
aging in place

ontario has an aging population, and many older adults are choosing to age in place. aging in place aims to support seniors, while maintaining independence and remaining connected to the community. cerah works to network with community partners to achieve this goal.

dementia and seniors’ mental health

dementia and seniors’ mental health is guided by the values of courage, compassion, capacity building, collaboration, and creativity. working directly with people living with dementia and seniors with mental health conditions, their families, supports, and system partners, we aim to: a) conduct research that tells people’s stories in ways that challenge traditional discourses of aging, dementia, and mental health; and b) enhance community capacity through partnerships, knowledge translation, and innovation to better support and care for those with lived experience of dementia and to support seniors’ mental health.  

indigenous peoples’ health & aging

the indigenous peoples’ health & aging division leads culturally relevant research and education in partnership with indigenous peoples and creates space to amplify indigenous peoples’ voices through knowledge translation and program development opportunities. since 2009, cerah has been a leader in developing, coordinating, and delivering palliative care education to indigenous communities across canada. this education is developed for all levels of community care, including training for registered and unregistered health and social care providers and community caregivers.

palliative care resources

cerah has been centrally coordinating and delivering interprofessional palliative care education in northwestern ontario since 1993. cerah provides a number of palliative care educational events throughout the year. these events are organized for health care personnel throughout northwestern ontario with a particular focus on providers working in the community or in long-term care. events are organized and delivered based on identified local needs and costs are subsidized in whole, or in part, by funding provided by the ministry of health. education planning is done in conjunction with the north west regional palliative care program and palliative care education collaborative. cerah also works with other organizations to deliver additional courses and events on a partnership and/or cost recovery basis.