa)tj 3.27709 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70369 0 td (a)tj 0.77769 0 td 0 tc [(pr)19(a)18(y)19(er )]tj -26.99602 -1.26317 td -0.017 tc (then speaks of her friend who w)tj 13.46373 0 td [(ould light a fir)19(e at some dist)18(ance fr)19(om the r)19(eserv)19(e)]tj -13.46373 -1.26316 td 0 tc [(t)19(o let her kno)19(w she\325)36(s on her w)19(a)19(y)-1382(she speaks of the quitip/pitipiaq people )]tj t* (who no longer e)tj 6.99878 0 td (xist \322officially\323)tj 8.43695 0 td (the)tj 1.35205 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79661 0 td 0 tc (sa)tj 0.907 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 1.62998 0 td tj 0.38808 0 td 0 tc (as political entities\323)tj -20.50945 -1.26317 td -0.036 tc 0.006 tw (the piquat w)tj 4.96472 0 td [(er)19(e chased and killed \322finally the colonists said if the)18(y got rid of their dogs)]tj -4.96472 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(the)19(y\325d giv)18(e them mor)19(e land f)19(or their corn)]tj t* (the quinipiaq peoples wher)tj 12.29614 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(ar)19(e the)18(y? wher)19(e ar)19(e w)18(e?)]tj -13.07394 -1.26316 td (w)tj 0.73999 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77783 0 td 0 tc (don\325t speak the language ha)tj 12.68677 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77779 0 td 0 tc (no cer)tj 2.70268 0.00001 td (emonies)tj -18.16626 -1.26318 td [(w)19(e sa)19(y w)18(e ar)19(e an ignor)19(ant people that is our hist)18(ory )]tj 0 -1.26315 td (the mohicans allied with the english the sk)tj 19.26025 0.00001 td (at)tj 0.79615 0.00001 td (aquiak w)tj 3.88818 0.00001 td (ent int)tj 2.79565 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81475 0 td 0 tc (the hills )tj -27.55498 -1.26318 td (no)tj 1.09204 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.03674 0 td 0 tc (ther)tj 1.72181 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (ar)tj 0.8511 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (thr)tj 1.22197 0.00001 td (ee r)tj 2.18458 0.00001 td (ecogniz)tj 3.27661 0.00001 td (ed gr)tj 2.18481 0.00001 td (oups of e)tj 4.22193 0.00001 td [(xtinct people of m)19(y nation\323)]tj -19.3472 -1.2632 td [(i\325m not sur)19(e what \322r)18(ecogniz)19(ed\323 means i assume it means b)19(y white people)]tj 0 -2.5263 td -0.037 tc 0.006 tw (the golden hill r)tj 6.1497 0 td 0 tw (eserv)tj 2.0917 0 td 0.006 tw (ation is fe)tj 3.82658 0.00001 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.70296 0.00001 td -0.037 tc (er than .25 acr)tj 5.81579 0.00001 td (es the smallest and oldest r)tj 11.51591 0.00001 td 0 tw (eserv)tj 2.09173 0.00001 td (ation)tj -32.1944 -1.2632 td -0.0001 tc (in)tj 1.1106 0 td 0 tc [(the usa consisting of one f)19(amily ther)18(e ar)19(e 2 piaquot nations )]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (80)tj et q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /length 6332 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(tw)19(o gr)18(oups emer)19(ged tr)19(eated as pt and nt people )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(looking f)19(or feder)18(al r)19(ecognition this is what trudy is doing)]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(jace intr)19(oduces tink tink)18(er who is r)19(eally geor)19(ge )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(he is fr)19(om an indigenous school in denv)18(er color)19(ado)]tj t* [(tink t)19(alks about a trip t)18(o bolivia \322)56(a centr)19(al chur)19(ch built in 1639)]tj t* [(tw)19(o y)18(ear)19(s after a big massacr)18(e 4 y)19(ear)19(s bef)19(or)18(e j elliott of bost)19(on)]tj t* [(br)19(ought the gospel t)18(o nativ)19(e people t)19(o dispossess them of the land\323)]tj t* [(\322no)19(w ther)18(e ar)19(e man)19(y gener)18(ations of christians)]tj t* [(and once a w)19(eek ther)18(e is a r)19(eligious activity)-118(called chur)19(ch)]tj t* [(with o)19(v)18(er a million catholic indians ther)19(e ar)19(e 12 catholic priests)]tj t* [(white jesuits and fr)19(anciscans dominicans)-396(dos nortes cochabamba in august )]tj t* [(in bolivia mesoamerica )-2130(andes amaz)18(on catholicism e)19(v)19(erywher)19<65d3>]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(tink sa)19(y)19(s ther)18(e is little sense t)19(o them in celibac)19(y)-2128(lo)19(v)19(e us t)19(o death)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(look after us \322th)19(y will be done\323 \322r)18(ock)19(efeller\323)]tj t* [(the sin of 500 y)19(ear)18(s of e)19(v)19(angelism)-1196(spr)18(eading the w)19(or)19(d of jesus)]tj t* [(ho)19(w t)18(o postur)19(e our)18(selv)19(es f)19(or the ne)18(xt millenium of the indian e)19(xperience )]tj t* (an e)tj 1.83301 0 td (x)tj 0.51806 0 td (ceptional t)tj 4.5183 0 td (alk b)tj 2.35255 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79679 0 td 0 tc [(not the liter)19(ati the gr)18(assr)19(oots chur)19(ch w)18(ork)19(er)18(s )]tj -10.01871 -1.26317 td [(\322180 indians adopted a document unanimously )-996(that is consensus thinking)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(the)19(y gener)18(ate their o)19(wn theologism no jesus)-2776(but cr)19(eat)19(or)]tj t* (if ther)tj 2.57348 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77774 0 td 0 tc (is an)tj 2.01767 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79651 0 td (r)tj 0.3512 0 td 0 tc [(oom f)19(or jesus jesus must fit in t)18(o who the)19(y ar)19(e )]tj -6.5166 -1.26317 td [(int)19(o their cer)18(emonies\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(\322ther)19(e w)18(er)19(e man)19(y differ)18(ent tr)19(aditions\323)-2397(turning cir)19(cle differ)18(ently)]tj t* (sunrise w)tj 4.10888 0 td (orks differ)tj 4.42481 0 td (ent do)tj 2.74072 0 td [(wn ther)19(e)-5156(clockwise/counter)18(clockwise\323 )]tj -11.27441 -1.26317 td [(as jace sa)19(y)19(s but \322that must be a cher)18(ok)19(ee thing\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (under)tj 2.51782 0 td (st)tj 0.72193 0 td (ated humour does not tr)tj 10.51782 0 td (ans/late/fer w)tj 5.81396 0 td (ell ont)tj 3.50025 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81484 0 td 0 tc (the page)tj -23.88662 -1.26317 td (all cer)tj 2.57373 0.00001 td (emonies ar)tj 4.81323 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc [(done b)19(y both man and w)18(oman)-1164(parity is so import)19(ant )]tj -8.16476 -1.26316 td -0.036 tc 0.006 tw [(i)-16(t is modelled e)18(v)19(erywher)19(e he sho)19(w)19(s jace the w)18(at)19(ch which is t)19(o sa)18(y the time)]tj 0 -2.52632 td 0 tc 0 tw (no)tj 1.09204 0 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.03676 0 td 0 tc [(john mack f)19(ar)18(agher a hist)19(ory pr)19(of pr)18(ofessional hist)19(orian of colonialism )]tj -2.1288 -1.26316 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(r)19(eads a chr)19(onicle dealing with fr)19(ontier mo)19(v)19(ement fr)19(o)1(m)1( )1(r)19(ed jack)19(et 1805 seneca )]tj -0.0002 tc (ho)' 1.07397 0 td (w)tj 1.03656 0 td (t)tj 0.29621 0 td -0.0003 tc (o)tj 0.81448 0 td (w)tj 0.7402 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (or)tj 0.88795 0 td (ship the gr)tj 4.57397 0 td (eat spirit)tj -9.42334 -1.26317 td (the panel member)tj 7.98218 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.7038 0 td 0 tc [(include left t)19(o right \322fir)18(st white fr)19(ost\323 then jace )]tj -8.68598 -1.26316 td [(ines mescaler)19(o apache a ucal per)18(son b)19(y the name of homer nole)19(y)]tj t* (chris jocks a moha)tj 8.05493 0 td [(wk fr)19(om dartmouth college then john and the moha)18(wk )]tj -8.05493 -1.26316 td (an elderly r)tj 4.90722 0.00001 td (ez/v)tj 1.72193 0.00001 td (er)tj 0.85107 0.00001 td (end la)tj 2.62988 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.79679 0 td 0 tc (fello)tj 1.81478 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (w)tj 1.31445 0 td 0 tc (fr)tj 0.66603 0.00001 td (om the seminary)tj -14.70215 -1.26319 td [(who giv)19(es thanks and speaks of souv)18(enir )-449(his pr)19(a)19(y)19(er)18(s ar)19(e mark)19(ed in r)18(ed )]tj 0 -1.26315 td (he uses w)tj 4.23999 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.88794 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (d)tj 0.83361 0 td (r)tj 0.35121 0.00001 td 0 tc (eplacements with the king james as a template)tj -6.31275 -1.26318 td -0.0002 tc tj 1.01737 0 td (w)tj 0.7402 0.00001 td 0 tc (ould ha)tj 3.18555 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77776 0 td 0 tc (written it in choct)tj 7.64607 0.00001 td (a)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (w\323 he sa)tj 3.99902 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.5 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70377 0 td 0 tc (\322speaking of hermeneutics\323 )tj -19.5321 -1.2632 td [(\322it being originally biblical interpr)19(et)18(ation in particular\323)]tj t* (he speaks of err)tj 6.88842 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.88795 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70367 0 td 0 tc (in tr)tj 1.77655 0.00001 td (anslation \322during the second century\323 )tj -10.2566 -1.2632 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw (\322the je)tj 2.729 0 td 0 tc (w)tj 0.728 0 td -0.0121 tc (s)tj 0.6779 0 td -0.012 tc (becoming gentiles\323 \322martian\325)tj 12.87134 0.00001 td -0.0121 tc (s)tj 0.67789 0 td -0.012 tc (strict dualism\323 \322phant)tj 9.21243 0.00001 td (om jesus\323 \322justin )tj -26.8966 -1.2632 td 0 tc 0 tw [(martyr and arist)19(otle as christians\323)-495(adding \322the catholic chur)19(ch is the pr)18(otect)19(or )]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3659 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (81)tj et q endstream endobj 19 0 obj << /length 6740 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(of tr)19(aditional tr)18(anslation\323 suuuur)19(e it is just w)19(at)18(ch)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(ne)19(xt he speaks of hermeneuts with his v)18(ery soft br)19(oadv)19(o)19(w)19(elled speech)]tj -0.0002 tc (of)' 1.12953 0 td 0 tc [(z)19(eus and pegasus athena am i in the right r)18(oom he doesn\325t look lik)19(e )]tj -1.12953 -1.26316 td (joseph campbell )tj t* [(\322the crucifier)19(s of jesus became interpr)18(eter)19(s missionaries )-1441(in w)19(ashingt)19(on dc )]tj t* [(y)19(ou might as w)19(ell be flying int)18(o athens\323 he sa)19(y)19(s speaking of the columns)]tj t* [(\322what if the r)19(omans came her)18(e\323 he sa)19(y)19(s hoping z)19(eus isn\325t her)18(e )]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.013 tw [1(y)19(es this is the ne)19(w r)19(ome\323 \322the old boatman putting coins on the e)19(y)19(es of the dead\323)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(m)19(y people ne)19(v)18(er had coins someho)19(w he mo)19(v)19(es t)18(o \322)56(ely)19(sian fields\323 )]tj t* -0.033 tc 0.008 tw [(and \322)56(athenian hea)18(v)19(en\323 y)19(o her)19(e w)18(e go \322in southern calif)19(ornia ther)18(e is ely)19(sian park\323)]tj -0.0001 tc (i)' 0.5738 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (guess that must mean something)tj -0.5738 -1.26316 td [56(arist)19(otle said some people ar)18(e born t)19(o be sla)19(v)19(es some t)18(o be master)19<73d3>]tj t* [(wher)19(e i ask m)18(y)19(self does the spiritual authority r)19(eside)]tj t* [18(e must r)19(emo)19(v)19(e the v)18(eil fr)19(om moses\325 f)19(ace\323)-3501(that\325)37(s a t)18(ak)19(e)]tj t* [(ines speaks of the y)19(ale logo being light and truth )-172217(k)17(n)17(o)35(w)17(l)17(e)17(d)17(g)17(e)17( )14(i)17(s)17( )14(l)17(i)17(k)36(e)17( )14(a)17( )14(t)17(r)35(e)17(e)17( )]tj t* [(not just the br)19(anch and other parts but the whole tr)18(ee\323)]tj t* [(she speaks of \322symbolic sy)19(stems gener)18(ated b)19(y being land-based\323)]tj t* -0.031 tc 0.005 tw [(she speaks of \322spiritual homeland not r)19(eal est)19(ate\323 \322it is an illegal plunder of the past)]tj t* 0 tc -0.006 tw (just as stripping fencing the earth and plo)tj 18.98449 0 td (wing ar)tj 3.21401 0.00001 td (e\323 \322it must not be cut int)tj 11.49566 0 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj -33.69416 -1.26317 td 0 tc 0 tw [(our mother when y)19(ou dig a pit f)18(or a sw)19(eat\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(she mo)19(v)18(es t)19(o t)19(alk briefly about the chumash )-2773(\322it is with hands )]tj t* (not a t)tj 2.77759 0 td (ool or implement )tj 9.42433 0 td (y)tj 0.5 0 td [(ou mak)19(e an offering of per)18(spir)19(ation\323)]tj -12.70192 -1.26317 td -0.036 tc 0.011 tw [(she w)19(as v)18(ery angry when she began t)19(o speak when she \322began t)19(o teach\323 y)19(ear)18(s back)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77786 0 td 0 tc 0 tw [(fello)19(w named r)18(o)19(y harv)19(e)19(y pier)18(ce w)19(as her ment)19(or)]tj -0.77786 -1.26316 td tj 1.18383 0 td (a)tj 0.48121 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79669 0 td 0 tc (back lik)tj 3.31512 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77781 0 td 0 tc [(the old thing of hone)19(y and vinegar)]tj -6.55466 -1.26317 td [(the land w)19(as r)18(aped and people w)19(er)19(e clothed in natur)18(e\323 )]tj 0 -1.26316 td (\322our pines ar)tj 5.60864 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (our cathedr)tj 4.96219 0 td (al natur)tj 3.57348 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77773 0 td 0 tc (is our bible\323 )tj -15.69984 -1.26317 td -0.035 tc 0.009 tw (she t)tj 1.89307 0.00001 td -0.034 tc (alks about the abomb det)tj 10.21401 0 td -0.035 tc [(onations \322)56(as the cloud mo)18(v)19(ed acr)18(oss the r)19(e)-1(s)-1(e)-1(r)-1(v)17(ation)]tj -12.10708 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [(it cr)19(eated a ne)18(w m)19(ythology about nomads in the crucible of the desert\323)]tj t* (she spok)tj 3.77807 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (of cer)tj 2.44365 0 td (emon)tj 2.48096 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79664 0 td 0 tc (as \322)tj 1.59155 0 td (aesthetic\323 \322y)tj 6.33227 0 td [(ou pr)19(a)18(y f)19(or tr)19(ees used as tipi poles)]tj -18.20093 -1.26317 td (abalone shells ar)tj 7.20385 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc [(used e)19(v)18(en w)19(a)19(y out ther)19<65d3>]tj -7.98163 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77773 0 td 0 tc [(space of silence \322w)19(e ar)18(e in this t)19(ogether\323)-3937(a sir)19(en w)18(ails)]tj -0.77773 -1.26316 td tj 0.40815 0 td (w)tj 0.69318 0 td -0.0469 tc (e)tj 0.69488 0 td (ar)tj 0.75746 0 td (e)tj 0.69485 0 td -0.047 tc 0.011 tw (consumed b)tj 4.83872 0 td -0.0469 tc (y)tj 0.71381 0 td -0.047 tc (consuming\323 she sa)tj 7.61335 0 td [(y)19(s \322the \324ne)19(w scholar\325 surf)18(aces fr)19(om m)19(y w)18(ork\323 )]tj -16.41439 -1.26317 td -0.021 tc 0 tw tj 1.14295 0 td -0.0205 tc (e)tj 0.74346 0 td -0.021 tc 0.007 tw [(all w)19(alk this continent t)18(ogether\323 she speaks t)19(o a white audience her)19(e at y)18(a)-1(l)-1(e)]tj -1.88641 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw [18(e kno)19(w that de)19(v)19(elopment is wr)18(ong\323 )]tj t* tj 1.18383 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77781 0 td 0 tc [(all kno)19(w about nonnativ)18(es speaking about nativ)19(e spirituality\323 )]tj -1.96164 -1.26316 td (bringing her t)tj 5.86889 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81477 0 td 0 tc (the idea of \322)tj 5.25872 0.00001 td (an apache ambush\323)tj -11.94238 -1.26317 td [(\322i pr)19(efer the term \324integr)18(ated\325 t)19(o \324holistic\325\323)]tj 0 -1.26315 td (she mo)tj 3.16651 0.00001 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (es on t)tj 2.88842 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.8147 0 td 0 tc (writing \322)tj 3.97876 0.00001 td (about ethnopoetics studying tribal poetry)tj -11.32959 -1.26318 td (v)tj 0.4812 0.00001 td (alidating white interpr)tj 9.57202 0.00001 td (et)tj 0.79615 0.00001 td (ations\321what is this?\323)tj -10.8494 -1.2632 td [18(e must begin with language with \324r)19(espect\325\323)]tj t* (\322is it a nativ)tj 5.1645 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (or is it a north american e)tj 11.77497 0.00001 td (xperience\323)tj -17.7173 -1.2632 td (\322did y)tj 2.5923 0 td (ou kno)tj 2.9624 0 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.0368 0 td 0 tc (the biggest tribe is the w)tj 10.88805 0.00001 td (annabe tribe\323)tj -17.4795 -1.2632 td [(oh sa)19(y ne)18(w)19(ager can y)19(ou see \322f)19(acing the w)18(est\323 checkmark this one hist)19(ory)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (82)tj et q endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /length 6713 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [18(e w)19(elcome them t)19(o our fir)18(es )-1550(t)19(o w)18(ork with us)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(can w)19(e kno)18(w the f)19(aith of the pr)19(ophet without kno)18(wing the ar)19(abic language)]tj -0.0001 tc (of)' 1.12957 0 td 0 tc -0.007 tw [(cour)19(se )-7(not\323)-5278(she goes on about language and indigenous language )]tj -1.12957 -1.26316 td 0 tw [(\322the)19(y ar)18(e dist)19(orting the w)19(or)18(ds of our pr)19(ophets)-3380-5(t)-5(h)-5(e)-5(r)14(e)-531(s)-5( )-139(n)-5(o)-5( )-139(s)-5(u)-5(c)-5(h)-5( )-139(t)-5(h)-5(i)-5(n)-5(g)-5( )-139(a)-5(s)]tj t* -0.014 tc [(na)19(v)19(ajo philosoph)18(y\325 the department head at the univ)19(er)19(sity of ne)19(w me)18(xico t)19(old me\323)]tj t* 0 tc [(lights go out at 1)56(0:0)56(1 the trickster puts the lights out )]tj t* [(on \322the w)19(orld of the supernatur)18(al\323)-88218(e need t)19(o k)18(eep in mind r)19(epatriation )]tj t* [(of spiritual objects fr)19(om museums\323 \322harv)18(ar)19<64d5>37(s peabody\323 someone clarifies)]tj t* [(she speaks of \322singing t)19(o the r)18(attles in the peabody\323)]tj t* [(\322the)19(y ha)18(v)19(e not been fed w)19(e cannot mo)19(v)18(e without carrying that pain)]tj t* [(w)19(e ar)19(e in it t)18(ogether w)19(e ar)19(e in it t)18(ogether w)19(e ar)19(e in it t)18(ogether)]tj t* [(the majority of our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ar)19(e not nativ)18(e)-1764(because of genocide)]tj -0.0001 tc (i)' 1.12952 0 td 0 tc [(don\325t buy the term post)19(colonial)-1269(st)18(op thinking about land as r)19(eal est)19(ate\323)]tj -1.12952 -2.52632 td [(chris jocks is moha)19(wk fr)18(om southern calif)19(ornia no)19(w at dartmouth college)]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.01 tc -0.004 tw [(he speaks of \322wher)19(e the nuns carried ruler)18(s and the)19(y ne)19(v)18(er measur)19(ed an)19(ything\323 )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(he w)19(as afr)18(aid of them so he obe)19(y)19(ed so he obe)19(y)19(s )]tj t* [(\322wh)19(y do w)18(e engage in tr)19(anslation? people\325)37(s w)18(or)19(ds and liv)18(es)]tj (e)' 0.48 0 td -0.001 tc (xtr)tj 1.19926 0.00001 td -0.013 tw (apolating meanings fr)tj 9.37388 0 td (om te)tj 2.48105 0 td [(xts\323 he goes on about \322)56(analogies of cher)19(o)1(k)19(ee\323 )]tj -13.5342 -1.26317 td 0 tc 0 tw [(of \322geor)19(gia\323 and \322dumping the t)18(ailings\323 tr)19(anslations become pablum )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(\322because y)19(ou lik)18(e being called an e)19(xpert )-1004(y)19(ou w)19(ant t)18(o get tenur)19(e )]tj t* (and get y)tj 4.00048 0 td (our name in the corner of a book\323)tj -4.00048 -1.26316 td -0.001 tc -0.013 tw [1(y)19(ou ma)19(y ha)19(v)19(e hear)18(d \324tr)19(anslation benefits all nativ)19(e people\325 this is a danger)18(ous)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(misleading idea w)19(e think w)18(e kno)19(w because w)19(e ha)18(v)19(e w)19(or)18(ds)]tj t* (but it often hides mor)tj 9.40674 0 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (than it r)tj 3.42534 0 td (e)tj 0.4812 0 td [(v)19(eals\321i am a goad in this\323)]tj -14.09106 -1.26317 td [(he speaks of six nativ)19(e languages of medicine masks and haudinosaunee)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (of nondefined thing/s chief)tj 12.16626 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 1.25915 0 td (r)tj 0.3512 0 td 0 tc (egalia sacr)tj 5.073 0 td (ed objects)tj -18.84961 -1.26317 td (nativ)tj 2.12891 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77771 0 td (r)tj 0.3512 0 td 0 tc [(eligion a checklist y)19(ou can w)18(ork with)-2426(bo)19(x)19(es the)19(y fit int)18(o)]tj -3.25781 -1.26316 td [(\322what w)19(e ha)18(v)19(e t)19(o do is change)-1956(the definition of r)18(eligion\323)]tj t* -0.005 tc (\322tr)tj 1.09663 0 td -0.009 tw (anslation can only bring us t)tj 12.06395 0 td -0.0045 tc (o)tj 0.79647 0 td -0.005 tc (the thr)tj 2.83017 0 td (eshold ther)tj 5.54901 0 td -0.0045 tc (e)tj 0.7595 0 td -0.005 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.84229 0 td -0.0045 tc (e)tj 0.75947 0 td -0.005 tc -0.009 tw [(piles of interpr)19(e)-1(t)17(ation\323 )]tj -24.69748 -1.26317 td 0 tc 0 tw (\322do ideas w)tj 5.07275 0 td [(ear out?\323 what of w)19(or)18(d journe)19(y)19(s \322the gr)19(eat la)18(w of peace )]tj -5.07275 -1.26316 td [(the category of nation )-1850(longhouse tr)18(adition a bundle of tr)19(aditions\323)]tj t* -0.004 tw (he compar)tj 4.62512 0 td (es the aboriginal gar)tj 8.76355 0 td (den and eur)tj 5.19482 0 td 0 tw (ogar)tj 1.88794 0 td -0.004 tw (den speaks of cr)tj 7.86327 0 td 0 tw (osspollination)tj -28.33469 -1.26317 td (he quotes \322)tj 4.86987 0 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77781 0 td 0 tc [(late philosopher and ideologue of the w)19(arrior society\323)]tj -5.64768 -1.26316 td [(winding do)19(wn he speaks of \322poly)18(synthetic languages including moha)19(wk\323 )]tj t* (he speaks of \322being r)tj 10.24023 0 td [(ooted in gr)19(ound\323)]tj -10.24023 -2.52632 td -0.029 tc -0.002 tw [(sue kidw)19(ell speaks of \322land as a sour)18(ce of cultur)19<65d320d2>56(a \324single dr)19(op of blood\325 salv)18(ation)]tj 0 -1.26315 td 0 tc 0 tw (the coming of corn skin becoming corn)tj 18.94737 0.00001 td -0.012 tc (the)tj 1.31642 0.00001 td (y)tj 0.771 0 td -0.002 tw (must kill her and dr)tj 8.25427 0.00001 td (ag her body)tj -29.28906 -1.26318 td -0.048 tc 0 tw (ar)tj 0.75466 0.00001 td 0.012 tw (ound the field no)tj 7.07075 0.00001 td -0.0483 tc (w)tj 0.95239 0 td -0.048 tc (corn gr)tj 2.74705 0.00001 td 0 tc (o)tj 0.46985 0.00001 td (w)tj 0.69179 0.00001 td -0.0483 tc (s)tj 0.6194 0 td -0.048 tc 0 tw (ther)tj 1.52898 0.00001 td -0.0483 tc (e)tj 0.69345 0 td -0.048 tc 0.012 tw (corn is life death when i dance i am the corn\323)tj -15.5283 -1.2632 td 0 tc 0 tw [(she speaks of the gr)19(eat tr)18(ee sa)19(ying)]tj t* (\322the tr)tj 2.7585 0 td (ee of ines is not something y)tj 12.44286 0.00001 td (ou can deconstruct\323)tj -15.2014 -1.2632 td (\322people become chained t)tj 11.31518 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (o)tj 0.81457 0 td (r)tj 0.35121 0.00001 td 0 tc (adiat)tj 2.11084 0.00001 td (or)tj 0.88794 0.00001 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.70356 0 td (f)tj 0.2962 0.00001 td 0 tc (or speaking their language\323)tj -16.4795 -1.2632 td -0.013 tw [(she )-13(speaks )-13(of )-1356(cultur)18(e )-13(as )-13(a )-13(mo)19(ving )-13(t)19(ar)19(get)-1549(a pr)19(ocess and slang is part of it\323)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3701 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (83)tj et q endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /length 5834 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 34.394 63 327.195 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 35.3937 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(she quotes n scott momada)19(y \322i st)18(and in good r)19(elationship t)19(o all things\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(she speaks of the na)19(v)18(ajo ha)19(ving \322)56(a sense of beauty balance harmon)19<79d3>]tj 0 -2.52632 td [(w)19(e learn a bit mor)19(e of jace\325)36(s biogr)19(aph)19(y assist)18(ant pr)19(of at columbia la)19(w school )]tj 0 -1.26316 td -0.016 tc -0.009 tw [(g)-12(ot his phd at union theological seminary in 1996 \322i get the last w)19(or)19(d\323 he)-11( )-11(j)-11(o)-11(k)7(e)-11(s)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (adding \322it is deadly serious business\323 with humour)tj t* [(he t)19(alks about chief peter about \322white w)18(ampum and black w)19(ampum)]tj t* [(and t)19(aking out the black beads so all the w)18(ampum might be white\323)]tj t* (and \322 the malleability of indigenous people\323)tj t* [(\322the only cultur)19(es that do not change)-2929(ar)19(e dead ones)]tj t* [(\322st)19(asis\323 that bo)18(x of 19th century ideas\323 then changes t)19(ack )]tj t* [19(or ines english is her 3r)18(d language\323 mo)19(v)19(es on t)18(o \322r)19(eligiocultur)19(al cart)18(oons\323 )]tj t* [(of chris \322sharing \324big ideas\325 r)19(ather than the w)18(ork\323)]tj t* [(he speaks of \322\324y)19(o)19(w)19(a\325 a w)18(or)19(d so sacr)18(ed at one time )]tj t* [(only cert)19(ain people could speak it\323 )]tj -0.0002 tc (i)' 0.57352 0 td 0 tc [(w)19(ould be surprised if it has lost an)18(y of its sacr)19(edness )]tj -0.57352 -1.26316 td [(\322the y)19(ohiw)18(a r)19(ather than the y)19(a)18(w)19(ahi which is the cher)19(ok)19(ee jeho)18(v)19(a\323 )]tj t* [(then he mo)19(v)19(es t)18(o \322the elder fir)19(es abo)19(v)18(e\323 \322fr)19(actur)19(ed m)18(yths\323)]tj t* (and \322speaking english not being a diminution of indianness\323 )tj t* [(thr)19(ough \322)55(allophonia y)19(ou can speak t)19(o a br)18(oader community\323)]tj t* [(this is the bur)19(gundy shirted speak)18(er back and f)19(orth it goes )]tj t* (\322pr)tj 1.35083 0 td (operty rights and o)tj 8.20313 0 td (wner)tj 2.18383 0.00001 td [(ship of st)19(ories\323 \322misr)18(epr)19(esent)19(ation of te)18(xt and t)19(ask\323)]tj -11.73779 -1.26317 td [(\322people fr)19(om south of the rio gr)18(ande\323 \322the fir)19(st ad/v)19(ent of white people )]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(int)19(o the w)18(estern hemispher)19(e\323 \322the shar)19(ed quest f)18(or a met)19(a/discour)19(se\323 )]tj t* -0.009 tc -0.005 tw (who sa)tj 2.97961 0 td 0 tc (y)tj 0.49142 0 td -0.0087 tc (s)tj 0.68126 0 td -0.009 tc (its either shar)tj 5.74808 0 td [(ed or a quest? ther)19(e is t)18(alk of \322)56(community activism\323)]tj -9.90037 -1.26317 td 0 tc 0 tw [(alter/nativ)19(ely i consider \322)56(communitism activy\323)]tj 0 -1.26316 td (\322the par)tj 3.49951 0 td (ameter)tj 3.05494 0 td -0.0001 tc (s)tj 0.70372 0 td (of)tj 1.12958 0 td (the)tj 1.64844 0 td 0 tc (discour)tj 3.12836 0 td (se f)tj 1.49976 0 td (or nativ)tj 3.31347 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77781 0 td 0 tc (american polic)tj 6.36892 0 td -0.0002 tc (y)tj 0.79667 0 td 0 tc [(is la)19(w )]tj -25.92117 -1.26318 td (whose department)tj 8.11084 0.00001 td (al home is in american studies\323 hmm?)tj -8.11084 -1.26316 td (the politics of aboriginality of academic indianness)tj t* (12:04 time mo)tj 6.70459 0 td (v)tj 0.4812 0 td (es jace briefly cr)tj 7.31421 0 td (osses his arms he w)tj 8.92432 0 td (ants t)tj 2.38867 0 td -0.0001 tc (o)tj 0.81476 0 td 0 tc (be a scholar )tj -26.62775 -1.26317 td -0.0001 tc (i)tj 0.57377 0 td 0 tc (can sense it a speak)tj 8.90694 0 td [(er of bon mots his and other)19(s )]tj -9.48072 -1.26316 td -0.0001 tc (a)tj 0.77771 0 td 0 tc [(r)19(ainf)18(or)19(est met)19(aphor surf)18(aces the w)19(or)18(d \322)56(canop)19(y\323 and \322people belo)19<77d3>]tj -0.77771 -1.26316 td (\322if the cornst)tj 5.60962 0 td (alk does not pr)tj 6.44458 0 td (oduce ear)tj 4.22143 0 td -0.0002 tc (s)tj 0.98142 0 td 0 tc (ho)tj 1.074 0 td -0.0001 tc (w)tj 1.03679 0 td 0 tc (will it feed the people\323)tj -19.36784 -1.26317 td (he speaks of the 4th y)tj 9.52075 0 td [(ear of tenur)19(e tr)18(ack and so f)19(orth)]tj -9.52075 -2.52632 td -0.009 tc -0.005 tw (then \322t)tj 3.42279 0 td [(aking elder)19(s pr)18(er)19(ogativ)19(e\323 ines sa)19(y)19(s \322w)18(e should do lik)19(e je)19(wish people do )]tj -3.42279 -1.26316 td 0 tc 0 tw (with their holocaust k)tj 9.88818 0.00001 td (eep it in their f)tj 6.36939 0.00001 td (aces\323 she speaks of consumerism )tj -16.25757 -1.26317 td [(\322one da)19(y per w)18(eek or month don\325t buy an)19(ything!\323 )]tj 0 -1.26315 td (then with gr)tj 5.23999 0.00001 td (eat emotion and ener)tj 9.31371 0.00001 td (gy)tj -14.5537 -1.26317 td (\322behind corpor)tj 6.53564 0.00001 td (ations most ar)tj 6.73926 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.7778 0 td 0 tc (american is a hideous genocidal agenda )tj -14.0527 -1.2632 td [(ho)19(w man)18(y childr)19(en died cr)19(eating that pr)18(oduct\323 \322)56(and ho)19(w about napa soaps? )]tj t* (the struggle in bolivian mines these ar)tj 16.47949 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77775 0 td 0 tc (about consumerism\323 )tj -17.2572 -1.2632 td (\322what about the r)tj 7.5735 0 td (eception of nativ)tj 7.23975 0.00001 td -0.0001 tc (e)tj 0.77778 0 td 0 tc (american studies )tj -15.591 -1.2632 td [(b)19(y mor)19(e est)18(ablished disciplines\323 jace adds)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 36.333 17.496 323.667 23.0401 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 37.612 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (peter cole)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 14.112 17.496 22.5 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 15.112 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (84)tj et q endstream endobj 22 0 obj << /length 2198 >> stream /gs0 gs 1 g 0 648 0 0 re f q /gs1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 70.384 63 327.994 532.8 re f q /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 71.384 588.3035 tm 0 0 0 1 k [(chris jocks speaks of writing a no)19(v)18(el f)19(or a tenur)19(e committee)]tj 0 -1.26316 td [(though jace tries t)19(o hold her back ines will not be bridled)]tj t* [(\322i\325m an elder i can speak an)19(y time\323 \322linguists\323 she sa)18(y)19(s )]tj t* -0.013 tc -0.001 tw [(\322get inf)19(ormation fr)18(om fir)19(st nations people y)19(et the)19(y don\325t speak at the confer)19(ence\323 )]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw [(jace is shaking his right hand t)19(o get her t)18(o st)19(op)]tj t* [(then a r)19(efer)18(ence is made t)19(o \322will r)19(odger)18(s a cher)19(ok)19(ee intellectual\323 )]tj t* -0.027 tc 0.001 tw [(\322he)19(y that\325)36(s r)19(edundant\323 someone sa)19(y)18(s bringing lots of laughter end of confer)19(ence)]tj t* 0 tc 0 tw (paddle paddle)tj 11.92408 -1.26316 td [(sw)18(ooooooooosssssssssshh)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 185.9581 422.7035 tm 0 0 0 1 k (notes on contributor)tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f11 1 tf 10 0 0 10 71.384 399.9035 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 tw [(p)56(eter cole)]tj et q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f9 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.986 399.9035 tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 tw [(is a member of the in-shuck)37(-ch nation of british columbia and)]tj -4.8602 -1.2 td -0.003 tc -0.011 tw [(is curr)19(ently teaching in the f)55(aculty of education at the univ)19(er)19(sity of vict)18(oria.)]tj -0.0001 tc (a)' 0.92852 0 td 0 tc 0.021 tw (book based on his phd dissert)tj 13.19641 0 td (ation is being published b)tj 11.17541 0 td -0.0001 tc (y)tj 0.81755 0 td 0 tc 0 tw (mcgill/queen's)tj -26.11789 -1.20001 td -0.012 tc -0.002 tw [(univ)19(er)18(sity pr)19(ess)37(. his inter)18(ests include w)19(alking, c)19(y)19(cling, hiking, paddling, tr)18(a)19(v-)]tj 0 -1.2 td 0 tc 0 tw [(elling, r)19(eading, and writing.)]tj et 0 0 0 0 k 72 17.4601 324 23.0399 re f q /gs2 gs /gs1 gs q bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 217.2513 33.8348 tm 0 0 0 1 k (land and language: translating aboriginal cultures)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 396 17.496 24.7 23.0401 re f bt /f0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 406.3701 33.8708 tm 0 0 0 1 k (85)tj et q endstream endobj 23 0 obj << /nums[0<>] >> endobj 24 0 obj << /differences[32/space 40/parenleft/parenright 44/comma 48/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon 67/c 69/e 74/j 78/n 80/p 83/s 85/u/v 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g 105/i 108/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u/v 121/y] /baseencoding/macromanencoding /type/encoding >> endobj 25 0 obj << /subtype/type1c /length 4683 /length1 4683 >> stream jjysju+eurostileregular7 ? ? eae)mboehvfustjcpd1$ 6wzg7+&n  4q/+2]6stt6 w y b & = a,_1{....u u `@zkkdi'<"*u_uu_p;v *7$ oss3'(weyyer@uqx@ (oy)jkk{՛ї~q* ny|oot9g r[[.>!z)apui$b +heuuepgwdch'4 u p[/=yiyyh@r!eii{4%뭻ϣs[p[$0(&geuuepsmeei"@t.xlgkkfc{!$hmm| 8__u#4ǿ r>]-$8y hwwgbrckj{20ӣt^p v;b__b@v7ron} st3 p izaiwwib ?kk{+djo utd6jjtsiprbkkkd+dz#mۭԞ{llh$^ll.l.l.l.pz zi1=mfpv\/^^10^: t0z)zrs͋i3d0^1t py,2!ygvvgqd agg yix'ex]guug?-lkk{%w%feex1,ij@4a#-\˙͔Ѓ{{ai u1 1 -p p ! 2_*'Ѩirpvu+ f#\/k  [$2*z'j[[jgs%>ii{a 豺գr[cvmqabnmmddȦbapwvddlnw6c">>|!mccm>w>mm}>>ؠvcu$ong}!:iiz36Σ~srzar 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